
  • #325 In this podcast episode, Guy interviewed Rob Wergin, a divine conduit known for his healing work. Rob shared his extraordinary journey from experiencing divine encounters on a Southern California beach to becoming a renowned healer. He discussed his background, the importance of faith and belief, and how he connects with divine energy to heal others. Throughout the conversation, Rob provided insights into the power of thought, the significance of gratitude, and the universal potential for healing. They also touched upon themes of ancestral healing, the transformative energy of the current times, and Rob's upcoming retreats. Listeners are encouraged to delve into the episode for a profound exploration of spiritual healing and its impact on one's life.

    About Rob: Rob Wergin, a remarkable individual gifted with extraordinary abilities that transcend the ordinary. Rob serves as a Clear and Sacred Instrument of Divine Healing Light, an exquisite energy of profound transformation. From the moment you encounter him, you’ll find solace and comfort, as he deftly guides you through the process of releasing pain, disease, addictions, and more.

    He has served as a chosen Instrument of Divine Healing Light, embodying a boundless flow of divine energy and sacred whispers from above. Surrendering to this higher calling, Rob acts as a catalyst for profound emotional and physical well-being.

    Having touched the lives of over 350,000 individuals across the globe, Rob’s unique gift of connecting souls to the energy of the Divine opens the pathway for transformation. His work as a Divine Instrument for these extraordinary energies has facilitated countless physical, mental, and spiritual metamorphoses.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - ENERGY HEALER Explains Why DIVINE ENERGY Holds Key to Complete Spiritual Transformation (00:47) - Introducing Rob Wergin: A Journey of Wonder and Awe (01:34) - Retreat Reflections and Upcoming Events (02:56) - Rob's Early Life and Spiritual Awakening (04:40) - Understanding Divine Energy and Healing (11:11) - A Life-Altering Journey to Sedona (33:14) - A Stroke of Determination (34:36) - The Power of Belief and Healing (35:55) - Mind Over Matter: The Role of Thoughts (37:42) - The Journey of Healing and Faith (41:09) - The Energy of Healing (56:38) - Gratitude and the Power of Positivity

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  • #324 In this episode, Guy reconnects with Dr. Bradley Nelson, bestselling author of 'The Emotion Code,' to discuss the transformative potential of energy medicine. They delved into Einstein's prediction that the medicine of the future will be based on frequencies, the true energetic nature of our bodies, and the importance of addressing emotional baggage for healing.

    Dr. Nelson shared insights from his extensive experience in energy healing, the effectiveness of methods like muscle testing, and the groundbreaking work outlined in his books, including 'The Body Code' and 'The Belief Code.' Listeners are encouraged to explore the healing language of the subconscious mind as Dr. Nelson gears up for events in Australia, emphasizing that each person has the capacity to heal themselves and others.

    About Dr. Bradley: Bradley Nelson is the developer of the most advanced form of energy medicine on the planet. A holistic Chiropractic Physician and Medical Intuitive, Dr. Nelson is one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. Dr. Nelson has trained thousands of healing practitioners worldwide in how to identify and release trapped emotions that harm physical and mental health and relationships.

    His bestselling book, “The Emotion Code”, is helping people all over the world to improve their lives by ridding themselves of their imbalanced emotional baggage. Users of The Emotion Code technique have found freedom from emotional problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical problems including fatigue, pain and disease. A key element of The Emotion Code is removing emotional baggage that has clustered around the heart, interfering with ones ability to find love and success. Dr. Nelson has coined this cluster of emotions, the “Heart-Wall,” and it has been called “the most important discovery in the history of energy medicine.”

    Dr. Nelson graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West, in San Lorenzo, California in 1988. As a practicing holistic physician, Dr. Nelson specialized in helping those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, and successfully treated patients from across the United States and Canada until his retirement from active practice in 2004. For the past 24 years, Dr. Nelson has lectured internationally on the healing of chronic and incurable diseases through energy work and restoring balance to the 6 key elements of health in the body. In 2009 he channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as, “The Body Code” system, which teaches students how to balance the body in these 6 key areas. The Body Code is being used successfully by doctors and laypeople alike to improve the health of thousands of people all over the world.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Dr REVEALS How Quantum Physics Proves You Can Heal Yourself (00:51) - Welcoming Dr. Bradley Nelson (01:48) - Upcoming Events and Retreats (02:09) - Dr. Bradley Nelson's Journey and Mission (03:34) - Understanding Energy Medicine (07:18) - The Emotion Code and Body Code (08:55) - The Evolution of Energy Medicine (13:52) - The Role of Emotional Baggage (16:28) - Spiritual Insights and Life Lessons (25:29) - Releasing Emotional Baggage (26:12) - Personal Experiences with Energy and Healing (29:04) - The Divine Connection and Personal Growth (31:11) - A Powerful Experience of Homesickness (33:42) - A Life-Changing Experience at 15 (37:14) - The Role of Unconditional Love in Healing (43:07) - Understanding the Subconscious Mind (49:53) - Final Thoughts and Upcoming Events

