If you're looking to secure your financial independence with a high-paying job without sacrificing your freedom today, this podcast is for you.
Welcome to Salesforce For Everyone, the one-stop free resource to help you land your first Salesforce job in under 8 months, even without a college degree or tech experience.
This podcast will give you the tips, tactics, and inspiration to find and secure your new career, on your terms, on your way to your financial independence. -
Enjoy time with the Frugal Snobs discussing career advice, social situations, and product reviews. As always Be Well and NEVER Pay Retail and be sure to subscribe on iTunes, add us to your Stitcher playlist, or subscribe on your podcatcher/Podcast network of choice and check out the podcast around the web! Support this podcast:
Life is an accumulation of choices every individual has. We shape our life based on our countless Decision Making. This podcast help us make and judge our Decisions better in many aspects. We will learn how me make our Decisions, what are forces that Influences us, based on Behavior Science and Psychology Principle.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How do entrepreneurs turn their ideas into thriving small businesses or side hustles? This podcast highlights small business owners, their origin stories, and how they built their careers and companies from the ground up. Host Jennifer Walker, a freelance writer and small business owner herself, talks to entrepreneurs about their successes and challenges, their advice for other small business owners, what they wish they knew when they started their businesses, and more. If you are a small business owner and entrepreneur, you'll gain insight and motivation from hearing stories from your peers. If you're a consumer who likes to support small businesses, you can listen to the stories behind some amazing companies--and gain inspiration for your own career and ventures, whatever industry you are in. Thanks so much for listening!
Blake Schofield is the founder and host of The Bridge to Fulfillment® podcast, mom to three kids, & former corporate executive who got tired of sacrificing her life for a comfortable paycheck.
This podcast is designed to change your perspective on what is really possible and help you build a fulfilling career & life on your terms without taking a pay cut or starting over.
Have questions or topics you'd love to see covered on the podcast? Email us at ! -
Your job doesn’t have to be soul-sucking! Be inspired each and every week to dive into your new career with our stories, tips, and tricks. We’ll help you go from just surviving to thriving on the job market. Your host, career coach & digital nomad, Sami Gardner, interviews unique guests, from career experts to people just like you who are designing a career and life on their own terms. Ready for career freedom?
Kickstart YOUR authentic career at -
Welcome to She Brigade the Podcast hosted by Pelontle Mosimege.
In each episode, we have in-depth conversations with amazing women across South Africa, from corporate professionals to creatives and entrepreneurs.
We talk about their stories, the good and the bad, and the journeys that have led them to be who they are today.
Engage in the conversation on Instagram and Twitter @shebrigade -
Wat Zij Wil is de podcast voor vrouwen met een doel voor ogen. Elke week hoor je bij Wat Zij Wil het verhaal van een vrouw die alles gegeven heeft om te geraken waar ze wil. Ze delen hun grootste successen, maar ook hun dagelijkse uitdagingen en hoe ze met beide omgaan. Deze podcast gaat over eerlijke conversaties met vrouwen die jou vooruit willen helpen door hun eigen verhaal te delen. De host van deze podcast is Hanan Challouki, creatieve ondernemer en expert inclusieve communicatie.
When was the last time you took a leap of faith trusting that everything is going to work out? Do you crave growth, or are you merely content with the status quo? If you want more out of your life, out of your career, and out of your relationships, you are in the right place. It’s time for you to step into the Spotlight to expand your influence and attract the right clients. Your Host, Colleen Biggs, will expose the actions you need to take, through the experiences and interviews of our guests, so you no longer are sitting on the sidelines, but that you are finally taking an active role in defining the design of your life rather than living it by default. We will be interviewing elite leaders that will share their greatest regrets, successes, and how they did it! Week after week you will learn all about how you too can take the leap of faith, trust in yourself and stop living a life only by default.
Welkom bij Brainpickings, de podcast van #ZigZagHR voor HR professionals, leidinggevenden en ondernemers.Iedere week 'kruipt' Lesley Arens in het hoofd van haar centrale gast om inspiratie, ideeën, best & next practices te pikken waar jij meteen mee aan de slag kan in jouw organisatie of HR afdeling.
Ge kuiert. Ge stapt. Ge treuzelt. Ge versnelt. Ge rent. Ge botst.
Dit is 'Over de drempel', de podcast van GTB waarin Dominique Van Malder kuiert, stapt, soms wat treuzelt maar vooral de weg bewandelt van en met 5 mensen.
Over drempels van faalangst, van onwetendheid, van vooroordelen, maar evengoed fysieke of letterlijke drempels.
Over de drempel is een productie van GTB in samenwerking met Handelsreizigers in Ideeën, House of Media en Uitgesproken.
Met dank aan Global Estate Group om dit mee mogelijk te maken. -
BBI ‘You're On Mute’ is a new podcast series conceived by the UK’s first Black Business Institute, an organisation which aims to boost prospects for underprivileged Black entrepreneurs, by promoting equivalent access to the UK’s funding structures and essential business networks.
Our hosts June Sarpong, Bianca Miller-Cole and Lord Michael Hastings interview an incredible line-up of leaders, icons and change makers, to ascertain how they balance the importance of commercial performance versus societal impact.
In our first special episode, June speaks to Christo Brand, a man who was originally Nelson Mandela’s Jailer and later became his best friend. He provides unique insights into one of the 20th Century’s few globally celebrated social justice icons.
We will also be in conversation with a range of business leaders and icons, such as Vinod Kumar, CEO of Vodafone’s £10bn business division, Nicholas Coleridge, Chairman of the V&A, Tidjane Thiam Former CEO of Credit Suisse, singer & song writer Emili Sandé and fashion icon Paul Smith.
Covid-19 and the killing of George Floyd have emphasised society's race, class and social equality fault lines, and we’ll be touching on these issues over the course of the series. As we all know, with great power comes huge responsibility, and we look at how those in positions of influence, can use their status as a force for good.
Our time together is broken down into three sections with the guests sharing their favourite piece of music or soundtrack, representing a memorable stage of their life.
This podcast is produced by 4DC - The Podcast Strategists.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
J’aime mon métier est le premier podcast belge qui met en lumière les métiers humains et inspirants des secteurs du social et de la santé.
J’aime mon métier, c’est l’envie de mettre sous les projecteurs ces métiers essentiels et chargés de sens qui tissent notre secteur associatif au quotidien et jouent un rôle indispensable au développement de la société.
Elles et ils sont assistants sociaux, infirmiers, éducateurs, aides-soignants, sages-femmes, psychologues, ergothérapeutes, psychomotriciens, kinésithérapeutes, logopèdes, soignants à domicile, aides familiales, accueillants d’enfants, animateurs... la liste est longue.
Ils et elles font TOUS partie de notre vie, celle de notre famille ou de nos proches à un moment donné.
Nous sommes donc partis à la rencontre de ces femmes et ces hommes qui aiment leur métier, des gens résilients, engagés, passionnés, animés par cette soif de relations humaines.
Ces thématiques vous intéressent? RDV sur le site du Guide Social (
Plus d'infos sur la campagne? RDV sur le site de J'aime mon métier (
Une remarque, une suggestion, une envie de passer sur le podcast? Envoyez-nous un email à
Ce podcast a été réalisé grâce au soutien de nos partenaires: la Commission Communautaire française (COCOF), la Commission Communautaire Commune (COCOM), Iriscare et l'Agence pour le Non-Marchand.
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -