
  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we explore the unintended consequences and pitfalls of relying too heavily on metrics with a dive into Goodhart’s Law. If you’ve ever wondered why well-intentioned measurements can backfire and cause harmful behaviors in software development, leadership, and beyond, then this episode is for you!

    **What is Goodhart’s Law?**Goodhart’s Law states that “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” This means that when metrics are used as goals, people tend to optimize for the metric itself rather than the underlying value or outcome it represents.

    **How Can Metrics Destroy Collaboration?**Chris shares an intriguing story about two teams set up to compete against each other, only to find that the focus on “winning” metrics led to a breakdown in communication and collaboration. Instead of fostering teamwork, the metrics created silos and a toxic environment.

    **Examples of Bad Metrics in Software Development**We go through specific metrics that have led to bad behaviors in software teams, such as:- **Test Coverage Metrics**: How a narrow focus on test coverage can lead to tests that do nothing but improve the metric, without actually asserting anything or improving software quality.- **Points-per-Person Metrics**: Why measuring productivity at an individual level (e.g., story points completed per person) damages team dynamics and led to cutting corners.

    **Are There Any Good Metrics?**Is it possible to use metrics without falling into the Goodhart’s Law trap? We discuss whether certain collective measures like **DORA Metrics** can provide value without the same issues.

    **Metrics for Conversations, Not Evaluation**One key takeaway is the distinction between metrics that trigger healthy conversations vs. those used to make evaluative judgments of a team from a distance. When metrics become evaluative rather than formative, they risk distorting behaviors and eroding psychological safety.

    **Leading Measures vs. Lagging Measures**We also touch on insights from *The 4 Disciplines of Execution* and its perspective on leading measures vs. lagging measures.

    **Managing Teams and Incentives at Scale**Finally, we tackle the challenge of managing people and teams at scale. Incentive structures that overemphasize metrics can lead to counterproductive behaviors, burnout, and loss of motivation. We emphasize the anti-pattern of metrics-driven management without side-by-side in-context coaching.

    If you’ve ever experienced the pitfalls of metrics-driven environments or are seeking ways to improve measurement practices in your teams, this episode is packed with lessons learned, cautionary tales, and actionable advice. Don’t miss it!

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/MiySzmDRYA8

  • In this insightful episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we sit down with Michael K Sahota to dive deep into the transformative power of **Mob Programming** and **Pair Programming** in dissolving the ego and enhancing team dynamics. Michael shares his unique perspective on how mobbing/pairing can lead to profound psychological shifts, ultimately boosting team function, empathy, and humility.

    ### Key Highlights:**Pair/Mob to Dissolve the Ego and Increase Team Function**- Michael discusses the **primary goal** of a mob or pair session, revealing how it goes beyond just writing code or learning new techniques. It’s about dissolving the individual ego and fostering a collective, empathic mindset that benefits the entire team.- We explore Michael’s **personal journey** with his ego, offering a candid look at how pairing/mobbing have helped him grow both personally and professionally.- What is the most **significant outcome** of mobbing/pairing beyond the immediate code or learning? Michael explains how the real magic happens when team members listen to each other and take turns, creating a powerful forcing function for collaboration and psychological safety.- We dive into the **psychological processes** that occur during mobbing, including the death of "fear-based clinging" and how healing the ego leads to deeper empathy and humility. Michael offers anecdotes on how mobbing helps resolve internal conflicts and improve relationships—both at work and beyond.- How much time should be allocated for **production** versus focusing on **production capability**? Michael discusses how to strike the right balance between learning and output, avoiding over-indexing on either side.- A unique **"learning theft"** example highlights why juniors should be prioritized during experiments, while senior developers are encouraged to go last—except when it comes to admitting mistakes, where the inverse applies.

    **Pair/Mob for Production Capability and Beyond**- Michael shares his thoughts on balancing the **development of production capability** with immediate production needs. He explains how overinvesting in production at the expense of capability can destroy long-term results.- We explore how improving production capability with a solid **ROI** can often yield results within a quarter, but must be continually nurtured through retrospectives and lean thinking.- Breaking the cycle of **overinvesting in production** under intense pressure is a major challenge for many teams. Michael shares stories of how transparency in communication, both within and outside the team, can help break this cycle.- Michael introduces the concept of building **culture bubbles** and we share contrasting ideas on how much courage is needed for these bubbles. - We also discuss the **HIPPO effect** and how mobbing can disrupt this dynamic by emphasizing experimentation and collective decision-making rather than deference to authority.- Finally, Michael ties it all together by emphasizing the role of **humility**. No one is a flawless expert, and through mobbing/pairing, teams can build a habit of asking for help and embracing the idea that everyone, regardless of experience, has something to learn and improve.

    ### Why You Should Watch:This episode is a must-watch for anyone involved in **software development**, team dynamics, or leadership. Whether you're interested in improving psychological safety, fostering team empathy, or enhancing production capability, Michael K Sahota's insights on mobbing and ego dissolution will help you rethink how teams work together. It’s about more than code—it’s about creating a culture of **trust, engagement**, and continuous improvement.

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/Wj2hYGMei8s

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  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we are excited to have Dave Copeland share his experiences in the world of agile development, focusing on the critical nuances behind well-known principles such as SRP (Single Responsibility Principle), YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It), DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), and the often-debated #NoEstimates approach. Drawing from his journey transitioning from government waterfall projects to agile methodologies at a startup, Dave kicks off a discussion with invaluable lessons on how teams can avoid misunderstanding and misapplying agile aphorisms, or avoid the pitfalls of following agile aphorisms too woodenly.