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  • #323 In this enlightening podcast episode, Guy talked with Robin Jelinek, a trans-channeler who channels Athena in Truth. They dived deep into spiritual awakening, self-love, and navigating life's experiences. Robin shared her journey of transitioning from a traditional life to embracing her role as a spiritual channeler, discussing her Kundalini awakening, chakra work, and the significance of self-acceptance. The episode also explored the concept of moving into a fifth-dimensional consciousness and how one can create a more joyful, fulfilling life. Listeners are invited to connect, share their thoughts, and explore further offerings from Robin.

    About Robin: For over 40 years, Robin has been pursuing a greater meaning in life. She studied metaphysics and spirituality in great depth trying to find something, especially after her kids had grown up and moved out of the house. About 20 years ago she experienced a kundalini awakening that is a very rare, almost out of body experience. It’s an experience that people have supposedly spent entire lifetimes to achieve. It was about this time that the group came knocking at Robin’s door, but it took another 20 years for her to realise it.

    Robin has dedicated her life in service to others. If you know her, you know of her selflessness and she has probably helped you in some way. It is the exact reason the group has chosen Robin (in addition to her nonstop energy). Her willingness to give herself and lift those up around her was a perfect match to what the group has come to achieve. They knew she would work tirelessly and her energy was a perfect match for them.

    Robin was first a wife, then a mother, and now she’s a channeler. She doesn’t view herself as being gifted or higher because information flows through her. She’s simply a vessel for the truth. Sure, she spent countless hours studying and researching, which was a big reason this was brought to her, but she has completely removed herself from the delivery and outcome. Her true gift is her willingness to help anyone who needs the help.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Channel Reveals WHY Our Reality is Shifting Forever (00:43) - Meet the Guest: Robin Jelinek (01:21) - Discussion on Channeling and Consciousness (02:17) - Robin's Personal Journey and Challenges (06:53) - Understanding Transchanneling and Telepathy (10:27) - Kundalini Awakening and Energy Centers (19:15) - Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul (27:33) - Evaluating Material Desires (28:09) - The Importance of Joy and Laughter (30:09) - Kundalini Rising Experience (32:57) - Channeling and Spiritual Communication (41:10) - Messages from Higher Beings (50:32) - Empowerment and Personal Universe (54:45) - Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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  • #322 In this podcast episode, Guy welcomes Jason Shurka to discuss the fascinating potential of the Energy Enhancement System, a technology that uses coherent fields of energy to aid in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. Jason shares personal anecdotes and scientific explanations on how the system works by leveraging scalar energy and biophotonic light to create a coherent field that enhances the body's natural healing processes. The episode also touches on Jason's journey from a career in real estate to promoting holistic health technologies and his experiences with the growth and impact of the Energy Enhancement System globally. Listeners are encouraged to adopt a holistic approach to health, including better lifestyle choices and self-awareness practices. Jason's new book, 'The Revolution of Healing', is also highlighted, which delves deeper into the science and practical applications of such healing technologies.

    About Jason: Jason Shurka was born into a business and real estate family. After a dark night of the soul that concluded in 23 shoulder dislocations, 3 surgeries, almost needing a mechanical shoulder, and nearly having his leg amputated, he rose from the ashes and made a significant life change by following the Fundamental Laws of Creation. He has dedicated his mission to UNIFYING and awakening humanity to higher truth. The truth that is within us all!

    Jason is now a world renowned Author of five books - all of which are available here on his website, a Producer, Entrepreneur, Visionary, Leader, Truth-Seeker, and the Founder of UNIFYD TV and UNIFYD Healing. UNIFYD World Inc. is responsible for helping wake up millions around the world to their true power through conscious media and leading-edge technologies that promote health and wellness. You can see Jason featured on many news outlets, including NBC, Washington Times, The Daily Journal, USA Today, Yahoo Finance, MSN, and many others spreading his message that educates, elevates, and inspires far and wide.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - How Coherent Fields are Paving the Way for Human Evolution! (00:59) - Meet Jason Shurka: A Journey of Purpose (01:18) - The Energy Enhancement System: A New Frontier in Healing (02:16) - Jason's Personal Story and Mission (06:15) - Challenges and Triumphs in Jason's Path (07:42) - Discovering the Energy Enhancement System (14:06) - Understanding Scalar Energy and Its Impact (23:01) - Introduction to the Presentation (23:30) - Understanding Energy, Frequency, and Vibration (24:07) - The Three Pillars of Reality (27:22) - The EE System Explained (29:39) - The Role of Light and Color Therapy (32:36) - Personal Experiences and Testimonials (41:34) - Practical Advice for Holistic Health (44:03) - Upcoming Book and Final Thoughts

