
  • CONTENT HEADS UP: This episode contains (among other things) a deep, frank conversation about life, death, Catholicism, the cosmos, reverential dissection, body phenomena, including orgasm, service, enlightenment, circumcision, some swear words, a lot of humor, and of course, some challenges and gifts of being bodies.

    And in case it’s not clear, Gil dissects, with dedication, “donor forms” - no longer inhabited bodies gladly donated by their prior inhabitants - to illuminate the wonders of the human body so that we might all live ours more fully.

    SYNOPSIS: In this episode, Ali talks with Gil Hedley, educator and the producer of the Integral Anatomy series, who offers a expert perspective on the human body from the inside out. With a background in Theological Ethics and decades of dedication dissecting donated human bodies, Gil views the body as an archaeological site, exploring the layers of the human form and what they reflect about the near-infinite complexity of human existence. This episode delves into, as Gil calls it, a “re-branding of the human body” - giving us life-enhancing “re-conceptions” of the heart and body phenomena (fat, the foreskin, blood, orgasm) we have taken for granted and/or completely misunderstood. This conversation also explores the harmful effects of body fragmentation, and the interconnectedness of spirit and matter. Viewing the body through Gil’s extraordinary professional, and personal, perspective gives us a window into our inner-universe and beyond to our cosmic identity. After listening, your experience of being a body will never be the same! A warning: the episode includes frank and loving discussions of death and human dissection.

    TO VIEW ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/qekoqzr-4s0

    If you enjoyed what you just heard, we highly recommend you treat yourself to an Explorer Membership - the keys to the Gil Hedley kingdom – whose generous fare will include access to:

    – Anatomy from A to Z: a detailed video encyclopedia of the human form in 19 courses. 200+ hours of video content in production.
    – Live with Gil: Monthly, live online meet-up with Gil and other experts.
    – Video livestreams of actual dissections and his ever illuminating, and quite entertaining, narratives of his discoveries
    And so much more that I won’t list them here. Check it all out for yourself!
    Go to www.gilhedley.com/membership!
    Your experience of yourself as a whole body being will be ever-expanded!


    BIO: Gil has been teaching integral anatomy in the dissection laboratory, via keynotes and speaking tours, and online via his extensive website and subscription portal, www.gilhedley.com, and YouTube channel, "Somanaut," since 1995. He is the producer of The Integral Anatomy Series, the Anatomy from A to Z Project, and The Nerve Project, as well as being the author of several books and anatomy models. He is based at the Institute for Anatomical Research in Colorado Springs, CO, where he teaches, films, and serves as Board President.

    GIL – Youtube

    GIL – Instagram

    GIL – Facebook

    GIL HEDLEY: A few favourite videos…

    The Amazing Foreskin
    Pars Intima: A Rebranding Campaign for the Human Body
    The Heart-Brain (just a gorgeous 5-minute video that will transform your understanding of your heart and brain)
    Find Gil’s published works, and oh, so much more brilliant bodied stuff here.

    CANDACE PERT: Molecules of Emotion
    MICHAEL TALBOT: The Holographic Universe
    WILHELM REICH: The Function of the Orgasm

    HENRY GRAY: Author of Gray’s Anatomy (yes, Shonda Rhymes TV series’ title, Grey’s Anatomy, is riffing on this guy who wrote the seminal, Gray’s Anatomy

    1966 film “The Fantastic Voyage” trailer (some of us remember being traumatized as a kid by the white corpuscles!)

  • NEXT COHORT STARTS TOMORROW February 8th - Jump In!

    Personal Geometry® is a somatic and spatial practice that taps into the body's innate, felt-sense understanding of spatial relationships. This work can do so much so quickly. It’s an amazing way to get you, your clients, your partner, other participants, to see and feel the body-truth of things in minutes. We are excited to share Personal Geometry Foundations with you as a practitioner discover how you can best tailor it to the disciplines you are already, or will be, practicing.

    This non-verbal, embodied approach provides a clear and immediate visual and visceral representation of a person's inner world, making it an invaluable tool for therapists, facilitators, and anyone seeking profound transformation.

    A seven-week online class - perfect for therapists, sexologists, coaches, and healing practitioners. Foundations is the prerequisite for advanced classes on Sexuality and Addiction, and individuals seeking personal healing are welcome too!

    Join the Next Personal Geometry® Foundations Class (online over Zoom)
    Now enrolling - click here for more details. Next cohort starts February 8th, 2025.
    Our audience gets $250 off - just mention the show when contacting Ali.


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/
    If you have any questions, email Ali at: [email protected]

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • In this minisode, Ali guides you on a mini mapping experience to explore your heart/sexuality split - or un-split!
    Using her method, Personal Geometry® (explored in Episode 31 with Lauren Gleason) in mere minutes you will gain insights into what your present stance is in relation to your romantic heart and your sexuality - in relation to anyone or anything that is currently an issue for you.
    Find out what your body knows about it!
    In minutes, you'll see-feel what could help you understand, and live, a more harmonious relationship between these essential aspects of being - whether in relationship to someone else and/or yourself.


