
  • Are you ready to live with intention and adjust your mindset to be fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? The reality is that you were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today! Joining us today on the podcast to remind us of the overcoming power, love, and grace that we get the opportunity of clinging to and finding victory in is renowned pastor, elder, and author, Matt Chandler! Matt has served over 20 years as the Lead Pastor at The Village Church in Flower Mound, TX which recently transitioned its 5 campuses into their own autonomous churches. He is also the Executive Chairman of the Acts 29 Network, a large church planting community that trains and equips church planters across the globe. In today’s conversation, Matt joins Zach & Josh to unpack his most recent book, The Overcomers which takes a chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation rather than a line-by-line deep dive, helping readers practically understand what God wants to say to us today through this extraordinary book written thousands of years ago. He also talks about how we should view current events, knowing that the writers of the New Testament understood themselves to be living in the “end times” or “last days.” Believers will be reminded that they are uniquely wired and uniquely placed in this moment in history as part of God’s big plan to push back darkness and to establish light. Christ has overcome, and in Him we, too, are the overcomers!

    Find Out More About Matt: https://pastormattchandler.com/ 

    Pick Up a Copy of Matt’s Newest Book, The Overcomers: https://pastormattchandler.com/books/the-overcomers/#order 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Reward Sibanda is a dynamic speaker, writer, pastor at Saddleback Church, and the Senior Director of National Church Engagement at World Vision, the world's largest Christian humanitarian organization. Renowned for his unique perspective and transformative insights that inspire many and challenge conventional thinking, Reward thrives on empowering and challenging people from all walks of life to transcend limitations and pursue God's best for them. In today’s conversation, Reward joins Zach & Josh to help us futher understand and unpack an ancient, biblical practice - fasting. As he writes in his newest book, How to Fast, so many in our modernized culture and society view fasting as simply another fad dietting technique, when in reality it is a key to unlocking physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal and rejuvenation. Through Scripture, personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and practical advice, today’s conversation is a perfect reminder for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, that the ancient practice of fasting can truly help deepen your spiritual connection and intimacy with The Lord as well as enhance your overall well-being.

    Find Out More About Reward: https://www.rewardsibanda.com/ 

    Pick Up a Copy of Reward’s Newest Book, How to Fast: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0593601351?tag=randohouseinc11082-20 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Who is the most complicated person you work with? You probably don’t have to think very hard to answer that question. You already know their name, their job title, their quirks, and their flaws. You have firsthand experience with the mental and emotional fallout they leave in their wake. You’ve seen the problems their complexity creates for everyone on their team. You wish you could fix them, solve them, ignore them, or teleport them to a parallel dimension. But you can’t. You have to work with them. (You could quit, but your next job will have a complicated person waiting for you there too.) That means you need effective strategies to collaborate with (nearly) anyone. Especially the picky, prickly, problematic ones. Drawing from his global consulting experience with teams and leaders from the glitz of sports and entertainment, to the number-crunching world of finance, to the meticulous realms of insurance, pharma, and manufacturing, today’s guest - a dynamic speaker and bestselling author, Ryan Leak, will provide you with proven strategies for seeing challenging individuals as human beings to understand rather than problems to solve, detoxing unrealistic expectations and getting comfortable with complicated, learning to communicate effectively in complex environments, embracing healthy disagreement as a tool to discover better solutions, and setting boundaries that let people into your world without letting them run your world. In the episode Ryan shares, “The process of learning to collaborate with difficult individuals is transformative—it’s a gateway to greater creativity, stronger teams, and increased productivity, because on the other side of complicated is the wonderful, wide-open world of effective collaboration and a workplace you love.” 