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  • #321 In this podcast episode, Guy talked with Darius J. Wright, who shared insights on these topics including the creation and structure of the universe, realms, and the heavens. The discussion centers on profound spiritual themes such as the awakening of the soul, the nature of reality, and out-of-body experiences (OBE). They discussed the historical and biblical recognition of these constructs. Darius talked about his personal journey, his ability to control OBEs, and the process involved. They delved into concepts like the body's limitations, the role of memories, and accessing deeper layers of existence. Darius also explained the importance of seeing the truth for oneself and how these experiences can dissolve fear and expand one's consciousness. The conversation highlights the significance of practical experiences and encourages viewers to explore these deeper spiritual elements themselves.

    About Darius: Darius J Wright is a prolific OBE (Out-of-Body Experience) explorer, respected teacher, and philosopher dedicated to unraveling the truth of the unseen realms and the other side through the out-of-body state. His profound insights into the nature of reality, coupled with transformative experiences, have positioned him as a leading figure in the exploration of consciousness. Darius explores the nature of our reality and continues to map out the intricacies of both our existence and the other side through the out-of-body state. He is on a mission to show people that THE OTHER SIDE CAN BE ACCESSED AT WILL, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

    His experience demonstrates, along with testimonials from those studying his method, that an OBE is a controlled NDE (Near-Death Experience), where individuals can consciously navigate the realms beyond the physical. Central to his mission is the “Great Work,” aimed at waking people up to the other side. Darius believes that as individuals awaken to the eternal aspects of who they are, they simultaneously awaken to everything.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Unveiling the Realms & Wisdom of the Ancients! (00:53) - Welcome to the Podcast (02:36) - Introducing Darius J. Wright (02:51) - The Nature of Organic Conversations (04:06) - Exploring Out of Body Experiences (09:14) - The Awakening Process (19:41) - The Construct of Reality (26:31) - Accessing Dimensional Spaces (27:21) - Scientific Experiments and Testimonials (27:56) - Battling Dimensional Fears (29:13) - Exploring Hidden Realms (31:25) - Understanding the Construct (34:49) - The True Nature of Space (46:09) - Guides and Spiritual Journeys (49:37) - Ancient Technologies and Frequencies (51:21) - Concluding Thoughts and Resources

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  • #320 In this episode, Guy welcomed back RJ Spina for an in-depth discussion on the fascinating topics of consciousness, ascended masters, and the true nature of reality. They explored the concept of ascended masters, their origins, and their roles in humanity's evolution. RJ shedded light on his direct experiences and knowledge about these exalted beings, drawing connections to historical and spiritual contexts. The conversation also delved into Archangels, the broader mechanics of existence, and the evolutionary pressure that propels human consciousness forward. RJ shared insights from his new book, 'Access SuperConsciousness,' which includes timeless teachings and accompanying meditations to aid in personal and collective spiritual development. The episode encourages listeners to engage with these profound teachings and explore their own inner journeys.

    About RJ: RJ Spina is a true leader and metaphysical teacher, and the world has never needed one so desperately. He has verifiably healed himself of permanent chest-down paralysis, severe chronic illness, and life-threatening conditions through his own authentic transcendence. His teachings, wisdom, guidance, and revolutionary self-healing and self-realization technique has already completely changed and saved the lives of many across the globe. He has dedicated his life to the freeing and healing of humanity on all levels.

    RJ currently lives in Canandaigua, NY with his partner and their Jack Russell/Chihuahua Sophia. He is the founder and President of the non-profit, Human Advancement Through Higher Consciousness and the author of the best-selling book Supercharged Self-Healing and the upcoming book Change Your Mind (August 2023 Llewellyn Worldwide and Blackstone Audible Publishing). He teaches revolutionary self-healing and self-realization courses, performs energy healings and counsels’ people worldwide.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Responding to Pressure (00:43) - Welcome and Episode Overview (00:49) - Guest Introduction: RJ Spina (01:03) - Exploring Ascended Masters (01:53) - Retreat Announcements and Community Engagement (02:40) - Diving into Ascended Masters (03:30) - Understanding the Role of Ascended Masters (04:28) - The Nature of Multiversal Structures (10:57) - Personal Experiences and Higher Consciousness (17:52) - Working with Ascended Masters (26:20) - Direct Experiences and Self-Realization (32:07) - The Pathway of Meditation (34:54) - Understanding Archangels and Angels (37:39) - The Nature of Reality and Sentience (42:44) - Evolutionary Tension and Consciousness (47:28) - The Cycles of Consciousness (50:32) - Introducing the New Book (54:35) - Conclusion and Farewell

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  • #319 In this episode, Guy engaged in a profound conversation with Jacque Nelson, a channeler for The Mary Group. They discussed the importance of self-preservation, not as a form of fear, but as a way of valuing oneself. The conversation explores themes of love, self-awareness, and overcoming fear. Jacque shared her personal journey of becoming a channel and the powerful messages from The Mary's, emphasizing the difference between union and separation energies, and the significance of embracing one's true essence. The discussion included practical advice on how to foster self-compassion and connect more deeply with one's inner self and the world around. Jacque also touched on helping men embrace vulnerability and love. The episode is described as a beautiful, organic conversation that offers valuable insights for personal and collective healing.