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    To book a session, email Ali at [email protected]

    Ali is in the hot seat today! The tables have turned as longtime friend, student and Television Producer, Lauren Gleason, interviews Ali about her body-based method, Personal Geometry® - a practice she developed to give the body a language that our cognitive minds can immediately access and understand.

    Together, they explore how Personal Geometry® and body mapping techniques are used in therapeutic and clinical healing, particularly in addressing challenges related to the body, sexuality, and addiction. Ali shares how she refined her method while working in renowned rehab centres in Los Angeles, offering real-life examples of its impact and honoring the influence and her experience of Family Constellation Work.

    They discuss the power of mapping relational dynamics - how visualizing the roles we hold in family systems can illuminate unconscious patterns, especially in the context of addiction and trauma. Other topics explored include the common phenomenon of emotional incest, the challenges and call to work with perpetrators, sexual biases as a facilitator, and our universal need to belong.

    At its core, Personal Geometry® is a somatic practice that taps into the body's innate, felt-sense understanding of spatial relationships. By bypassing psychological defense mechanisms, it directly reveals how we unconsciously position ourselves in relation to others, environments, and internal conflicts. This non-verbal, embodied approach provides a clear and immediate visual representation of a client’s inner world, making it an invaluable tool for therapists, facilitators, and anyone seeking profound transformation.

    Join the Next Personal Geometry® Foundations Class (online over Zoom)
    Now enrolling - click here for more details. Next cohort starts February 8th, 2025.
    Our audience gets $250 off - just mention the show when contacting Ali.

    A seven-week online class - perfect for therapists, sexologists, coaches, and healing practitioners. Foundations is the prerequisite for advanced classes on Sexuality and Addiction, and individuals seeking personal healing are welcome too!


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/
    Body work: https://www.alimezey.com/massage-body-therapy

    Instagram for Personal Geometry®: @the.unfolding.you
    Instagram For Entertainment & Media @gynisis.productions

    BIO: Lauren Gleason is Creative and Entertainment Professional with over a decade of experience across film and television. Parallel to her career in entertainment, Lauren’s other lifelong passion has been personal development. Beginning when she was first certified in Reiki I at fourteen, she was fortunate enough to be exposed to a wide-range of mind-body wellness techniques from Family Constellation Therapy to Continuum, to Joseph Culp’s Walking In Your Shoes—finally becoming certified as a Personal Geometry Practitioner in 2025 under Ali Mezey. At their core, stories embody the human path of transformation. Lauren’s mission is to create engaging, multi-genre stories that illuminate and entertain, while helping individuals uncover and rewrite their stories along the way. Follow Lauren’s conscious media endeavors with Gynisis Productions and her Personal Geometry practice with The Unfolding You.

    FREE Guided Body Mapping Taster: Heart/Sexuality Split

    Jane Peterson
    Bodies In Space by Jane Peterson
    Bert Hellinger

    Center for Healthy Sex
    The Body Has a Mind of its Own by The Blakeslees
    ProprioMassage® - Ali's massage method

    Jane Peterson: The Systemic Body: Navigating Relational Dynamics and Systemic Consciousness with Jane Peterson, PhD

    Gil Hedley: "pars intima" instead of "genitals"
    The Body is a Gift with Gil Hedley: A Reverential Journey into the Human Body

    FUNCTIONS OF ADDICTIONS: Addictions serve as adaptive strategies the body develops to regulate overwhelming emotions, trauma, and unmet needs. Addiction functions as a way to manage distress, create boundaries, or seek connection when healthier strategies are unavailable, often reinforcing cycles of disembodiment and dissociation.

    PROPRIOCEPTION: One’s internal sense of where one’s body parts are located in space and how they are moving. Proprioceptors are located in muscles, tendons, cartilage and joints

    CARTESIAN DIVIDE: The conceptual separation between mind and body, coined after René Descartes, emphasizing a dualistic view of human existence, isolating mental and physical aspects.

    FAMILY CONSTELLATION WORK is a global therapeutic approach that explores an individual’s emotional and behavioral challenges in the context of their family system. It seeks to uncover hidden dynamics, unresolved traumas, or entanglements in the family lineage that may influence current issues. The process often involv...

  • SYNOPSIS: This episode features Dr. Zoolittle (Penny), a British Australian polymath and the world's first Longevity Zoologist. Penny shares her unique career journey, starting from her childhood passion for animals to her groundbreaking work using functional and regenerative medicine to extend the healthy lifespan of animals. Ali and Penny discuss her experiences with various species, her approach to animal mental health, and her belief in the innate intelligence and emotional richness of animals. The conversation also touches on the power of feeling and transmitting love, interspecies relationships, and the vast potential humans have to learn from the animal kingdom.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/

    Website: www.drzoolittle.co

    Instagram: @drzoolittle

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@petparentlongevity
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pennywoodzoologist

    FOR YOUR GIFT: "A Guide to the 7 Pillars of Animal Longevity"

    Penny's Fire Recovery Guide to share with pet owners living in fire zones

    BIG CAT'S IN CRISIS Contribution Campaign
    We want to support one of Penny's many noble projects by inviting you to support it with us!
    Penny is a consultant for Big Cat Sanctuary, UK, as they re-home and revitalize traumatized lions rescued from the war in Ukraine.

