
  • I just celebrated my 47th birthday! I have been reflecting on the impact aging can have on people wanting to fulfill their dreams. It’s often an excuse people use to not take a step toward entrepreneurship. For those feeling stuck, I created the GRACE ARC – Ask, receive, and celebrate.

    In today’s podcast episode, I show listeners how to ask, receive, and celebrate their daily accomplishments so they can take a step toward their vision. Those daily aligned actions that make a huge impact. Trust me, I know taking those steps can be scary. I’ve been there too. Tune into this podcast episode to hear how to trust God with your plans and your business using the GRACE ARC.

    Need help finding your purpose? Sign up for Illuminate Your Purpose.

    The Triple Flame App by Gene Keys

    Join my Facebook Group!

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (0:46) It was recently my 47th birthday! Do you use age as an excuse to not start your business?

    (3:54) Hear what I have achieved and how old I was when I accomplished it.

    (6:12) The way I use the Intentional Planner has changed over the years. Hear how!

    (6:51) What do you want to achieve in this one life? Don’t know? Illuminate your purpose!

    (8:23) Write down your vision starting with “I am.”

    (9:46) I began building my business using the GRACE ARC – Ask, receive, and celebrate.

    (10:14) Here’s how to use the GRACE ARC. First, let’s cover “Ask.”

    (11:03) Now, let’s cover “Receive.”

    (12:49) All you have to do is take one aligned action step each day. That’s it!

    (14:19) When you’re finished asking and receiving, it’s time to “Celebrate”!

    (15:02) Remember the three E's: Entrust, encourage, and embody.

    (17:02) Need help navigating your next steps? Send me an email.

    (17:27) What are you celebrating forward this week? Leave a review on Apple Podcasts and tell me your answer in the review.


    “Age is one of the top excuses that would-be entrepreneurs use as a crutch not to pursue their visions.”

    “The first-most powerful statement you can make is “I am.” The second is “Thank you.”

    “Not taking an action step is from one of two things – a fear of failure, or a fear of actually succeeding.”


    Illuminate Your Purpose

    Get clarity on your unique calling so that you can get paid to do the thing that sets your soul on fire.

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    My tried-and-true resource guide for business essentials, healthy living, and optimal well-being.

    Look Up Your Human Design Chart

  • Our money stories reflect how we think about money – if they block us or if they expand us. How we feel about money holds immense power over our lives, shaping our perspectives, and influencing our decisions.

    In this episode, I share a few stories that have impacted the way I view money, how I spend it, and how I have manifested money—even in my “beans and rice and Jesus Christ” days.

    There have been many instances where God completely showed up for me, and once, gave me 10x my money. God wants us to test Him. All you have to do is be intentional, trust, and take the risk. Hear how in today’s podcast episode!

    Join my Facebook Group!

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (0:44) Hear a money story about my dad that impacted me greatly.

    (3:36) God revealed to me how he always leads through money.

    (4:18) This story goes back to 2015, when my planner was just in the works.

    (6:16) God doesn’t tempt us, but he does test us. Do you trust God with your money?

    (7:20) I decided to listen to Malachi 3:10 and test God with my money. Here’s what happened.

    (8:52) When calling something in, the first thing you need to embody is gratitude and the first thing you need to do is declutter.

    (9:52) I gave my Church $10, and God paid me back 10 times that amount!

    (12:14) Do you trust God implicitly with your dreams? Hear why you should trust God and bless others.

    (14:12) Luke 6:38 shows that if we bless others, God will bless us in return.

    (15:28) What’s the dream in your heart? It’s there for a God-given purpose! All you have to do is release control to Him.


    “If you don’t give when you have little, you’ll never give when you have a lot.” – Tony Robbins (paraphrased)

    “If it’s God’s Will, He floats the bill.”

    “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachai 3:10 NIV

    “Do you trust God implicitly with your dreams?”

    “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38


    Illuminate Your Purpose

    Get clarity on your unique calling so that you can get paid to do the thing that sets your soul on fire.

