Sinead Fine is a professional Tarot reader, therapist, mentor and educator since 1997.
She has read for thousands of people from all around the world and she discovered early on that many people don't know how to listen to their intuition.
Her passion in life is to get women realigned to their inner selves by reconnecting them to their intuition and inner truth. She does this through the medium of Tarot with ecourses, workshops, coaching and readings.
Myself and Sinead have something in common. We both want to help women rise to their full potential and through doing that, we are rising ourselves.
In This Podcast, we talk about our businesses, being mothers, how to get in touch with your intuition, tarot and lots more!!
Check it out below …
Connect with Sinead -
She invites you to try her FREE Tarot ecourse at:
For more information you can find Sinead at:
TAROT READINGS: https://tarotforwomen.com/
ECOURSES: https://tarotforwomen.teachable.com/courses
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📧 PM me to talk about how we can work together to get your confidence to the level it needs to be at to succeed!
When wanting to brag, you need to tell the truth and in turn, you won't sound like a dick.
The truth is FACT...
and knowing that internally, will give you CONFIDENCE...
and speaking about it, will just let people know that THEY can be confident in YOU too.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#manifesting #confiidence #workingmoms
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the 'Money Manifesting Moms' Facebook Group!
👉 Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/3DBz2Wz
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 PM me to talk about how we can work together to get your confidence to the level it needs to be at to succeed!
Saknas det avsnitt?
I was so inspired by the interview I did with the amazing Holly MacCue. This lady is ON. HER. GAME.
Making multiple 6 figures, working 3 days a week, while mothering her 2 gorgeous girls - Holly really breaks it down like this:
The confidence that is required to mother children, is exactly the same confidence it takes to be a kick-ass entrepreneur.
You can find Holly here: https://www.facebook.com/hollymaccuecoaching/
Holly's free cheat sheet - 20 fuss-free ways to find clients without paid ads: hollymaccue.com/lionesstribe
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success.
#manifesting #confiidence #workingmoms
Want exclusive content? Join the 'Money Manifesting Moms' Facebook Group!
Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/3DBz2Wz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
PM me to talk about how we can work together to get your confidence to the level it needs to be at to succeed!
Like any skill, Confidence is a skill that CAN be learned.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#manifesting #confiidence #workingmoms
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the 'Money Manifesting Moms' Facebook Group!
👉 Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/3DBz2Wz
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 PM me to talk about how we can work together to get your confidence to the level it needs to be at to succeed!
Your insecurities are what's making you behave like your PRESENT self and NOT your future self.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success.
Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
I wasn't showing up for what mattered, because I was 'people pleasing'.
I noticed there wasn't the same flow in my business this month, and realized I was resisting doing what i KNOW 'worked', because I didn't want to upset anyone with my success.
We all need to make a commitment to stop and take a minute to see what the problem is.. so we can rectify it.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
You can have all the ambition in the world, but without clarity, that ambition gets stuck.
If you're not confident, you will not succeed to the level of your potential.
Those are two things I can help you with!
Just remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#workingmoms #confidence #momsinbusiness
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Why is it so hard to walk away?
Refusing to walk away because of your fear can often be caused by a lack of confidence.
Let me explain...
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success.
#fearofjudgement #rejection #4agreements
Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
When you find it easy to give, but difficult to even imagine receiving - you need to work on your confidence!
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#confidence #receiving #workingmoms
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
You are the only person who can respect and honour you own boundaries.
Boundaries + Confidence = Money!
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#boundaries #confidence #workingmoms #money
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Going from maternity leave to a million dollar business in just 3 years, Natasha is a Multi-Award Winning Success Mastery Coach & Transformational Pioneer in the business success industry. She helps rising and established leaders heal childhood wounds and rapidly unlock their Ultimate Uplevel through her 5 level healing approach, Success Imprinting™. With over 14 years experience in transformational work, working with thousands of entrepreneurs across 52 countries worldwide her work has helped women break through to higher levels of love, money and success in as little as 33 days. She has been featured in local and national papers and she is recognised as one of the top entrepreneurs in her country. She lives in Bridgend, South Wales with her partner and son Jenson who is now 4.
Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx⠀
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lionesstribe⠀
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBVlnGreKRF6uCWCUuG2FA/⠀
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe⠀
DM me for a confidence coaching session -
I used to think I was bad at sales.
I had no confidence in my ability and I doubted I'd ever get good at it. Now I've reframed it and I see selling purely as an opportunity to connect.
Connection is my superpower. Now I'm REALLY FREAKING GOOD AT IT.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#selling #confidence #workingmoms
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Transformation starts in the mind.
And any transformation is simply a decision.
It's the attitude change that happens when you make that decision - that's where the magic happens.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#transformation #decisions #workingmom
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
When the joy that you usually feel when you're working begins to fade because of the exhaustion you are feeling..
THAT, my friend, is when you know you NEED to take a Mental Health Day!
Things will not fall apart just because you took a break.
Do what you need to do for yourself my loves.
Remember.. Confidence + Faith (+ a little bit of rest) = SUCCESS.
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Often, we don’t give a second thought to standing up for other people, or standing up for what we believe in! But standing up for ourselves can be a lot trickier, confronting and a lot more vulnerable.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#standingupforyourself #workingmoms #confidencequeen
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Have fun.
Find a way to make it fun when it all gets a bit too serious. That will release the impostor syndrome. You’ll forget about all the judgement fears for a moment. You’ll not be so consumed with how everyone else is doing it - because you’ll be so consumed with the absolute CRAIC of it all!
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#havingfun #confidence #workingmom
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
We ALL make mistakes.
We all suffer disappointments.
So why is it that some make their disappointments the most important part of their story.
Use these road blocks as stepping stones to your success.
Remember... Confidence + Faith = SUCCESS
#workingmom #confidencecoach #confidencequeen
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Do you need to be confident to dress how you want to dress?
Or do you need to dress a certain way in order to have confidence?
I’ve always been a person who has expressed myself through style. I’ve always been quite creative with it. Clothes bring me joy.
People assume that because I have been daring with my choices and very much have always had my own style that that meant I was really confident. It’s a real chicken and egg situation. Clothes and the way I dress have made me feel more confident. But I guess in order to be ok with standing out in that way you have to have a certain bravery too.
Remember: Confidence + Faith = Success. 💋
#clothing #confidence #lionesstribe
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisafox.ie/
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe
📧 Email lisa@lisafox.ie for a confidence coaching session
Negative feels 5 times more important than positive. That’s just how human brains work. That’s why it’s easier to get sucked into someone else’s negativity than it is to stay high vibe.
Being confident and gaining success is all about staying high vibe. Nothing is more sure to bring down the vibe than a negative Nancy crowing into your ear.
Some people would advise you to cut these people out of your life.
But I have a different perspective.
Confidence + Faith = SUCCESS
🦁 Want exclusive content? Join the Lioness Tribe on Facebook! https://bit.ly/3wtjlhx⠀
👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lisafox.lion...
🎥 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBV...
🎙️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lionesstribe⠀
📧 DM me for a confidence coaching session
Confidence isn’t a magical destination that you arrive at after you’ve hit your goals. It’s a process that you need to fully invest yourself in to get yourself moving in the direction of the things you said you wanted.
An enormous amount of confidence is required before you have proof that it’s working. Confidence is the part that gets you out of the bed. The part that makes the decision to go for it. The part that is the DECISION that you’re doing the damn thing. That’s the part that keeps you going even though you don’t know for sure that it’s going to work out.
Remember... Confidence + Faith = SUCCESS 💋
🦁 Join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/17400...
👉 Facebook Page: lisafox.ie
👉 Instagram: @lisafox.ie
📧 DM for a confidence coaching session!
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