Hello Gorgeous creators!
In this episode, you'll learn about the ultimate hack to make any new belief or goal seem realistic and attainable.
Instead of forcing yourself to believe in a reality that feels out of reach (which will just create resistance and stagnation), you'll learn how to build stepping-stone beliefs and achievable milestones that naturally guide you to your dream outcome.
I'll cover the Ladder of Believability and the Ladder of Milestones—two powerful tools to help you shift from limiting beliefs to empowering ones for money, health, relationships and pretty much anything you want!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inespadar/
E-mail: [email protected]
Welcome back Gorgeous Creators !
Spoiler alert: If you have been used to chronically worry about other people's well being, manage everyone else's problems, and tend to overgive but under receive, this episode is for you.
In this episode, I'll take you through an entire RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) hypnosis session that I received yesterday. This was right after the 2nd accident in order to uncover the root cause of two accident that resulted in cuts on the face that need 4 stitches each, on Jan 24th and Feb 6th.
Topics covered:
Financial abuse and co-dependencyWhen people assume you are tough and don't see the pain you're inThe hidden benefits of injuries Being willing to ask for help Loving yourself first to avoid drama in your lifeI don't believe in "random accidents", especially not when they occur so close to each other with the exact same type of injury. There's always a deeper root cause. By uncovering the deeper meaning behind these accidents, you can break the cycle and prevent them from happening again.
P.S. I'm taking time off instagram. You can reach out here:
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Hello Gorgeous Creators!
I’m thrilled to celebrate our 100th episode with a truly inspiring guest: Christine—a client, friend, and absolute genius! Together, we dive deep into her journey of breaking through subconscious blocks and past trauma to kiss the glass ceiling goodbye for good.
In this episode, we cover it all:
✨ Healing from co-dependency and how growing up with a narcissist created success blocks
✨ Overcoming impostor syndrome and self-doubt
✨ Neville Goddard's everyone is you pushed out: Changing how people treat you using your imagining only
✨ From doubt to dollars: how Christine tripled her income as a by product of EFT and RTT on unrelated subjects
You’ll discover how past experiences and trauma can silently block your success—and, more importantly, how releasing old unhelpful emotions at an energetic level can help you shatter those barriers in just a few months.
This is more than a story—it’s a roadmap to your own transformation. Enjoy!
Introduction and definition of the glass ceiling
2'40: Making ourselves smaller and not fulfilling the potential we know we have
7'45: co-depedency, fear of success and attracting people who re-enact unhealed childhood trauma and how it affects our career
21'00: SOS - Shiny Object Syndrome and the fallacy of "If I can work harder and prove myself, people will finally give me love and recognition
28'00: How unhealed grief can create a glass ceiling
33'30: Co-dependency and constantly worrying about other people's well being is a never ending cycle
42'00: Putting yourself first and no longer tolerating BS gets you PAID
55'00: Neville's EIYPO (everyone is you pushed out). How you can improve relationships using the power of your imagination
1h15: How releasing old fears and a limited self image attracted a high profile client who pays well and is deeply grateful and happy with Christine's workhttps://inespadar.thrivecart.com/kiss-the-glass-ceiling-goodbye/
Hello gorgeous manifestors!
Have you ever looked around you and wondered why other people who don't seem nearly as healed/kind/intelligent/empathic/optimistic as you are getting what you want while you aren't ?
Maybe it's because you've been aiming too low, and the higher power is refusing to make that work out for you because there's something just so much better available to you right now.
Kiss the glass ceiling goodbye 4 month program:
Hello marvelous creators !
If you feel ready to increase your rates but either have been afraid of doing it or have not gotten clients to pay your new rates yet, this episode is for you.