    Here are some links...
    To Watch on Youtube
    To Donate


    Penny, a British-Australian polymath, has been a film designer, lion trainer, helicopter hostess, celebrity concierge, author and flying trapeze artist. She has lived in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, dived the Barrier Reef with sharks, out-skied an avalanche and had her hair styled by raccoons.

    However, her real profession is the world’s first Longevity Zoologist where she applies Functional and Regenerative Medicine to naturally extend the healthy lifespan of animals. She is also a Cognitive Ethologist, specialized in animal mental health, behaviour and their relationships with people. Affectionately known as Dr Zoolittle, Penny’s signature approach ‘rewilds’ animal health and happiness by combining the robust strategies of wild animals with cutting edge-longevity biology.

    As well a consulting for zoos, she teaches how to stop inadvertently shortening your pet’s life and shows you how to help protect animals from age-related diseases. Penny offers Puppy & Kitten Development programs, equipping Pet Parents to raise pets with invincible health, sparkling confidence and impeccable manners. For adult pets, she teaches Dream Dog Finishing School that gives pets a Longevity Lifestyle so they can live into their 20s, full of joy and vitality.

    Behavioural Biomutualism
    The Super Bullet Train in Japan
    Ice Flakes and the Intelligence of water: Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

    This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.

    Steve Irwin was an Australian zookeeper, conservationist, television personality, wildlife educator, and environmentalist.

    Family Constellation Work is a therapeutic approach that explores an individual’s emotional and behavioral challenges in the context of their family system. It seeks to uncover hidden dynamics, unresolved traumas, or entanglements in the family lineage that may influence current issues. The process often involves using group role-play or visualization to represent family members and relationships, creating a “constellation” that reveals these patterns and helps to restore balance and harmony.
    See Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/

    Walking in Your Shoes: WIYS is a process that allows the practitioner, in partnership with a facilitator, to address questions or needs through an intuitive questioning of the body-mind through movement. The applications of the questioning process are quite broad and can be applied to everything from healing trauma and managing addiction, to business development or a more organic met...

  • SYNOPSIS: This episode features Dr. Zoolittle (Penny), a British Australian polymath and the world's first Longevity Zoologist. Penny shares her unique career journey, starting from her childhood passion for animals to her groundbreaking work using functional and regenerative medicine to extend the healthy lifespan of animals. Ali and Penny discuss her experiences with various species, her approach to animal mental health, and her belief in the innate intelligence and emotional richness of animals. The conversation also touches on the power of feeling and transmitting love, interspecies relationships, and the vast potential humans have to learn from the animal kingdom.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/

    Website: www.drzoolittle.co

    Instagram: @drzoolittle

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@petparentlongevity
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pennywoodzoologist

    FOR YOUR GIFT: "A Guide to the 7 Pillars of Animal Longevity"

    Penny's Fire Recovery Guide to share with pet owners living in fire zones


    Penny, a British-Australian polymath, has been a film designer, lion trainer, helicopter hostess, celebrity concierge, author and flying trapeze artist. She has lived in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, dived the Barrier Reef with sharks, out-skied an avalanche and had her hair styled by raccoons.

    However, her real profession is the world’s first Longevity Zoologist where she applies Functional and Regenerative Medicine to naturally extend the healthy lifespan of animals. She is also a Cognitive Ethologist, specialized in animal mental health, behaviour and their relationships with people. Affectionately known as Dr Zoolittle, Penny’s signature approach ‘rewilds’ animal health and happiness by combining the robust strategies of wild animals with cutting edge-longevity biology.

    As well a consulting for zoos, she teaches how to stop inadvertently shortening your pet’s life and shows you how to help protect animals from age-related diseases. Penny offers Puppy & Kitten Development programs, equipping Pet Parents to raise pets with invincible health, sparkling confidence and impeccable manners. For adult pets, she teaches Dream Dog Finishing School that gives pets a Longevity Lifestyle so they can live into their 20s, full of joy and vitality.


    Family Constellation Work is a therapeutic approach that explores an individual’s emotional and behavioral challenges in the context of their family system. It seeks to uncover hidden dynamics, unresolved traumas, or entanglements in the family lineage that may influence current issues. The process often involves using group role-play or visualization to represent family members and relationships, creating a “constellation” that reveals these patterns and helps to restore balance and harmony.
    See Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/

    Walking in Your Shoes: WIYS is a process that allows the practitioner, in partnership with a facilitator, to address questions or needs through an intuitive questioning of the body-mind through movement. The applications of the questioning process are quite broad and can be applied to everything from healing trauma and managing addiction, to business development or a more organic method of acting. This is another means of “knowing” through your body.

    Occam's Razor is a principle that suggests the simplest explanation, with the fewest assumptions, is usually the best one. It doesn't guarantee correctness but serves as a guide to avoid overcomplicating solutions. The idea is widely used in science, philosophy, and problem-solving to evaluate competing theories or explanations.

    René Descartes (1596–1650): French philosopher, mathematician, and key figure in modern philosophy. Known for "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) and contributions to the scientific method and analytical geometry.

    Cartesian Divide: The conceptual separation between mind and body, coined after René Descartes, emphasizing a dualistic view of human existence, isolating mental and physical aspects.

