Do you address the larger issues on your mind? The niggling ones? Do you have a plan for it? Listen here...
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
A small change in response can make major changes towards how people perceive and treat you. Here's a change that occurred in my life. Listen here for more!
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
I struggle to market my work. I get into a mental block and even judge myself. But I thought I'd share how I'm looking to overcome that and improve my marketing skills.
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Is Being "Okay" Enough? Is it a negative term? Or is it a way to escape how we really feel? Or is it a positive expression?
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
What should friendships be about? How many friends do we need? It's tough when you're dealing with a chronic condition or any life issue to make and maintain friends. So in all this, how do you recognise a good friend? Listen here...
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
The pressure to feel positively towards your body can be overwhelming. How can we practically feel this love for ourselves while taking away this pressure? I share my experiences and how I help myself to feel good about my body.
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Is it okay to be single? Why do some get bothered by someone else being single? What do single and married people think of all this? Listen here to know more.
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Do you have a retirement plan especially if you're battling a chronic condition? I share my fears, and my plan in this podcast. Listen here to know more.
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
How you speak to yourself can play a large role in how you feel. In this podcast I share how I changed this for myself - the things I did so that I could have better conversations with myself. Listen here to know more.
Blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Insta: Footprints, No Boundaries
Seeking approval can easily turn into an unhealthy habit, plus it's also a sign of a loss in confidence. Do you seek approval? That's what I speak about in today's podcast.
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Website: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
YouTube: Footprints, No Boundaries
It can be tougher to tackle stressful situations when humour isn't part of our lives, so how do we change that around and find humour to help us?
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
YouTube: Footprints, No Boundaries
Website: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
We're always working on some goal or the other - planning everything out and executing those plans but do we do so with our health. Today I talk about how to create health goals - the factors to consider. Listen here...
Website: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Instagram: FootprintsNoBoundaries
What does being curious teach us? And how can it improve our lives? That's what I speak about in this podcast. Listen know more.
For a text version of all my podcast episodes: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Instagram: Footprints, No Boundaries
Finding joy within ourselves can be tough for many. What steps can we take to enjoy our own company?
Instagram: FootprintsNoBoundaries
Website: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Being angry was harming me, but how did I manage to make changes and help improve my physical health and mental response to situations?
Instagram: FootprintsNoBoundaries
Website: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
Let's say a part of living your life purpose meant you had to do something you didn't like doing? That's what happened to me - I really hate writing, but blogging was going to be very important for me. In today's podcast I speak about the techniques I use to help me around this problem.
My blog: AllThingsEndometriosis.com
I believe we've all had to deal with manipulators and their manipulations - but how do you recognise that it's actually happening to you? In today's podcast, I share what I've understood based on my own experiences. Listen here...
Instagram: @footprintsnoboundaries
Website: allthingsendometriosis.com