    Launch Your Podcast

    Let me teach you how to create a podcast funnel that makes money on repeat in 8 weeks.

    Coaching | Business Branding | Podcast and Social Media Management

    The Intentional Planner


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    My Favorite Guides

    My tried-and-true resource guide for business essentials, healthy living, and optimal well-being.

    Look Up Your Human Design Chart

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  • Happy Summer Solstice! This time is all about celebrating LIFE. Celebrating FREEDOM. Celebrating LOVE and all of its forms.

    The sun is in Gate 15, and in the Gene Keys, the gift is Magnetism. In the words of Richard Rudd, it encompasses all other Gene Keys. Its reach is so wide and generous; its heart is so open and giving. Nature is at its most abundant form.

    What would it be like to live your truth as an authentic, objective, and aware human being?

    And 2: if you could design your ideal business and your ideal day without any objects—money was not an object, time was not an object, your credentials and things you still think you may need—none of those things are factors. You get to design the most perfect day, living out your dream.

    What does your day look like?

    Listen in as I move you into embodying the full expression of Magnetism.

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (0:58) We're exploring the gift of Gene Key 15 and living your truth as an authentic, objective, and aware human being.

    (1:22) What I’m celebrating BIG right now.

    (3:57) The Gift of Gene Key 15 is Magentism and how you can embody this energy.

    (6:28) Hear what a true role model looks like and how you inspire others with your authenticity.

    (9:57) The all-newly renovated Lucy Celebrates website is launching on July 3rd with three ways you can work with me.

    (12:19) One of the most memorable things my dad said to Capri that we can all take into our lives.


    “Your strengths are not the same for everyone—you have a combination of your innate wisdom that can be of great value to others.”

    “When you’re building a personal brand, you are the business. You don’t take off a hat to put another one on. You are a fully embodied expression of self.”

    “This is a time to remind ourselves of the profound and endless potential that lies inside every human being.”

    “You carry the magic of the future—of what’s possible for others—when the clients you are meant to serve come into contact with the wisdom you share, it will change their lives forever.”

    “Our genuine presence and unwavering commitment to our truth become a beacon of light for those around us.”

    “Living authentically requires us to continuously refine and polish our understanding of ourselves and the world.”

    “Go outside and get rosy cheeks.” - James Santaniello, Lucy’s dad.


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  • In this episode, we'll explore the concept of masculine and feminine energetics and how they can be harnessed to create new creative life force. Whether you're looking to start a new business or want clarity on your next steps, this guided meditation will anchor you in gratitude and help you get in touch with your inner wisdom and intuition.

    As your host Lucy, I am here to guide you on your journey towards alignment, purpose, and true fulfillment.

    By opening your heart to receive guidance and taking aligned action, you'll be able to clarify your calling and make your steps clear. With limitless grace, you'll be able to co-create the life you've always dreamed of.

    So sit back, relax, and join me on this journey of growth and expansion. Together, we can co-create a world filled with love, compassion, and intentionality. May you be blessed with the guidance and clarity you seek, and may your path be filled with light and grace.

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (1:50) Lucy was prompted by one of her private clients and her own recent downloads to reflect on the difference between masculine and feminine energy.

    (6:07) Lucy guides you through a meditation to open your heart, receive guidance for your aligned next steps, and take action toward manifesting your dreams.

    (13:52) In closing, Lucy encourages you to spend time just for yourself. Go for a walk to dance, to play and to journal. What do you know with absolute certainty is just your very next step to take?


    “This earth is your playground, and even when you feel yourself in your masculine energy—doing, serving, taking care of everyone you love—can you release and know there’s always a greater provider guiding you, offering you opportunities to trust in divine timing and breathe in your radiant feminine energy.”

    “I thank you that we do accept the challenge to co-create this life with You—to clarify our callings, to make our steps clear, and for the limitless grace we receive as we walk forward.”

    “Produce in me a tenacious spirit that decides to commit ahead of time to the next step before I know for certain what that next step is.”

    “The skies speak to Your handiwork. Each sunset and sunrise, unique in its beauty and faithful in its timing.”