    About Jacque: Jacque Nelson, she leads a vibrant community, reaching hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Their community engages via international workshops, travel retreats, individual sessions, and media interactions offering partnership for navigating daily life offered with clarity, empowerment, and love. Jacque and her husband Don’s acclaimed live events, held around the globe, are adventures into the deepest layers of who we truly are and how each of us love and live inward and outward with all of humanity.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Channeler Predicts Necessary GLOBAL SHIFTS (01:00) - Introduction to the Podcast (02:24) - Meet Jacque Nelson (02:46) - The Journey of Channeling (07:05) - Experiencing Channeling (27:53) - The Concept of Love (30:40) - Exploring the Intersection of Physical and Nonphysical Realms (31:18) - Understanding Love and Wellbeing (32:15) - Challenges of Expressing Love for Men (33:16) - The Divine Feminine and Masculine (34:37) - Messages from the Marys (35:03) - The Power of Vulnerability (35:53) - Fearful Loving vs. Courageous Loving (38:58) - Acknowledgement and Self-Preservation (41:27) - Union and Separation Energies (45:58) - Choosing Love and Wellbeing (57:01) - Final Thoughts and Encouragement

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  • #318 In this episode of the 'Let It In' podcast, Guy Lawrence engages in a profound discussion with Jonathan Hammond, an expert in shamanic practices and energy healing. They explore the critical connection between personal healing and nature, the transformative power of faith, and the urgency of breaking free from societal illusions. Jonathan shares deep insights into how modern spirituality often falls short and highlights ancient wisdom that can guide us back to our true selves. The conversation also addresses ecological awareness, the importance of collective consciousness, and practical steps for personal and planetary healing. This episode emphasizes the necessity of reconnecting with nature, healing ourselves, and understanding the broader cosmology that connects us all.

    About Jonathan: Jonathan Hammond is an author, teacher, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor.

    A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Michigan, Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui, and Karuna Reiki, and is the Advanced Graduate Studies Advisor for Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. He teaches classes in shamanism, spirituality, energy healing, and Huna at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Penn State University, One Spirit Learning Alliance, and Glidewing Online Courses.

    Jonathan has training and certifications in Cherokee Bodywork, Huna and Ho‘oponopono, and he is an ordained Alakai (leader or guide) through Aloha International. He has completed all core curriculum through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, he has been initiated through the Minoan Fellowship in Wicca, and he has completed intensive training in the therapeutic facilitation of psychedelics with Inward Bound, Ireland.

    In addition to his background in energy medicine, Jonathan completed four years of training in Inter-Spirituality at One Spirit Learning Alliance and is an ordination as an interfaith minister, and certifiied inter-spiritual counselor.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Shaman Says We MUST Reject Cultural Norms & Embrace Nature's Lessons (00:54) - Guest Introduction: Jonathan Hammond (01:11) - The Power of Nature and Personal Healing (02:33) - Reconnecting with Nature and Spirituality (03:07) - Understanding Human Disconnection (04:55) - Healing and Personal Growth (09:12) - Cultural Influence and Personal Awakening (18:42) - The Role of Personal Healing in Collective Well-being (22:37) - Creating Pockets of Sanity (23:14) - Defining Moments and Indigenous Wisdom (29:04) - The Essence of Shamanic Journey (29:53) - Imagination and Connection with Nature (30:35) - Animistic Orientation and Modern Disconnect (33:35) - The Concept of 5D Reality (42:02) - Healing and Becoming Healers (44:04) - Transition from Acting to Healing (48:35) - Embracing Faith and Courage (50:51) - Final Thoughts and Resources

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  • #317 After the success of their first podcast interview together, Guy welcomed back Jim Self. They dived deep into the concepts of 5D consciousness, light body activation, and the mechanics of spirituality. Discover the exciting transformations happening in our world and how understanding the mechanics of our thoughts and emotions can lead to a significant spiritual awakening. Jim explained the importance of moving beyond old stories and societal conditioning to access higher levels of awareness and joy. This episode offers insights into the changes in chakras, the integration of the light body, and how embracing our true selves can lead to a new golden age.

    About Jim: Jim Self is an individual who walks with a foot in two worlds. He holds technology patents, is the founder of Biomed Diagnostics Corporation, has served as a two-term, elected official and Vice Mayor of San Jose, California and was appointed by the President of the United States to be the Director of Intergovernmental Operations for the United States Department of Energy.

