And so we come to the end of our alphabet. I'm not crying - you're crying.
Y is for simply WHY?? and Z is for Zootiecall and Zombie-ing. Plus we reflect on the last 3 months of confessions and wonder what we've learned.
Featuring tantalising Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and bucolic Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD), Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater)and sultry Siobhan (@shoobmac) all coralled and curated by justifiably jovial Jon (@voiceofsiri).
If you'd like to ask ensure that we can bring you Season 2, then please review and subscribe to any of the episodes you've enjoyed in Season 1 and if you are so inclined - please do write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com and tell us what you'd like to hear more or less of. -
Over 100,000 downloads and counting - so we must be doing something right! Everything that is apart from finding the love of our lives! This week we turn to letters W for When Harry Met Sally and X for Sex with an Ex. Asking can men and women be friends or does the sex thing always get in the way - the debut of the DateAdvisor Players and another listener's dating dilemma solved.
Featuring tantalising Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and bombastic Bumbling Dad (@Bumbling D) alongside salacious Siobhan (@shoobmac) while the alliterative anchorman is played by jovial Jon (@voiceofsiri)
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Saknas det avsnitt?
As we spring into the sunshine wearing fewer clothes than we have for the last few months, we're trying not get over excited by seeing the occasional ankle or flexible bicep. Instead we're debating the letters U for Unicorns and Uniforms and V for Virginity and Vulturing.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD), Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater)alongside seriously single business-girl Siobhan (@shoobmac) while the man in gaberdine mac is really a spy - and his bowtie is definitely a camera - otherwise known as Jon (@voiceofsiri) - oh and as it's Easter there's a little easter egg hidden in there for you too - can you find it?
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com.
For informational purposes only (and not for the purposes of promotion, recommendation or alignment with or by any of our podcasters) the Universal Hot Crazy Matrix is available here. -
Another episode of Love's Labours Lost - and we've come over all Shakespearian - forsooth! With all the bawdiness of the bawdy bard - we tackle S for Sex, Swiping and Spark and T for Text or really another S for Sexting. Plus do you name your parts and another listener's letter answered.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Bumbling Dad (@Bumbling D) alongside seriously single business-girl Siobhan (@shoobmac) while the man in the ruff and reinforced panty hose with a freshly sharpened quill is played by Jon (@voiceofsiri)
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Dear listener, as Spring raises its weary head from Winter's slumbers (in the Northern Hemisphere) we delight in the appearance of snowdrops, daffodils and tulips as well as the letter Q for Quirky and Quitting alongside the letter R for Romance and Recycling.
Featuring the cut and thrust of Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and the rapier wit of our resident New Yorker Tinderhella (@Tinderhella1) alongside the fabulous foil of Siobhan (@shoobmac). Ensuring they are all en-garde is your referee Jon (@voiceofsiri) so let battle commence!
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Dredging the murky waters of the online dating pool once again dear listener and we've found the letters O and P caught up in our net - which stand for ONS (One Night Stands) Profiles and Polyamory!
Our divers this week are Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater), Siobhan (@shoobmac) and Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD) and checking their flippers, wetsuits and oxygen supply is Young Mr Jon (@voiceofsiri).
If you'd like to ask the team a question , tell us your experiences or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Ahoy me hearties! We've waded into the letters M for MILFs and Microcheating while N is for NSA - No Strings Attached and NBM - Never Been Married. So fasten the main brace and hoist your petards as we set sail through stormy waters, repelling all boarders! And remember - why is pirates called pirates? Because they Aaaarrrr!
Featuring first mate Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and our new stateside scribe and able semen (are you sure that's how you spell it? Ed.) Tinderhella (@Tinderhella1) alongside our Mistress of the watch (a Rolex of course) Siobhan (@shoobmac). All of them kept in check by Captain Jon (@voiceofsiri) who's hoping that his tincture of testosterone can stand up to the ocean of oestrogen ahead.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
We've reached the letters K for "Kittenfishing" and "Kissing" and the letter L for "Lovebombing" on this week's episode. We did think that L might have to be for "Lockdown", but as you know this podcast is generally a CoVid free area - so come and relax with us for 30 minutes of completely viral free laughter and licentiousness on the subject of love!
This week's love doctors are twitter scribes Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater), Siobhan (@shoobmac) and Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD) who are under the strict jurisdiction of the chief surgeon Jon (@voiceofsiri) - who suggests you take this podcast daily with a glass of water and report back if your condition remains unchanged. A symptom of not listening to this podcast regularly is a distinct lack of taste.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then we would love to hear from you at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Having recovered from dealing with the barren wasteland that was our post-box over Valentine's weekend we are refreshed and tackling the letters I for Incel and Instagram and J for Jealousy! What we did find in our inbox, however, was correspondence from our esteemed listeners who have their dating dilemmas assessed and answered by our "experts."
Those experts are - Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater), Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD) who are whipped into shape by the man in the PVC trousers and gimp mask - Jon (@voiceofsiri) - who may have omitted to tell the others what the "safe" word is.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then we would love to hear from you at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
On the one day of the year when we can declare our secret love openly - the Digital Daters summon up their courage to face the truth about Valentine's Day, examining just how to survive the singleton's least favourite day of the year.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder), Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater) and Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD) alongside seriously single business-girl Siobhan (@Shoobmac), with the role of cantankerous Cupid played by Jon (@voiceofsiri) dodging the postman for fear of what he may find.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Welcome Singleton as you peer into the papoose that is our practical guide to online paramours. Inside our lexicon of love this week are letters G for Ghosting and H for Haunting! And is your profile the one we play Dating App Bingo with? You'll have to listen to find out.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Bumbling Dad (@BumblingD) alongside seriously single business-girl Siobhan (@Shoobmac), with your guide and arbiter of amour Jon (@voiceofsiri) trying desperately to keep them on the dating straight and narrow.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Can you believe we've reached Episode 3? In this episode E is for Emojis and F is for Fluffer and FWBs (Friends With Benefits - Gasp!) And is it really worthwhile putting "No ONS" on your profile? Prepare for some intimate confessions - and we pick apart and shred a few more profiles - just because we can.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater) alongside our Scottish singleton Siobhan, all moderated by the man with the red card (sadly not a Valentine) Jon
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
Verbal jousting resumes as we hit up the next letters in our amorous alphabet - C for Catfishing and Cushioning and D for Daterview and Dumped! You'll also find out which one of our panel broke up with someone on the flight as they were going on holiday! Plus 2 more write ups get the DateAdvisor treatment in our regular Pick on a Profile feature.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Bumbling Dad (@Bumbling D) alongside seriously single business-girl Siobhan, all refereed by the man in black - sadly lacking any form of Milk Tray - Jon.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com -
We start our romantic reflections with an Alphabetic reference guide. In this episode A is for Apps and B is for Beauty. Plus our regular Pick on a Profile feature highlighting real life dating profiles that could do with a friendly word of advice.
Featuring Tinder Girl (@girl_tinder) and Delirious Dating Damsel (@Delirious_Dater) alongside seriously single business-girl Siobhan, all moderated by Cupid's less than cute elder brother Jon.
If you'd like to ask the team a question or propose a Profile for us to pick on - then write to us at askdateadvisor@gmail.com