The Beemgee podcast on the craft of developing stories focuses on the emotional response of the audience to the story. Instead of the Hero’s Journey, we concentrate on “The Audience’ Journey” – how authors guide their audience through a story world by manipulating emotions. This is the essential guide to story development for all authors of fiction or memoirs, for screenwriters, game designers, dramatists and dramaturgs, editors and publishers, producers and directors.
© Olaf Bryan Wielk, Beemgee GmbH -
How does a poet represent two distinctly different cultures in their work? How did James Berry interpret his experience and those of other Jamaican’s that migrated to England in the late 1940’s into his writing? James Berry was born in Jamaica in 1924, but moved to England during the wave of immigration from the West Indies led by the Empire Windrush. From a young age Berry had an interest in language, and showed an aptitude for spoken word and through writing soon realised he could explore the world from different perspectives. He became part of a new generation of post-colonial poets who drew inspiration from their country of birth in addition to British culture. This album focuses on a selection of poems from his collection titled Windrush songs.
This material forms part of The Open University course A230 Reading and studying literature. -
As an ex-professional dancer and owner of @AlignFitnessByAllie, a cross training studio for dancers, Allie shares her mission and information to empower healthy, strong, well rounded dancers. Bringing Professional Dancers, Sports Medicine Doctors, Dietician, Trainers, Directors, and more who have centered their careers around dance to share their knowledge in one spot. Join us as Allie brings diverse leaders in the dance world together to assist you to be an informed dancer and parent as you reach your goals in dance.
Le chef d’œuvre officiel qui leur tombe des mains ? L’écrivain avec lequel ils aimeraient passer une soirée ? Le livre qui les réconcilie avec l’existence ?... Pour Le Monde, en partenariat avec le Salon du livre du Mans "Faites Lire", 6 auteurs se prêtent au jeu du "Keskili", une sorte de questionnaire de Proust élaboré par Le Monde des Livres pour découvrir leur rapport à la littérature et à la lecture. A partir du 15 octobre, retrouvez tour à tour Olivier Adam, Augustin Trapenard, Ananda Devi, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Jakuta Alikavazovic et Thomas Reverdy. Un podcast diffusé tous les vendredi sur Le et sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute.
Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations. -
Ein Podcast über Bücher und die Welten, die sie uns eröffnen. Alle zwei Wochen tauchen wir im Duo in eine Neuerscheinung ein, spüren Themen, Figuren und Sprache nach und folgen den Gedanken, welche die Lektüre auslöst. Dazu sprechen wir mit der Autorin oder dem Autor und holen zusätzliche Stimmen zu den Fragen ein, die uns beim Lesen umgetrieben haben. Lesen heisst entdecken.
Mit den Hosts Franziska Hirsbrunner/Katja Schönherr, Jennifer Khakshouri/Michael Luisier und Felix Münger/Simon Leuthold.
Mehr Infos: Kontakt: [email protected] -
Bienvenue sur le podcast de Paroles de Plumes par Marie F Florie, le podcast de conseils et motivations en écriture et communication.
Je m'appelle Marie, je suis rédactrice web, chargée de communication et autrice et via Paroles de Plumes, je veux lier ma passion pour l'écriture avec mes compétences en communication.
Conseils, témoignages, interviews, bonne humeur, retrouve tous mes conseils pour t'aider à progresser dans l'écriture de ton roman et ainsi atteindre tes objectifs livresques.
Retrouve moi sur instagram : @parolesdeplumes
Par Marie F Florie -
In unserem Podcast »Dichtung & Wahrheit« spricht Annika von Taube mit Autorinnen und Autoren der Verlage Suhrkamp und Insel über das, was nicht zwischen zwei Buchdeckel passt: von ihrer Arbeit mit Texten bis zum Leben fernab der Literatur. Sie haben Kritik, Anregungen oder Wünsche? Dann schreiben Sie uns gerne eine Mail an [email protected].