    Jim is an intuitive clairvoyant teacher, and an international speaker and author. He is the Co-founder of Mastering Alchemy with Roxane Burnett. Mastering Alchemy offers tools, enhanced energetics skills and the ability to remember how to step out the third-dimensional game board and into the fifth-dimensional experience of wellbeing.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - A DEEP DIVE into Awakening & Ascension. (00:28) - Welcoming Jim Self (00:30) - Exploring 5D Consciousness (03:07) - The Mechanics of Spirituality (04:13) - Living Someone Else's Story (08:33) - The Power of Thoughts and Emotions (13:10) - The Law of Attraction (23:46) - Dealing with Past Emotions (26:34) - Choosing Your Emotional State (27:28) - Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs (28:46) - The Power of Present Time (34:14) - Understanding the Light Body (36:59) - The Role of Higher Self and Ascension (49:23) - The Mechanics of Chakras and DNA (54:41) - The Balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies (56:16) - Conclusion and Resources

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  • #316 In this episode, Guy talked with Angie Chek. She shared her journey from winning a fitness transformation contest to embracing her spiritual gifts and becoming a shamanic practitioner. She discussed the importance of belief in oneself and the cultivation of spirituality. Angie explained the concept of soul retrieval and how past life experiences can impact our current lives. She emphasized the need for a healthy body and lifestyle as a foundation for spiritual growth.

    Angie also explored the idea of soul contracts and the purpose of the soul's journey in experiencing and learning. In this conversation, Angie Chek shared her experiences with death and dying, as well as her ability to communicate with spirits. She recounted witnessing the presence of apparitions and the comforting knowledge that loved ones show up at the time of death to help with the transition. Angie also discussed her work with biogeometry, a science based on ancient Egyptian techniques that aims to balance and harmonize energy in the body and environment. She emphasized the importance of finding the gift in every experience and recognizing that everything happens for a reason.

    About Angie: Angie's World started when president, Angie Chek, found herself out of shape and pre-diabetic when she graduated from college. Frustrated and unhappy, she decided to switch careers from research and development on dog food to one that focused more on human food and health. She began working at a health food store and hired a personal trainer to get herself back in shape. She entered and won the Muscletech transformation contest in 2000 from a pool of 30,000 participants. She then obtained her personal trainer certification and went back to college to become a Certified Nutritionist.

    Angie's World was born out of Angie's desire to help others change their dangerous paths of chronic disease and unhealthy/unhappy bodies. She started Angie's World in 2001 and incorporated in 2006. Angie's World was a Center Of Excellence for the TLC Program. Angie and her staff utilized state of the art technology, medically proven nutritional protocols, and lifestyle counseling to help clients achieve a healthy balance and manage successful aging.

    Angie now has a private coaching business and teaches for the Chekinstitute.com. She runs workshops with her husband at their 14 acre property in San Diego county.

    Angie is a visionary and utilizing her media access and her current publication "BODY BY ANGIE, Is Your Body Bankrupt? Learn to Invest in Yourself” is helping to change the profiles of Americans one body at a time! (Available at Angie's World and Amazon.com. Spend less. Smile more.) She is currently writing her second book on her life experiences and stories that led her to explore shamanism, energy medicine, and alternative healing protocols.

    Angie is available for one on one sessions, group programs, and corporate presentations. Angie is a professional public speaker and is known for her ability to inspire and motivate others.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Why Soul Retrieval is a Critical Part of Spiritual Healing! (05:52) - Belief and self-empowerment. (09:44) - Mystery school and spiritual growth. (11:24) - Shamanic practices and humility. (13:29) - Soul loss and shamanic healing. (17:23) - Soul residing in every cell. (22:55) - Past Life Experiences. (26:56) - Past life birthmarks and scars. (29:23) - Past life impacts on present. (31:43) - Multiple experiences within the soul. (36:32) - Near-death experiences and loved ones. (37:46) - The battle between body and soul. (41:15) - Seeing spirits and predicting death. (44:46) - Ghostly Encounter. (47:23) - Developing intuitive senses. (52:46-52:56) - Remote work and biogeometry. (55:35) - Biogeometry and healing emitters. (58:24) - Biogeometry and energy healing. (01:00:47) - Finding purpose in life.

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  • About Vinney: At the age of 25, Vincent Tolman was found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant. He had been dead for over half an hour. He was later revived out of a bodybag, and he awoke 3 days later from a coma. He will share his beautiful experiences and what he learned about life while he was gone.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Dead 45 MInutes & Journeyed Through Afterlife. (05:39) - Bringing love energy into the world. (09:40) - Toxic bodybuilding supplement usage. (14:05) - A life review. (16:30) - Feeling more alive outside the body. (22:42) - Climbing the love ladder. (25:12) - Release all prejudice. (28:19) - Real place with glowing creations. (33:02) - Claustrophobia and soul's size. (37:30) - Recognizing a spirit guide. (39:18) - The realm of light. (44:08) - Struggling with Authenticity. (48:15) - Love and vulnerability. (52:31) - Recognize your divine worth. (55:11) - Light workers and higher consciousness.

