Torkovo dopoldne je rezervirano za soočenje različnih pogledov na aktualne dogodke, ki iz tedna v teden spreminjajo svet, pa tega velikokrat sploh ne opazimo. Gostje Intelekte so ugledni strokovnjaki iz gospodarstva, znanosti, kulture, politike in drugih področij. Oddaja skuša širokemu občinstvu ponuditi kritično mnenje o ključnih dejavnikih globalnega in lokalnega okolja.
We know drunk-driving causes death on the roads, but how does taking drugs like cannabis affect your driving skills? This album offers a chance to see how psychologists perform experiments which measure how much cannabis distorts a normal state of consciousness. Tracks 5-8 explore human inventiveness, pointing out that nothing in the world could have been made without the human capacity for imagination. Evolutionary anthropologists use the example of tool-making, showing that humans started to develop this brain capacity 50,000 years ago. Scientists can demonstrate that musicians and artists use an unusual amount of imagination for their creativity; and, lastly, the audio tracks 9-11 look at the complex topic of human consciousness. This material forms part of The Open University course DSE212 Exploring Psychology.
Have you ever wanted to explore a distant planet? In this exciting album, Titan, Saturn’s biggest moon, is revealed live before our eyes for the first time. In January 2005 the Huygens probe parachuted down from its mother ship, Cassini, through Titan’s murky atmosphere to rest on its mysterious frozen landscape. Equipped with an impressive array of scientific instruments, producing an incredible series of images, scientists now have a glimpse of what Earth may have been like before life evolved. The Cassini-Huygens achievement was humankind’s first landing on a body in the Outer Solar System, and its extraordinary results will be studied in the world’s leading scientific journals for years to come.
"The Components of the Immune System." Harris Goldstein, M.D., director, Einstein-Montefiore Center for AIDS Research, professor of pediatrics and microbiology & immunology and the Charles Michael Chair in Autoimmune Diseases, delivers a lecture course in basic immunology organized by the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH) at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. The goal of this lecture series is to provide HIV investigators with a comprehensive course in immunology.
Zvuk misli je podkast Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Osnovna ideja Zvuka misli je da regionalnoj javnosti na neposredan način ponudi niz upućenih i kvalitetnih razgovora na poljima teorije, filozofije i društveno-humanističkih nauka. Fokus razgovora će svakom prilikom biti usmeren na rad, angažman i interesovanja sagovornika/ca, te aktuelna (svetska i regionalna) dešavanja i prilike, ili još trendove u nauci i teoriji. Kroz ovako usmerene razgovore, publici će biti pruženi svaki put različiti i zanimljivi, relevantni i naučno potrkrepljeni teorijski uvidi o brojnim relevantnim temama. Slušaćemo kako koncepti rezonuju, kako se komponuju teorije i istraživanja, te kako misli nastaju, migriraju i menjaju seu savremenom svetu. Fenomeni kao što su društvo i subjektivnost,znanje i mišlenje, moral i etika, politika i političko, ideologija, umetnost, kultura, obrazovanje, ekonomija i mnogi drugi, biće promatrani kroz nenametljivu, a opet sveprisutnu prizmu angažovanosti i angažovanja. Konačno, horizont Zvuka misli je takođe promocija i podstrek angažovane svesti, misli i delovanja, posredstvom jednog pristupačnog i efektnog medija kao što je podkast.
Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu
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Muzički partner: Metropolis Music Company
Intro/Outro: Fish In Oil - “Sve ćebiti u najboljem redu” (Sve će biti u najboljem redu, 2018) -
Herzlich willkommen zu lasch not least, dem zeitwörtlichen Podcast. Ich bin Alexander Lasch, Professor für germanistische Linguistik und Sprachgeschichte an der Technischen Universität Dresden, und hoste hier, stellvertretend, Inhalte, die Studierende im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen für Ihre Kommiliton:innen produziert haben. Der Podcast ist ein echtes Gemeinschaftsprojekt – das geht beim Titel los, über die Auswahl des Introtitels "Hotshot" von Scott Holmes (CC BY via FMA) bis hin zum Cover weiter. Sie können sich hier nicht nur in linguistische Themen einhören, sondern auch Anregungen für die Produktion eigener Podcasts mitnehmen. Denn dieser Cast dient gerade auch dem Einüben in eine solche digitale Präsentationsform.
Podkast Vzeto na znanje odpira vrata Kemijskega inštituta v Ljubljani in zvedavo gleda čez rame znanstvenic in znanstvenikov. Hkrati se zazira navzven: z izbranimi gosti razpravljamo tudi o znanosti nasploh, o njenih postopkih in orodjih ter o njeni vlogi v družbi. Prav tako se odzivamo na aktualna vprašanja, ki nam jih zastavljajo trenutne razmere.
Podkast jemljemo na znanje vsak mesec z malo tekočine.
Pogovore vodi Pia Nikolič. -
It was here in Oxford, in the 1600s, that great minds such as Hooke, Boyle, Willis and Wren laid the foundations of modern experimental science. Like their famous forebears, today's Oxford scientists continue to undertake world-leading research: making fundamental new discoveries and applying cutting-edge knowledge to the major societal and technological challenges of the day. The research happening right now in the Department of Chemistry is uniquely poised to have a major impact on everything from our health to our energy sources - in other words, it is enabling our shared future. To read more about our research, please visit
This series focuses on current physical and materials chemists as they explore a range of 'strange' materials with unusual properties and functionality. In the future, these materials may revolutionize areas as diverse as friction and energy storage, and inspire the design of new substances with properties we can't yet imagine.
Goodwin Group:
Perkin Group: -
It was here in Oxford, in the 1600s, that great minds such as Hooke, Boyle, Willis and Wren laid the foundations of modern experimental science. Like their famous forebears, today's Oxford scientists continue to undertake world-leading research: making fundamental new discoveries and applying cutting-edge knowledge to the major societal and technological challenges of the day. The research happening right now in the Department of Chemistry is uniquely poised to have a major impact on everything from our health to our energy sources - in other words, it is enabling our shared future. To read more about our research, please visit
This series focuses on current physical and materials chemists as they explore a range of 'strange' materials with unusual properties and functionality. In the future, these materials may revolutionize areas as diverse as friction and energy storage, and inspire the design of new substances with properties we can't yet imagine.
Goodwin Group:
Perkin Group: -
Welcome to Chemistry at Oxford! Our M. Chem. topped the subject ranking for Chemistry in the Guardian's University Guide 2014, and no other university can match the simultaneous breadth and depth of the Oxford Chemistry experience. You'll study a four-year course, and spend your final year working full-time on a project with some of the leading researchers in the UK. Fundamental science and blue skies thinking are celebrated here, but so is commercialisation - maybe your work will help launch a spin-out company! To learn more about the admissions process, please visit, and to read more about the unique tutorial system and other exciting features of the Oxford experience, see
Power to the Patients is a LinkedIn Live and podcast series hosted by Power where clinical research leaders across sponsors, sites, CROs, and patient advocacy groups discuss patient centricity in clinical trials. We explore the bottlenecks in today's systems, challenge the status quo and talk about future opportunities for innovation.
Looking for a clinical trial? Visit us at -
Learn about quantum mechanics, black holes, dark matter, plasma, particle accelerators, the Large Hadron Collider and other key Theoretical Physics topics. The Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics holds morning sessions consisting of three talks, pitched to explain an area of our research to an audience familiar with physics at about second-year undergraduate level.