    Merlin Sheldrake's book, Entangled Life

    Watch on YouTube


    Our events remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting them to explore the profound knowledge, memory, brilliance & capacity within. By delving into the depths of our bodily intelligence as a healing resource for not just ourselves, but as a part of the larger, global body, we have the potential for meaningful change and experiences as bodies. Join us in this journey of transformation as we redefine our understanding of the human body and its infinite capabilities. While our events remain free, any contributions are deeply appreciated and are seen as a generous gesture of support and encouragement in sharing our messages with the world.

    In this episode, Ali Mezey dives into an enlightening conversation with financial therapist Bari Tessler. Bari, a pioneer in the financial therapy field with a master's degree in somatic psychology from Naropa University, shares her unique somatic-based financial therapy methodology. Bari highlights the importance of integrating body awareness with financial literacy and exploring how emotions play a major role in our money decisions. She details the development of her three-phase approach: money healing, money practices, and money maps. The episode is filled with stories and practical tips about body check-ins, overcoming under earning, and learning to have empowered money conversations.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com
    Ali's short description of Constellation Work: https://studio.youtube.com/video/ADAHZWOzRDM/edit

    Website: www.baritessler.com

    Facebook: Bari Tessler Lindin
    Instagram: @baritessler

    Hi, I’m Bari Tessler, a financial therapist and a pioneer in the financial therapy field. I have a Masters degree in Somatic Psychology from Naropa University, 1998, and ran a bookkeeping business for therapists and artists. In 2001, I merged all my training and created a somatic-based Financial Therapy methodology that I’ve been teaching via my Art of Money program and a Mentor Program. I am also the Author of The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness and The Art of Money Workbook. In my group programs and private financial therapy, I’ve guided thousands of people to bring healing, un-shaming, and empowerment to our money relationships and all that it touches. I live in Boulder, Colorado with my husband, son, many cats + large puppy.

    Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn are common trauma responses that reveal how the nervous system reacts to stress or danger. In this episode, we explore these instinctive behaviors and their impact on emotional regulation, decision-making, and relationships.
    The four trauma responses most commonly recognized are:

    Fight – when we believe that if we are able to maintain power over the threat, we will gain control. This can look like physical fights, yelling, physical aggression, throwing things, and property destruction. It can also look like balling your hands into fists, feeling a knot in your stomach, crying, being argumentative, or experiencing a tight jaw.Flight – when we believe that if we are able to escape the threat and avoid conflict, then we will not be harmed. This can look like running away and avoiding interactions with others," notes Moronu. To avoid uncomfortable feelings, you may escape the situation by staying busy or fleeing for the exit whenever things get tough. Freeze – it might look like being at a loss for words, retreating into your mind, having a hard time breaking out and being present, sleeping, dissociating/spacing out, and going emotionally or physically numb.”Fawn – people-pleasing and engaging in pacifying behaviors. It's characterized by prioritizing people above all else by doing whatever they want to diffuse conflict and receive their approval. It seems good to be well liked and defer to others to secure safety, but not when it's at the cost of losing yourself. It can reach a point where you abandon yourself and your needs by merging so thoroughly with others.“Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn: Examining The 4 Trauma Responses” – Julie Nguyen

    Tamara Slayton
    Peter Levine
    Personal Geometry and Family Constellation Work
    The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
    So Barbara Stanny Overcoming Under Earning
    Mikelann Valterra

    ENCOURAGE US!: Donate $5

    Sharing is free! And so is rating us! These are also incredibly helpful ways you can support us in sharing this transformative information.

    Thank you, Bari!

  • SYNOPSIS: In this episode Ali had the pleasure of conversing with Mona Wind about the embodiment of emotion and its significance in our evolution. Mona is an energy practitioner and teacher who had a near-death experience at two months old, connecting her to a state of stillness and enabling her to share this energy. This experience unlocked various capacities and gifts, leading her to integrate elements like past lives, core wounds, karma, shadows, ego, and the still point. Mona describes our body as the universe's creative playground, where physical and non-physical phenomena intertwine. Tune into today to hear our conversation!

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/




    Mona Wind is an energy practitioner and consciousness teacher with direct access to the still point where no thought exists.

    When Mona transmits this energy, spiritual growth accelerates at rapid speeds and healing occurs simultaneously. She teaches others this direct connection in her online classes, sessions and programs.

    During her healings, transmissions and teachings, this energy is shared with her clients and students. It allows them to have a direct experience of oneness without drugs, visualizations or external techniques. There is a complete integration of mind, body and spirit. When this energy is transmitted, spiritual growth accelerates at rapid speeds and healing occurs simultaneously. Mona teaches others this direct connection in her online classes, sessions and programs.

    If you would like to learn from Mona how to have direct and immediate access to your integrated wholeness, you can find her at Lifeintegrity.com.


    Cartesian Divide: The conceptual separation between mind and body, coined after René Descartes, emphasizing a dualistic view of human existence, isolating mental and physical aspects.

