
  • In this enlightening episode of the CLIMB podcast, I, Felicia Smith, had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Tracy Powell, a renowned executive coach and author, to discuss a topic that is often shrouded in misunderstanding: the myth of "crabs in a barrel." This metaphor is frequently used to describe the competitive dynamics among marginalized groups, particularly within the African American community, where it is believed that individuals may pull each other down to maintain their own position.

    Dr. Powell, the founder of Leading with Compassion, shared her extensive experience in leadership coaching and her personal journey of overcoming racial discrimination. Together, we explored how the "crabs in a barrel" mentality manifests in the workplace, particularly among women of color. We discussed the detrimental effects of this mindset, including the tendency to withhold support and mentorship from one another, which ultimately stifles growth and collaboration.

    Throughout our conversation, Dr. Powell emphasized the importance of compassion—both from leaders and peers. We examined real-life scenarios where women of color might feel unsupported or undermined, and how these situations can perpetuate a cycle of isolation and competition. Dr. Powell encouraged listeners to engage in self-reflection, asking critical questions about their own behaviors and motivations within the workplace.

    We also delved into actionable steps that individuals can take to change the dynamic. Dr. Powell highlighted the significance of open communication, mentorship, and community building. She urged listeners to approach conversations with empathy and to seek out opportunities for collaboration rather than competition.

    As we wrapped up the episode, Dr. Powell provided valuable insights on how to create an environment of mentorship and support among women of color. She encouraged listeners to assess their own positions within the "barrel," to identify areas for personal growth, and to take proactive steps toward fostering a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

    This episode is a call to action for all women of color to break free from the constraints of the "crabs in a barrel" mentality and to embrace a collective journey toward leadership and empowerment. Join us as we continue to climb together, supporting one another in our pursuit of success.

  • In this empowering episode of the CLIMB Podcast, I, Felicia Smith, have the pleasure of speaking with the remarkable Stephanie Moore, a chief engineer and senior associate with nearly two decades of experience in supporting federal government clients in cybersecurity and space initiatives. As the founder of The Climb, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the representation of women of color in leadership roles, I am thrilled to dive into Stephanie's inspiring career journey and the invaluable insights she has to share.

    We kick off the episode by exploring Stephanie's early fascination with technology, which began in her childhood as she took apart and reassembled various gadgets. This curiosity led her to pursue a degree in business with a focus on management information systems, ultimately paving the way for her successful career in STEM. Stephanie emphasizes the importance of continuous learning in the tech field, encouraging aspiring professionals to embrace the ever-evolving nature of technology.

    As we delve deeper into her career, Stephanie candidly discusses her unexpected rise to executive leadership. Initially, she did not envision herself in such a role, but with the support of mentors and sponsors who recognized her potential, she learned to advocate for herself and pursue opportunities for growth. We discuss the critical difference between mentors and sponsors, highlighting how sponsors actively promote and create opportunities for their mentees.

    Stephanie also shares her personal experiences of balancing motherhood with her professional aspirations. With four children, she reflects on the sacrifices she made early in her career, choosing to focus on her family while still contributing meaningfully at work. The COVID-19 pandemic provided her with a unique opportunity to pivot, allowing her to engage more deeply in business development and leadership activities.

    Throughout our conversation, we address the challenges women of color face in leadership positions, particularly the need for organizations to provide the necessary resources and training to ensure their success. Stephanie stresses the importance of maintaining a network of mentors and sponsors even after reaching executive levels, as ongoing support is crucial for continued growth.

    As we wrap up the episode, Stephanie offers invaluable advice to our listeners: prioritize self-care and wellness, and actively work to mentor the next generation of women leaders. She encourages everyone to reach back and lift others as they climb, fostering a strong pipeline of future executives.

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights for women of color aspiring to leadership roles, and I am grateful to Stephanie for sharing her journey and wisdom with us. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to connect with us on social media and subscribe for more empowering conversations. Keep climbing and thriving, sis!

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  • In this inspiring episode of The Climb Podcast, host Felicia Smith dives deep into the unique challenges and triumphs of women of color in the nonprofit sector. Joined by Madjeen Lorthe, an executive champion of The Climb and a seasoned nonprofit leader, they explore the complexities of navigating this field while breaking barriers and setting new standards for leadership.