    ### The Dangers of Following the Literal Words of Agile Aphorisms?Have you ever seen a team stuck arguing over what SRP or SOLID (Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) truly means? Dave explains how teams can misinterpret these catchy phrases, leading to confusion, low cohesion, improper coupling, and poor decision-making. We dive into real-world examples from Dave’s experience, discussing when it's okay to duplicate code and when it's not, the delicate balance between over-engineering and under-engineering, and the importance of nuance in agile practices.

    ### "Just Sharing" vs. Universal RecommendationsIs it wise to blindly follow every "recommendation" from an agile coach, or is there room for discussion, experimentation, and adaptation? With Dave we tackle the common issue of semantic diffusion. We explore how teams can navigate complex situations and adapt agile and lean principles to their unique contexts.

    ### Organizational Change and Safe Learning EnvironmentsWe bring in the “Reading Rainbow” analogy and other examples to illustrate how organizational change needs to be gradual, allowing for nuanced learning. We also emphasize the importance of creating an environment where team members can safely fail while being guided by experienced developers in real-world contexts. Whether you’re scaling a team or trying to stack the deck with the right mix of skills, actionable strategies for fostering growth are discussed.

    ### Estimates, #NoEstimates, and Dealing with UncertaintyThe conversation gets even more interesting as we delve into the jarring #NoEstimates and its sometimes misunderstood implications. Dave brings up valid situations with real deadlines (e.g., seasonal deliveries, regulations) and we weigh-in on ways to handle them with or without estimates that are less likely to lead to self-sabotage. We also discuss the impact of automation on estimates, and what terms like "estimate" really mean.

    Continuous Delivery (CD) also takes center stage as we discuss examples of how it and the practice of "don't sell what you don't already have built" fosters trust and reduces uncertainty. We touch on the various unknowns that can arise in development, how CD can help mitigate them, and whether teams can benefit from an "#OptionalEstimates" mindset. Throughout, Dave provides practical advice on aligning practices with business goals and managing risks effectively.

    ### Coaching, Coding, and Higher-Level RolesFinally, we explore Dave’s thoughts on balancing hands-on coding with coaching responsibilities, especially in higher-level roles. How do you set expectations for coaches, and how can team composition shape the effectiveness of good practices? Whether you’re actively writing code or stepping back to guide others, Dave shares examples for making both approaches work.

    Don’t miss this episode packed with deep dives into agile practices, team dynamics, and nuanced leadership. Be sure to subscribe to the Mob Mentality Show on your favorite platform to catch this episode and others like it!

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/IPFYe_oOFtI

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we explore the profound impact of mob programming from a management perspective with our special guest, Rickard Westman. With a diverse background in sports and news software products, Rickard transitioned from a traditional solo work environment to embracing mobbing—a journey that radically transformed how teams communicate, collaborate, and deliver value.

    Rickard opens up about his early experiences in the industry, where he witnessed the drawbacks of isolated work patterns—particularly the delays and inefficiencies caused by waiting on pull requests. His initial encounter with mob programming was anything but smooth. The concept felt awkward and unnatural, but after Woody Zuill’s workshops and after experimenting with mobbing, Rickard and his teams discovered its potential to revolutionize their workflows.

    In this episode, we dive into Rickard's journey from skepticism to advocacy for mob programming. He shares how mobbing helped increase production release frequency and enhance safety within his teams. By exposing communication breakdowns and dependency issues during scaling, mob programming brought to light the hidden challenges that were stalling progress. With the introduction of multiple mob teams, these issues began to dissipate as team members naturally shared knowledge and collaborated across different areas.

    One of the key insights Rickard offers is the importance of slack in the system, generated through effective teaming. This slack led to greater autonomy, smoother flow, and quicker resolution of bottlenecks. Rickard recounts a compelling story where a bug fix, which would have taken six weeks in the traditional setup, was resolved in just one day through mobbing. This rapid turnaround is a testament to the power of collective problem-solving and the deep, holistic understanding of the product that mobbing fosters among team members.

    Rickard also touches on the shift in management responsibilities as a result of mob programming. With teams becoming more self-organizing, managers found themselves spending less time overseeing individual tasks and more time empowering their teams to make decisions. This distributed decision-making model, contrasted with the traditional command-and-control approach, aligns with principles from the book *Turn The Ship Around.*

    Throughout the episode, we discuss the benefits and potential pitfalls of mob programming from a management perspective. Rickard emphasizes the importance of coaching mob members to understand their contributions, especially when not working solo. He also explores how successful mob teams can serve as models for new teams, highlighting different interaction patterns for product owners, analysts, and even sports writers.

    Finally, we examine the meta-level impact of mob programming at the C-suite level and how it influences broader organizational decision-making. Whether you're a manager, developer, or team member, this episode provides valuable insights into how mob programming can unlock potential, foster collaboration, and drive continuous improvement in your organization.

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/hLN2iCBdYac

  • It's back to school, everyone! Dive into a transformative journey of education with Matthew Philip, an experienced Organizational Refactorer and educator, as he shares his innovative approach to integrating XP (Extreme Programming) and Agile methodologies into the classroom. In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we explore how Matthew's dynamic teaching methods are applied to software engineering education, fostering an environment where trust, mastery, and psychological safety are paramount.

    **XP and Agile in the Classroom**

    Matthew Philip's unique perspective as both an educator and coach provides a compelling narrative on how XP and Agile principles can be implemented in higher education. From his history of teaching Agile in orgs and universities to leading hands-on learning experiences that go beyond traditional lectures, Matthew's methods challenge the conventional constraints of the classroom.

