
  • "Build yourself so that you can be a resource for others, and also build a network of people who can support you."

    Judithe reflects on her conversation and relationship with Amy Fulford, and more broadly the year in which it grew, 2018. She also wishes all of you a successful and happy 2019.

    Add your voice to our conversation in the new year at http://inclusivus.org

  • When Amy founded enlightin 2005, she envisioned working with clients in a meaningful way and understood that a real partnership, not the typical consulting version, would help them create more value. She has helped clients reshape how they run the business by bringing input and insights that change the way they think about their business and industry. Amy understands different perspectives and involves people in being part of the solution. She’s able to look for commonalities among different ideas and finds ways to advance team thinking. She always has ideas but is ready to learn and adapt to every situation.

    It’s that adaptation that forged her relationship with JuditheRegistre. She was drawn by the mission of Inclusivus and interested in growing that mission alongside Judithe. In this episode, we hear about the origins of that relationship, an outline of the next steps for Inclusivus and this partnership, as well as Amy’s unique perspective on power, privilege and personal relationships as the key to transformational societal change.

    Learn more about Amy and enlight by visiting: https://enlightadvisors.com

    And watch this site for more in 2019 from both these dynamic women.

    Add your voice to our conversation today at http://inclusivus.org

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  • In this solo response episode, Judithe Registre highlights the duality that the Carribean Diaspora faces in the US. They each come from island nations with distinct cultures and experiences, yet are united in their reaction to and existence alongside the United States. Being treated as "other" makes us one.

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    Together, we are advancing the power of story equity to expand human possibility and create new futures.

    Thank you for coming along on this journey today. You are investing in a future built on human dignity.

    Have an insight on this subject, join our community on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or share your story with us, because your story changes lives.

  • To make an impact and have influence, “find kindred spirits with differing views.”

    Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown of Carry On Friends

    A life learner, storyteller, and founder of Carry On Friends, The Caribbean American Podcast, Kerry-Ann shares her story and experiences with Judithe Registre in this episode. From the unique challenges facing the Caribbean and those that originate from the islands, to the experience of producing high-quality audio to share that life and culture with the world, Kerry-Ann is the sort of voice we seek to amplify in our efforts to expand the narratives of our human experience.

    ‘When you see representation of yourself, you see what is possible.” –Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown

    Carry On Friends is committed to equipping the world with diverse multidimensional perspectives of the Caribbean American experience. Kerry-Ann’s platform offers content that informs and inspires deeper understanding in building meaningful careers, strong brands, and businesses. Such resources enable the creation of transformative narratives of the Caribbean people in the diaspora and at home in the Caribbean region.

    To find out more about Kerry-Ann and Carry On Friends, visit her site: http://www.carryonfriends.com/

    Let us know what you think about this conversation by adding your voice at inclusivus.org

  • This long-awaited episode marks the return of the Get InPowered Podcast as Judithe responds to the message and work of Keshet Bachan-Dovrat highlighting the importance of putting anger or frustration into action, instead of letting it calcify.

    Judithe also shares the latest info on her own journey and where the Get InPowered Community is headed next.

    Don't forget to share the show with colleagues and friends and visit us next week for an all new episode featuring Kerry-Anne Reid-Brown at Inclusivus.org

  • "We don't reward anger in women. I find it really important to tell women, 'You can be a woman, and be angry at the same time.'"

    Keshet Bachan says she's been a "practicing feminist" for around 14 years, but the seed of gender equality has been in her soul from the start. Originally born in Israel, Keshet now focuses on Diversity@Work a mission driven consulting firm she founded in May of 2018 to drive diversity, gender equality and inclusion.

    "Reality requires a lot of negotiation."

    As her father says, Keshet has "an overdeveloped sense of justice" that has enabled her to not only see the problems of inequality, but maintain the energy to continue to fight for justice. From her work "putting outrage into practice" with giant tech companies in Silicon Valley, to her own practices of checking her privilege by ensuring she's "carving space" for other voices, Keshet is ensuring that the next generation of activists are even more "InPowered" than her own.

  • In response to her conversation with Karl Jean Louis in episode 57, Judithe Registre reflects on her own responsibilities and the ever dilemma of the "Diaspora". What is the essential role of members of the diaspora? Judithe considers this question and what it means to be belong in multiple communities.

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    Together, we are advancing the power of story equity to expand human possibility and create new futures.

    Thank you for coming along on this journey today. You are investing in a future built on human dignity.

    Have an insight on this subject, join our community on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or share your story with us, because your story changes lives.

  • To improve the social and political contexts in Haiti, it is crucial for civil society, the business community and the population to all play their role in governance. In the right political environment, the business community can create jobs and add value to society. This is needed in Haiti now more than ever.

