
  • - Joe Biden claims to be a black woman. (0:01)
    - Weight loss drug ozempic linked to blinding eye condition. (10:30)
    - Potential dangers of injecting with reptilian venom peptides. (14:39)
    - Weight loss drugs and their side effects, including blindness and cancer. (19:42)
    - Israeli-Hamas conflict and IDF casualties. (38:01)
    - Drone technology, drone swarm lights in the sky. (48:02)
    - Reaching high school students with Christian teachings through music and presentations. (54:09)
    - Christianity and personal testimony of Bradlee Dean. (1:04:06)
    - The state of Christianity in America, with a focus on moral compass and teaching. (1:14:27)
    - How to resist tyranny and trust in God's victory. (1:20:44)
    - God's punishment and the importance of repentance. (1:27:45)
    - Prioritizing spiritual values over material wealth. (1:45:25)
    - Faith, spirituality, and God's currency. (1:49:58)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - President Trump's profound statement on Big Pharma, Big Food and the toxins that make people sick. (0:03)
    - Causes of chronic illnesses and why Big Pharma is making us all sick. (2:29)
    - Trump's plan to investigate dangerous prescription medications and vaccine safety. (8:25)
    - Food safety, testing, and regulation. (14:58)
    - Preventing chronic degenerative disease with Vitamin D
    - Why mRNA vaccination is a criminal fraud that must be halted. (20:47)
    - Banning harmful food additives and pesticides. (25:04)
    - Implementing free market principles in healthcare using a government-paid medical debit card. (27:34)
    - Healthcare transparency and cost competition. (33:11)
    - Chlorine dioxide as an emergency medicine and agricultural tool. (39:58)
    - Politics, election rigging, and Independence Day. (45:57)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Government-funded detention camps for Americans. (0:03)
    - Political rapture theory and #censorship resistance. (3:19)
    - Vaccine compliance is high among Democrats and LGBT. (21:17)
    - Supreme Court's qualified legal immunity for US presidents. (30:25)
    - Potential war in the Middle East and false flag operation to blame #Russia. (51:34)
    - John Deere layoffs, farming, and the mass poisoning of America with pesticides. (1:01:37)
    - California's arrest of a man for eating a sandwich. (1:06:59)
    - Wave of retail store closures as Bidenomics wreaks havoc. (1:13:57)
    - US border security and immigration, treasonous actions by government officials. (1:29:54)
    - Government construction of detention facilities for dissenters. (2:04:21)
    - Potential for election interference and domestic violence by radical Leftists. (2:22:58)
    - AI replacing human jobs in various fields. (2:28:44)
    - Security threats from those illegal immigrants who are enemy combatants in the US. (2:37:08)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity and its impact on upcoming election. (0:03)
    - Biden refuses to budge, even as DNC and donors want him out. (18:48)
    - Wild food harvesting and foraging for nutrition. (34:46)
    - Micro impact plate for bone density and mobility. (44:31)
    - Cancer treatment using fenbendazole. (54:54)
    - Jeffrey Epstein files released. (1:02:35)
    - Radical Leftists call for assassinations of conservative Supreme Court justices. (1:02:35)
    - US domestic war preparations, enemies prepositioned, weapons caches established. (1:10:24)
    - Election integrity, Second Amendment rights, and selective prosecution by the regime. (1:39:33)
    - Ukraine corruption and financial fraud. (2:12:41)
    - Iowa to seize farms to build massive terraforming machines to destroy the world. (2:21:51)
    - Technology for immune support and free speech. (2:37:50)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Election fraud and censorship in the US. (3:24)
    - Joe Biden's cognitive impairment and the delusion of his supporters. (16:07)
    - NPCs in media and politics: Are they soulless or just stupid? (21:54)
    - Radical left-wing violence in France following conservative party victory. (28:24)
    - Left-wing violence will erupt when #Trump wins in November. (33:56)
    - San Francisco's LGBT community and moral decay. (45:53)