    Discover how Matthew creates a WAR room environment in the classroom, fostering high energy and positivity to encourage active participation. Learn about the use of information radiators, pairing, and mob programming to ensure students not only grasp theoretical concepts but also excel in real-world applications. Matthew also delves into the challenges of teaching Agile content as part of a master's program in software engineering, where students are exposed to the intricacies of refactoring to patterns and leading through facilitation.

    In this episode, we discuss the critical differences between being a crafter versus just a coder, and how Matthew helps students navigate the transition from the academic world to the corporate environment. We explore the importance of understanding short-term school code versus long-term maintainability, and how working with real customers in a classroom setting can profoundly impact students' learning experiences and feedback loops.

    **Mastery-Based Learning and Psychological Safety**

    Matthew is a strong advocate for mastery-based learning, where the focus shifts from simply passing quizzes to deeply understanding and applying knowledge. We discuss how students can assess their own understanding, whether through techniques like Test-Driven Development (TDD) or experiencing the consequences of poor practices. Matthew emphasizes the significance of psychological safety in the classroom, where students learn how to fail safely and collaborate effectively.

    Explore how the pressure of pacing in large classrooms can conflict with mastery learning, and how assessment strategies can be adapted to ensure that learning sticks and isn't lost over time. Matthew shares insights on fostering peer assessments and creating systems where even when students "game" the system, true mastery is still achieved.

    **The Role of AI and Future of Education**

    In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, Matthew addresses the impact of generative AI in the classroom. How can AI be leveraged to enhance learning, and what are the risks of its misuse? We discuss the importance of correct prompting, the authenticity of AI-generated content, and whether mob programming could be the solution to these challenges—while also questioning whether this approach could disrupt current educational and industry standards due to teacher-to-student ratios.

    **Psychological Safety and Building Trust**

    Finally, we delve into the role of psychological safety in the classroom, exploring how activities like group juggling can teach students to fail and learn together. Matthew shares strategies for establishing trust and the correlation between high energy, positivity, and psychological safety. We also consider whether in-person interactions are essential for fostering trust, or if remote environments can replicate these conditions.

    Don't miss this episode as we uncover the future of education, one where trust, mastery, and psychological safety take center stage. To stay updated on this and other insightful episodes, subscribe to the Mob Mentality Show on your favorite platform.

    Video and show Notes: https://youtu.be/IkqRI2GQ4MY

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we explore the intricate landscape of **Automated Quality Gateways and Cross-Discipline Firmware Mobs** with our guest, Cyrus Metcalf. This conversation is rich with practical insights and actionable strategies for anyone engaged in software, firmware, or hardware development, particularly those interested in enhancing team collaboration and continuous delivery (CD) practices through mobbing techniques.

    **Automated Quality Gateways:**

    Cyrus shares his experiences in setting up automated quality gateways for firmware and software that control sophisticated systems like boats. Learn how these gateways, including tests, formatting, and coverage, ensure robust code quality and seamless operations. We discuss the merits of running formatters locally versus within a pipeline. We also discuss the impact of these gateways on agility, depending on whether you’re in a startup or a more established organization.

    The conversation includes the role of hardware abstraction layers and how automated quality gateways can supplement and even replace certain types of human feedback, thereby streamlining the development process. Cyrus also provides insights into achieving consistent formatting, the challenges of fine-tuning formatters, and the importance of custom config files. Discover how these practices create “highways” for development teams, enabling them to operate at peak efficiency within a fast red-green-refactor cycle.

    **Leveling Up Through Mobbing:**

    We also discuss how mobbing techniques can elevate the skills of every team member, regardless of their technical background. Cyrus explains how mobbing demystifies the development process, reducing their apprehension about software complexities. By fostering a collaborative environment where everyone learns a bit of everything, mobbing helps dismantle knowledge silos and promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

    Cyrus shares his experiences as the sole software developer in a company, including strategies for using mobbing to educate and collaborate across hardware, firmware, and software teams. We explore the dynamics of cross-discipline mobs, where diverse teams work together on complex challenges, and how these mobs have evolved from training tools into essential parts of the production process.

    **The Culture of Mobbing:**

    The episode also delves into the cultural aspects of mobbing, including the pros and cons of different mob cultures across various companies, the importance of openness and inclusivity, and methods for resolving disagreements within a mob. Cyrus discusses the benefits and challenges of mobbing with juniors and interns, interacting with skeptics, and how a culture of openness—both within the mob and across the organization—can drive innovation and collaboration.

    Lastly, Cyrus offers his perspective on how agile principles and practices have naturally integrated into his teams without the need for an official agile coach. This episode is essential listening for anyone looking to improve their team’s efficiency, collaboration, and overall quality through the integration of automated quality gateways and cross-discipline mobbing.

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/vOxFEtX541A

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we explore the Behavior Framework with the insightful Doc Norton, traversing the foundational behaviors that drive successful software development teams. Drawing from years of experience and real-world examples, Doc shares the principles and practices that have consistently helped teams deliver software products that are not only desirable but also viable and feasible.

    **Know the Problem You Are Solving**We kick off the discussion by tackling one of the most critical aspects of software development: understanding the problem you're trying to solve. Doc explains why it's not enough to have a manager dictate tasks and why teams must be aligned on the domain or specific set of problems they're addressing. We explore the difference between developers who are "builders" versus those who are "problem solvers" and discuss real-life scenarios where solving the root business problem either succeeded brilliantly or failed miserably. This section also delves into the concept of "Hubris Driven Development" and ties it into the importance of continuous validation before, during, and after development.

