Talk through th14 stuff and cwl
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Have a good listen! Hope you enjoy!
Discord: https://discord.gg/VPDzv37u
Enjoy guys! Big thanks to datsun for coming on! apologies for inconsistent volume and weird noises from datsun's mic.
Hope y’all enjoy! Not the best planned episode, but it’s something. Email me at calhoondrake26@gmail.com
Hope you all enjoy! Email me calhoondrake26@gmail.com. Discord is: https://discord.gg/4EUcmr
Enjoy guys! Not sure what I said. Too tired to think, just word vomit all night. Join my discord, and email me! Calhoondrake26@gmail.com
Karl from the crystal to join podcast joined me for this episode! Also apologies for the audio if it isn’t perfect. A bit of trouble with the remote recording. Enjoy! Beeps are just breaks in recording.
Extra episode! 😊 enjoy
Some friendly war stuff and my normal builder base strat. 'attack highlight' 'kitchen sink'