Next up in our "recital prep" unit on the podcast are some of my favorite ways to get recital dances clean without boring your students (too much 🙂). What's your favorite? Let me know in The Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook!
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We're kicking off a new "recital prep" unit on the podcast with today's episode taking you line by line through my mental checklist of items I need to cover with my students to make sure both I and they are fully prepared going into tech week! This includes lighting and sound cues, entrance and exit logistics, hair, makeup, and costume requirements, rehearsal and recital etiquette and more! Did I miss anything? Let me know in The Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Dancer, educator, choreographer (and more) Jason Pickett, who you may better know as @heyitspickett on social media, is here to talk us through his process for creating innovative and meaningful solos for dance students. I personally find solos so challenging to choreograph because I can't lean on the use of different formations and/or layering of bodies doing different movements, so I was delighted at the opportunity to talk to a true pro on the topic - and I may have been personally attacked along the way, but it was SO SO worth it! 😅
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Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Today I'm breaking my own "we don't need business advice; we're casual dance teachers" rule by having dance studio owner and business coach Alison Foster-Jones on the show to share her story and tips on growing a studio from 5 students in a rec. room to hundreds of students across multiple studio locations! Alison has such a great message of leveraging passion and positivity for business success that can be applied to any business venture, from owning a studio, to negotiating freelance contracts, even to maintaining control and structure in the classroom as a teacher; so while one of the primary focuses of our conversation today is on building a successful dance business, there's really something for everyone in this one!
Join Alison's "Passion & Profit" Program Here
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Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Love is in the air! <3 In honor of Valentine's day, today I'm reading listener-submitted notes on why YOU love teaching dance! Cozy up with your Valentine's treat of choice and join me in celebrating our collective love for the art of teaching dance together!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Ian Howe is Back! And today we're talking dance photography! The burning question on my mind - what made the man with 500 jobs decide to start a dance photography business on top of all that? Then we get into some more practical questions like: What are the basics needed to do your own dance photography? How to pose dancers quickly and efficiently for recital photos without them all looking the same? What factors should we look for in lighting, posing, and editing when hiring a dance photographer? All this, accompanied by the soothing sound of Ian's Australian bird friends who crashed our recording session - what more could you ask for?! :)
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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I know I can't be the only teacher that just dreads that awkward transition time when you're dismissing one class and the next is waiting to begin! How will I dismiss everyone safely, take attendance, switch my playlist, answer questions, check my notes, and grab a drink of water without the next class descending into chaos?! Well, I might not have all the answers, but I certainly have a few activities and ideas that have helped me fend off the madness of class transition time over the past few years, so I'm sharing them with you today!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Ok, so if you read the title, you won't have to guess what the "Secret Dance Technique" is, as I suggest in the intro to this episode - it's MENTAL technique! April Lorenzi literally wrote the book on it, so she's here to share some her tried-and-true tips for helping your students (and yourself) enhance their confidence, resilience, memory - and, in turn, their dancing!!
Learn more and Get April's Book Here!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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It's that time of year...the pressure's on to teach recital choreography, and so often that means "sacrificing" the class time previously spent on technique and conditioning. Naturally, we have to continue working technique and conditioning in order for the choreography to look its best at recital time...sometimes, that can mean running the choreography over and over again. But other times, additional measures are required to get your dancers performance-ready, and it can be easy to forget those when we feel the "choreography crunch!" Here are a few of the ways that I continue to incorporate technique practice, core concept awareness, conditioning, and general performance preparedness into my lessons throughout the second half of the dance season while setting choreography on my students.
Other episodes referenced in this episode:
Listen to the "Curriculum Building" Episode Here
Listen to the "Teaching Choreography" Episode HereTheme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Whether or not you teach tap dance specifically, you're in for a treat with this episode with the fabulous Christine Denny! Denny is a renowned tap teacher, choreographer, and performer with a career spanning over 25 years and covering virtually every facet of the dance world. Learn about the intricacies of tap dance and what makes teaching tap unique, as well as some of the practical applications of Christine's approach that can be used across a wide variety of dance styles, and more!
Visit Christine's website to learn more about her programs and syllabus here.
Register for Christine's online tap mentor conference here.Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Veronica Vasquez Garcia is the creator of Moves Made 4 Me, a developmental movement program that combines life skills with dance, as well as the founder of Elevate Collective Solutions, a consulting business that helps organizations implement inclusive practices, and JMM Dance Co, a nonprofit dedicated to raising mental health awareness through SEL programs. While we couldn't possibly cover the vast breadth of her work in this field, I was thrilled to spend some time picking Veronica's brain about how she developed her curriculum program specifically for individuals with disabilities, and how anyone in the field of dance education can be more inclusive to these students, not necessarily by allowing them to join their pre-existing classes, but by implementing programs that will genuinely serve them.