    **Make Your Work Visible**Next, we examine the significance of making your work visible. But what does that really mean? Doc challenges the notion of simply having a manager observe the development process and instead advocates for meaningful visibility that enhances awareness of flow, cycle time, and throughput. We discuss how much visibility is necessary and how to reduce the friction in data gathering by automating the process, ensuring that "updating status" doesn’t become an additional burden on the team.

    **Favor Automation Over Documentation**Doc takes us through the benefits of favoring automation over documentation. From auto-generating status reports via code commits to AI, to using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to create historical Gantt Charts, we explore how automation can ease developer pain and streamline DevOps engineering. This approach not only saves time but also enhances accuracy and consistency in reporting.

    **Work Together**The conversation then shifts to the evolving meaning of "working together" in modern software development. Doc reflects on how teams used to function without strict roles or specialization and how the industry's shift towards hyper-specialization has created silos and Lean wastes. We share stories of Pair/Ensemble Programming, the impact of certificate mills on over-specialization, and the pros and cons of specialization in Agile teams. Doc also discusses the importance of credibility through collaboration rather than positional authority and shares examples of teams successfully filling roles collectively.

    **Create Simple Things in Small Steps**Finally, we emphasize the power of creating simple things in small steps. Doc highlights the importance of being aware of psychological WIP (Work in Progress) limits and shares a story of how reducing lead time by taking small, simple steps enabled early and accurate validation. We also discuss the dangers of overproduction and the challenges faced when big steps lead to troubleshooting nightmares, all while tying it back to being meticulous about composition.

    Don't miss out on this deep dive into the Behavior Framework with Doc Norton—packed with practical insights and actionable advice for anyone involved in software development.

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/MsMK0q_KUwU

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show titled **"Nothing in Tech Matters Except XP? A Hot Take,"** We take on the controversial discussion of the ever-changing landscape of technology and the role of Extreme Programming (XP). Are industry "best practices" in languages, front-end frameworks, and meta-architecture mere trends destined to fade away? Come hear a provocative stance that challenges the importance of these things, arguing that they are volatile, trendy, and often miss the mark when it comes to delivering true software excellence.

    We explore how many tech trends are built on the assumption that developers will inherently write unsafe code unless they are constrained by strong type systems, impenetrable boundaries (like microservices), and restrictive frameworks. But what if consistently following XP principles makes these safeguards superfluous? Can language, frameworks, tools, and even meta-architectures lose their high significance when XP is at the core of software development?

    Throughout the episode, we draw on personal experiences, asserting that our developer satisfaction remains consistently high when XP values and principles are the guiding force, regardless of the technology stack. Without good XP practices, even the most advanced tools can't solve the deeper, underlying problems that plague software projects.

    We delve into the ongoing debate of Majestic Monolith vs. Microservices, questioning whether the choice of meta-architecture matters as much if XP is practiced. How do these choices affect agility, and can agility be seen as a reward for technical excellence?

    Another key topic is the influence of societal factors on willpower and habits, and how these meta-problems impact developers' ability to consistently follow XP practices. Can a focus on XP help overcome the challenges posed by trendy tech choices and shifting industry standards?

    Chris poses a utopian question: If everyone adhered strictly to XP principles, would other factors like programming language, framework, or meta-architecture even matter? We explore this thought experiment, considering whether an XP-driven world could render other tech decisions less critical.

    But it’s not all theory. Austin reaches out to Chris for "Apathy Counseling" for developers facing burnout or disillusionment with tech trends, and offers community analogies linking dev health to "Tech Dishes"—a metaphor for the routine maintenance needed to keep your codebase clean and healthy.

    Finally, we tackle the nuances of infrastructure and database management, offering qualifications on the time and effort needed to support different setups. Whether you're grappling with microservices or maintaining a monolithic architecture, the focus remains on how XP can guide you through these challenges.

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that pushes the boundaries of conventional wisdom in tech.

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/MZUUemSJMjs

  • Come dive into the transformative world of Cross Discipline Causal Loop Diagramming on this episode of the Mob Mentality Show! Unveil the principles and practices behind generating organization-wide understanding and breaking down cross-functional misunderstandings that often lead to missed opportunities.

    **Key Highlights:**

    **1. The Cost of Misunderstanding:** Discover how cross-functional misunderstandings can lead to missed opportunities and inefficiencies. We explore real-world examples and offer practical solutions to bridge these gaps.

    **2. Insights from "The 5th Discipline":** Learn from the wisdom of Peter Senge's seminal book, "The 5th Discipline". Understand how systems thinking can revolutionize your organizational dynamics and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    **3. Causal Loop Diagramming 101:** Get a clear definition of causal loop diagramming and its critical role in understanding complex adaptive systems within organizations. See how quantities in a system impact each other through balancing and reinforcing loops.

    **4. Breaking Down Knowledge Silos:** Address the dangers of over-reliance on specialists and knowledge silos. Learn how causal loop diagramming can facilitate better communication and collaboration across different functions and departments.

    **5. Visualizing Complex Systems:** Grasp the importance of visualizing exponential effects and cause-and-effect patterns that enhance the performance of typically separately managed systems.

    **6. Practical Examples and Tools:** Dive into examples from a Fifth Discipline book club and understand how to draw and use causal loop diagrams. Explore tools and techniques that make the process accessible and effective.

    **7. Real-World Applications:** Hear about a causal loop diagram example related to bad code quality and how pairing with each part of the system can build a comprehensive system diagram. Understand the impact of psychological safety on system self-awareness.

    **8. Interdepartmental Impact:** Discuss the importance of seeing the whole system to understand interdepartmental impacts. Compare the efficacy of having the whole system in the room with and without formal tools.