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  • #315 In this episode, Guy welcomes Katherine Anderson, who shares her incredible journey of overcoming a severe neck injury that doctors said would leave her paralyzed. Katherine talks about the power of mindset, visualization, and spiritual practices in her healing process. She details her process of reconnecting with her body and the transformative experience of revisiting Bali, the site of her life-altering accident. Katherine emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself, the transformative power of retreats, and her current work with OneQuest to help others unlock their infinite potential.

    About Katherine: Katherine Anderson is a wellness adventurer and entrepreneur with a passion for empowering others to achieve their fullest potential.

    At 21, Katherine founded an Advertising Agency, igniting her passion for storytelling and innovation. Since then, she has honed her skills as a Digital Marketer, renowned for her visionary approach and critical thinking. Her boundless energy and enthusiasm has paved the way for her trailblazing success online.

    To overcome personal challenges, Katherine embraced a holistic approach to self-care. She has cultivated daily mindfulness practices through breathwork, meditation and yoga, embraced gratitude and heart-centered living, and faces challenges with courage and determination.

    OneQuest is a manifestation of Katherine's profound empathy and unwavering commitment to support and inspire others on their path to self-discovery and personal growth. Through OneQuest, she has created a safe space for questers to tap into their innate power and potential, and live a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfilment.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - How Faith & Visualisation Healed Her Body and Spirit. (00:49) - Introduction to Katherine Anderson (02:28) - Katherine's Podcast Journey (04:25) - The Bali Retreat Experience (05:23) - Teenage Struggles and Scoliosis (08:28) - The Diving Accident (09:51) - The Road to Recovery (16:17) - The Power of Visualization and Healing (25:36) - Life-Altering Experience (26:06) - Rediscovering Purpose and Identity (27:30) - Spiritual Inquiry and Family Life (28:42) - Challenges and Self-Reflection (29:28) - Meditation and Mindfulness (31:28) - The Journey to Reconnect with the Body (41:05) - Breathwork and Healing (44:46) - Returning to Bali (49:12) - Impact on Family and Community (52:54) - The Power of Retreats (55:14) - Final Thoughts and Contact Information

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  • Christopher Dean, a participant from their five-night retreat in January 2023 with Live In Flow. Christopher shared his life experiences, his spiritual quest, and how he lives his life these days. Christopher explained his various courses and how he uses meditation in daily life, emphasizing the importance of self-development. He also talked about how he and his wife are spending their inheritance.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Unlock your potential. (07:06) - Life is fleeting, enjoy it. (17:01) - Fear nothing; embrace life. (23:38) - Do good for humanity. (27:08) - Trust your intuition. (37:06) - Explore consciousness to manifest. (45:59) - Create community through affection. (50:05) - Feminine power brings connection. (57:59) - Gaia is coming alive. (58:40) - Humans are stewards of Gaia. (1:07:20) - Choose joy, not fear.

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  • #314 In this episode, Guy welcomed back Jeremiah Posposil. He shared his journey of three near-death experiences and how they transformed his life. He emphasized the importance of living with purpose and preparing for death. He discussed the loss of identity and the need to align with our true selves. Jeremiah also explored the power of perception, intuition, and accessing our hidden abilities. He highlighted the significance of information and the role it plays in raising our frequency. Jeremiah's story is a reminder to live life fully and embrace our spiritual nature. After his near-death experience, Guy realized that every part of his identity had to be destroyed in order to understand who he truly was. He discovered that he is love and the walking manifestation of creation. This realization led him to understand the power of words and actions, and how they can bring life or death to others. Guy believes that those who have gone through the hardest experiences in life are the real leaders who can affect change in the world. He emphasized the importance of loving oneself and the body, as well as loving and connecting with others.

    About Jeremiah: Jeremiah Pospisil experienced a near-death experience (NDE) that shifted his perspective on life, love, and happiness. Prior to the NDE, he was dealing with depression, anxiety and had been through multiple failed relationships. The NDE occurred when he was in the lowest point of his life, dealing with chronic pain and drinking one night, while riding his motorcycle on the freeway with no helmet. After the NDE, he had to question where he got his love, happiness and sense of reality from, and ultimately realized he had been trying to be someone he wasn't, instead of being true to himself.