    “May we come every day closer to seeing shadows with compassion as seeds to the blossoming of our true gifts.”

    “We are chosen, holy, and dearly loved. We clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

    “We shall continue to open our hearts to the wondrous works you have prepared in advance for us to do and cultivate in us the courage to stand in authenticity, joyful service, and limitless love.”


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  • Friend, Meet Chelsea Holden! A certified quantum life coach, sober mentor, podcast host, speaker, and intuitive guide. She uses all of my favorite tools, including Human Design, to guide self-led women to embody their faith and transform into their highest selves. Grab a cuppa coffee and listen in as we share our faith, the shades of sobriety, and how God meets you exactly where you are.

    Connect with Chelsea! Cuppa Chels Podcast | Website | Instagram

    Sign up for Chelsea’s Free Live Training: 3 Steps to Create Freedom in Your Life, Today!

    Lessons to Love On: Your Oracle eBook by Chelsea Holden

    The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8 AM

    A New Earth Series with Oprah and Eckhart Tolle

    Join my Facebook Group!

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (1:34) Meet Chelsea Holden and hear about her journey of becoming a certified quantum life coach, letting go of alcohol, and how it was the catalyst for everything else.

    (7:14) Let’s talk about faith and if Human Design conflicts with your beliefs.

    (16:06) Do you have a religious background? Chelsea and Lucy both share similar experiences of introducing Human Design to their audiences.

    (27:45) Chelsea describes how her husband is dedicated and supportive while also on his own journey.

    (30:31) Chelsea shares her “miracle morning” routine.

    (33:06) Chelsea wrote a book! She shares Lesson To Love On #14.

    (37:06) What’s next for Chelsea?

    (38:54) You’re invited to Chelsea’s free live training! Walking you through three steps to create freedom.


    “I never really considered myself an addict. I just knew I had a toxic relationship with alcohol.” -Chelsea

    “I define sobriety as removing toxic relationships of any kind in our life.” -Chelsea

    “My spiritual faith now has just taken God out of the box that religion put him in.” -Chelsea

    “I had to give myself permission to just drop the old version of myself and explore the newness of what I was experiencing and let my curiosity lead me in that way.” -Chelsea

    “God meets us where we are, and He speaks to us in ways that He knows we listen.”

    “I was filtering myself because I was still afraid of what other people might think.” -Chelsea

    “Whatever your past is, it does not define you, and God does not want us to stay there.”

    “All we have to do is let love in, period. And it starts with loving ourselves because we are a creation of God made in His image—a divine expression of him. So if we're choosing not to love ourselves and to continue to punish ourselves, we're denying God, essentially. And how do you ever fully connect with something that you deny?” -Chelsea

    “Choose to see through the lens of love. Each moment you have the power to see things new again, to view life, people, and circumstances through the lens of love.” -Chelsea

    “I truly believe that the more that we share our stories with others, the deeper we connect with everybody, the more we can relate, the more grace and compassion we can give to the world. And so ultimately, my mission in life is to just connect people back to the love and support that is always here and available for us.” -Chelsea


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  • As someone who has experienced the transformative power of branding firsthand, I can tell you that having a strong brand is essential to your positioning and attracting clients who share your values. But it's not just about your visuals and messaging; branding is a powerful tool for aligning with your purpose and connecting with your ideal clients on a soul level.

    In this episode, I will share with you my personal experience with branding in my own business and how it has helped me connect with my tribe of like-minded powerhouse entrepreneurs. As an intuitive guide, I know firsthand the importance of creating a brand that authentically reflects your unique gifts and message.

    So get ready to take some notes and learn how you can create a powerful and soulful brand for your business. I am here to guide you every step of the way, so let's get started!

    Join my Facebook Group!

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (3:31) What is branding?

    (5:14) The importance of your messaging and how it makes your clients feel seen.

    (7:30) Let's dive into the power of branding and how it can transform your business from ordinary to extraordinary. When it comes to branding, it's important to understand what it is and the components that make it up.

    (9:53) Here are tips that you can use to develop a targeted and effective brand strategy that speaks to your ideal clients.