    **9. Addressing Second-Order Effects:** Identify and address second-order effects and human shortcomings in seeing side effects of side effects. Learn how diagramming can help deal with the chunking problem of a large system.

    **10. Feedback and Future Learning:** Hear feedback from Big Agile session participants and understand the learning path for drawing and using causal loop diagrams. Discover how mob/pair causal loop diagramming can enhance understanding and problem-solving.

    Join us as we uncover the power of causal loop diagramming to aid decision making, improve communication, and foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Don't miss out on this edifying episode!

    Ensure you stay engaged in the world of organizational development and systems thinking by tuning in to this episode. Your learning path for causal loop diagramming and breaking down knowledge silos starts here!

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/Oe75SzPeCSs

  • Join us in this thoughtful episode of the Mob Mentality Show as we explore the world of Lean Software Development with Dave Adsit. Titled "Crafting Lean Software: Dave Adsit on Small Batches and Short Lead Times," this episode provides valuable insights for those looking to enhance their software development values and practices. Dave Adsit shares his experiences on how to effectively implement lean principles to achieve small batches, short lead times, and frequent releases.

    ### Key Discussion Points:

    #### **Lean Software Development**- **Craft vs. Engineering**- **Principles of Flow**- **Waterfall vs. "Agile" vs. Lean**- **Timeboxes vs. Scope-Boxes**- **Resource vs. Flow Efficiency**- **Prioritization, Prototyping, and Lean Investment Bets**- **Single Piece Flow, Feature Flags, Continuous Delivery**- **Maximal Learning through Experimentation and a 50% Product Bet Success Rate**

    #### **Collaboration**- **Integration with Lean**- **"All Hands on Deck" Mindset**- **Relation to WIP Limits**- **Pair and Mob Programming**- **Failures and Lessons**- **Rules, Why, and Learning Paths**- **Utilization and Person vs. Team vs. System Value**

    #### **Continuous Improvement**- **Core Value**- **Innovative vs. Inert Practices**- **Deep vs. Shallow Learning**- **Leading Learning Opportunities**- **Knowing Enough to Make Informed Decisions**- **What If Some Do Not Want to Learn?**- **Rock Star vs. Super-Star**

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/LgAMUGtdXGA

  • Join us on the Mob Mentality Show as we sit down with the insightful Artie Gold to explore the pivotal role of scope and cognitive load in coding. In "Artie Gold on Scope is Your Friend: The Less You Need to Know at Any Given Moment, the Better," we delve into practical strategies for enhancing productivity and code quality through smart scope management.

    ### Scope and Cognitive Load

    Artie Gold sheds light on the false pride developers often take in handling complex code and high cognitive demands. We discuss the advantages of understanding as needed versus knowing everything at once. Are developers truly like acrobats, balancing multiple logic threads simultaneously? Artie highlights the human mind's limitations and the significant benefits of encapsulation in reducing cognitive load.

    Key topics include:- The detrimental effects of high scope and cognitive load on development- Encapsulation's role in making code easier to read, scan, and modify- Comparing agile, nimble, and shallow approaches to manage cognitive overload- Artie's amusing analogy of low-level code instructions to a simple task like buying milk- Strategies for helping developers adapt to a new paradigm of encapsulated code reading

    ### Clarity of Value on Stories

    We shift our focus to the critical importance of clarity in user stories and the benefits of direct client relationships. Artie discusses the drawbacks of indirect communication and the often humorous complications of serving as the middleman for another middleman.

    Discussion points include:- The irreplaceable value of direct conversations in understanding "the why" behind requests- Whether good story conversations can be replaced with a template or checklist- The impact of user feedback on delivered products versus theoretical future products- The risks of over-refinement, illustrated by the rock versus ruby MVP delivery example- Challenges in assuming everyone excels at written communication

    ### Code is Everything. Code is Nothing.

    In our final segment, we explore the dual nature of code. Code is vital—it produces value, is easier to change than other components, and serves as a repository of knowledge. Yet, code alone is meaningless without context and purpose.

    Artie elaborates on:- The necessity of keeping code in good shape for ease of future changes- Why "pretty" code isn't the goal—functional, adaptable code is- The inherent truthfulness of code as the ultimate source of software reality

    **Don't miss this insightful discussion with Artie Gold that can transform your approach to coding, user stories, and the fundamental nature of software development.**Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/0z2nQHT8Jvs

  • In this compelling episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we dive deep into the art of Sticky Mob Programming with Lennart Fridén, who brings a wealth of knowledge from his decade-long journey coaching mob programming in Sweden. Whether you're a seasoned mob programmer or new to the concept, this episode is packed with actionable insights and real-world examples that can help you make mobbing a lasting fixture in your team's workflow.### Key Discussion Points:**Sticky Mob Programming:**- Lennart’s insights on mob stickiness- Beyond just trying mobbing- Persistent mob habits even without the nudging of a coach - Mob stickiness challenges and triumphs- Roles: outsider, insider, first follower (AKA eager first dance partner), - Lessons from "Power of Habit"- Mob as keystone habit leading to a cascade of other beneficial practices- Community and belonging- Dealing with stagnation- Vulnerability and growth

    **Technical Coaching and Redundancy:**- Embedding coaching and making the coach's role redundant (times two)- Teaching for sustainability- Gradual coach transition examples- Handling eager vs. apathetic first follower (potential future coach)**P.S.** Reach out to Lennart Fridén ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennartfriden/ ) for guidance on introducing mobbing and ensuring it sticks in your organization.Tune in to discover how to make mob programming a sticky and sustainable practice in your organization!Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/FSFyifwXbWo