    - Orthodox Jews protest against military conscription in Israel. (54:17)
    - Potential false flag dirty bomb attack on US military base in Europe, to be blamed on Russia or Iran. (1:07:07)
    - Russia's military capabilities and the differences between Russian and Western youth. (1:12:38)
    - Potential US military targets in Russia's mind. (1:25:48)
    - Why we advocate for peace. (1:38:03)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Biden's incompetence and Democrat party's creation of a political monster. (0:00)
    - Potential assassination of Joe Biden by Democrats. (5:26)
    - Donors abandon Biden. (16:49)
    - Political corruption and election interference. (29:17)
    - Trump's business empire and brand value. (35:56)
    - US politics, surveillance, and election interference. (46:50)
    - Rigged elections and desperate, corrupt government officials. (51:55)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Joe Biden's catastrophic debate performance and elder abuse. (0:04)
    - Potential Democratic Party candidates to replace Joe Biden. (19:29)
    - US national security threats and domestic terrorism. (41:56)
    - Cyber attack on the Federal Reserve, ethics of hacking, and government cyber terrorism. (54:22)
    - Globalist plans for #depopulation through war, famine, disease, and vaccines. (1:05:18)
    - Avoiding mass extermination through critical thinking and avoiding toxic products. (1:11:56)
    - Decentralization with Mark Passio. (1:17:33)
    - True morality and the difference between right and wrong. (1:28:23)
    - Property rights, morality, and government legitimacy. (1:34:08)
    - Using technology for media creation and morality education. (2:03:46)
    - Morality, #censorship, and personal growth. (2:11:29)
    - Consciousness, power, and technology. (2:21:35)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - US-Western sanctions against China and Russia
    - Yemeni rebels' hypersonic missile capabilities and US Navy's limitations. (5:08)
    - US-Russia tensions in #Ukraine, potential for escalation. (9:52)
    - Potential Russian military actions and economic sanctions. (16:16)
    - AI language model for privacy and security, with demo. (25:48)
    - Why the Atlanticists want to provoke #Russia into a nuclear "Pearl Harbor". (59:10)
    - New high-security Linux laptop with pre-installed AI language model and privacy-focused de-Googled phones. (1:11:46)
    - Using AI to protect privacy and protect from harm caused by tech giants. (1:17:47)
    - Linux, Microsoft, and AI privacy concerns. (1:24:09)
    - Privacy-focused laptop features, including VPN, encrypted file sync, and open source Office-compatible apps. (2:08:10)
    - Using technology to enhance human freedom and decentralize power. (2:31:20)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Yemeni rap song about the Red Sea blockade.
    - AI-generated memories for criminal rehabilitation. (7:13)
    - Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump presidential debate. (17:00)
    - Firearms affordability and innovation: Palmetto State Armory and Shield Arms. (27:22)
    - Changes coming to Brighteon TV beginning July 1 - with new live streaming on Brighteon. (33:40)
    - Julian Assange's legal case, and the importance of independent media. (49:37)
    - Interview with Ivan Raiklin: Restoring republic, dismantling corruption, and nullifying tyranny. (56:50)
    - FBI actions, kidnappings, and consequences for violating constitutional principles. (1:05:38)
    - Deep state #tyranny and #censorship in the US. (1:27:17)
    - Deep state scheme to undermine the Trump administration. (1:33:31)
    - Potential RNC convention rule changes to prevent Trump nomination. (1:38:29)
    - Using state legislatures to ensure free and fair elections. (1:50:00)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Julian Assange released from prison. (0:03)
    - Potential nuclear war and its consequences. (4:04)
    - US military funding for cobalt mining in Idaho, potentially impacting farmers' water usage. (16:15)
    - Sodium ion batteries, their benefits, and Prussian Blue's role in cesium detoxification. (37:35)
    - Sodium ion batteries for off-grid energy storage. (53:36)
    - Energy storage technology and its potential impact on decentralization and off-grid living. (58:21)