    Our episode on the Cartesian Divide: Bridging Divides with Rachel Fell: Neurodivergence, Conscious Body Awareness & Inclusive Intelligence

    Walking in Your Shoes: WIYS is a process that allows the practitioner, in partnership with a facilitator, to address questions or needs through an intuitive questioning of the body-mind through movement. The applications of the questioning process are quite broad and can be applied to everything from healing trauma and managing addiction, to business development or a more organic method of acting. This is another means of “knowing” through your body.


    Our events remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting them to explore the profound knowledge, memory, brilliance & capacity within. By delving into the depths of our bodily intelligence as a healing resource for not just ourselves, but as a part of the larger, global body, we have the potential for meaningful change and experiences as bodies. Join us in this journey of transformation as we redefine our understanding of the human body and its infinite capabilities. While our events remain free, any contributions are deeply appreciated and are seen as a generous gesture of support and encouragement in sharing our messages with the world.

    ENCOURAGE US!: Donate $5


    [From time to time, a word or phrase goes wonky. Please forgive my wandering wifi.]

  • Please benefit from this short grounding meditation led by Sexual Healer, Lorraine Pentello. At least 50% of the population has been sexually traumatized in their lifetimes which means it's very likely you, as a lover, are with someone who has been. This mediation can help you to help them - if ever you notice your partner drifting off, freezing, numb, destablized, highly reactive in a sexual context. Their sexual trauma may be being triggered - by no fault of your own! Here is how to help...your lover, and yourself, so that you don't take it personally, get defensive, feel rejected, maybe angry and frustrated - all of which could deepen that trauma. The more you can stay regulated, present, objective and compassionate, the more you can actually help your parter to heal sexually and increase presence and pleasure.


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/



    BIO: Lorraine Pentello (she/he/they)

    Lorraine is a Somatic Therapist and bodyworker specialising in sexuality and trauma. They have worked in the field of sexuality for the past 26 years, starting in entertainment then shifting to healing & embodiment in 2014.

    Certified in Sexological Bodywork, Embodied Counselling, Craniofacial Bodywork, Myofascial Bodywork, STREAM Scar Remediation, EMDR, EFT Tapping for Trauma, Inner Child Healing and Ego State therapy, Lorraine works holistically 1:1 with clients, both online and in person. Helping them heal emotional and physical pain.

    COMING IN 2025:
    Lorraine will be teaching again interactive erotic education along with four other highly skilled somatic sex educators.
    This is an online course designed to bring a somatic framework for people who work with touch in a two way capacity, using the body as a tool to help clients learn and heal through exploration and play.
    As this course is being hosted from Australia, they will be creating a US timezone friendly version of it to be released in the new year.
    Visit intereros.com for more information and expressions of interest.

    Join us for Taboo Part Two, as we welcome back the brilliant Lorraine Pentello to discuss the multifaceted aspects of sexual experience and relationships. In this episode, we explore a range of complex and often misunderstood topics, including jealousy, different attachment styles, the dynamics of polyamory, the importance of identity, and the healing journey from sexual trauma. Lorraine shares experienced insights that not only shed light on these sensitive subjects but also offer practical advice for navigating them. Whether you're seeking to better understand these issues or looking for tools to enhance your own relationships, this episode is packed with valuable, thought-provoking content.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: https://www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: https://constellationarts.com/



    BIO: Lorraine Pentello (she/he/they)

    Lorraine is a Somatic Therapist and bodyworker specialising in sexuality and trauma. They have worked in the field of sexuality for the past 26 years, starting in entertainment then shifting to healing & embodiment in 2014.

    Certified in Sexological Bodywork, Embodied Counselling, Craniofacial Bodywork, Myofascial Bodywork, STREAM Scar Remediation, EMDR, EFT Tapping for Trauma, Inner Child Healing and Ego State therapy, Lorraine works holistically 1:1 with clients, both online and in person. Helping them heal emotional and physical pain.

    COMING IN 2025:
    Lorraine will be teaching again interactive erotic education along with four other highly skilled somatic sex educators.
    This is an online course designed to bring a somatic framework for people who work with touch in a two way capacity, using the body as a tool to help clients learn and heal through exploration and play.
    As this course is being hosted from Australia, they will be creating a US timezone friendly version of it to be released in the new year.
    Visit intereros.com for more information and expressions of interest.


    THE EROTIC MIND, by Jack Morin PhD
    "They were there, they had found the place: high as a church and full of nothing but towering shelves covered in small, dusty, glass orbs. They glimmered dully in the light issuing from more candle brackets set at intervals along the shelves. Like those in the circular room behind them, their flames were burning blue. The room was very cold"

    — Description of the Hall of Prophecy[src]

    The Hall of Prophecy was a chamber within the Department of Mysteries, on Level 9 of the British Ministry of Magic in London, England.

    The hall featured shelves containing records of prophecies,[1]though many of these records (if not all) were destroyed by the Reductor Curse. This was a part of a battle between Death Eaters and Dumbledore's Army members; it occurred in the Hall in 1996.[2]

    Its existence was long rumoured within the general wizarding community, but never confirmed by the Ministry itself until 1996.[3] The destruction of the Time-Turners was mentioned in the Daily Prophet.