  • Discover a transformative conversation on systems thinking with our special guest, Michele Sollecito, in this episode of the Mob Mentality Show. In "Michele Sollecito on Systems Thinking: Seeing the Interactions Beyond the Parts," Michele shares valuable insights and practical examples that will revolutionize your approach to system optimization and organizational management.### Topics Covered:

    **Systems Thinking:**- **Seeing Systems Everywhere**- **Focus on Interactions**- **Person Issue vs. System Issue**- **Animated Causal Loop Diagrams**- **Sub-System Optimization**- **System Fracturing from the Top**- **Trunk Based Development (TBD)**- **Benchmarking and "Copy-Paste" Pitfalls**- **Defensive Posture vs. Experimentation**- **Changing Core Beliefs**- **Leadership and Fake Experiments**- **Data vs. Emotion**- **Comfortable Inefficiency**- **Team Dynamics and Failure**- **Culture of Continuous Improvement**- **Managing Resistance to Improvement***Software Architecture:**- **Specialists vs. Generalists**- **Technology Obsession**- **Distributed Systems**- **Coordination Strategies**- **Paired Product Ownership**- **Autonomy vs. Consistency?****Ensemble Programming:**- **Resistance**- **Paradigm Shift to Fun**- **Early Adopters**- **Collaboration and Virtue**- **Sustainable Development**- **Avoid Echo Chambers**- **System Level Relationships with Mob**Don't miss this enlightening conversation that promises to transform your approach to systems thinking, software architecture, and ensemble programming. Listen and engage with Michele Sollecito's expert insights on the Mob Mentality Show!Video and show notes: https://youtu.be/Ga0f2jGnGxI

  • Join us on this enlightening episode of the Mob Mentality Show as we dive deep into the world of collaborative programming with our special guest, Eli Goodman from Tuple. In this episode we explore the intricacies of mob programming, the innovative tools designed for enhanced teamwork, and the future of Tuple.

    ### Highlights from Our Discussion:

    **Eli's Mobbing Questions for Austin and Chris:**- **Last Time Mobbed?** - **Duration and Techniques** - **Team Dynamics** - **Austin's Recent Mob Journey** - **Chris' Leadership and Mob Hopping**- **Visualizing Connections**- **Continuous Improvement and Diffusion of Innovation**- **When to Mob and When to Not**

    **Tools for Mob Programming:**- **Popular Tools**- **Monitor Usage**- **Tech Enhancements**- **Chat and Note Integration**- **Equal Navigation and Code Verbalization**

    **Inside Tuple:**- **Eli's Role**- **Origin Story**- **Tuple's Progress**- **Technical Excellence**- **Social Layer Integration**- **Resource Efficiency**- **Focused Functionality**- **User Base**- **Future Prospects**

    This episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in mob programming, team collaboration, and cutting-edge tools that facilitate efficient and effective coding practices. Whether you're a seasoned mob programmer or new to the concept, Eli Goodman’s insights will provide valuable knowledge and inspiration for your programming journey.

    Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes packed with valuable programming insights!

    Video and show notes: https://youtu.be/eiLz_9-a-I4

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we dive into a challenge faced by many mobbers: the varying speeds of team members. Inspired by an X conversation in the community, we explore various possible experiments to run when someone in the ensemble says "The Mob Moves Too Slow for Me."

    🔗 Join the Discussion:

    Link to Community Tweet: https://x.com/EnverBral/status/1789533801690825041

    🔍 Key Topics Covered:

    Speeding Up the Mob: Should the mob match the speed of the fastest member?Constructive Feedback: Transforming into a feedback machine and coach to help the team grow and improve continuously.Utilizing Excess Brain Cycles: How to use spare mental capacity to build tools, automate tasks, and support the team's efficiency.Career Direction and North Star: Conversations on finding and aligning with your career goals and personal mission.Diverse Mob Roles: Leveraging roles such as forward-looking research while others focus on production to enhance team learning and speed.Effects of Working Alone: Understanding the side effects of working solo and how it impacts team dynamics.Temporary Splits: Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of splitting from the mob temporarily for specialized tasks and re-integrating.Impact of Decisions: The inevitability of being affected by others' decisions even when working independently.Deepening Knowledge Gaps: The risks of creating solutions that no one else on the team understands and how to mitigate this.High-Octane Collaboration: The advantages of co-locating with other fast-paced mobbers to enhance productivity.Natural Splits: When different personal missions lead to a natural division within the mob.System vs. Sub-System Optimization: Balancing the optimization of the whole system against focusing on sub-systems.Mob Programming Benefits: Understanding the financial benefits and ROI of mob programming.Voluntary Participation: The importance of not forcing team members to mob if they prefer other ways of working.

    🔔 Subscribe & Stay Updated: Don't miss out on future episodes! Subscribe to the Mob Mentality Show for more discussions on enhancing mob programming, team dynamics, and maximizing productivity.

    📢 Engage with Us: Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Have you faced similar challenges in your mob programming journey? How did you address them? Let's learn from each other!

    👍 Like, Share, and Comment: If you found this episode valuable, give it a thumbs up, share it with your network, and leave a comment. Your feedback helps us improve and brings more relevant content to you.

    🔗 Connect with Us: https://www.mobmentalityshow.com/Get ready for a deep dive into the intricacies of mob programming and discover how to harmonize varying speeds within your team while fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. Tune in now!

    Video and show notes: https://youtu.be/MnMHX5d_Mdc

  • Welcome to the Mob Mentality Show! In this episode, "Mobbing in the Midst of Waterfalls," we explore how mobbing can survive and even thrive when surrounded by traditional waterfall teams. Full of practical insights, this episode is especially helpful for those navigating diverse workflows.