    Madjeen draws from her extensive experience in social justice, mental health, and education, offering valuable insights into the importance of self-advocacy and setting boundaries to prevent burnout. She shares her personal journey, and the lessons learned along the way, emphasizing the critical need for clear pathways to advancement and transparent career progression criteria for women of color.

    The discussion sheds light on the underrepresentation of women of color in leadership roles and the obstacles faced when climbing the ladder to middle management. Madjeen also underscores the significance of psychological safety in the workplace, the power of courageous conversations, and the role of DEI initiatives in fostering a more inclusive organizational culture.

    Felicia and Madjeen close the episode with actionable advice for the next generation of nonprofit leaders, encouraging them to lead with confidence, prioritize self-care, and actively seek mentorship. They remind listeners of the importance of creating inclusive, psychologically safe spaces that empower all voices.

    Key Takeaways:

    - The importance of self-advocacy and setting boundaries in the nonprofit sector.

    - Challenges faced by women of color in advancing to leadership positions.

    - The role of psychological safety and courageous conversations in the workplace.

    - Practical advice for emerging leaders in the nonprofit field.

    Listeners can connect with Madjeen Lorthe through her coaching practice, Transitions Well Done (Transitions Well Done | Life Transition Coach) or on LinkedIn at Madjeen Lorthe, M.Ed., ICF-ACC | LinkedIn, where she provides guidance and support for women of color navigating personal and professional transitions in leadership roles.

    Tune in to The Climb Podcast for more empowering conversations and insights on redefining leadership for women of color in various industries. Keep climbing and striving for success!

  • In this empowering episode of The Climb Podcast, host Felicia Smith engages in a candid and insightful conversation with the remarkable Valary Alston, a woman of color who has shattered glass ceilings throughout her extraordinary career.

    The episode kicks off with Felicia introducing The Climb Podcast, a platform dedicated to amplifying the voices of extraordinary women of color and redefining the rules for women in leadership roles. Felicia sets the stage for an empowering journey as she welcomes Valary Alston, a seasoned professional with a background in the United States Marine Corps and a successful career in the defense and intelligence sector.

    Valary Alston shares her origin story, revealing how a dare led her to join the Marine Corps, where she found her calling and embarked on a 20-year career. Transitioning from the military to the federal government, Valary's journey was marked by pivotal moments of self-discovery and resilience. She reflects on the challenges and sacrifices she faced as a woman of color in male-dominated spaces, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and standing firm in one's values.

    The conversation delves into the theme of breaking glass ceilings, with Valary recounting pivotal moments where she recognized her impact and influence in creating opportunities for women and men of color in leadership positions. Valary's commitment to championing diversity and inclusion is evident as she shares her experiences of advocating for underrepresented voices and empowering others to reach their full potential.

    Throughout the episode, Valary imparts valuable advice to young women starting their careers, emphasizing the importance of confidence, authenticity, and resilience in navigating professional challenges. She encourages aspiring leaders to aspire to be better than their role models and to never compromise their values or beliefs in pursuit of success.

    As the episode concludes, Felicia and Valary reflect on the power of representation, self-assurance, and the significance of owning one's narrative in the face of adversity. The episode serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of women of color in leadership roles, inspiring listeners to embrace their unique strengths and strive for excellence in their professional journeys.

    Listeners are encouraged to connect with Valary Alston on LinkedIn or via email at [email protected] to continue the conversation and gain further insights into her remarkable career and leadership journey. The episode closes with a reminder to subscribe, rate, and review The Climb Podcast for more empowering stories and practical insights for women of color leaders.

    Join Felicia Smith and Valary Alston on this empowering journey of breaking glass ceilings, redefining leadership norms, and thriving in the face of challenges. Keep climbing, keep thriving, and stay tuned for the next episode of The Climb Podcast.

  • Welcome to the CLIMB Podcast, where we empower women of color in the pursuit of leadership roles. In this episode, we delve into the taboo topic of self-sabotage and how it may be hindering your career growth. As women of color navigating the workplace, we face numerous obstacles, but the most detrimental one can often be the obstacles we create for ourselves.