    Ryan’s Website: https://www.ryanleak.com/ 

    Pre-Order Ryan’s Book How to Work with Complicated People: https://www.amazon.com/How-Work-Complicated-People-Collaboration-ebook/dp/B0D7J86R16 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In a day and age where social media has quickly become an untapped mission field, we need more people who are bold and courageous to step up, speak up, and stand on biblical truth. Thankfully, that is exactly what our very special guest today, Isabel Brown, does on a daily basis. Isabel Brown is a full-time independent creator, livestreamer, and author giving a voice to Generation Z by breaking down culture’s most important topics to thousands of viewers in a real-time, authentic format. Isabel’s streams and other content reach millions of people around the world daily, covering everything from politics to dating, faith, and the latest internet trend. She published her first book, Frontlines: Finding My Voice on an American College Campus, in 2021, sharing her encounter with radical leftism from the heart of America’s university experience. Her new book, The End of the Alphabet: How Gen Z Can Save America, makes a compelling case for why Generation Z may be the last hope to save Western civilization from the upside-down Left, and why we shouldn’t write them off just yet. Isabel speaks regularly on high school and college campuses and to activism organizations worldwide. She is a Contributor with Turning Point USA, and has previously worked and collaborated with The Daily Wire, PragerU, Students for Life of America, and Live Action. You may recognize her from the cover of Newsweek magazine or her regular appearances on national and international television and radio representing the voice of Generation Z! Ultimately, Isabel is a women who has her finger on the pulse of culture and society today and I believe you will be encouraged by the work God is continuing to do in and through her life. 


    Follow Isabel on social media: https://www.instagram.com/theisabelbrown/reels/?hl=en 

    Pick up a copy of Isabel’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08W4WRKPQ 


    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • On this earth, a crown is what separates victors from the rest of the competitors, but the goal of creating a life worth living is not to gain a trophy, get a prize, or keep the crown. However, when all we’re focused on is the prize and not the process, we find ourselves in a dangerous position quickly attaching our identities to our accomplishments. However, our lives are not meant to be about being number one or making our own names known. Therefore, while walking you through the journey of her evolving confidence—from basing her identity on temporary labels and her own efforts, to discovering the rock-solid security of anchoring her dreams in her Maker—today’s guest, Demi Leigh Tebow joins Zach & Dr. Tim Clinton to weave her story together with the insights she's learned along the way. Today’s conversation will show you how to relate to the discomfort, confusion, and doubt that arises when you base your confidence on external things; discover God-confidence when your plans take unexpected detours, know what do when planted in unknown territory, use your story to grow an eternal impact, and stay grounded in the truth of who you are in Christ. The purpose of our lives is to love and serve God and others. Demi shows how you can be encouraged to focus not just on your aspirations, but on your greater purpose and leave behind a footprint of significance, not just success.

    Visit Demi’s Website: https://demitebow.com/ 

    Purchase “A Crown that Lasts: You Are Not Your Label”: https://www.amazon.com/Crown-that-Lasts-Your-Label/dp/1400343585 

    Purchase Demi’s Newest Book for Mothers & Daughters, “Princess Paris Finds Her Purpose”: https://shorturl.at/J31xT 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Philippians 4:6 reminds us to, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Now, this verse is not saying that you won’t worry, or even that worry is a sin. However, it’s a reminder to us that in our moments of worry, fear, and anxiety, we have the opportunity to substitute those things when we humbly and quickly present those very things before the Lord instead of dwelling on them. Because, when you turn your worry into worship, God will turn your battles into blessings. Joining us today to dive deeper into his own personal testimony and ways in which he has managed and overcome anxiety of his own is a dear friend and familiar face and voice on the podcast, Grant Troutt. Grant is a well known speaker, young adult pastor, and truly a dispensor of hope! And today he wants to remind you that in the midst of the challenge you may find yourself in today to continually pray for God to not deliver you until He has fully developed you! 

    Follow Grant on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/grant_troutt/?hl=en 

    Grant’s Message, “The War Against Worry”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI84LXMNma8 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • For anyone ready to move their life forward, from tragedy, personal failure, unfair circumstances, or just a sense of being stuck, baseball legend, bestselling author, and today’s guest, Darryl Strawberry offers transformational practices and the tangible hope that you can enjoy a future filled with power, purpose, and freedom. Darryl has seen it all—the highs and lows of an intense career as a Major League Baseball all-star, drug addiction, marriage challenges, prison time, and battles with cancer. With honesty and transparency, during today’s conversation Darryl joins Zach & his dad, Dr. Tim Clinton to share the same foundational principles that transformed his life from the inside out such as the power of prayer, cultivating healthy friendships, weathering trials without losing heart, refreshing the way you think, and letting God change your life for good. Ultimately, he'll help you discover and trust the redemptive process of making small, daily decisions to follow God into a life of faith, health, and freedom.