It includes:
The 2 questions you should ask yourself to find the source of potential resistance to the new rates
A case study of a client who successfully increased her rateshttps://inespadar.thrivecart.com/kiss-the-glass-ceiling-goodbye/
Hello gorgeous Creators,
In this episode, we dive into case studies on the Law of Assumption in action, and how it can affects money, health, relationships and life events:
Case 1: Increasing your prices in your business;Case 2: EFT for PTSD: healing past trauma so it wouldn't happen again;
Case 3: Disrespect in the workplace, and not being able to be taken seriously
Case 4: The burden of loyalty and how it stops your successNo More glass ceiling 4 month accelerator:
Welcome to part 3/4: self-concept, identity and the inner work balance.
Here's what is covered:
The importance of self-concept and identity and how it links to the law of attraction and the law of assumption;
The law of attraction can get your manifestation, and the law of assumption is what keeps it around: romantic relationship examples;
Inner work can keep us stuck in stagnation. Avoid the trap
The balance between doing the inner work, taking action, and assuming it's already done and letting go. 110k launch case study
Hello gorgeous Unicorns!
In this part 2/4, we dive deep into resources, tips and techniques to apply the law of assumption, more specifically:
Investing thoughts and energy in the belief you want to see grow and expand, and starve the old belief. The power of "mindless" daydreaming SATS / imagining 1-3 scenes that imply that your wish is fulfilled Guided LOA mediations, Gratitude for what is already done, Texting a friend trickMental dietPut yourself first - alwaysLaw of Assumption Mastery Bundle:
Hello gorgeous souls!
In this episode, I introduce the Law of assumption from Neville Goddard and how it's different to the law as attraction.
Topics covered:
The constant fear of my vibe not being "high enough" in order to get what I want
The difference between the Law of attraction and the Law of assumption
The inner work trap of always wondering if we still have limiting beliefs and "blocks"
Hello beautiful geniuses!
This is probably the most important episode I have ever recorded. Recently, I've been obsessed with Neville Goddard's work and applying it to my life. Surprise surprise: it works, and better than I expected. In this episode, I cover the theory and how I exactly I applied it in my life to manifest things fast.
In this episode, you'll learn about:
Neville Goddard's Law of assumption
How out totally subconscious assumptions and expectations shape our reality and what to do about it - debt example
Your 3D reality is NOT real, it’s just a holographic projection of your main thoughts and feelings of the past.
What it is real is your imagination. And your reality will always catch up with what you are holding in your imagination
Everyone is you projected outwards. You can change how people react to you even if they don’t change, including clients - changing someone's behaviour example
The power of "silly" Daydreaming to manifest want you want - how I manifested a surf board with day dreaming
How to apply this to your life, business and launchesJoining 6 Figures Launching Secrets:
Hello Gorgeous souls!
Have you even NOT done something you know you really should be doing (because it would really serve you/your health/your business) and then feel miserable and ashamed about procrastinating about it ?
Of course you have, just like all of us.
In this episode, I walk you through a timeline therapy session I received on the theme of fear and analysis paralysis about a launch.
You'll learn:
Why we don't take action on things that would be very good for us;
The concept of perceived cost outweighing perceived benefits;
Everyday examples of how subconscious perceived costs can affect our business and income;
What to do about it to finally take action from a place of excitementYou can sign up for the online retreat here:
Hello Magnificent Souls!
In this episode, I talk about the timeline therapy session I did to find out the root cause of why I kept almost attracting what I want but never quite got it (like a carrot being dangled in front of you but being just out of reach).
If you feel that your manifestation is so close yet so far, this episode if for you !
Let's get to know each other on Instagram.
Are you ready to rewire your Subconscious mind for Abundance?
Download the FREE Hypnosis audio here.
Hello Magnificent people!
In this episode, you'll get a VIP perspective of 10 examples and case studies of why clients stopped making (as much) money and what got them unstuck & more information about my 1:1 mentorship program (from minute 40 on).
I don't know about you, but I always love to understand and learn more about how the mind can sometimes keep unstuck by wanting to keep us safe and how it might also apply to me so I can so something about it and lot more dollars flow into my bank account.