    In the first segment, "Somebody Should Have Told Me," we explore the common forms of self-sabotage that many women experience in the workplace. From questioning our worth to thinking too small, these behaviors can unknowingly hinder our progress.

    Moving on to the segment "Truth Is," we break down the top 10 ways you could be self-sabotaging without even realizing it. From undervaluing your skills to isolating yourself, each behavior contributes to holding you back from reaching your full potential.

    In the final segment, "Another Rung Mended," we provide practical tips to stop self-sabotaging and start thriving in your career. Self-awareness and changing your mindset are key to overcoming self-sabotage and aligning your actions with your values and goals.

    As the host, I emphasize the importance of recognizing these self-sabotaging behaviors and taking steps to eliminate them. By fostering self-awareness, changing our mindset, and prioritizing self-care, we can break free from the cycle of self-sabotage and propel ourselves towards success.

    Join us on this empowering journey as we navigate the challenges of self-sabotage and redefine the rules for women of color leaders. Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn @JoinTheClimb for more content and updates. Until next time, keep climbing and keep thriving, sis. See you in the next episode!

  • The conversation between Felicia and Rebecca unfolds touching on the definition of workplace trauma and how it manifests individually, mentally, and physically. Rebecca sheds light on the impact of workplace trauma, including self-doubt, overworking, and heightened sensitivity to racial microaggressions. The discussion delves into the importance of acknowledging and processing trauma, as well as the role of community support and therapy in healing.

    Rebecca shares valuable coping mechanisms for recovering from workplace trauma, emphasizing the significance of self-care practices, seeking therapy, and building a supportive network of peers. The conversation also explores the need for honest conversations with supervisors about past experiences and setting boundaries to prevent carrying past trauma into new work environments.

    As the episode unfolds, the hosts reflect on personal experiences and insights, highlighting the universal nature of workplace trauma and the importance of creating space for healing and growth. The episode concludes with a heartfelt discussion on the power of self-reflection, community support, and proactive strategies for overcoming workplace trauma and thriving in leadership roles.

    Listeners are encouraged to connect with Rebecca Jackson on LinkedIn and through email for further support and guidance in navigating workplace challenges and promoting equity in professional settings. The episode wraps up with a message of empowerment and resilience, urging women of color to continue climbing and thriving in their leadership journeys.

    Tune in to The Climb Podcast for more empowering conversations and practical insights on redefining the rules for women of color leaders. Keep climbing, keep thriving, and join us on the journey to success and empowerment.

  • Hey there, it's Felicia Smith, your host of The CLIMB Podcast. In this episode, we delved into the intriguing topic of boundaries in the workplace. We explored the ups and downs of setting and maintaining boundaries as women of color leaders.

    We kicked off the episode by defining boundaries as the limits, rules, and guidelines that define our emotional, physical, and mental space. It's not just about giving or taking; it's about how we interact with others and what behaviors we find acceptable.

    In our segment "Somebody Should Have Told Me," we discussed the importance of setting boundaries for ourselves rather than letting the environment dictate them. Boundaries are more about us than anyone else, and it's crucial to communicate them effectively to ensure they are respected.

    Moving on to "Truth Is," we highlighted that boundaries only work when they are kept. It's essential to understand the positive and negative impacts of boundaries and to be proactive in setting them. We emphasized that boundaries are a choice, and others will only respect them if we respect them ourselves.

    In our segment "Rung Mended and Climbed," we provided insights on making boundaries proactive and not reactive. By setting boundaries from the start and being consistent, we can ensure they are respected and contribute to our career growth.

    As we wrapped up the episode, I expressed gratitude for the support and announced that this was the 10th and final episode of the season. I thanked our listeners for their engagement and promised an exciting lineup of guests for Season 2, continuing to empower women of color in their leadership journeys.

    Thank you for tuning in to The CLIMB Podcast. Remember to subscribe, rate, and review us, and stay connected with us on Instagram and LinkedIn @jointheclimb. Keep climbing and thriving, and I'll see you in the next episode!

  • In this episode of "The Climb Podcast," we delved into the transformative power of "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz and how they apply to the workplace. As the host, I shared personal insights and practical examples of how these agreements can empower women of color in leadership roles.

