Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
Are you looking for ways to find more clients? If so, you're in luck. There are a number of easy marketing strategies you can use to attract more business. In this podcast episode, we'll outline three of the best methods. So listen in and start attracting more clients today!
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OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
When it comes to marketing, there's always something new to learn.
And often, the most successful marketing strategies come to us by studying the success of existing brands and high-growth companies.
That's why today’s episode of The Marketing Hotline is all about Wordle. We were intrigued about the recent success of this app that has achieved massive success through word-of-mouth marketing.
In this episode, we'll explore what makes Wordle so special and how you can use its success secrets to improve your own marketing efforts. Stay tuned!In this episode, Kelsey & Alex are sitting down to talk about the recent viral success of the word app, Wordle.
Kelsey breaks down 3 Marketing Strategies that Wordle is doing well, including:
Establish a Memorable Brand Name Use Natural Scarcity to your Advantage Focus on Shareability & Word Of MouthFor more visit...
Send us a DM with your Burning Marketing Questions: https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen to The Marketing Hotline on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
1 - Join our 📧 weekly newsletter & steal the tools, templates & strategies that help me run my 6-figure Online Business. Click here to add your email.
2 - How ❌ NOT to suck at Social Media: Read our Visionary Method Blog for tips on Reviving Dead Facebook Groups, TikTok Video Ideas and How to HOOK your readers into your content!
3 - Marketing isn’t your expertise, it’s mine! 📈 Learn more about how a Private Marketing Coach can help you take your business to the next level.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
In this episode, Kelsey and Alex dissect what to do if you're feeling lost when it comes to marketing your business!
This 3-step exercise will help you get started!
Let’s dive in!
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OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Everyday, people choose to spend money with your business for a REASON.
Do you know what that reason is?
Are you clear on that thing that sets you apart from your competitors?
My guess is that many of you listening are thinking, well I kinda know… I think… I could figure it out. But without clear positioning right now, you are leaving money on the table while your customers choose to work with a competitor, because they don’t know what sets you apart.
Let’s not let that happen any longer.
April Dunford is a A globally recognized leader in positioning and she has a deep curiosity about what makes the difference between a winning product and a loser. And she’s here today to share exactly how we can ALL become winners, through proper positioning.
Be sure to grab a copy of April’s book, Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It anywhere books are sold and head to https://www.aprildunford.com/ for all her work.
We talk about:
Why positioning is so important for growing your business The 5 components of effective position The 10 step process to writing your positioning statement and how to use it The most important parts of your statement and specific tips on how to write it Why niching down is actually doing to help you reach MORE people How she determined and packaged up her unique methodology April's favourite marketing books (they are must-reads!)Mentioned in the show:
IBM UofT U Waterloo Jobs to be done interview Clayton christiansen Product line growth The original book on positioning - Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. Book by Al Ries and Jack Trout The challenger saleApril Dunford’s 5 Components of Effective Positioning:
Competitive alternatives Unique attributes Value Target market characteristics Market categoryp.s. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways we can work together:
1. 📧 Subscribe to our weekly recap emails, where I summarize key takeaways from our Podcast Guests: Pop your email in here so you don’t miss these EPIC takeaways >>
2. 🎧 Take your Marketing Strategy to the NEXT LEVEL with free marketing advice from Top Experts: Click here to Subscribe to our Marketing Podcast, The Marketing Hotline >>
3. 😊 Work with me one on one! If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients 📌 APPLY NOW >> https://kelseyreidl.typeform.com/to/UAxrZo
More >> https://www.kelseyreidl.com/blog/category/Marketing
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
In this episode, Kelsey is doing a solo episode on the topic of Email Marketing.
We know that you’re all looking for Email Growth Strategies and List Building Techniques, so we thought it would be fun to do a whole episode devoted to some quick and easy ways that you can NOT SUCK at Email Marketing.
Or, put more simply, how to be a Master Email Marketer.
Are you ready to conquer your email list, once and for all?
Let’s dive in!
In this episode, we talk about:
Why it’s important to send emails at a regular cadence (& not just when you’re trying to sell them something!) Be a scientist and experiment with your email content + suggestions for types of content Treat your emails as a conversation rather than just shouting at your subscribers Improve your subject lines so that people actually open & read your emails! Start sucking, because you don’t get really great at something without sucking first :)Tools & apps mentioned in the show:
Jarvis.ai FloDeskFor more visit...
OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
This week on the Marketing Hotline, I’m sitting down with Jesse Cole, who is the founder of Fans First Entertainment, the creator of The Savannah Bananas and the author of Find Your Yellow Tux.
His teams have welcomed more than one million fans to their ballparks and have been featured on MSNBC, CNN, ESPN and in Entrepreneur Magazine, but it wasn’t always sunshine & bananas in Jesse’s world.
Just over 5 years ago he and his wife Emily were sleeping on an air mattress after draining their bank account, about to take the biggest risk of their life. You’ll need to tune in to hear about it!
I first was introduced to Jesse and his epic story through the I Love Marketing Podcast, and I can honestly say that from the moment he started talking I was hooked. He’s a marketing genius!
Jesse’s approach to building a BRAND rather than a business and creating FANS not customers is the type of marketing that I stand behind 110%. He’s not preaching expensive facebook ads or fancy funnels, just an epic product and a memorable experience.
Jesse is about to share SO much wisdom with you all and I can promise you that whether you’re running a baseball team like Jesse or just starting a little home based business - his marketing tips are going to ROCK YOUR WORLD.
If you want to grab a copy of Jesse’s Book, it’s called Find Your Yellow Tux: How to Be Successful by Standing Out.