    (13:09) As you develop your brand strategy, I encourage you first to take a moment to connect with your inner self and reflect on your unique message.

    (15:53) Let's take a moment to recap some of the key points we discussed.

    (16:42) I have an encouraging word for you!


    “You need to know who you are, who you serve, and how you serve them.”

    “Your values are the foundation, the guiding principles that inform everything from your messaging to your visual language. When you stay true to your values, you create a brand that is authentic and aligned with your true purpose.”

    “If you walk into a hotel and you cannot identify what chain you're in by the vibe, this sounds, this smells, then you don't have a brand. You have a logo.”

    “Your brand has the power to evoke emotions, create a sense of connection and trust, and even influence behavior.”

    “You are the brand.”

    “Pursuing your passions and aspirations is what makes life truly worth living.”

    “The first gene key reminds us to be unafraid to make mistakes. Genius is built upon them, endless trial and error.”

    “Creativity is God at play, and your gift of creative freshness is your inheritance.”


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  • On this episode of The Lightworker’s Guide, I walk you through the process of pivoting in your business. I have pivoted my business before, and I know it can be challenging. But, friend, if you received a download, it’s what God has in store for you. If you want to know how to pivot to new offerings, make sure you’re not giving your audience whiplash, and how to make sure your new services are right for you, tune into this episode!

    Join my Facebook Group!

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network, The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (0:58) Should you pivot in your business? First, hear if you should pivot or quit.

    (2:02) I share some examples of when I quit instead of pivoting.

    (5:00) If you get a new idea or download, it may be time to pivot! Hear why.

    (6:12) Here’s what made me decide to pivot in my business.

    (7:42) Are your services too broad? Hear why you should niche down.

    (9:43) What if your vision is no longer aligned with what you’re doing?

    (12:44) I share my story of pivoting my business to where it is now!

    (15:52) Do you crave connection with like-minded people? Join my podcast group!


    “As soon as you know something is a mistake, turn around. You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.” – My Dad

    “The riches are in the niches!”

    “Are you running a business or are you running a true brand?”

    “There is so much power in the words that we speak.”

    “A true brand is how you make people feel.”


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  • In this episode of The Lightworker’s Guide podcast, I share one of the key things I learned from Jenna Kutcher’s Mastermind. When I first started following Jenna Kutcher on Instagram, she was a wedding photographer and I was a wedding invitation designer. Soon after, I began to pivot my business to focus on the launch of the Intentional Planner. In perfect timing, Jenna announced her first business mastermind, I applied and to my joy, was accepted! And then, soon after that, Jenna shared something on Instagram that struck the hearts of millions and her post went viral. Hear all about it and how you can take this one key strategy into your business today too.

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.


    (1:07) Before my daughter was born, I was a dance teacher. Hear how fast things changed for me.

    (4:01) Hear how I rebranded my company after starting as a stationery shop on Etsy.

    (4:48) Fast forward to 2018, I applied for Jenna’s first mastermind and got accepted!

    (8:21) In Jenna’s mastermind, we had 3 in-person retreats and I met so many inspiring women.

    (10:04) Let’s chat about content pillars and why they’re important.

    (13:37) What pillars do you use to share your heart with your people?

    (14:14) My five content pillars.


    “What are the five things you will consistently share so people can get to know you?”

    “My friend, you are the brand. Show up. Share your heart. And serve your people.”

    “If you are building a personal brand, I should be able to go to your Instagram right now and see just by looking at your feed who you are.”


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    Look Up Your Human Design Chart

  • If you are feeling stuck in confusion about the next steps in your business—What your offer is? What your niche is? What your unique position is in the world? This episode is for you. Today we are going to talk about how to get unstuck and gain clarity on your business. You’ll hear the steps Lucy took to move out of confusion and gain clarity in her business.

    Do you have a podcast? Join the free podcasting network The Lightworkers Tribe. The Lightworkers Tribe is a podcast networking community that allows you to find guests, get featured, share best practices, and GROW YOUR AUDIENCE.