Get more information on the Moves Made 4 Me program here, or reach out to Veronica directly via [email protected]
Additional Episodes Related to this Topic:
Listen to "An Autistic Perspective on Choreography and Dance Education with Isaac Iskra" Here
Listen to "Applied Behavior Analysis Practices for Dance Teachers" Here
Listen to "Dance Education as Ministry with Maria Daniel" HereTheme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Wow - what a year! Since launching in June, I've learned SO MUCH from my amazing line-up of distinguished guests, and from connecting with listeners and fellow "Casual Dance Teachers" through our Casual Dance Teacher's Network Facebook page and Casual Dance Teacher's Podcast Instagram account! To recap this phenomenal year, here's a casual and low-key recap of my personal favorite lessons learned so far this year!
*As noted in the episode, you will notice a slightly distorted sound quality on this one; my holiday gift to myself was just letting this one slide so I can work on much more streamlined and beautiful-sounding episodes for you in the new year :)*
Theme Music by GB Mystical: gbmystical.com
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The word of the day is "Diversify!" Hear from Choreographer, Studio Owner, Competition Adjudicator, Teacher, Photographer, Performer...basically ALL THE THINGS...Ian Howe as he discusses how he leveraged the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic to build a dance career that fuels his passion and "scratches all the itches," and his advice on how you can follow suit!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
Recorded Via Squadcast
Learn more about Ian Howe and his many projects here: www.ianhowedancer.com -
So by now we've established that we SHOULD have at least a general curriculum and lesson plans for each of the dance classes that we teach...but as busy dance teachers, when are we supposed to sit down and come up with these plans? There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this, but I have a few tips and tricks for how to make the most of your time to squeeze in adequate lesson planning time consistently each and every week, ensuring that you feel prepared for each class, and your students get the most out of their class time with you!
Please share your own ideas and advice on this topic with us in the Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook!Theme Music by GB Mystical: gbmystical.com
There are a LOT of dance teachers and coaches out there, but most specialize in coaching technique, steps/skills, consistency...few specialize in coaching artistry specifically! Amie Bush does just that with her company, Artistry Dance Coaching, and today she's treating us to an inside scoop on what she looks for from an artistry perspective as both a competition judge and coach, and how she helps dancers develop these skills!
Check out this episode with Isaac Iskra regarding his journey as an autistic dancer!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
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Visit The Dance CEO Coach Website: www.thedanceceocoach.com -
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Time for season's greetings, holiday cheer, and students (and teachers!) who are already mentally checked out and ready for a break from dance classes! 😆 I've got you covered! Here are plenty of simple and fun ways to incorporate the holiday theme into your dance classes while still keeping students working on key concepts and engaging with the material! No Pinterest dance teachers here - these are all simple and super easy to implement on the fly!
For more dance class activities, check out these two previous episodes:
Halloween Dance Class Ideas: https://thecasualdanceteacherspodcast.transistor.fm/19
Props/Tools for Classroom Engagement: https://thecasualdanceteacherspodcast.transistor.fm/9Join the Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook!
Theme Music by GB Mystical: gbmystical.com -
There are a LOT of dance teachers and coaches out there, but most specialize in coaching technique, steps/skills, consistency...few specialize in coaching artistry specifically! Amie Bush does just that with her company, Artistry Dance Coaching, and today she's treating us to an inside scoop on what she looks for from an artistry perspective as both a competition judge and coach, and how she helps dancers develop these skills!
For more resources regarding artistry, check out this episode with Chelsea Weidmann!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
Recorded Via Squadcast -
Ugh, trick steps; I love to hate 'em! As casual dance teachers, should we be teaching our students trick steps? Do they have a place in EVERY style of dance? Can we create a curriculum that focuses on fundamentals and classical training while still incorporating "tricks?" Join me as I rant - I mean discuss - the wild world of teaching trick steps as a casual dance teacher.
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Theme Music by GB Mystical: gbmystical.com
Listen to the previous episode regarding competitive dance with Olivia Lou Here -
Olivia Lou is a dance educator and competition adjudicator here to tell us how to prepare any and all students to attend a dance competition - regardless of their level of training or the number of hours a week they spend in the studio. We talk about the pros and cons of competitive dance, how to mentally and physically prepare students for the experience, and what makes a piece stand out in a competitive setting...plus a first for me - threatening to fight one of my podcast guests over an opinion on competition choreography! 😂 Enjoy!
Theme Music by GBMystical! www.gbmystical.com
Recorded Via Squadcast -
Today's episode is a follow-up on episode number 22 with guest Isaac Iskra. After reflecting upon that conversation, I decided (on a last-minute whim that forced me to record and edit this episode in record time!) that I had some follow-up thoughts on my own experience that I wanted to share.
The tips that I share in this episode are informed by the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, therapy, which I mention in the episode is a controversial practice, and has been rejected by many members of the autism community. This episode is not intended to endorse ABA therapy, but merely to educate on a few key functions of this practice that I personally feel can be helpful to dance teachers! Please listen and make your own judgements and applications as you see fit!Here is the link to guest episode with Isaac Iskra regarding his experience as an autistic dancer and choreographer.
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Theme Music by GB Mystical: gbmystical.com - Visa fler