    The Hall of Prophecy, which was entered through the Time Room, was described as a vast, cold chamber with a ceiling as high as that of a cathedral. It was filled with row upon row of towering shelves. On these shelves were hundreds of small, dusty, glass orbs (Prophecy Records), each with a yellowed and dusty label affixed below. Candle-brackets set at intervals along the shelves held blue-flame candles.[1]

    The row of shelves directly in front of the door from the Time Room was number 53. Number 54 was to the right of that, then 55, and so on. The light was very dim in the Hall. The candles were located on either end of each row, which meant that from one end, the far end of each row was lost in darkness. Some of the orbs glowed with a faint inner light, but others were cold and dark. The prophecy regarding Harry Potter was located a short distance down row 97.[1]


    Our events remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting ...

  • In this episode of The Brilliant Body Podcast, host Ali Mezey, co-producer Florence Popoff and guest Karen Bellone discuss the often avoided topics of death, dying, and the natural capability of the body. They explore deep-seated fears surrounding death, how modern society is distanced from it, and the importance of having open conversations about mortality - of humans and other animals. They also dive into the idea of conscious living and dying, the discrepancies in generational attitudes toward death, and how engaging with the natural cycles of life can expand awareness. Reflective of cultural beliefs and personal experiences, this episode encourages listeners to open up and discuss these difficult yet enriching topics.


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com

    Website: www.gamriegardens.com
    Instagram: @gamriegardens

    The Seventh Sense website: www.theseventhsense.org

    Film Website: www.kbfilms.com


    Founder, Doula, Educator: Karen Bellone, MFA, is a Certified End-of-Life Doula and Death Educator. She is the founder of The Seventh Sense in NY’s Hudson Valley, where she is an integral part of a worldwide community that is reigniting the wisdom of death within our modern lives. She is also founder of Exit Strategy for Dying, a monthly Death, Arts and Culture Readers supporting a resource hub to educate and refocus the narrative around death and grief through the lens of arts, culture, storytelling and innovation. Prior to embracing her passion for end-of-life work, Karen has had a long career as an award-winning filmmaker and internationally collected photographer. She received a BFA in Film Production from New York University, and did graduate work with the world-renowned Actors Studio, through their inaugural program at the New School for Social Research.

    After training and becoming certified with INELDA (International End of Life Doula Association), Karenworked with an innovative hospice in Los Angeles where her skills as a death doula were developed and broadened. In addition to working with patients in various stages of their life journeys, she was responsible for training the volunteer staff, nurses and other hospice and medical professionals to bring more understanding, humanity and compassion into their work with the dying. She spoke regularly with groups, such as the Alzheimer’s Project, about the role of the doula at end-of-life, and the space that can be held to bring about ‘a good death’. She believes strongly in the ability to demystify and assuage the fear that surrounds death in our culture and to foster safe passage for the dying, as well as to aid the families and loved ones through grief and bereavement.

    As a visual artist and storyteller, Karen acquired a multitude of skills throughout her career that unlocked a deep passion for the healing power of visual and auditory perception on human consciousness. She integrated these strengths and resources into tools to bring aid and comfort for those imminently facing their mortality. Working with somatic and sensory awareness, Karen utilizes visual, sound and meditation therapy, personalized guided imagery, and commemoration of the sacred in the form of ritual, legacy and memory work, in order to bring comfort - physically, emotionally, spiritually to celebrate and commemorate the life of the individual. In addition to her ongoing private practice, Karen is currently directing a feature film about living American artist Michelle Stuart, whose work also engages with the elemental and ineffable nature of existence.


    Edgar Allan Poe

    Exit strategy for dying (Karen’s monthly newsletter)

    All the Little Deaths

    Allen Ginsberg
    Karen's Episode A 'Good Death’, Death Doula: Embracing Life & Mortality PART ONE

    In Buddhism, death is viewed as a natural part of the life cycle and an opportunity for spiritual growth. The concept is deeply intertwined with the notions of impermanence (anicca) and rebirth (samsara). Rather than being an end, death is seen as a transition, where the energy of one's consciousness continues in a new form, influenced by karma—the cumulative effects of one's actions, thoughts, and intentions. The ultimate goal is to break free from the cycle of death and rebirth through enlightenment, which means reaching a state of liberation (nirvana) where the mind is free from suffering and attachment. Mindfulness and acceptance of death are considered essential practices, as they help individuals live more fully and prepare for the moment of death with clarity and peace.

    Green burial is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional burial practices that emphasizes simplicity, sustainability, and minimal impact on the earth. It typically involves using biodegradable materials, avoiding embalming chemicals, and opting for natural settings like conservation areas or designated green cemeteries. The goal is to allow the body to decompose naturally, returning nutrients to the soil, and preserving the surrounding ecosystem.

    Lambing season in Scotland, typically from March to May, is a busy and vital time on farms, as thousands of lambs are born each spring. This period is crucial for the meat industry, with farmers carefully tending to both ewes and newborns to ensure their health and growth. While lambing is often seen as a symbol of renewal and the start of spring, it is also a time of intense labor and long days for shepherds, who balance the joy of new life with the practical realities of raising livestock for food production.

    A Dream Within a Dream


    Take this kiss upon the brow!