    I’d love to have you join us!


    (0:48) Are you feeling stuck in confusion? This episode is for you.

    (1:32) Even after years of running a business, even Lucy has days of confusion.

    (2:11) Do you consume more than you create? Decide to create more than you consume.

    (3:13) Hear what it looked like for Lucy to take massive action.

    (4:44) Here are the challenges Lucy faced when trying to launch her program.

    (6:33) Lucy got out of her own way and she got her download!

    (7:36) Hear who Lucy decided to focus on with her course and services.

    (11:13) The thing that is aligned with Lucy finally hit her. While she’s preparing, she’s claiming the space.

    (12:12) The best way to get unstuck: Set your intention and expect to receive it!


    “What if you did know? What do you know to be true?”

    “Create more than you consume.”

    “Whenever I get out of my way and started taking massive action, things crystalize very quickly.”

    “Podcasts give people a way to take you into their life.”

    “Social media is the place where you connect with your audience. But, podcasting is where you serve them.”


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  • Grab your tissues, friend. Lucy interviews her daughter, Capri, as she shares the 13 life lessons she’s learned. Listen in as Capri shares wisdom beyond her years.

    My love,

    You are so special. I’m most grateful that God and your Soul chose me to be your momma. I love you fiercely with all of my heart. My prayer is you continue to grow and evolve into the highest version of yourself and that all of your dreams come true. Know that you always have me by your side to support you through everything—no matter what.

    Continue to radiate your kind and witty spirit, and you will attract everything you desire in this life. As Poppa would tell me, "Touch the sky."

    Always and in all ways, I love you.



    “Live your life to the fullest.” - Capri

    “Get used to change and stop fearing it.” - Capri

    “Don’t be afraid of removing negativity in your life if it isn’t serving you well.” - Capri

    “Life is a competition with the person you were yesterday.” - Capri

    “Preparation is a stepping stone to success.” - Capri

    “Anything forced isn’t worth fighting for.” - Capri

    “Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.” - Capri

    “You control your attitude—your attitude toward a situation is entirely up to you.” - Capri

    “You can either keep focusing on what you don’t like about your life or make an effort to change it. The choice is yours, and so is the life that you live everyday.” - Capri

    “You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.”


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  • Happy New Year! Thank you for pushing play today, I am so grateful for you being here, and I want to give you something. I’ve set my intentions for this episode to have its own miracle for you. In the next moments together, you will receive the thing you need to hear, and then it’s up to you to align your action to it. Lucy explores Gene Key 8, moving from the shadow of mediocrity to the gift of style and how you can apply it to setting up 2023 with success.


    “There is nothing magical about January first (or Mondays), you can begin today.”

    “Insane success is possible this year, and it begins with the momentum you create today.”

    “God has set His intentions on YOU. You were created with intentions—with so much order and attention to detail.”

    “True style takes great joy in shattering the grey world of mediocrity that is considered the norm.”

    “This gift is about actually manifesting individual dreams rather than simply dreaming them.”

    “While you live authentically, you inspire others to do the same.”

    “All the questions stirring in your mind are there because you've been introduced to the thought that you're destined to leave a legacy here on this earth. You were made for something extraordinary.”

    “You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.”


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  • You’re invited! The annual First Light Gratitude study will begin on December 7, 2022. First Light Gratitude was created to instill joy and peace into your daily life with five daily intentional gratitude practices.

    From there, Lucy shares her plans to guide you to set your 2023 intentions, set up your Intentional Planner, and begin 2023 with renewed vision and purpose.

    Enter the code LIGHTWORKER for 20% off the Lucy Celebrates Shop on Thanksgiving through Giving Tuesday

    Join First Light Gratitude, a free 5-day study HERE


    “There is so much joy, love, and abundance in my life. In this moment I am safe. Any painful feeling that I may experience will pass. I am healing. I am being guided. Every past hill and valley has brought me to this point. Nothing has been wasted and there are no mistakes. I trust that everything I need to know will be revealed in time. Yes, there's so much joy. Love and abundance in my life and there is so much more to come.”