    In this episode of The Get InPowered Podcast, Judithe is joined again by Karl Jean Louis,founder of Sa se Biznis Pam. A strategic innovator with more than two decades of experience delivering complex development programs in countries experiencing transitional and post-crisis stages, such as Haiti, Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa, and Uganda, Karl works at the intersection of the public sector, private sector, and civil society.

    From 2011 to 2014, in the Martelly administration, Karl was appointed as the first Executive Director of the Presidential Public Policy Unit and later Executive Director of the Council for Economic Growth and Investment, General Director of the Center for the Facilitation of Investments, and Chief of Staff of Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe.

    Currently, Karl is building a platform to amplify the stories of Haitian business innovators with the aim ofinfluencing the political system and improving Haiti’s socio-economic outlook. The recent political crisis in Haiti was a wake-up call for the nation’s small business community to work together. As Karl notes,

    “We have a fragile state, and this requires the business community and civil society to play their role and take responsibility. This means being vocal and addressing key major issues in terms of governance, playing a constructive role. What we have is a failure of the government, a failure of civil society, a failure of the state.”

    In this conversation, you will hear how Haitian leaders like Karl are working to shift humanitarian aid services’ perception of Haiti in order to prioritize the creation of economic opportunity for growth and political stability. Haitian entrepreneurs, innovators and business leaders are ready and actively playing their role to transform Haiti for a progressive future. Shifting Haiti’s long-term political economic condition is not something the aid community can achieve without the primary involvement of the Haitian community. This is where Sa se Biznis Pam comes in. Sa se Biznis Pamis the only network in Haiti bringing business owners from across the country to share insights on how society can transform Haiti’s economic outlook. The mandate of this network can potentially shift the paradigm to fundamentally change social economic conditions through incremental and scalable reform.

    As the lead innovator, collaborator and convener of Sa Se Bisnis Pam, Karl is working to leverage the influence and insight of the private sector and civil society in order to increase government accountability and propel Haiti forward.

    In this episode, we will hear about the Network’s 4-point Strategic Vision:
    1) Engage and inform the Haitian population about the network’s existence and role;
    2) Work with the Ministries of Commerce and Finance to increase the efficiency of their role in supporting and responding to the reform policies in place, with the aim of increasing economic growth and working with the business community accordingly;
    3) Invest in social programs to address the needs of the population and decrease the levels of poverty and inequality in Haiti with a focus on women and youth;
    4) Provide technical assistance to network members in supporting the growth and development of their business, and improve their capacity to grow.

    “If we do not step back to assess how volatile this environment is and step up as business leaders, then we are doomed to remain in this chronic state of political and economic instability for [perpetuity].”

    Join us as we continue to explore with Karl and the network of Sa Se Biznis Pam, the activities of those leading in Haiti as well as the role of diaspora in advancing Haiti’s development outlook.

    Interested in engaging in Karl’s work?

    Learn more about Karl and the work of Sa Se Business Pamby visiting their website.

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    Together, we are advancing the power of story equity to expand human possibility and create new futures.
    Thank you for coming along on this journey today. You are investing in a future built on human dignity.

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  • Migration/Immigration is the Human Quest for Safety and Security

    Celina da Sola’s work with Glasswing International has put her face to face with the fundamental quest and struggles for human safety and security across communities and nations. In this episode, Judithe Registre shares her insights from her conversation with Celina and considers the quest of safety and security as a fundamental human need and proposes that we evaluate those implications in the discourse about immigration and migration.

    Somewhere in your story line, there is an immigration or migration story. Join our work to share those individual stories that illuminate our shared humanity at Inclusivus.org

    Interested in Helping Celina’s Work? Learn more about the incredible work of GlassWing International to discover ways to get engaged and make a difference in this work.

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    Your influence and opinion are powerful. Will you generously share this podcast with your loved ones and colleagues? Also, consider sharing your voice by leaving a compliment with a five-star rating and review at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to the show.
    Together, we are advancing the power of narrative justice and story equity to expand human possibility by creating a new future. Thank you for joining our mission today. You are investing in a new future built on human dignity and story equity.

    To share your story, join our community on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because your story changes lives.

  • In this episode, Celina de Sola joins Judithe Registre to discuss the context of human life and the experiences of citizens migrating from Latin American countries that have been the focus of the current immigration debate in the US. Celina, the founder of GlassWing International, is from El Salvador. After spending many years traveling the world as a humanitarian relief worker as well as working as a social worker and public health specialist, Celina felt compelled to return home and make a difference in Central America. Drawing on her experiences, she saw an opportunity to combine an international perspective with a hands-on, grassroots approach to transform vulnerable communities across the region.