    Jeremiah was riding a motorbike at around 70 mph when they crashed and flipped in the air, thinking that this was the end of their life. They had been dealing with depression for a long time and weren't actively trying to commit suicide but weren't taking care of themselves either. When the crash happened, they entered a dark void with vibrant lights that created a tunnel. The lights changed colors and the experience was beautiful, but Jeremiah was not in pain. Guy asked if Jeremiah was on a mission to kill themselves that night, to which Jeremiah replied that they didn't care and weren't actively trying to commit suicide, but weren't showing respect to themselves either.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Insights from Spiritual Beings About Life’s True Meaning. (19:02) - Finding Alignment and Rediscovering Identity (22:19) - The Power of Perception and Intuition (29:53) - Accessing Hidden Abilities and Raising Frequency (32:45) - The Role of Information in Expanding Understanding (34:40) - Discovering the Power of Love and Creation (35:09) - The Impact of Words and Actions (36:07) - The Importance of Self-Love and Connection (37:35) - Finding Compassion and Changing Lives (46:19) - Choosing to Create Life and Love

    How to Contact Jeremiah Pospisil:
    Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/jeremiah.pospisil.5/

    Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiah_pospisil/

    Email: [email protected]

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  • #313 In this episode, Guy welcomed back Pete Smith for a fascinating conversation on consciousness, quantum reality, and the global awakening. They discussed systemic changes, healing, rewriting the past, and exploring human potential. The episode offers a glimpse into the future of humanity and invites listeners to join them for a retreat in Australia or online mentoring sessions. Tune in for a deep dive into transformative topics with insightful perspectives.

    About Peter: Pete is the founder of the Institute for Quantum Consciousness, an organisation designed to blend key aspects of quantum physics with spirituality. He has trained an international network of facilitators to take clients on journeys into alternate realities and other dimensions in the quantum field to heal, explore and bring life-changing insights. He has been a leader at the Michael Newton Institute for almost 20 years and is regarded as an expert in the Life Between Lives phenomenon. Pete has published two books 'Quantum Consciousness - Journeys through other realms' and most recently 'The Transcendence of Celeste Kelly' - a novelisation of a lifetime of consciousness research.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - RISE Above Old Systems & Embrace New Paradigms! (03:45) - Consciousness and quantum science. (08:55) - An awakening of humanity. (12:06) - Thinking outside the box. (19:40) - Journey to expanding consciousness. (22:40) - Soul's journey and fulfillment. (29:23) - Cooperation and self-sustainability. (33:32) - Evolution of consciousness. (36:38) - Humanity's Potential (42:45) - Empaths shaping humanity. (44:18) - Pre-birth consciousness exploration. (49:18) - Quantum entanglement with ancestors. (52:22) - Ancestral history and healing. (58:11) - Proximity as a power. (59:33) - Learning from clients for 20 years.

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  • #312 In this episode, Guy introduced Dannion Brinkley, a guest who has died nearly four times and shared his experiences of near-death and life reviews. They discussed Dannion's future predictions that have come true, including insights into the future of humanity. The conversation delves into topics like fear and governance, offering a fascinating exploration of life and beyond. Join the discussion and share your thoughts on the episode!

    About Dannion: Dannion Brinkley is a NY Times author of the international best-selling book series, Saved by the Light, At Peace in the Light and Secrets of the Light. Saved by the Light has been translated into 30 different languages. He is also respected worldwide for his inspirational lectures on the Near-Death Experience, Palliative and Hospice Care and Integrative Healing Practices. Since 1977, Dannion has worked diligently to integrate energetic, and integrative therapies in modern day health protocols. He survived four brushes with death, spending more than 43 years as a hospice volunteer in VA hospitals across America. Dannion’s life’s experiences have taught him that no one dies and every breath matters.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Future GLOBAL EVENTS and the Evolution of Human Consciousness (06:14) - Near-death experiences. (13:43) - Life and intention. (19:28) - Awakening to global consciousness. (26:24) - Near-death experience and spiritual insights. (33:38) - Spirituality and world conflicts. (37:07) - Embracing multicultural beauty. (41:43) - Connection and energetic patterns. (44:25) - The power of inspiration. (51:23) - Out of body experiences. (54:42) - Deep friendship and admiration.

    How to Contact Art Giser:

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  • At Live in Flow, we value helping people activate their highest potential to succeed, shine, and live more joyfully. With our support, they are able to take powerful, high-road shortcuts to developing their authentic selves and discovering new levels of confidence and impact. And in this episode, Matt Omo and I will be diving into emotional triggers and how to deal with them.

    As humans, we are wired with emotional hot buttons or emotional triggers. One moment we are fine, then someone says something or something happens to push that hot button, bringing an intense emotional reaction. We become upset. We’re thrown off balance. We are unable to think or act irrationally. Not surprisingly, these reactions may be way out of proportion in relation to the actual event. The result? Once we calm down, we usually have regrets about what we did or said. We can cause damage to ourselves and to others.