    Purchase a Copy of Darryl’s Book, Turn Your Season Around: https://www.amazon.com/Turn-Your-Season-Around-Transforms/dp/0310360862 

    Visit Darryl’s Website: https://findingyourway.com/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • There is an Enemy among us. You may know who he is, but you may not know what he is about. Do you know how he wages war? Do you know how he targets you specifically? He's the Villain who wants to change your story in the hopes you live isolated, powerless, discouraged, and defeated. Satan has waged a war with the Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and his sole desire is to keep you from God's goodness. He knows that he has been defeated by Jesus' death and resurrection, but until the final battle when he is cast into hell for eternity, he and his demons roam the earth like a roaring lion looking for anyone to devour. He is far more disruptive to our lives than we realize, and it's time to take action. Therefore, in today’s conversation, Zach & Josh sit down with New York Times bestselling author, renowned speaker, and lead pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church, Jonathan Pokluda, to unpack his newest book, Your Story Has a Villain to explore the tactics of Satan, equip you to overcome spiritual battles, and remind you of the victory already secured through Jesus. Remember, as Christ followers we must be aware of the enemy’s schemes, but we don’t have to be afraid, because as 1 John 4:4 reminds us, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Yes, your story has a villain, an unseen enemy disrupting your life more than you realize. But we must remember our hero is Jesus Christ, who came so that we may "have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). We know the grim, eternal outcome for Satan and his demons, but the battle still rages. So, the question that remains is, are you ready to fight back, find freedom from sin and toxic thinking, and walk in the abundant life available to you? 


    Purchase a Copy of Your Story Has a Villain: https://shorturl.at/Th9nK 

    Purchase a Copy of Your Story Has a Villain Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: https://shorturl.at/VnXAb 

    Visit JP’s Website: https://www.jonathanpokluda.com/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In the midst of all the challenge, division, and hardship that is inevitable in the world we live in, have you opened your eyes to the Hunger for Holiness all around us? There’s no question that God is doing something extraordinary not just in our country but all around the world! Amazingly, through a dream which prompted the question “What if Jesus came back in 10 years?”, solidified and confirmed a calling, to reach the 5.5 billion people on earth who don’t know Jesus. Because if we truly believed He was coming and coming soon, shouldn’t we do everything in our power to reach them? Could 2.5 billion Christians on earth be mobilized to share the Gospel like never before? The exciting news is that the world is now on the precipice of the largest global gathering the Church has ever seen! Beginning tomorrow evening, for 25 consecutive hours, Gather25 is inviting believers across the world to pray, repent, worship, and discover how the love of Jesus is transforming the world through everyday people. Jesus followers in churches, campuses, arenas, and living rooms–from every continent and denomination–will join together across every time zone to watch the Gather25 broadcast that is free to everyone, everywhere. That being said, today we are blessed to be joined by best-selling author, teacher, gatherer, and the visionary for this incredible movement, Jennie Allen, as well as the Director of Ministry Engagement & Gen Z at Gather 25, Luke Lefevre! Don’t miss this life-giving conversation on all the Lord is continuing to do in the world as we are encouraged, challenged, and expectant to continually watch and partake in all that God has in store!

    Link to Join Gather25: https://www.gather25.com/ 

    Find Out More About Jennie: https://www.jennieallen.com/ 

    Find Out More About Luke: https://lukelefevre.org/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Kadarian ‘KD’ Hill has a powerful testimony as he shares how a little boy with a big dream became a powerful man with an even bigger dream. At a very young age, KD Hill discovered football and passion for the game. With the help of his single mom, who worked hard to provide for herself and her young son, he learned the game and became a powerful force playing defense for an SEC powerhouse! While on that journey, he became an award-winning defensive tackle. Yet, his dream was to play in the NFL. After his final season playing for the Ole Miss Rebels, and with his dream seemingly coming to fruition, he began a targeted training program and garnered the interest of several NFL teams. On and off the field he had proved himself to be the man and athlete he had always dreamed of being. However, in order to provide for his family while continue to train for the NFL draft, KD was driving a truck late one night when the unthinkable happened. On the morning of July 21, 2023 around 4:30 AM, just outside of Cullman, Alabama, everything changed concerning his NFL Dream. In a matter of the seconds that it takes for an accident to happen, KD found himself pinned in the truck with his right leg smashed by the dashboard of the freightliner he was driving. Within 10 minutes the state trooper was on the scene of the accident and more help was on the way, KD was given the news that, for him to be freed from the truck, part of his right leg would have to be amputated. The surgeon arrived on the scene, freed KD from the truck and the dream of a career in the NFL ended. However, KD knew that God was his refuge and source of strength in his time of trouble no matter what came next, as football wasn’t KD’s only dream, and it wasn’t God’s ultimate plan for his life. Today, KD is a successful motivational speaker speaking to football teams and business organizations and sharing his story of hope, overcoming challenges, and finding success after tragedy. He has been a guest on Good Morning America and is loving life while living out a dream bigger than he ever had before. A now author of his memoir titled, The UpHill Climb: The KD Hill Story, KD will be sure to inspire you through today’s conversation with his practical perspective shifts and resounding hope and faith in a God who has EVERYTHING within His control!