    “These are my plans. But let's see how God directs my steps one day at a time as I move forward.”

    “You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.”


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  • Today, I’m interrupting my plans to tell you about what God has put on my heart to share with you. The Gene Keys and contemplation of any kind is philosophy—this is not truth. These are beautiful ideas and interpretations that you can listen to, get inspired by, contemplate for yourself, and then go to God, and ask your own questions, maybe turn them into your own philosophies and help heal others by shining your unique light, your wisdom, your work—out into this world.

    The Shadow of your Culture Sphere (or Gene Key) can directly block the flow of money toward you. The Shadow of Gene Key 24 is Addiction—

    How do we break a pattern of addiction?

    Awareness Transformation—listen!—through this Gene Key is silence; Be present. Listening to originality. Become addicted to listening to God.Invention! When you start getting downloads; visions

    The 24th Gift of Invention is about creative addiction—the heart of the human creative process. It’s the art of thinking and acting in totally original ways. It brings new things into the world, and can surprise you as much as others. The 24th Gift is truly magical and contains the secret to genius. And, genius is far more than lateral thinking; it is the ability to make quantum leaps.

    There are whole worlds of possibilities in the space between thoughts, sounds, and even between your impulses and cravings. One of the most difficult, yet rewarding things you can do in life is to embrace those gaps in your awareness. This means, do not push your anxiety away. And do not fill in those gaps! Invention most often occurs within those gaps—when you are at rest—sitting silently, sleeping, dreaming, or simply doing nothing at all.

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Mentioned in the podcast:The Life Coach School, Brooke Castillo

    Sober Sis, the 21 Day Reset Challenge gives you all the tools you need to begin your journey to Sober Minded Living, reduce the amount you drink, and connect with like-minded women.

    Enter Lucy’s Giveaway! Leave a review on Apple Podcast and, as a thank you, you’ll be entered to win a Lucy Celebrates Pencil Bag filled with surprise gifts.

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    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • From broke, divorced, and numbing herself with alcohol, to where she is today—living her life in complete alignment, honoring her Gift to her Fractal Line, along with her beautiful Soul-devotion to her family. Danielle shares her journey of discovering Human Design and how she was able to let go of alcohol and antidepressants and create the High Frequency Formula.

    Doors open one last time for the High Frequency Formula on October 10th. You are guided every step of the way as you dismantle conditioning and unlock doors that lead you straight into abundance as your birthright.

    Join us for Danielle’s last event of 2022, Become Wealth Energy

    Danielle Eyman on Instagram | High Frequency Formula | Wealthy and Aligned by Human Design Podcast

    Work with MeBusiness and Branding Coaching | Social Media and Podcast Management


    The Intentional Planner


    Look Up Your Human Design Chart

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    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • Listen in as I talk with my business coach, Danielle Eyman, which aired first on her podcast Wealthy and Aligned by Human Design.

    I describe our journey working together and stepping into my alignment theme of success. In Danielle’s words, I am an example of what leaning into the trust fall actually provides for your life. She goes on to say, "Lucy is the creative energy behind our brand. Without her, I would not have been able to get the formula all packaged up and ready to be delivered to you!"

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Danielle Eyman | High Frequency Formula | Wealthy and Aligned by Human Design Podcast

    Work with MeBusiness and Branding Coaching | Social Media and Podcast Management

    The Intentional Planner

    Look Up Your Human Design Chart

    Let’s Connect!


    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • The Gene Keys book opens up as an invitation to begin a new journey in your life. Regardless of outer circumstances, you have something beautiful hidden inside of you. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty out—to unveil your eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else.

    Biology points towards an amazing truth—your DNA is actually not in control of your destiny. It’s your attitude towards life that tells your DNA the kind of person you want to become. This means that every thought, every feeling, every word, every action that you make in life is imprinted in every single cell of your body. Negative thoughts and emotions actually cause your DNA to contract, whereas positive thoughts and emotions cause it to expand and relax. This process is going on all the time, from the moment you come into the world to the moment you leave.