    - Survival items, including #gold, silver, ammunition, miso soup, and firearms. (1:09:37)
    - Water filters for removing radioactive particles. (1:14:30)
    - Nuclear war #survival skills and #preparedness. (1:27:29)
    - Government and tech collusion, lawsuits filed. (1:45:12)
    - AI models, their capabilities, and potential dangers. (1:55:48)
    - Decentralization, #freedom, and #censorship in tech and finance. (2:08:33)
    - US naval power decline and potential impact on global currency. (2:13:01)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - US military involvement in ATACMS missile attack on Russian civilians
    - The American #Holodomor: Idaho farmers denied use of their own water wells
    - Government-engineered #famine, food supply destruction, and cocoa price increases. (4:32)
    - East Palestine, Ohio train wreck spread toxic pollution across 16 states
    - #Dioxins, biosludge, and deliberate farmland destruction. (14:27)
    - Government's potential to starve millions of Americans through engineered food scarcity. (19:50)
    - US/NATO attack on Russia, potential for WW3. (43:34)
    - Why the US keeps provoking nuclear war with Russia. (48:04)
    - Interview with Roger Stone: Advocating for a free and fair election in 2024. (1:01:11)
    - Election integrity and media bias. (1:02:54)
    - #Censorship and silencing conservative voices. (1:09:06)
    - Trump's legal challenges and the potential for a rigged justice system. (1:14:27)
    - Trump debate strategy. (1:20:10)
    - US politics, economy, and potential Black Swan events impacting the election. (1:25:59)
    - US-Iran relations, Biden administration, and Middle East peace. (1:46:20)
    - Trump's election strategy and Muslim American vote. (1:51:03)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - #Israel poised to launch a new war with #Lebanon
    - How #Iran and #Russia get drawn into the conflict. (10:44)
    - Implications for oil prices, currency, and global trade. (15:18)
    - Potential world war and personal preparedness. (19:57)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Futurism, advanced technology, and nattokinase. (0:00)
    - Nattokinase enzyme and its potency measurement in fibrinolytic units. (3:11)
    - Nattokinase is a fermented soy product with thrombolytic activity. (8:34)
    - Bank debt failure in Japan and the fire sale of US Treasuries. (19:27)
    - Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Netanyahu's relationship with Biden, and how #Hamas defeated the IDF. (47:29)
    - #Israel to pivot North and attack #Hezbollah, risking its own destruction. (1:17:32)
    - Futurism and creating a positive future for humanity. (1:46:23)
    - Cosmic energy waves affecting DNA and human evolution. (1:49:35)
    - Global awakening, consciousness, and potential future events. (1:54:35)
    - Humanity's evolution and potential survival despite destructive tendencies. (2:02:35)
    - The value of humanity and life on Earth from a cosmic perspective. (2:18:52)
    - UFOs, disclosure, and contact with ETs. (2:40:15)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Ecuador's nationwide power grid failure. (0:03)
    - 911 state-wide failure in Massachusetts. (1:38)
    - US theft of Russian assets and bizarre justification by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. (13:01)
    - New gold-backed currency system #BRICS for international settlements. (23:14)
    - Potential conflict between #Israel and #Hezbollah, with escalation involving #Iran. (51:27)
    - US Navy weakness becoming obvious to everyone. (59:45)
    - Geopolitics, global warfare, and peace talks, featuring Andrei Martyanov. (1:07:23)
    - Health products, animal shelters, and #ivermectin donation.
    - Geopolitical implications of naval power projection and chokepoints in shipping lanes. (1:45:23)
    - Russia's military capabilities and failed NATO leaders. (1:50:12)
    - Financial collapse, war, and leadership ineptitude. (1:55:42)
    - #Ukraine is a failed state. (2:24:50)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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    - FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53)
    - Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital.
    - Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46)
    - Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58)
    - Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49)
    - USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07)
    - Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33)
    - Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59)
    - Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05)
    - Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37)
    - 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34)
    - AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Malaysia to join #BRICS. (0:03)
    - The Straight of Mallac, trade routes, and decline of the US empire. (2:14)
    - US Navy's limited capabilities in the Pacific compared to China's vast shipyard and naval power. (19:35)
    - #Dollar collapse and potential retaliation by #Russia. (25:06)
    - Timeline of collapse for world reserve currencies. (43:03)
    - US military failures in Yemen and historical parallels. (54:32)
    - Collapse of the US dollar and the rise of alternative currencies. (1:29:08)
    - Lawsuit against government for #censorship by proxy. (1:34:26)
    - Government collusion with big tech to censor speech. (1:37:55)
    - #Depopulation agenda through psychological warfare and manipulation of information. (2:02:26)
    - Decentralized technology and its potential to disrupt centralized systems. (2:14:04)
    - Fighting against big tech companies and preserving freedom of speech. (2:19:05)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - "Swiss piss" peace negotiations without involving Russia.
    - Yemen's military sinks two cargo vessels during Red Sea blockade. (9:51)
    - Nazi philosophy, Ukraine conflict, #Gaza and #Israel. (20:29)
    - Trump's campaign promises to end LGBT indoctrination of children in schools. (26:15)
    - Potential mass arrests of government officials for complicity in terrorism and treason. (30:52)
    - Nuclear escalation and its devastating consequences. (41:16)
    - Hemp farming and the importance of natural healing methods. (57:04)
    - CBD products, CBD-A and product safety. (1:04:10)
    - Growing hemp, holistic medicine, and health support. (1:25:05)
    - Cannabis plant potency and extraction methods. (1:33:10)
    - Lab testing and certification in the hemp industry. (1:43:36)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - US politics, globalism, and exceptionalism. (0:00)
    - US military draft, NDAA funding, and nuclear war preparations with Russia and China. (1:52)
    - US military expansion, technology advancements, and geopolitical tensions. (7:49)
    - Western exceptionalism and aggression, Putin's critique of US actions. (14:09)
    - Western economic and cultural influence, with focus on Ukraine and Russia. (19:11)
    - US dollar's decline and potential collapse, with insights from Putin's speech. (24:37)
    - Potential war between Russia and the US, with a focus on false flag operations. (30:41)
    - Potential US government control during war, including food and transportation restrictions. (36:14)
    - Potential false flag event to stop election. (41:46)
    - Potential war and its impact on food supply. (46:17)
    - Potential nuclear war and preparation for worst-case scenario. (52:27)
    - Food supply, survival gear, and political uncertainty. (57:38)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - AI and its potential dangers, weaponization by the NSA
    - AGI by 2027 and the rise of superintelligence. (12:05)
    - US military's use of weapons, #AI, and #depopulation agendas. (24:07)
    - AI's potential to harm humanity through government control and depopulation efforts. (34:54)
    - Open source: Decentralizing AI development for societal safety. (39:58)
    - Saudi Arabia REJECTS the petro dollar: The end of dollar dominance. (54:36)
    - US-Saudi relations, #Iran, #Israel, and the US Navy's declining dominance. (59:56)
    - The potential collapse of the US #dollar and the benefits of investing in #gold and #silver. (1:10:21)
    - The movie "Plandemic: The Musical" and its premiere. (1:37:20)
    - Creativity, trust, and purity in the entertainment industry. (1:41:55)
    - Prioritizing family values over career ambition in Hollywood. (1:47:56)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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  • - Chinese drone technology, including search and rescue and kamikaze drones.
    - Military capabilities and population vs. GDP. (2:35)
    - US dependence on foreign supply chains and naval power. (9:33)
    - Geopolitical tensions between US and #Russia, covering #Ukraine and economic sanctions. (30:29)
    - The decline of America, including societal changes and economic challenges. (40:38)
    - Pagpag recycled food in the Philippines, scavenging and selling leftover meat. (59:54)
    - Selling edible insects in grocery stores.
    - #Cannibalism and #depopulation in America. (1:12:20)
    - AI, UFOs, and the war on truth with film director Chris Berg. (1:35:25)
    - FBI investigation and government #tyranny. (1:43:16)
    - Government lies about January 6th events. (1:52:28)
    - Stolen elections, dehumanization, and FBI tactics. (1:55:55)
    - Chinese military infiltration in the US, human #trafficking, and border security. (2:05:12)
    - Fifth generation warfare and its impact on the US military and society. (2:13:16)

    For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

    NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

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