    And, in parting from you now,

    Thus much let me avow —

    You are not wrong, who deem

    That my days have been a dream;

    Yet if hope has flown away

    In a night, or in a day,

    In a vision, or in none,

    Is it therefore the less gone?

  • In this episode of The Brilliant Body Podcast, Ali Mezey sits down with renowned dance improviser Kirstie Simson who shares her personal and transformative journey, navigating through the challenges of triple negative breast cancer using the power of somatic awareness and curiosity. She discusses how dance and spoken word became her tools for healing, expression, and resilience. Ali and Kirstie discuss the integration of sustainable bodily practices with conventional medicine, the deep interconnection between personal well-being and the Earth's health, and how non-sexual sensuality can foster deep human connection. Kirstie's inspiring story reflects the power of embodied intelligence and its potential to help individuals face life's challenges with strength and grace.

    Tune in to hear how her decades-long career, teaching, and performing have shaped her unique perspective on the body, healing, and the vitality of pure improvisation.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com

    Kirstie's YouTube
    Kirstie's Photos and Videos

    Kirstie Simson (UK) has been a continuous explosion in the contemporary dance scene, bringing audiences into contact with the vitality of pure creation in moment after moment of virtuoso improvisation. Called "a force of nature" by the New York Times, she is an award-winning performer and teacher who has "immeasurably enriched and expanded the boundaries of New Dance" according to Time Out Magazine, London. Kirstie is internationally renowned today as an excellent teacher, a captivating performer, and a leading light in the field of Dance Improvisation, with a dance practice that spans over four decades. From 2008 – 2020 Kirstie held a position as a tenured professor in the Department of Dance at the University of Illinois.

    In August 2020 Kirstie returned to her home base in Wales from where she continues to deepen the investigation of her work, sharing her findings with others around the world. Kirstie is framing her work now, in the light of our uncertain future, as practices that can help us develop resilience in the face of challenge. She uses her own experience of facing a life-threatening health issue as a foundation for her ongoing research into the power of embodied intelligence.


    Findhorn Foundation
    Emilie Conrad
    The Fluid Body: Moving Like Water and the Wisdom of Emilie Conrad w/ Marcella Bottero
    Steve Paxton

    Rinpoche, also spelled Rimpoche is an honorific term used in the Tibetan language. It literally means "precious one", and may refer to a person, place, or thing—like the words "gem" or "jewel"

    Image work refers to the process of using mental imagery, visualization, or physical exercises to explore, transform, or integrate personal experiences, emotions, or identities. It’s often used in therapeutic, artistic, or spiritual practices to help individuals gain deeper insight into themselves or shift their internal experiences.


    Our resources remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting them to explore the profound knowledge, memory, brilliance & capacity within. By delving into the depths of our bodily intelligence as a healing resource for not just ourselves, but as a part of the larger, global body, we have the potential for meaningful change and experiences as bodies. Join us in this journey of transformation as we redefine our understanding of the human body and its infinite capabilities. While our events remain free, any contributions are deeply appreciated and are seen as a generous gesture of support and encouragement in sharing our messages with the world.

    ENCOURAGE US!: Donate $5


    Sharing is free! And so is rating us! These are also incredibly helpful ways you can support us in sharing this transformative information.

    [From time to time, a word or phrase goes wonky. Please forgive my wandering wifi.]

  • This episode features a rich discussion between Ali Mezey and guest Elizabeth Castagna, a certified Alexander Technique instructor. They dive into themes of being conscious as a mover – specifically while walking. Do we feel supported by the Earth as we walk? How safe do we feel as bodies – and how could we feel safer? They also talk about the impact of injury on movement awareness. Ali and Elizabeth discuss how conscious movement can lead to enhanced sensation, and sense of wholeness – not just with yourself but with the world. The conversation touches upon topics such as kinetic chains, compensatory movement patterns, and the psycho-emotional aspects of body awareness. Elizabeth shares personal insights, including her experience with Lyme disease and its effect on her vision. With a focus on cultivating sensitivity and supporting others in their embodiment journeys, the conversation underscores the transformative potential of body-based practices.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com

    The Beacon Walking Lab Workshops

    Instagram: @feellikeyourselfagain
    Photo of Elizabeth: David McIntyre

    The Alexander Technique is a method of movement education that focuses on improving posture, coordination, and body awareness. Developed by Frederick Matthias Alexander in the late 19th century, it teaches people to recognize and release habitual patterns of tension that interfere with natural movement and breathing. By emphasizing ease and balance, the technique promotes a more effortless way of moving, sitting, and standing, which can reduce pain, improve overall physical functioning, and support mental clarity. It is widely used by performers, athletes, and individuals seeking to reduce stress and enhance body mechanics.

    Elizabeth Castagna is certified to teach The Alexander Technique by Alexander Technique

    International and received her training with master teacher Chloe Wing in New York City. She

    became Chloe’s Teacher Training Assistant from 2006-2013.

    In 2019 Elizabeth was certified by The Developing Self of the UK for teaching the Alexander

    Technique to children, teens, and young adults. From this training grew The Developing Self US

    group of AT teachers working to bring AT to schools in the US and to support each other in that

    process. Elizabeth co-facilitates this group with AT colleague Gabrielle Czaja.