Some of the themes covered:
Fear of increasing our prices in case no one buys anymoreTripling your monthly incomeA income crash after a top income month Fear of success and shining too bright in case people want to drag us downThe root cause of procrastination How guilt sabotages the manifestation processHow a partner / nasty sibling can limit your incomeI also talk about my 1:1 mentorship program from minute 40 on 👸.
You can get more information on the mentorship program here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFxoacYp4E/-2_wuM6nugLCO_st-_7wZQ/view?utm_content=DAFxoacYp4E&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
And send me a message on instagram if you're wondering if the mentorship is right for you 💜
Hello beauties!
In this episode, I share an exercises that I gave to the Queens in the Abundance Magnet program on the topic of only manifesting just enough money to pay the bills but never to feel totally safe around having extra money.
What the episode covers:
Maybe you got exactly what you asked forDo you have a budget and is it accurate ?The finance ostrich strategy that is keeping you stuck How lack of consistency from others in the past could be contributing to your financial situation today
In this last episode (4/4) of our mini series, you'll learn more about why it sometimes feels like no on can find us online, or why we can't seem to attract followers / clients and/or why we feel that they don't understand us or the value of our offer.
Some of the themes covered:
How getting unwanted attention from people can lead us to repel clients
The consequence of never being listened to or taken seriously as a child
Why it might only feel safe to post vanilla, forgettable content that doesn't convert into salesGet all of the details and enrolment links for "Reactivate the Client Magnet" here:
Welcome back Queens!
In this episode you get a sneak peak of what I told my 1:1 clients who was afraid of posting on social media and promoting her program in case no on buys to make her feel excited and confident again.
You'll learn about
the surfing analogy and how to apply the unbothered energy to your own business so you can expect the best and get the best.The subtle daily events that makes us expect the worst and stay stuck in fight or flightGet out of the way to let the universe deliver your order: Some of the most unexpected ways I manifested clientsGet all of the details and enrolment links for "Reactivate the Client Magnet" here:
Hello gorgeous people!
In this episode (2/4 of a mini series), I dive deep into the lesson behind how I manifested a high end 1:1 within a specific time frame and kept the faith high even when it looked like I was missing opportunity after opportunity.
The underlying Belief I had to overcome was: "there’re only that many opportunity you can get, and if it hasn't worked by them, you need to accept that it won't happen".
Get all of the details and enrolment links for "Reactivate the Client Magnet" here:
Hello gorgeous people!
In this episode (1/4 of a mini series), I spill the tea on how I was finally able to unlock a new manifestation level.
Until April of 22, I would manifest things without really knowing how which made me anxious deep down that it could stop anytime; I was never fully confidence about my ability to manifest again in the future.
(For example, until then, I wouldn't even feel confidence about manifesting something as small as a coffee).
After April 22, things started happening "out of the blue":
Manifested 1:1 clients without promoting anythingManifested a forgotten bank account with $700Manifested a day at the amusement park I decided I’d have a 10% conversion rate min, on my last launch and got it.In this episode, you'll learn what I did differently that totally changed the game. Spoiler alert, it had everything to do with overcoming a very deep fear that my dream life might never come true.
Get all of the details and enrolment links for "Reactivate the Client Magnet" here:
Hello gorgeous souls!
In this episode, you get the juicy insider information of the magic 6 elements you need to focus on to reactivate the client machine in your business.
This 6 elements of the themes and topics that came up over and over again in my 1:1 mentorship, the Business Accelerator Inner Circle as well as the new cohort of the Abundance Magnet, and that helped them get unstuck within a few weeks only.
Get all of the details for the Client Magnet here:
Hello gorgeous souls!
In this episode, you get you an inside view of what went on in my last launch and what I did differently compared to all of my previous launches to get an amazing outcome full of magic and surprises from the universe.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inespadar/
E-mail: [email protected]
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