    KD’s Website: https://hlx.gg/kd-hill 

    KD’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Uphill-Climb-KD-Hill-Story/dp/B0DMG4VCD5 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • From zero scholarships to the NFL—Javien Elliott’s journey is a story of grit, faith, and determination. Growing up in Panama City, Florida, Javien dreamed of playing college football and making it to the NFL. But as a high school graduate with no star ranking and no scholarship offers, those dreams seemed far out of reach. After three years away from the game, Javien made the bold decision to walk on to the reigning national champions, the Florida State Seminoles, where he ultimately earned a scholarship, a starting position, and the chance to prove himself on one of college football’s biggest stages. With only one season under his belt, Javien went undrafted but didn't let that stop him from pursuing his NFL dream. Today’s conversation is more than a tale of an improbably athletic career; it’s a testament to the power of faith in God, resilience, and an unbreakable will to succeed. Javien’s story encourages anyone facing long odds to believe in what’s possible and to pursue their dreams relentlessly. Through his journey, he shows that with grit, faith, and determination, anything is achievable. This episode is perfect for athletes, dreamers, and anyone looking for inspiration to overcome their own challenges. Our prayer is that today’s conversation would serve as a powerful reminder that the road to success is rarely smooth but it’s always worth it!


    Purchase Your Copy of Unconquered Walk-On Today: https://www.amazon.com/Unconquered-Walk-Unlikely-Scholarships-Florida/dp/B0DPVHYHMN?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER 

    Follow Javien on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/javien._/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we figured it would be a perfect time to drop in a much needed conversation on the topic of intimacy. In a world and culture that has sexualized the word intimacy, today’s conversation gets back to the basics of God’s original intent and design for intimacy. We also spend time peeling back the layers of intimacy such as physical, emotional, & spiritual intimacy as well. Joining us to do just that is a man who has one of the most impactful testimonies you will ever hear, Joshua Broome. If you’re not familiar with Josh’s story, it’s a testiment of the love, grace, and faithfulness of our God, where a former adult film star embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, he found emptiness. Battling depression and thoughts of self harm, Josh discovered the transformative power of Jesus. Now, he shares his story of redemption on podcasts, TV shows, and stages, spreading God's message of restoration all over the world. With a BS in Christian Ministries, our guest and his wife Hope have been married for seven years, raising their four sons in Dallas, Texas. His message is centered on the fact that no matter what you have done or what has happened to you the love of Jesus Christ stands ready to change your future. Whether you’re preparing for or repairing the relationship God has called you to, today’s conversation is a must hear as it’s filled with practical tips and strategies to recenter your heart on what matters most. Remember, love is not something you become better at, love is someone you become more like. We hope and pray that this conversation would not only impact you, but also those you love. 

    Josh’s Website: https://www.joshuabroome.me/

    Josh’s Book: https://www.joshuabroome.me/joshuas-book 

    Struggling with Pornography? Join Zach & Josh today to Receive 8 FREE Videos in their P51 Project: https://ignitemen.net/the-p51-project/

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • With Super Bowl weekend right around the corner, we wanted to bless all you NFL fans with an incredible guest who not only understands the ins and outs of what it takes to get to and to play in the NFL, but also a man who now gets to shepherd and steward the spiritual growth and development of many NFL players. Our guest today is Johnny Shelton! Johnny is a husband, father, minister, sports chaplain, and life coach with an extraordinary desire to encourage and challenge the hearts of God’s people! He has served in various ministry roles throughout his career including the team chaplain at Elon University, the chaplain of the Virginia Tech Football Team, and now serving as the Team Chaplain and Life Coach of the Baltimore Ravens since 2013! This is a man who understands the process of spiritual growth and development and the significance of fellowship and discipleship in our journey throughout this life. Listen in to this compelling conversation that will challenge and encourage you in your pursuit of more fully knowing God and making His name known!