    The first agreement, "Be impeccable with your word," emphasizes speaking with integrity and using words to affirm rather than harm oneself. I shared a personal anecdote about overcoming self-doubt when pursuing a new academic path and how being mindful of my words helped me navigate challenges at work.

    The second agreement, "Don't take anything personally," reminded us that the actions and words of others are often projections of their own reality. I discussed how reframing situations where I felt attacked or criticized helped me avoid needless suffering and maintain a positive mindset in the workplace.

    The third agreement, "Do not make assumptions," highlighted the importance of clear communication and asking questions to avoid misunderstandings and drama. I shared how overcoming assumptions and seeking clarification improved my interactions with colleagues and reduced unnecessary stress.

    Lastly, the fourth agreement, "Always do your best," resonated with me as a reminder that our best effort can vary day-to-day and is influenced by external factors. I emphasized the importance of self-compassion and not judging oneself harshly when facing challenges or setbacks at work.

    Throughout the episode, I encouraged listeners to embrace these agreements as guiding principles in their professional journeys, acknowledging that it's okay to falter at times but to always strive to embody integrity, resilience, and self-awareness in the workplace.

    As we closed out the episode, I reflected on the impact of these agreements on mental health awareness and urged listeners to prioritize doing their best in all aspects of their lives. I expressed gratitude for the support and engagement from our listeners and invited them to connect with us on social media to stay updated on upcoming events and discussions.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of "The Climb Podcast," and remember, don't take anything personally. Until next time, take care and keep climbing!

  • We kick off the episode with a karaoke session to set the tone before diving into the topic. Drawing inspiration from Dr. Tracy Henry's insights on the power of silence, we explore the nuances of being quiet in a room and deciphering unspoken messages.

    I highlight the importance of emotional intelligence, specifically focusing on personal competence and social competence. By referencing the book "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" by Travis Bradbury and Jean Greaves, I emphasize the significance of being socially aware and managing relationships in professional settings.

    In the segment "Somebody Should Have Told Me," I share valuable lessons learned, such as the power of silence in meetings and the need to observe without letting personal biases cloud judgment. I stress the importance of understanding the political dynamics in discussions and the art of perceiving unspoken cues.

    Moving on to the segment "Truth Is," I delve into the Mehrabian's Communication Theory 7-38-55 rule, highlighting the impact of body language and facial expressions in conveying feelings and attitudes. I recount a personal experience of misinterpreting a message due to the lack of visual cues, underscoring the significance of non-verbal communication.

    In the segment "Another Rung Mended," I draw parallels to the McKinsey study on women in the workplace, focusing on the barriers faced by women of color. I emphasize the need to be present in meetings, listen to understand, and be mindful of body language and energy to navigate professional spaces effectively.

    I conclude the episode by encouraging listeners to prioritize emotional intelligence, leverage resources like the book "Emotional Intelligence 2.0," and engage in self-assessment to enhance social competence. I invite listeners to follow us on social media for more content and look forward to empowering women of color in their leadership journeys.

    Join me next week for another insightful episode on The Climb Podcast. Keep climbing and thriving, sis! See you in the next episode.

  • 00:00:00 - Introduction to The Climb Podcast

    00:03:25 - Somebody Should Have Told Me

    00:10:43 - Truth

    00:20:42 - Another Rung Mended

    We started by exploring the concept that as women of color leaders, we represent more than just ourselves. We are symbols of hope, inspiration, and transformation for others. However, we also represent competition and a threat to some individuals who may feel threatened by our presence in certain roles.

    I shared a personal story of walking into a new position and facing aggressive behavior from colleagues who saw me as a threat to their authority. This experience highlighted the importance of understanding that the challenges we face are often not personal attacks but reactions to what we represent in the workplace.

    In the "Somebody Should Have Told Me" segment, I discussed the various behaviors people may engage in when they see you as a threat, such as spreading rumors, excluding you from important meetings, and undermining your work. It's crucial to recognize these behaviors and not take them personally.

    Moving into the "Truth" segment, I emphasized the importance of separating your personal identity from what you represent in the workplace. I shared insights on handling adversity and staying focused on your goals despite challenges.

    In the final segment, "Another Rung Mended," I encouraged listeners to embrace being seen as a threat while remembering their worth beyond their rank and position. I recommended the book "The Four Agreements" for personal growth and shared the significance of staying grounded in one's identity and heritage.