    ### Topics Covered:

    **1. Mobbing in Lean/Agile vs. Waterfall**Learn the key differences and challenges, and how mobbing can bridge the gap between these methodologies.

    **2. Collective Automation**Discover how mob teams collaborate on automation and pipelines with waterfall teams to aid tech integration. Understand how mob teams can drive automation initiatives that benefit the entire organization.

    **3. WIP and Scope Negotiation**Master the art of negotiating WIP and thin slice scopes with waterfall teams.

    **4. Scheduling Mob Time**Find practical strategies to mob with waterfall team members, overcoming scheduling conflicts.

    **.5 Avoiding Bottlenecks**Learn how to support others and ensure smooth progress that prevent workflow congestion.

    **6. Rogue Lean Story**Hear a concrete story about maintaining lean principles within a waterfall framework. Discover strategies to fight for optimal cycle times.

    **7. Creative Solutions**Unlock innovative solutions by thinking of third alternatives to achieve business goals. Gain a clear understanding of business problems, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in tech solutions.

    ### Why Listen?

    This episode offers practical advice, real-world stories, and insights on maintaining mobbing techniques within waterfall environments. Tune in to balance agility and structure, foster continuous improvement, and drive successful automation across your organization.

    Don’t miss this enlightening episode of the Mob Mentality Show – "Mobbing in the Midst of Waterfalls." Subscribe now!

    **Subscribe to the Mob Mentality Show on YouTube and your favorite podcast platforms for more insightful discussions and advice.**

    Video and show notes: https://youtu.be/t9v0T6saH10

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we dive into software development and team dynamics with Mark Shead. Discover how to revolutionize your team's productivity and create a more enjoyable work environment.

    ### **Leveling Up the Entire Team**- **Maximizing Software Investment & Fun:** Learn how mob programming boosts software investment value and enjoyment.- **Team Size Strategies:** Debate whether to tackle problems with large teams or start with just 5 people.- **Real-Life Transformation:** Hear the story of five individuals transitioning from solo work to pair/mob programming and the positive outcomes including reduced cycle times, enhanced delivery rates, knowledge sharing, and collective code ownership. - **Overcoming Silos:** Address the challenge of tying self-worth to personal knowledge silos and the sunk cost fallacy.- **Bottleneck Resolution:** Compare R&D bottleneck resolution in solo, isolated pair/mob, and dynamic pair/mob setups.- **Team Health:** Learn why the speed of asking questions and seeking help is crucial for team health.- **Risk and Virtue:** Discuss taking risks from a firm foundation and acting virtuously in a team, regardless of consequences.- **Sponsoring Risk Takers:** Discover the importance of sponsoring and encouraging team members who take risks and ask questions.- **Learning Vulnerability:** Hear Austin's baseball coach story on vulnerability and its relevance to software teams.

    ### **Effective Remote Teams**- **Solo Work vs. Collaboration:** Examine the norm of solo work and scheduled meetings leading to eight-hour days filled with meetings.- **Booking Meetings:** Understand the inefficiency of booking meetings weeks in advance just to get necessary information.- **Remote Team Room:** Learn about the remote team room approach that reduces cycle time for information sharing and fosters real-time collaboration.- **Video Call Dynamics:** Address the fear of being on video and the impact of informal versus formal video styles on zoom fatigue.

    ### **BDD & TDD: The State of Software Development**- **Roman Bridges Legend:** Reflect on the "hopefulness" in the software industry and the parallels with the legend of Roman bridges.- **Known vs. Unknown:** Delve into what is known versus unknown in software development.- **BDD/TDD Practices:** Discuss how much BDD/TDD should be integrated with the UI and the fear of creating test code that might need changes later.- **Evolving Product Code:** Become comfortable with evolving both product and test code.- **Coupling Tests to Design:** Debate whether to couple tests to design or not, comparing London versus Detroit approaches.- **Unmatched Confidence:** Discover the confidence boost that comes with well-executed BDD/TDD.- **Safe R&D Spaces:** Balance the need for a safe time-boxed R&D experimental code with the certainty of test-driven development.- **Humoring the Coach:** Hear anecdotes about teams humoring their coaches with TDD, only to embrace it enthusiastically the next day.

    Don't miss this insightful episode filled with practical tips, real-life stories, and advice on enhancing your team's performance and software development practices. Tune in now to level up your team with Mark Shead!

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/8yJmuXWgVbU

  • In this episode of the Mob Mentality Show, we are thrilled to have Diana Larsen, a leader in agility and team dynamics, join us for an in-depth conversation. Together, we explore the transformative power of mobbing, micro-retrospectives, and just-in-time learning for agile teams.

    **Micro-Retros:**- Discover how mobbing enhances the effectiveness of retrospectives.- Address common complaints about retrospectives, such as time consumption.- Learn how to integrate retrospectives seamlessly into the workflow.- Understand the benefits of starting small, learning frequently, and continuously improving.- Find the right cadence for short retrospectives, like using Pomodoro techniques or end-of-session reviews.- Debate the necessity of including all five steps of a retrospective in a mini-retro.- Explore the compound benefits of consistently "turning up the good" and building team confidence.- Compare immediate actions in mini-retros to the traditional retrospective action items.- See how natural, on-the-fly mini-retros can respond effectively to events.- Discuss the role and timing of scheduled umbrella retrospectives.- Examine system-level umbrella retrospectives, such as using Wardley Mapping for IT teams.- Explore the dynamics of inter-team umbrella retrospectives.