    The good news is, Matt and I will be sharing 9 ways you can learn to understand and manage your emotional triggers in healthy ways. And we’ll be sharing how we’ve applied them in our own lives to achieve more harmony and freedom. Don’t let your triggers haunt and control your life forever. Listen in to this episode and if you can, take advantage of one of our Live in Flow retreats so you can get the amazing support system you need.

    About Matt: Matt Omo is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia with over 15 years of experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques bridging cultures and traditions from around the world. The work and awareness around sound healing and its benefits are growing every day. Matt is developing new programs and products to meet this need and continue to support people in discovering the benefits of the healing power of sound.

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  • #311 Exploring the realms of energy, past lives, and generational trauma, this episode delves into releasing blocks and beliefs that hinder living one's true purpose. Guy talked with Art Giser, who shared over 40 years of experience helping people connect with their authentic selves, merging mystical and practical approaches. The discussion emphasized the connection between energy and circumstances, inviting listeners to reflect on their own journeys. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on this enlightening episode!

    About Art: Art Giser is the creator of Energetic NLP, a powerful synthesis of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), spiritual principles, and transformative energy work. He is an internationally renowned NLP trainer, executive coach, intuitive, and healer.

    Art is known for his humour, caring, miraculous remote energy work, and his ability to help people release energetic and unconscious blocks and limitations and open up their miraculous abilities. Art's unique and diverse background includes working with Fortune 100 companies to develop exceptional leaders and teams, 11 years as a medical researcher, and 40 years of NLP, spirituality, coaching, transformative and healing energy work, and intuition development. Art has studied with a diverse group of healers, psychics, and spiritual teachers. He has had two empowerments from the Dalai Lama.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - How To Identify & Remove Energetic Barriers for True Healing (07:13) - Neuro-linguistic programming. (10:50) - Teaching psychic abilities safely. (15:29) - NLP and Visualization. (17:33) - Energy healing and blockages. (21:52) - Spiritual contracts and past lives. (24:45) - Past lives and knights. (30:59) - Soul's desire for independence. (34:31) - Healing without knowing traumas. (39:23) - Chakras and energy healing. (42:05) - Chakras beyond the main seven. (48:35) - Blind spots and healers. (52:36) - Clearing energy with sacred fire. (58:32) - Energy cleansing and filling. (01:00:29) - Grounding and energy healing. (01:04:33) - Guest appearance on the show.

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  • About Paul: Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert at developing practical and effective methods for addressing all aspects of well-being, both physical and mental. For over 20 years, Paul Chek's unique, holistic health approach to treatment and education has transformed the lives of countless men and women through programs like the P-P-S Success Mastery Program.

    In 1995, he founded the C.H.E.K Institute to accommodate an ever-growing clientele and to train and certify future CHEK Practitioners. He has also produced more than 50 videos, 6 books, and 16 advanced-level home study courses while regularly contributing to several publications and websites such as, Mercola.com and Personal Training on the Net.

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  • #310 In this episode, Guy interviewed Rebecca Dawson, a channeler, exploring her journey and the wisdom she has gained over the years. While not delving deeply into her channeling, they discussed how her relationship has evolved with herself, others, and Source Consciousness. The conversation offers powerful insights and tools for listeners to apply in their own lives. Tune in for a beautiful and enlightening podcast experience.

    About Rebecca: Rebecca Dawson is an international speaker, consultant and author who has been channeling since a spontaneous event at the age of 18. With almost 30 years of delivering wisdom and teachings from multiple aspects of Source including Masters Serapis Bey, St Germain & Kuthumi, she delivers current, leading-edge information about humanity's paradigm shift to multidimensional experience, the mechanics of reality, and the human blueprint.

    Rebecca works internationally and collaboratively in many fields including natural medicine, business, education and new technologies, and is becoming recognized as a “teacher of teachers", assisting those already working in the field of New Energy to amplify their capacity. Rebecca has facilitated thousands of channeled messages and has conducted dozens of workshops, seminars and retreats all over the world. She is the author of 4 books, The New Human Experience, The Game of Purpose, The Agreement and Fu – the Return of the Magnetic Human.

    Born and raised in Australia, Rebecca travels the world sharing her perspectives and her profound love for humanity.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - CHANNELER Shares Accessing Higher Consciousness Is Key To Growth. (04:31) - Different methods of channeling. (11:38) - Channeling and self-discovery. (14:42) - Channeling experience beginnings. (18:50) - Thought forms and sensory overload. (21:36) - Experiencing oneness with the universe. (26:18) - Exploring new Earth reality. (30:51) - Spiritual exploration and teachings. (38:02) - Channeling and reality mechanics. (39:49) - Changing perspectives on worldviews. (44:17) - The blueprint for reality. (49:18) - Stepping into the unknown. (54:25) - Acceleration of consciousness and time. (56:38) - Choosing spontaneity in decisions.

    How to Contact Rebecca Dawson:
    [email protected]

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