    Throughout the episode, the message was clear - as women of color leaders, we must navigate the complexities of being perceived as threats while staying true to ourselves and our goals. Remember, you are more than your position, and you have the strength to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

    Join me on this empowering journey as we continue to climb, thrive, and redefine the rules for women of color leaders. Keep climbing, sis, and I'll see you in the next episode!

  • Throughout the episode, Jennifer shares valuable insights and lessons learned from her career journey. She emphasizes the importance of remaining teachable, seeking feedback, and nurturing relationships with others in leadership roles. Jennifer also discusses the challenges faced by women of color in leadership positions, including tokenism and the pressure to fulfill the "Black girl magic" stereotype.

    Introduction to the CLIMB Podcast: 00:00:03-00:00:36Introducing Jennifer Hampton: 00:00:36-00:03:06Meeting Jenny at Tuskegee University: 00:03:31-00:04:24Jennifer's Career Journey: 00:04:52-00:06:54Transitioning to Leadership Roles: 00:07:05-00:09:37Challenges and Triumphs in Leadership: 00:09:54-00:12:57Work-Life Balance Discussion: 00:20:09-00:26:22Transition to Consulting Firm: 00:26:33-00:27:56Challenges Faced by Women of Color in Leadership: 00:28:47-00:30:53Advice to Younger Self on Leadership: 00:32:13-00:33:36Mending the Rungs for Leadership Growth: 00:34:04-00:36:49Closing Remarks and Contact Information: 00:37:08-00:38:01
  • 00:00:03 - Introduction to The Climb Podcast: Welcome to the CLIMB Podcast, where we are diving into taboo topics and redefining the rules for women of color leaders.00:04:32 - Somebody Should Have Told Me: Breaking down the things we wish we had known in our careers that could have made our journeys a little bit easier.00:07:53 - Truth Is: Discussing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regarding standing your ground and owning your space verbally.00:11:34 - Sponsorship by The Climb Incorporated: Introducing The Climb Incorporated as the sponsor for the episode.00:12:40 - Professional Read Considerations: Discussing the importance of knowing when to address issues and when to let go in the workplace.00:17:06 - Another Rung Mended and Climbed: Summarizing the episode and providing insights to help women of color continue climbing the corporate ladder.

    Hey there, it's Felicia Smith, your host of The Climb Podcast. In this episode, we delved into the topic of "A Professional Read: How to Stand Your Ground and Own Your Space." We explored the challenges that women of color face in the workplace, particularly when dealing with difficult situations and personalities.

    We started by acknowledging the importance of having crucial conversations and standing our ground. It's essential to teach others how we want to be treated and what is acceptable in the workplace. By addressing behaviors that exceed our tolerance level, we set boundaries and establish respect for ourselves.

    We discussed the nuances of navigating workplace dynamics, recognizing that not every battle is worth fighting. It's crucial to discern when to address an issue and when to let it go, considering the impact on our career growth and emotional intelligence.

    Furthermore, we emphasized the significance of conducting a professional read in the workplace. By communicating assertively and professionally, we can address inappropriate behavior or tone without conforming to stereotypes. Taking control of our narrative and setting expectations for how we should be treated is key to fostering a positive work environment.

    Throughout the episode, we provided practical insights and strategies for women of color leaders to navigate workplace challenges and empower themselves. By embracing fruitful conflict and advocating for our boundaries, we can assert our presence and thrive in leadership roles.

    Join us next week for more empowering discussions on The Climb Podcast. Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn at jointheclimb for updates and behind-the-scenes content. Keep climbing and thriving, sis. See you in the next episode!

  • 00:00:00 - Introduction to the CLIMB podcast

    00:02:28 - Somebody should have told me: Tokenism in the workplace

    00:07:59 - White women as the anchor of diversity

    00:10:05 - Truth Is: Diversity without inclusion

    00:15:08 - Advice for navigating a scenario where you are the diversity

    00:18:02 - Discussion on belonging in the workplace

    00:22:44 - Mending the broken rung for women of color

    00:29:24 - Conclusion and how to reach out to Ama, the inclusion lady

    Listeners are encouraged to Connect with Ama on Instagram @That_inclusionlady, LinkedIn: (21) Ama ('That Inclusion Lady') Agyapong | LinkedIn , Website: Inclusion Enterprises for more resources on diversity and inclusion.