    Johnny’s Website: https://johnnyshelton.com/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Many theologians would argue that more than often Christians in the West are immature, meaning that our walk doesn’t always match our talk. Some would even go as far as arguing that the average North American Christian is about 3,000 Bible verses overweight, because the way many leaders approach maturity is to assume that knowledge produces it. But since when? Yes, it’s wonderful that people understand what they believe, but knowledge in and of itself is not a hallmark of Christian maturity. As Paul says, knowledge puffs up. Love, by contrast, builds up. And some of the most Biblically literate people in Jesus’ day were passed over when Jesus was selecting his disciples. You see, the goal is not to know, but to do something with what you know. Today, we are going to take a deep dive the process of spiritual formation and holistic discipleship by answering questions such as, “Does our popular understanding of discipleship produce some of the unhealthiness, stagnation, and decline we see all around us in the church?” and “What if you could do something about it by rethinking what you mean by discipleship in the first place?” Joining us today to for a very rich discussion around these matters is the Lead Pastor of Bloom Church in Portland, Oregon - Colby Maier! Colby is a man who seeks to help people discover who God created them to be as he believes God created each person with a unique potential to make a profound impact on their world, and to leave lasting change that will influence generations to come. Each day is filled with meaning when you know who you are, why you’re here, and where you’re going. We hope and pray that through today’s conversation you would truly discover who God created you to be so that you too can activate your faith and bring positive and lasting change to this world.


    Colby’s Website: https://www.colbymaier.com/ 

    Bloom Church’s Website: https://achurchinportland.org/about/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • As we keep charging into the New Year where many of us have big dreams, goals, and resolutions for 2025, it is important that we are also reminded that anything worth value in this life will come at a cost. Today, we’re joined by someone who understands the ultimate cost - someone who understands sacrifice, discipline, and mental toughness and who can help turn your commitments into consistency. Joining us today is Chad Robichaux. Chad is a highly decorated former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense Contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading non-profit, serving the active duty, military veteran, and first responder communities around the world with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs. During our conversation today, Chad will discuss and unpack the topics of discipline, mental toughness, accountability, and the four pillars that he believes comprise true resilience in everyone’s life. Don’t miss this incredibly life-giving conversation!


    Chad Robichaux’s website: https://www.chadrobichaux.com/ 

    Mighty Oaks Foundation website: https://www.mightyoaksprograms.org/ 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Dr. Daniel Amen, groundbreaking physician, psychiatrist and clinic director, has helped people for decades achieve mental wellness by teaching them how to make better choices with their diet and lifestyle in order to be more in tune with their brain's health and function. The founder of Amen Clinics and BrainMD, Dr. Amen shares with Zach Clinton the steps anyone can take to optimize mental acuity and better brain health. Dr. Amen’s clinical expertise provides hope to those struggling mentally, and even helps parents in the midst of raising kids whose brains are still developing. He presents practical challenges that can launch you on the road to better metal health and resiliency, exclusively in today’s conversation.

    Amen University: https://www.amenuniversity.com/blogs/news/dr-amen-change-your-brain-and-life-brain-health?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=22090313956&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp4O8BhAkEiwAqv2UqAOLpiWV6fenwP3Np1oTvhIkEMb0ymZZy3ju-xRsX1NIBunYbJP0_hoCrEUQAvD_BwE 

    Amen Clinics: https://www.amenclinics.com/ 

    Pick up Dr. Amen’s Book, Raising Mentally Strong Kids: https://www.amazon.com/Raising-Mentally-Strong-Kids-Neuroscience/dp/1496484797/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EmhDR7t-llqS-WWgJjn_g-FIfw8f89iybs0Eq6sxVgGJm_MnzPSWpzDAEZjOiatNpQOgD35Z9xCDDudWRgAaYsV5zKdQkwc982L-yrcMGoO9qK8HSM6CIj6XuNdOSHS1Q8zBwfoenQIxY1zSiSugJ20GHcOGjMHIgwMuptE1EYNe9hszHxa0R1euel1rP2G4vh3fG1jryJ9T_dbPk3nVHr9NYB7dbjXNTSxOZLehKHs.1E2FuGliV7do45vt5eOvxkI2zca1EiYcE8Zehk_qoHA&dib_tag=se&hvadid=700283968455&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9008908&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9074856537415198683&hvtargid=kwd-2299179502235&hydadcr=15554_13558538&keywords=raising+mentally+strong+kids+amen&qid=1736524572&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Nick Stumbo is the Executive Director of Pure Desire, a ministry that actually helped him and his wife find a way out and healing from his own porn addiction. In this honest, unflinching conversation, Nick joins Zach Clinton to explain the challenges involved in overcoming the shame and brokenness of porn use. They examine the different wounds and the peripheral damage that can occur with a spouse or a mate, and explain why both partners in a relationship matter as a journey of recover begins. Nick offers unique firsthand perspective on how this can be an unspoken problem within the church. Through his own powerful testimony, Nick reminds us that asking for help doesn’t make us weaker believers. Real freedom from behavior driven by secrecy and shame can only be found by bringing it into the light. Listen and be encouraged as you start the new year, with new goals and resolutions, and share it with someone you care about.

