6 Figure Creative is a podcast that helps freelance creatives earn more money by doing what they love. If you’re trying to avoid the never-ending grind of a 9–5, or just want to earn more money doing what you do best (creating), 6 Figure Creative is your new favorite show! Join host Brian Hood and his guests as they explore topics such as mental health, finances, sales, marketing, time management, the digital nomad lifestyle, and more.
Join SonicScoop's Justin Colletti and guests to explore best practices for running a creative business in audio, music and other creative fields.
From tips and tutorials on music production and audio engineering, to business masterclasses, interviews with heavy hitting producers, engineers, researchers, journalists, creative entrepreneurs and more, the weekly SonicScoop podcast is unlike any other. -
Kaikki tekevät designia, joko tiedostaen tai tiedostamatta.
Tässä podcastissa etsimme reseptejä parempaan designiin keskustellen ja uteliaasti kysellen. Oletko aloittava tai kaiken kokenut suunnittelija, designista kiinnostunut tai muuten vain utelias? Tule mukaan! Päämääränä parempaa designia kaikille.
Tätä podcastia tekevät Tapsa, Ilkka ja Jarno. Uudet jaksot ilmestyvät kerran kuukaudessa.
Kysele, haasta ja kommentoi! Luemme kaikki palautteet. Tavoitat meidät sähköpostilla [email protected] -
Welcome to the Artists Make Money podcast, where artists of all flavours bare their souls about money. Our host Vivienne Egan interviews interesting artists with unique careers about the thorny relationship between money and the arts, because by talking about it, we can shed some light in the topic that all creatives avoid discussing.
Podcast käsittelee ketteryyteen ja organisaatioihin liittyviä ilmiöitä kokeneiden valmentajien ja muiden asianomaisten kanssa. Tämä podcast ei kerro totuuksia vaan pohdiskelee ja puntaroi asioita eri näkökulmista. Suositeltu kuuntelunopeus on normaali tai hieman hitaampi, ja mielellään juuri ennen nukkumaanmenoa.
Подкаст о поиске любимого дела. О смелости, которая для этого требуется, о страхах и сомнениях на этом пути.
5 и 6-й сезоны — о локальных предпринимателях. Мы делаем их вместе со студией Либо/Либо и маркетплейсом локальных брендов Flowwow.
Обратная связь [email protected] Tg @ksenia_is_out -
Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på https://www.billgrenwood.seEn podcast från Perfect Day Media.
Muotibloggaajat Metti Forssell ja Hanna Väyrynen pohtivat miten selvitä tyylillä ja hengissä ruuhkavuosista. Molempia yhdistää työ, pienet lapset ja rakkaus kauniisiin korkokenkiin, minkä yli arki usein talloo tennareilla. Podcast sisältää mainontaa.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Girlboss Radio is back with a new host and a renewed mission to help women achieve success on their own terms. Meet our host, Avery Francis! Francis is a veteran HR thought leader who specializes in implementing diversity, equity and inclusion practices in as many workplaces as possible through her consultancy, Bloom. Francis has been featured in Forbes and named a Top 40 Woman in Tech by Betakit. Her ethos? Work should work for all of us. The podcast features weekly chats with inspiring executives, founders and A-listers including filmmaker Domee Shi, mega-influencer Matilda Djerf, Knix founder Joanna Griffiths, and Netflix star Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, among others. Girlboss Radio is your destination for no-BS career advice—each episode, you'll walk away with tangible takeaways and success stories that'll help you level-up in your career *and* your life.
Celeste Bonin is a former WWE Diva's Champion, ball buster, divorcé, lady boss, CEO, business owner, designer, and a strong believer in the philosophy that cursing is an art form. Co-host, Laurin Conlin, is an IFBB Bikini Pro, successful coach, and entrepreneur. She has her Master’s degree, and she curses like a dirty sailor. The perfect combination of brains, beauty, business savvy and total raunch.
Celeste and Laurin talk about the UNglamorous side of career, social media, relationships, fitness, life in general and the pressure of living up to the standards of other’s highlight reel. Get comfortable with embracing the ugly side of things.
For more info check out and -
With over 20 years of experience running creative businesses, your host, Nicole Stevenson knows the joy and the struggles of being your own boss. Join her and her guests for business insights, life lessons and the stories behind their successes and lessons of their missteps so you can work smart, get creative inspiration, live joyfully and feel connected.
Nicole is the CEO and Creative Director of Dear Handmade Life which produces Patchwork Show: Makers Festival and Craftcation Conference as well as a blog, online learning and this podcast.
If you’re a creative misfit or a passionate small business owner, grab a drink and take a seat because you’re exactly where you need to be! -
Smart Art Business, hosted by Rachel Wilkins, is the go-to podcast for visual artists and creative entrepreneurs seeking to thrive in their art careers. Packed with actionable advice and inspiring interviews from artists and leading industry figures, this podcast equips you with the knowledge to effectively brand, market, and sell your art. Join us and discover the art of smart business.
Voiko kulmien värjäyksen maksaa kantarelleilla? Kuinka valjastaa oma intohimo menestyväksi yritykseksi? Mitä kampaajasi tahtoisi sinun tietävän? Asiakas on aina oikeassa – totta vai tarua? Miksei muka pikimustasta hiuksesta saa platinablondia kahdessa tunnissa?
Hiustuotebrändi Four Reasonsin WTH!? -podcastissa laitetaan hiukset ja ammatti-itsetunto ojennukseen Hennan, Miran ja Elisan johdolla. Mukana menossa toinen toistaan inspiroivampia vieraita: paranna ammatti-itsetuntoasi Ilkka Koppelomäen kanssa, sukella kilpailujen maailmaan Harri Åkerbergin perässä ja kuuntele Natalia Salmelan vinkit menestykseen. Osallistu keskusteluun Instagramissa @whatthehairpodcast ja #whatthehair!
Musiikki: @thisismaffi
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Collage Creative podcast is a weekly interview show dedicated to uncovering the motivations, daily routines and practices of women who are living life on their own terms. They may do this through a business they’ve created or they may simply choose to live differently in some way.
Welcome to the Selling From the Heart podcast, your home for authentic, effective, and socially-integrated sales strategies to help you master the art of selling. Join your hosts Darrell Amy and Larry Levine along with some of the world's best sales thought leaders and practitioners as we explore ways to grow your sales.