    Welcome to the latest episode of the CLIMB podcast, where we delve into empowering women of color in their pursuit of leadership roles. In this episode, we tackle the complex topic of "Diversity Without Inclusion" with the help of our expert guest, Ama, also known as the Inclusion Lady.

    The episode kicks off with a discussion on tokenism in the workplace, where Ama shares her personal experiences of being viewed as a token rather than valued for her true contributions. The conversation delves into the challenges faced by women of color in leadership positions and the importance of recognizing and leveraging one's lived experiences to add value in the workplace.

    Moving on to the topic of white women being perceived as the anchor of diversity, Ama sheds light on the privilege and shared culture that often make white women the more comfortable choice for diversity in predominantly white male environments. The discussion highlights the need to address the lack of representation of Black and Latino women in leadership roles to truly foster diversity and inclusion.

    The episode continues with a deep dive into the concept of belonging, emphasizing the importance of creating a space where individuals can bring their whole selves to work without fear of judgment. Ama stresses the need for organizations to embrace diversity beyond surface-level representation and truly value the multifaceted identities of their employees.

    In the final segment, Ama shares valuable insights on how women of color can navigate the challenges of the workplace and continue to climb the career ladder. She emphasizes the importance of knowing one's superpower, sharing accomplishments confidently, requesting mentorship, and building relationships through relatability.

    Listeners are encouraged to Connect with Ama on Instagram @That_inclusionlady, LinkedIn: (21) Ama ('That Inclusion Lady') Agyapong | LinkedIn , Website: Inclusion Enterprises for more resources on diversity and inclusion.

  • In this episode, we feature Dr. Tracy Henry ((17) Dr. Tracy H. | LinkedIn), the Chief Financial Officer at the Congressional Budget Office. Dr. Henry shares her inspiring career journey, filled with challenges, sacrifices, and valuable lessons learned along the way.

    Dr. Henry's career trajectory began with aspirations to be an auditor for the IRS, but her path led her to diverse roles in the federal government and the private sector. Despite facing the challenge of minimal training early in her career, Dr. Henry's natural leadership abilities propelled her to lead teams and excel in various financial roles.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Henry emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and maintaining integrity in leadership positions. She highlights the significance of being assertive while distinguishing between assertiveness and aggression, especially as a woman of color in leadership.

    One of the key takeaways from Dr. Henry's journey is the advice to never miss an opportunity to be quiet and listen. By emphasizing the value of listening and observing before speaking, Dr. Henry underscores the importance of thoughtful communication and strategic decision-making in leadership roles.

    As the episode concludes, Dr. Henry leaves listeners with a powerful message about legacy and the significance of being true to oneself in the pursuit of leadership. Her insights on navigating challenges, maintaining authenticity, and making impactful decisions serve as valuable guidance for women of color aspiring to climb the corporate ladder.

    Join us on the CLIMB Podcast as we continue to empower women of color in their leadership journeys. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and empowering conversations. Keep climbing and thriving, sis!

    Introduction to Dr. Tracy Henry: 00:01:29-00:03:04Dr. Tracy Henry's Career Journey: 00:04:31-00:06:03Transition to Federal Government: 00:06:03-00:08:02Becoming the CFO: 00:08:02-00:11:01Expectations of Executive Role: 00:11:41-00:12:22Readiness for Leadership: 00:12:49-00:14:05Impact of Sponsorship: 00:14:47-00:15:46Staying Grounded as a Leader: 00:17:42-00:18:49Sacrifices and Trade-offs: 00:19:02-00:20:47Challenges as a Woman of Color: 00:23:08-00:25:51Advice for Younger Self: 00:28:12-00:28:23Rung Mending - Be Yourself: 00:29:50-00:30:12Rung Mending - Opportunity to Be Quiet: 00:32:27-00:33:50Closing Remarks: 00:34:10-00:34:21
  • It's Felicia Smith, your host of The Climb Podcast. In this episode, we delved into the taboo topic of knowing when it's time to leave a job or stay put. We explored the signs that indicate you may have overstayed your welcome in a particular role.