    You are the architect, or as I like to think of it, the choreographer of your evolution. Inside of you lies great potential and beauty, and it’s limited only by the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

    So what are the GKs? If I had to say in a single line what the Gene Keys are, I would say they are a universal language made up of 64 genetic archetypes which allow you to completely re-envision yourself and recreate your life at a level limited only by your own imagination.

    They are made up of 64 codes of consciousness and each code has 3 frequencies: the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi. These codes are in each one of us. Some of these codes are found in our Human Design chart and when we lean into them, we discover our path to our purpose, to love, and to prosperity.

    This living language of light contains three sequences:

    The Activation Sequence—Discovering your genius through the four Prime Gifts

    The Venus Sequence—Opening your heart in relationships

    The Pearl Sequence—Attaining prosperity through service

    These sequences are collectively referred to as the Golden Path. As you contemplate the message in the Gene Keys you can pay special attention to the Gene Keys that make up your Golden Path—which are also revealed in your Human Design chart.

    You are worthy, powerful, and created for a unique purpose. The world needs your genius—that thing inside of you waiting to be fully realized. Let’s discover it, and use it for good, creating a legacy with your one and precious life.

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Work with Me

    The Intentional Planner

    Let’s Connect on Instagram

    Say [email protected]

    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • What is Human Design? What are the Gene Keys? I share some fascinating history of how the Human Design system came to life and an introduction to the Gene Keys.

    So what is Human Design? Human Design is a roadmap on how to live your dream life. Being your happiest, most authentic, and most successful self is one that is totally unique to you. Human Design is here to help you recognize your innate gifts so that you can be who you truly were created to be.

    The Bible allowed me the space to hear and know that each one of us was created for a purpose. That our story, gifts, talents, and passions are all clues to discovering it. And then what Human Design did for me, particularly the Gene Keys, was confirm the gifts I am meant to serve the world with.

    And that’s why I call it a tool for remembering.

    God has left us clues everywhere in the form of patterns. Once you see them, they’re in everything. Patterns and symmetry are woven into the fabric of every living thing.

    You are worthy, powerful, and created for a unique purpose. The world needs your genius—that thing inside of you waiting to be fully realized. Let’s discover it, and use it for good, creating a legacy with your one and precious life.

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Work with Me


    The Intentional Planner


    Let’s Connect


    Say Hello

    [email protected]

    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • The 3 values to live our everyday lives are based on the teachings of Richard Rohr and the Universal Christ:

    Devotion to the heart.The simplicity of being enough.And having virtuous eyes to look outward with radical generosity to serve.

    If we can renew these 3 historic vows, together we are going to give a gift to the world.

    You are worthy, powerful, and created for a unique purpose. The world needs your genius—that thing inside of you waiting to be fully realized. Let’s discover it, and use it for good, creating a legacy with your one and precious life.

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Work with Me


    The Intentional Planner


    Let’s Connect


    Say Hello

    [email protected]

    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • In this episode, I share my answer to the most common question I receive—how do you KNOW when you hear God’s voice? You’ll hear another piece of my story, how the Intentional Planner was born, and how I came to know, without a doubt, the voice of God.

    The ONE universal truth every religion says about God is that God is LOVE.

    The verse shared in this episode is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, exchanging the word love with God: God is patient, God is kind. Does not envy, does not boast, is not proud. Does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    God never fails.

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Work with Me


    The Intentional Planner


    Let’s Connect


    Say Hello

    [email protected]

    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.

  • In this episode, I share the #1 way to manifest anything in your life—gratitude. You’ll see how different frequencies of gratitude can exist in your life and how you can navigate each stage to help propel you to your next level.

    Once you’ve experienced every stage of gratitude, you can experience them simultaneously.

    Gratitude turns what you have into enough.Gratitude for all of your current blessings and gifts.And gratitude for your abundant future.

    Hold space for all three.

    Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

    Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

    Work with Me


    The Intentional Planner


    Let’s Connect


    Say Hello

    [email protected]

    And don’t forget to hit the follow button here on The Lightworkers’ Guide so you don’t miss an episode.

    You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.