    **Just-in-Time Learning:**- Harness the power of just-in-time learning through mini-retros.- Learn how to embed learning into the work process rather than treating it as a separate activity.- Understand the importance of not delaying learning when it’s most needed.- Build co-intelligence within your team.- Discover the immediate value of applying new knowledge.- Learn strategies for quickly scanning books to set the stage for later just-in-time application.- Discuss the value of knowledge that always applies and different types of knowledge.- Navigate known unknowns and unknown unknowns in learning.- Embrace a growth mindset and turn "I don't know" into a starting point rather than a barrier.- Contrast the roles of software journalists versus software engineers in team learning.

    **New Ways of Working and the Future of Work:**- Debate whether Agile is becoming fragile and outdated.- Explore the diffusion of Agile innovation with its pioneers.- Learn creative approaches to high-collaboration, creative work.- Looking ahead to new methodologies like Beyond Budgeting, Systems Thinking, and Wardley Mapping.- Discover the continuous improvement efforts of leading Agile practitioners.- Revisit Agile principles and values to compare and contrast with new movements.- Respond effectively to emerging movements in the Agile space.- Accept the limits of learning everything and seek insights from thought leaders.- Witness the birth of new movements and predict the next thought leaders in Agile.

    **Diana's New Books:**- Dive into the 2nd Edition of "The Agile Retrospectives Book" which has just been released.- Understand how this book serves as a catalyst for team learning and improvements.- Discover the significant changes and updates since the first edition, including a section on remote retrospectives.- Explore the meticulous re-analysis and updates made to every sentence and word in the book.- Learn about Diana’s personal epiphany in her book "Lead Without Blame" and its focus on leadership, environments, and team responsiveness.

    **Diana's Upcoming Talks and Work:**- Get a preview of Diana’s upcoming talks at the Agile World Conference and the XP Conference.- Learn about her participation in LinkedIn Live Events and the Agile Coaching Network as a panelist.- Gain insights into her ongoing efforts in coaching leaders and influencing the Agile community.

    Join us for this insightful episode filled with practical tips, expert advice, and forward-thinking strategies to enhance your team’s Agile practices and continuous improvement journey. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share to stay updated with the latest from the Mob Mentality Show!

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/ONrfef1nkwc

  • Welcome to another episode of the Mob Mentality Show! In this episode, we dig into the essential 7th Habit of Highly Effective People: "Sharpen the Saw." Join us as we explore the concept's vital role in Mob Programming.

    **In This Episode, We Discuss:**- The significance of "Sharpen the Saw" in the Genesis of Mob Programming with Woody Zuill.- The repercussions of neglecting to "Sharpen the Saw" and its impact on team efficiency and personal growth.- Strategies for integrating "Sharpen the Saw" into your workday versus outside of work hours.- The importance of dedicated learning time for continuous improvement.- Comparing ad-hoc and scheduled approaches to sharpening the saw.- Using learning sessions to enhance team skill diversity and foster a culture of growth.- When to use kanban cards for "sharpen the saw" activities- Creating a well-ordered life with scheduled habits for consistent personal and professional development.- Insights from "The Power of Habit" and "Atomic Habits" on stacking habits for maximum impact.- Transforming real knowledge and belief into action through proper identity and motivations.

    Tune in to discover practical tips and strategies to keep your team sharp, focused, and continuously improving. Whether you're a seasoned mobber or new to the practice, this episode offers valuable takeaways to enhance your team's productivity and collaboration.

    **Don't miss this dive into the 7th Habit!**

    **Join the Conversation:**Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments! How do you incorporate "Sharpen the Saw" in your daily routine? Let’s learn and grow together!

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/_Uu0EXhV8oY

  • Welcome to another insightful episode of The Mob Mentality Show! 🚀 In this episode, we dive deep into the 6th Habit of Highly Effective Mobbers: Synergize. Join us as we unravel the true essence of synergy and dispel common misconceptions portrayed in pop culture.

    📚 **What We Discuss:**- **Synergy Defined**: We explore the book definition of synergize and clear up misunderstandings surrounding the concept.- **Power of Collaboration**: Discover how collaboration amplifies outcomes and why valuing people’s differences is crucial.- **Combining Strengths**: Learn the art of leveraging diverse strengths to create powerful results.- **Mathematical Analogies**: Understand when 1 + 1 equals 2.5, and why sometimes 1 + 1 can equal 1 or even -5.- **Third Alternative Creation**: Find out how to create innovative solutions that go beyond compromise.- **Listening to Understand**: Master the skill of active listening to foster better communication.- **Openness to Feedback**: Embrace feedback with an open mind to enhance personal and team growth.- **Trust and Respect**: See how a self-reinforcing feedback loop of trust and respect can elevate team dynamics.- **Improv Techniques**: Utilize "yes, and" and perfect comedic timing to boost creativity and problem-solving.- **Safe Experimentation**: Learn to make each person's experiment fast, safe, and a valuable learning experience.- **Embracing Failure**: Cultivate an environment where being wrong and failing is part of the journey to success.

    🔍 **Why Listen?**- Enhance your teamwork skills by learning how to synergize effectively.- Transform your approach to collaboration and problem-solving.- Gain practical tips for building a culture of trust and continuous improvement.

    Join us for a transformative discussion that will elevate your mobbing practices and help you become a more effective team player.

    🔔 **Don't forget to subscribe** to The Mob Mentality Show for more episodes on mastering the habits of highly effective mobbers!

    Tune in now and start synergizing like never before! 🎧

    Video and Show Notes: https://youtu.be/UmtHqZ7U-B8