    Believing or assuming that people simply want to come to the United States misses the point that people are not going on vacation or choosing to expatriate to the US as a matter of luxury. “It is not easy to leave your home, to move to a new place where you do not speak the language, by taking a long journey to a completely unfamiliar life. This is not an exciting journey that people have decided to go on per se. People are fleeing to save their lives.” It is not simply a journey of aspiration; it is a journey of survival. People are being forced out of their homes.

    Celina’s work with GlassWing International focuses on the critical work being carried out with communities, young people, and institutional structures in countries of origin (El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, Mexico) to anchor communities’ aspirations for peace and opportunity.

    As you will discover while listening to this episode, citizen safety and security is one of the greatest forms of opportunity that we can work to create. This episode will give you an appreciation not only of Celina’s work, but of the full human context of migration, enabling you to move beyond the ideological battle of immigration as it is being covered by the news. “In separating children [from families] fleeing violence, it increases the burden of risk, with an impact [that will] last for generations.” As we have seen in other contexts, such slavery and Native Americans, it becomes an intergenerational catastrophe. “The challenge of structural and systematic violence requires deep level work at the community level with families and young people while working at the national judicial level.” Therefore, the work in host countries is paramount to avert further trauma and heal communities.

    Interested in Helping Celina’s Work?

    Learn more about the incredible work of GlassWing International to discover ways to get engaged and make a difference in this work.

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    Your influence and opinion are powerful. Will you generously share this podcast with your loved ones and colleagues? Also, consider sharing your voice by leaving a compliment with a five-star rating and review at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to the show.

    Together, we are advancing the power of narrative justice and story equity to expand human possibility by creating a new future. Thank you for joining our mission today. You are investing in a new future built on human dignity and story equity.

    To share your story, join our community on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because your story changes lives.

  • In this episode, Judithe Registre responds to and reflects on the message of Joy Donnell, from Episode 53. In an era where media and technology have dominated every aspect of our lives, we must consider how these tools and services are used to address the issues we care about. How intentional are we (or not) in our engagement with social media? With the use and application of data as a tool that informs and enables access to critical life information, it has transcended the luxury category and is a natural human right and need.

    Judithe and Joy challenge us to consider the use of our own platforms and voices in both the analog and digital realm to advance the causes we believe in and are passionate about. Add your voice at inclusivus.org.
    How do you see yourself leveraging social media intentionally to advance the issues and causes that you care about? What is your social media legacy?

  • Stop living as if “here” has no value. “Here” is also a direction, and sometimes it’s the most valuable direction that you have.” - Joy Donnell.

    In this episode, Joy Donnell joins Judithe Registre to highlight creative ways to harness and use the energy and emotion we are all generating naturally through the obstacles and adversaries we encounter every day.

    Despair is natural to us; you just don’t need to let the despair overtake you. - Joy Donnell

    Joy is a strategist, activist, and entrepreneur driven by purpose. Her PR expertise touches all of her work as she brings her unique insights to content strategy, content creation, and luxury fashion and luxury lifestyle branding. When she isn’t behind the camera creating fashion editorials and fashion films as a producer or director, she steps in front of the camera as a model and sustainable luxury advocate. The idea of luxury as a state of mind is something Joy advocates as necessary to cultivate as we creatively engage all of our emotions: anger, frustration, love, and shame. Joy challenges us to engage with ourselves and the journey of our emotion to create beauty in our communities and in the world in general. This powerful awareness can lead to social change and social engagement. This is especially important in a world where we are consuming more information than ever before, As Joy puts it, “true luxury is the absence of angst.”

    In today’s world, “media has become a basic human need.” In other words, how we process and respond to the slew of information we are consuming and producing has never been more critical. If we accept media as a basic human need in our current world, we have to start asking ourselves different questions and demanding more well-rounded narratives.

    Joy Donnell is currently CEO of Parajin Media Corp and Editor-in-Chief of its flagship luxury lifestyle publication, Vanichi. She also serves as an advisor for The Geekie Awards, the Creative Visions Foundation, and Charles and Company luxury tea

    Give more oxygen to the knowledge than you give to the noise. - Joy Donnell

    Connect with Joy and learn more about her and her work via social media and her website details below:

    FB: @joydonnellofficial

    IG: @doitinpublic

    Twitter: @doitinpublic


    FB, Twitter, IG: @vanichimagazin

  • Judithe Registre reflects on her discussion with Macy and Karen, and the promise of the next generation of leaders. This episode provides some context and commentary on the history of youth movements and the worldwide need for youth activism and leadership in the years to come. Join us next week for an interview with speaker, entrepreneur and activist Joy Donnell and visit us for more inspiration anytime at Inclusivus.org

  • “Kids can make a difference in how they understand the world.” [And parents can support kids and not force their understanding of the world on them.] Give the children more freedom to understand the world on their terms.”-Macy

    Macy and Karen join Judithe for a conversation after the March for Our Lives in Washington, DC. Macy is an 11-year-old student with a passion for life, fun, and both social justice and equality. Karen leads a strategic program advancing opportunities for young people globally. As a mom to two of our most promising young people, and given her work with an international development and relief organization, she has to stay ahead of the curve. Thankfully, her daughter’s leadership and clarity of purpose keep Karen focused on what is important—that is, to harness the power and leadership of her daughter (and son) while helping them grow with the moral integrity necessary to be thriving adults.