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hallihallöchen an meine lieben Dramione-Fans und die, die es noch werden wollen! Willkommen zur Vertonung der Fanfiktion "Draco Malfoy und die demütigende Tortur des Verliebt-Seins"!Die Fanfiction ist ursprünglich aus dem Englisch von Isthisselfcare und wurde von meiner liebsten Daedalean ins Deutsche übersetzt.Ich lese euch hier die Dramione-Harry Potter- Fanfiction Kapitel für Kapitel vor und hoffe, ihr habt ganz viel Spaß ^^ Weitere Features: Schließe ein Abo ab:
Wie sieht die Zukunft der Literatur aus?
Hoffentlich solidarisch!
Diskutiert wird über das Wort "Solidarität" wieder und wieder. Doch was genau bedeutet es und wie können wir wahre Solidarität leben?
In diesem Podcast-Experiment sprechen wir mit verschienden Gäst*innen aus dem Literatur- & Kulturbertrieb über ihre Erfahrungen und schaffen einen Raum für literarische und gesellschaftliche Utopien. -
The audition process can make or break a performer's progress. Join Broadway veteran Justin Guarini every week to hear what it takes to stand out from the competition, avoid common mistakes, and unlock the next level of your musical theater career. Have you ever walked out of an audition room and asked yourself: "I could've done so much better, why was that so terrible?" Justin has too, many times, more than he can remember. So, he started searching for a new way to nail auditions and book more jobs as a performer. Now, each week, Justin brings you valuable insights from his 17 years of success in the entertainment business, along with exclusive interviews and tips from some of the industry's biggest stars, directors, creatives, thought leaders and working actors just like you! The Audition Secrets podcast is your direct line to behind the scenes audition success strategies and insiders, straight from the stages, the audition rooms, and the players to your earbuds.
A Podcast about the Art of the Possible. Hosted by Frank, a Brazilian Historian (@FrankGothic), and Leon, Dutch social scientist (@LaboringLeon). In which we look at Literature (The Left Page) and Media (Here Be Media) through a socio-historical & Utopian lens!
Find more of our work and projects at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Children's book publishing’s secrets are revealed as we listen in on fascinating, unguarded, insider discussion from two uniquely qualified best friends: award-winning author/illustrator Grace Lin, and one of NYC’s top editors, Alvina Ling. Go behind the scenes of kid lit and catch a glimpse of the lives of the best-selling author and editor, and the relationship between them.
The Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen's is home to some of the UK and Ireland's foremost poets, novelists, scriptwriters, and critics. Each episode features readings, performances, interviews, and coffee-drinking with staff, students, alumni and friends.
Its pilot series released episodes on St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, May Day, and on the Summer Solstice in 2019. It included a new radio drama produced as part of the Heaney Centre's Masters in Creative Writing.
It is produced in a small back room by Stephen Sexton and Rachel Brown. With invaluable production and sound design by Suzi Bloom and original music by Conor McCafferty, Suzi Bloom, and Nicholas Boyle. -
Contenu original, lectures, entretiens, conférence en lien avec les sélections et le programme de la Librairie la Dispersion de Genève - une librairie d'art et pensée critique. Disponible également sur toutes les applications de podcast. Pour voir tous les épisodes :
Welcome to the show that teaches you everything your mom never did about getting dressed! The Everyday Style School inspires you to love the way you look everyday, and gives you the tools to make it easy. From understanding your body shape, to getting rid of clothes that no longer serve you, we give real style advice to women with real lives, real bodies, and real budgets.
Finding yourself, a partner, and love is hard! With over ten years of relationship advice experience- both haram and halal- I intend to help you get there, while YOU help me, help myself. Let's get FABULOUS!!!
'Life is so much better with love, laughter, and sparkle.' Faiza K.A Rammuny is a thirty four year old writer with not only a FABULOUS sense of fashion, but interesting, unique, and comical understanding of relationships, that she gained by documenting not only her search to find love, but the search of countless other women and men. Writing about the subject, found many turning to Faiza for her insight and two cents on their relationships, which inspired her to quit her job, and focus solely on offering many just that.