    00:00:00 - Introduction to The Climb Podcast00:02:23 - Somebody Should Have Told Me00:07:20 - Truth Is: Signs You've Stayed Too Long in a Job00:11:08 - Sponsorship Message: The Climb Incorporated00:12:04 - Signs You've Stayed Too Long: Toxic Work Environment00:20:36 - The Broken Rung: Insights for Career Advancement

    We kicked off the episode by discussing the discomfort of transitioning from a job you love to progress in your career. I shared personal experiences of leaving assignments I adored because I knew it was time to move on for growth and new opportunities. It's tough to leave a comfortable space, but sometimes it's necessary for personal and professional development.

    Moving on, we highlighted key indicators that suggest you may have stayed too long in a job. We discussed the importance of recognizing toxic work environments, feeling underutilized or underappreciated, compromising your values, lacking growth opportunities, and desiring a different experience for personal and professional growth.

    In the segment "Truth Is," we emphasized the importance of not following money but rather following your passion, skills, and talents. Trusting your gut instinct and being open to pivoting if needed were also key takeaways to navigate career transitions effectively.

    We also touched on the concept of the "broken rung" in the corporate ladder for women of color and provided insights to mend this barrier, encouraging listeners to trust their instincts and pursue opportunities aligned with their values and aspirations.

    As we wrapped up the episode, I urged listeners to reflect on their current career situation and assess if they are in an environment where they can thrive. It's essential to trust your intuition and seek opportunities that align with your passion and skills to continue climbing towards your career goals.

    Join me next week as we continue exploring unspoken rules and essential insights to propel your career forward. Keep climbing and thriving, sis. See you in the next episode!

  • Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Climb podcast! I am Felicia Smith, your host and the founder of The Climb, a platform dedicated to empowering women of color in their journey towards leadership roles. In this episode, we delve into the crucial topic of the pitfalls of solely relying on your work as your ticket to success.

    I kick off the episode by sharing my personal motivation behind creating this podcast - the lack of real and relevant conversations about how women of color navigate the workforce successfully. I address the common question of why women of color should aspire to leadership roles and emphasize the importance of their unique perspectives and contributions in executive positions.

    We then dive into the main topic of the episode - the danger of thinking your work alone will lead to promotions and managerial positions. Drawing from a case study published in the Harvard Business Review, we explore the story of Sarah, a high-performing employee who kept getting passed over for promotions due to a lack of personal connections with her colleagues.

    I introduce the concept of political capital, emphasizing the importance of building relationships, likability, and technical competency in the workplace. I stress the significance of measured connections and authenticity in fostering genuine relationships that can propel one's career forward.

    In the segment "Another Rung Mended Inclined," we discuss the broken rung phenomenon hindering women of color from climbing the corporate ladder. By practicing measured connections and showcasing authenticity, individuals can mend these broken rungs and pave the way for career advancement.

    I conclude the episode by highlighting the power of connection and the necessity of mastering political capital to achieve leadership positions. I express my passion for addressing these critical issues and tease upcoming episodes that will delve deeper into unspoken rules and strategies for success.

    Join me, Felicia Smith, on this enlightening journey as we navigate the complexities of the workplace and empower women of color to ascend to leadership roles. Thank you for tuning in to The Climb podcast - see you next time!

  • Episode 1: Introduction to The Climb

    Welcome to the very first episode of The Climb, a podcast designed to empower women of color in their career journeys. I am Felicia Smith, your host, and I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you.

    In this episode, I introduce myself and share my own career experiences spanning over 17 years. I reflect on the challenges I faced and the lack of guidance and mentorship from women of color executives. This led me to create this podcast as a platform to share insights and strategies for women of color to thrive and excel in their careers.

    Throughout the series, we will delve into various topics such as work-life balance, knowing when it's time to move on, and navigating the political landscape of the workforce. We will also feature interviews with accomplished women of color executives to inspire and motivate our listeners.

    Join us every Wednesday, starting June 19th, as we empower women of color to climb higher and thrive. Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn at Join The Climb to continue the conversation and get ready to ascend with The Climb podcast.

    I am excited to embark on this journey with you, and I hope that together, we can break barriers and reach new heights in our careers. Thank you for tuning in, and let's start climbing!