    This episode is focused on the generation of young people, like Macy, whose mission and purpose for equality have no age limit for understanding what it takes and what is fair and just. The nature of an interconnected world combined with social media mean parents cannot merely be gatekeepers, they must also be a guide through these changing times. The need for adults to support young people in rising to their leadership roles means the nature of parenting has expanded to not just be a nurturer and provider, but also serve as a coach. It is a huge responsibility and special privilege to be a parent given the speed and pace of the change.

    “Using her voice for good and problem solving take time. The role of a parent is to support that. I have enjoyed working with Macy in how to be a peace-maker and be a strong advocate for yourself and for your friends.” Karen

    What young people are you supporting to rise to leadership? Share your story with us and let us know what YOU think of Macy and Karen's story, the Students Demand Action movement, and our conversation today by emailing us at: judithe@inclusivus.org We’ll share your feedback and thoughts in the next episode of The Get InPowered Podcast

  • Recorded live in Haiti, Judithe Registre responds and ruminates on the discussion with Mary Ann Clements last week.

    "When I hear people say, 'These things happen as they happen in any other sector,' I think, 'Should they?'"

    Racism, sexism, and discrimination are not acceptable in any context, but in the context of social justice and humanitarian work, those actions can be even more harmful and insidious.

    In light of recent scandals in Haiti, Judithe considers the response to these issues and a path towards a more diverse, just, and supportive organizational framework and mindset that can bring our personal standards and values to the organizations, nations, and individuals we serve.

  • Mary Ann Clements (formerly Mary Ann Mhina) has devoted her life to making an impact and like many change-making professionals, she got burnt out in the process. She wants all of us to be able to do this work and create this impact, sustainably, without costing us our wellbeing — and she believes it can be done.

    The wellbeing of humanity and the ways we care for ourselves and one another — in our workplaces, in our communities, and in our personal lives — is her work and the passions of her heart.

    She joins Judithe in this episode to discuss her work, her career and the organization she now leads, https://jijaze.com

  • We spend this episode considering and reassessing the contributions that Africa (and the Congo specifically) have made to the global “village” as discussed by Mvemba Dizolele, a writer, foreign policy analyst, and independent journalist who is also the author of the forthcoming biography: Mobutu: the Rise and Fall of the Leopard King (Random House UK).

    If you haven't heard last week's episode with this brilliant scholar, please do so now! And let us know what YOU think about "Black Panther" Dizolele's work and the African Diaspora's place in the collective Western Imagination.

  • We spend this episode considering and reassessing the contributions that Africa (and the Congo specifically) have made to the global “village” with Mvemba Dizolele, a writer, foreign policy analyst, and independent journalist who is also the author of the forthcoming biography: Mobutu: the Rise and Fall of the Leopard King (Random House UK).

    In the wake of “Black Panther”’s mainstream success globally, many are asking questions like “What would Africa look like without colonization?” “What would the Western world look like without slavery?”, but as Mvemba discusses with Judithe, there are members of the African diaspora that didn’t grow up in the context of colonization and do see the contributions and importance of Africa in the development of the modern industrialized world.

    “We don’t reclaim them (these stories) to be in a fight with the West. But we reclaim them to put things back where they belong!” - Mvemba Dizolele

  • Judithe Registre, Haitian-born, American-made, and globally-centered, brings you her insights on Black History Month as celebrated in the USA, drawing from her Haitian background, US education, and global travels.

    This is a time when we are being called to recognize the contributions of every group to witness and record the present for future history. As we work to create a future history that reflects our full contributions as members of the larger humanity, we honor our African ancestors for their vision and hard work and we continue to work on advancing their mission. Black History remains ever critical for social equity and progress.

  • “...the stripping of our human dignity in any context, in any environment, is perhaps the greatest violation of our rights as human beings.” - Judithe Registre

    In this episode of the Get InPowered Podcast, Judithe responds and considers Antionette Carroll and her work with the Creative Reaction Lab. Judithe challenges us to look for ways to pursue equality in our own communities as we are inspired by examples like Antoinette.