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • With a new year comes a new start – with new goals, dreams, and aspirations. Therefore as we embark into a season of transition and hopefully a season where you are hungry to embrace the process of progress, we’ve decided to bring back a dear friend who knows a thing or two about commitment, discipline, hard work, and what greatness requires in this life! Joining us today is Garrett Unclebach!! Garrett is a former Navy Seal - where he served many years on Seal Team 3 - Over the course of six years, Garrett earned his SEAL Trident, became a communications expert, a combat controller calling in precision close air support, a freefall jumpmaster, and a SEAL Platoon Squad Leader - guiding 8 other SEALs through countless high risk training and real world operations on multiple continents. Garrett is clearly a man who understands discipline, leadership, and consistency. He deeply cares about pouring and investing into other men better helping them understand what it means to live a life of purpose and on mission. He is the co-host of an incredible podcast titled “The Impossible Life” - a business owner and a real estate developer partnered with his father, a Venture Capital Partner, and he volunteers as the Director of Men’s Ministry at Elevate Life Church where he hosts a Mighty Men’s group every Saturday morning! But what I love most about Garrett is that he has a heart that is hungry for the Lord as he continually serves his family as a husband to his wife Lindsey and a father to their children. Trust me, this is a conversation that you don’t want to miss as Garrett will help us understand what it means to truly squeeze the lemon out of life and get all that God has for you in 2025! 

    Garrett Unclebach Website: https://www.theimpossible.life/garrettunclebach

    Learn More about The Impossible Life: https://www.theimpossible.life/homepage

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • As we engage in all of the Christmas festivities over the next several days, we must take the time to reflect on and celebrate the true reason for the season, Jesus! Yet, although many may know and remember the words of John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” many struggle to understand the why behind their belief and how they might share it with others. That is why on this Christmas Eve we are bringing on one of the foremost leading Christian apologists in the world to help educate, equip, and encourage to not only understand the WHY behind our faith, but also help us understand how we can more effectively witness and share the truth of God’s love with others, Dr. Sean McDowell. Sean is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview. Sean is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Additionally, he is the author, co-author, or editor of over twenty books and  is listed among the top 100 apologists in the world! 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” Our prayer is that this conversation would equip you with that explanation today and forevermore. 


    Learn more about Sean: https://seanmcdowell.org/ 

    Some FREE Thought Provoking Videos by Sean: https://seanmcdowell.org/videos 

    Listen to Sean’s Podcast: https://seanmcdowell.org/podcasts 

    Purchase Sean’s Books: https://seanmcdowell.org/books 

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  • Many have recognized Christmas as the most magical time of the year. Whether it be the trees, lights, decorations, festivities, family traditions, and more - Christmas is a time of celebration, specifically when we reflect on the Gift of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. That being said, today’s conversation is all about spreading joy and goodness this Christmas season through the selfless act of giving and blessing those in need. Joining us today is renowned speaker, author, and founder of Skip1.org, Shelene Bryan. Skip1 exists to help solve world hunger, one Skip at a time, by building and renovating kitchens within orphanages and schools in impoverished areas. They also support food distribution and feeding programs in places where kitchens can't be built, and help with clean water and sustainable agricultural initiatives. Ultimately, it’s amazing what can happen when people choose to skip something they may want to bless others with something they may need! Our prayer is that this Christmas season you would realize that the true gift though belongs to the giver as giving provides us an opportunity to feel purposeful, meaningful, and connected.


    Donate to Skip1.org today: https://skip1.org/donate/ 

    Skip1: https://skip1.org/ 

    Learn more about Shelene: https://skip1.org/our-founder/ 

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