Jesse ALSO hosts his own podcast, called Business Done Differently.
If you’re ready to Stand Out by thinking different, creating attention and creating fans for life - then this is the episode for you.
Grab his book: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B078JNMMJF/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
p.s. Whenever you’re ready, there are a few ways that we can get to know each other better…1. 📧 Subscribe to our weekly recap emails, where I summarize key takeaways from our Visionary Life Podcast Guests: Pop your email in here so you don’t miss these EPIC takeaways >>
2. 🎧 Take your Marketing Strategy to the NEXT LEVEL with free marketing advice from Top Experts: Click here to Subscribe to our Marketing Podcast, The Marketing Hotline >>
3. 😊 Work with me one on one! If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients 📌 APPLY NOW >> https://kelseyreidl.typeform.com/to/UAxrZo
For more > https://www.kelseyreidl.com/blog/category/Marketing
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
“These days, people want to learn from you before they buy from you, and be educated instead of pitched.”
~Brian ClarkStarting a YouTube channel is hard!
There's so much to learn and perhaps you have unanswered questions like how long it will take, what type of equipment you'll need, and how you can monetize your videos!
This episode of The Marketing Hotline answers all of these questions with actionable advice.
Listen in as we give answer in depth all of your YouTube related questions!Consider These 5 Factors First...
The Technical Side The Time Commitment The Monetization Strategy The Content Generation The Mindset RequiredWe know you've got a million (& one!) questions when it comes to whether or not you should start that YouTube channel or not, so tune in to find out more!
For more visit...
OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Download our Free Marketing Tips E-Book https://www.visionarymarketingcourse.com/10tips
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
This is The Marketing Hotline.
Drop your questions for a future episode in a DM on Instagram OR send them to support@kelseyreidl.com
In this episode, Kelsey & Alex talk about how AMAZING artificial intelligence copywriting is!
5 Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid:
You don't address the Problem or Solution Being too vague You don't have a Unique Angle Not being clear or succinct Lack of captivating headlinesFor more, visit...
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
On today's episode, we answer a question from Zoe. She asks:
I just launched my business as a Social Media Manager and I have one client already (the local bread company). My question is, how do I find my next few clients?
For more visit...
OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
Our question today is from Jessica.
She asks… “My question is about the pre-launch phase. What would you be focusing most of your time on if you were launching your business in the coming few weeks and how would you go about building an audience so that there are people to sell to."
For more visit...
OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions. We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
In this episode, Kelsey & Alex answer the following questions…
I really want to grow my business & try out new marketing strategies, but I have this nagging fear of failure that is holding me back. What if it doesn’t work?
I’m having trouble finding time to work on my Marketing Strategy: any tips for scheduling it in and prioritizing it?
I’m in the final stages of creating my Squarespace Website: any marketing tips that will help me get more views and people finding my site? How do I boost my SEO?
How to get started with Content Marketing: what is it, and how do I do it effectively?For more visit...
OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
In this episode, Kelsey & Alex answer the following questions…
Is repurposing old content ok, or do I need to create new content every single week?
What’s one marketing strategy that you would focus on, if you were starting all over again?
My marketing is going well, but I need help with Closing the Sale when I’m on the phone with prospective clients…
I’m in my first year of growing my health coaching business, and I am wondering if I should start using paid ads to attract more clients?For more visit...
OR Send us a DM with YOUR question https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Listen on your podcast app of choice https://link.chtbl.com/marketinghotline
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Drop your questions for a future episode in a DM on Instagram
In this episode, Kelsey & Alex answer the following questions…
What do I do when I get a 1 star review on something I sell? Isn’t that really bad for future marketing?
I’m launching my website this week, how do I make sure it’s a success?
I’m wondering if you had any tips or words of wisdom for wanting to launch a business upon graduation from Holistic Nutrition School. Anything would be greatly appreciated!💕🤗
I’m feeling unmotivated when it comes to my marketing strategy. Any tips?
How do I know if what I am doing to promote my business is working?For more visit...
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
In this episode, Kelsey & Alex answer the following questions...
1. How do I stand out in a Saturated Market? There are so many people doing what I do…
2. What is one piece of advice you would share with someone trying to get more hits from Google or maximize their SEO?
3. There are so many social media platforms (tiktok, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook).... is it important to have a presence on all of them?
4. How important is the Aesthetic of your Instagram Feed?
5. What is involved in working with a Marketing Coach.
If you prefer to watch on YouTube, click here >>
For more, visit...
Drop your questions for a future episode in a DM on Instagram
This is The Marketing Hotline. Welcome!
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Drop your questions for a future episode in a DM on Instagram OR send them to support@kelseyreidl.com
In this episode, Kelsey & Alex answer the following questions...
1. If you went back to the beginning, or first few years of building your business, which Marketing Strategies would you focus on, knowing what you know now?
2. Do you have any recommendations for someone starting to build their network from scratch, in a new city ?
3. My Instagram growth has stalled- HELP!
4. How do you create captivating and attention-grabbing content ? What tips can you share that have really been working for you?
5. What would you recommend for individuals who feel like they provide a lot of free value to their community, but don’t feel like they’re selling much or signing any new clients.
6. Do you have any tips for helping someone that identifies as an “introvert” to get more visible, so they can grow their business?
For more, visit...
Ask your questions at https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
We dive into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build a Marketing Strategy that makes your brand stand out!
You can expect to learn about Beating The Algorithm on Instagram, Writing Catchy Email Subject Lines & The Best Marketing Campaigns that ever existed.Ask your questions >> https://www.instagram.com/themarketinghotline/