The Grow Guide is Canada's #1 gardening podcast co-hosted by rookie grower, Maggie Wysocki and master grower, Dave Hanson. Listen in to honest conversations about seasonal gardening topics, including the trials, tribulations and successes of growing in climates where it can feel...kind of impossible.
Join the community of fellow Grow Guiders in our Facebook group. Have an idea for a guest or upcoming episode topic? Send us an email — [email protected] -
La vie secrète des Geekettes, c'est un podcast divertissant et diversifié! À chaque 3 semaines, nos chroniqueuses vous partagent leurs nouvelles et découvertes du moment. Que ce soit un livre, un jeu vidéo, une série télé, un jeu de société… rien ne passe sous le radar des Geekettes! À l’occasion, nous recevons également des invité.es! On jase de tout ça... et de pleins d'autres affaires!
Welcome to Love Where You Live, a podcast by interior design team Jeremy and Chandler of Peach and Pine Home.
We love what we do because we get to help people create spaces where they can thrive. We love helping people find inspiration and joy where they spend the most time - in their homes! We love listening to our clients dream about what their home could be and how it could better serve them. And we LOVE creating the designs that get them there.
In this podcast, we'll tackle topics in interior design, renovation and remodeling, home tips and tricks, DIY, home decor, and more. You’ll hear practical knowledge on everything from planning full-scale renovations to updating small spaces in your home. We’ll also have some pretty awesome guests on the show with inspiring perspectives on what makes home, well, home!
Your home is vitally important to your ability to live life to the fullest. Are you ready to be inspired to make your home a place where you and your family can thrive? We are here to help YOU Love Where You Live. -
Tired of crossovers and continuity and endless reboots? It's time for something new to come to comics in North America. The original comic book podcaster, Augie De Blieck Jr., introduces you to the world of European comics, specifically the Franco-Belgian kind (les bandes dessinees, or BD). It's a whole new and awesome world of stories and art. Plus, thoughts on the latest comics news of the day and trends in the industry. If you're looking for something new to read or a different opinion on the hot button topics of the day, check out the Pipeline Comics podcast every Tuesday and Friday.
Join Jack Gardner and Naomi Lugo as they discuss, debate, brawl, and sometimes agree over the best games period.
The duo brings years of podcasting, game criticism, and somewhat related tangents to the table to create one of the most interesting video game podcasts you'll find this corner of the internet. -
Welcome to Novel Pairings, a podcast dedicated to making the classics readable, relevant, and fun. As two nerdy bookworms, we appreciate the role of classic lit, but we but we won’t get too academic about it. We’ll talk about the books we love and the books we loath, and help stock your TBR pile with old and new reads for every literary taste.
Objectif Numérique, c’est une émission en baladodiffusion animée par trois québécois passionnés de la photo: François Blanchette Christian Jarry Stéphane Vaillancourt Au cours d’un épisode, les sujets sont abordés de façon à ce que tant les néophytes que les amateurs y trouvent leur compte. Le but est d’intéresser les gens à la photographie, en plus de donner des conseils à ceux qui en font déjà. Bref, on parle de photo comme on aborderait le sujet avec vous si on vous croisait dans la rue. Merci de nous écouter