    She has taught AT Lab for children ages 5 – 11 at The Randolph School for 8 years. And has

    offered AT inspired better balance chair classes to seniors in retirement communities

    and local libraries. Elizabeth has also led AT workshops for actors in NYC.

    Elizabeth has had the opportunity to work with a range of students including folks with

    repetitive stress injuries, back pain, grief, anxiety, Lyme disease, recovery from surgery and

    folks who want to feel better in their body. She works with actors, musicians, visual artists,

    schoolteachers, seniors, teens, children, and prenatal/postpartum care. She offers private

    lessons and workshops in The Hudson Valley, New York City and online.

    Elizabeth is a visual artist with a movement-based art practice rooted in her study/work with

    somatics and is a Craniosacral Balancing practioner offering private sessions for 11 years. She’s a

    native New Yorker, grew up selling hot dogs at Yankee Stadium, and currently lives in Beacon NY.

    Her Process

    Elizabeth dedicates her teaching to seeing and hearing her students clearly, supporting the

    unfolding of change in their body while respecting the natural pace of this movement which is

    unique to each individual. She provides a safe, creative space for her students where they can

    deepen a mindful state, cultivate self-awareness and embody thought with movement through

    a newfound ease and sense of wonder.

    With an understanding that how we learn is essential to what we learn, Elizabeth can integrate

    other somatic processes into her sessions. Among them are free drawing, Body Mind Centering

    and Somatic Experiencing all to support her students to connect to themselves, to others, and

    their environment in a new way.

    In Her Words
    I became aware of connecting to the wisdom of my body from my study with Chloe Wing. She’d always say, “Ask your body to show you how it wants to do that.” or “Ask your body what it wants.” In the podcast I mention “Am I safe now?” and “What if I allow myself to be as I am completely” these are both questions that I learned from my studies with Chloe.

    When we let go of the extra holding in our body we are letting go into the support of the invisible forces around us of gravity and the up or rebound energy from the earth. It is with both the down and the up that we stand freely.

    I learned about bringing awareness to my brain to help my eyes come together from the work of Alexander Technique teacher Peter Grunwald’s called EyeBody.

    Psycho-physical unity:

    In the Alexander Technique, psycho-physical unity is the idea that the mind and body are inseparable and influence each other in a holistic way. This concept suggests that thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations are all part of a unified experience.


    Alexander Technique by Alexander Technique International

    FOCUSING: How To Gain Direct Access To Your Body's Knowledge by Eugene Gendlin

    A 'Good Death’ with Karen Bellone, Death Doula: Embracing Life & Mortality PART ONE

  • In this episode, Ali speaks with Professor Matthew Beaumont, an English literature professor at University College London, who has just published his book, How We Walk: Frantz Fanon and the Politics of the Body about how the body reflects political and social oppression. They delve into topics such as the impact of racial oppression on physical movement, the cultural significance of walking, and how both personal and societal factors influence and restrict body expression. The conversation also touches on the influence of climate change on mental and physical health, the body's experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the intersection of dance, religion, and bodily freedom.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com
    Constellation Work is a highly effective method to delve into healing transgenerational trauma, unburdening consequent generations from the influences of traumas which can be transmitted epigenetically.

    Instagram: @matthewhbeaumont
    UCL Website

    Publisher Website
    How We Walk: Frantz Fanon and the Politics of the Body (London: Verso, 2024)
    The Walker: On Losing and Finding Oneself in the Modern City (Verso, 2020)
    Lev Shestov: Philosopher of the Sleepless Night (Bloomsbury, 2020)
    Nightwalking: A Nocturnal History of London, Chaucer to Dickens (Verso, 2015)

    Matthew's research interests centre on various aspects of the metropolitan city, especially London. He is currently writing a history of literature about London for Cambridge University Press. He is also working on a book-length project about the role of insomnia in nineteenth and twentieth-century literature, painting and philosophy.

    His most recent books are The Walker: On Losing and Finding Oneself in the Modern City (Verso, 2020), a series of chapters on writers including Chesterton, Dickens, Ford, Wells and Woolf, all of whom have placed the experience of walking in the metropolis at the centre of their attempts to understand and represent modernity; and Lev Shestov: Philosopher of the Sleepless Night (Bloomsbury, 2020), a book that revives the reputation of a neglected early twentieth-century Russian thinker by placing him in dialogue with Adorno, Benjamin, Deleuze and other continental philosophers.

    Wilhelm Reich

    Alexander Lowan

    Frantz Fanon

    HG Wells

    Marcel Mauss, French Anthropologist “Technique du Corp” essay 1935
    Charlie Hertzog Young: SPINNING OUT: Climate Change, Mental Health and Fighting for a Better Future

    Sigmund Freud

    The Polyvagal Theory/Stephen Porges

    The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

    Walking Somatic Empathy with Joseph Culp: The Mind-Body Process of Walking-In-Your-Shoes

    Cartesian Divide: The conceptual separation between mind and body, coined after René Descartes, emphasizing a dualistic view of human existence, isolating mental and physical aspects.

    The Window of Tolerance article


    Our resources remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting them to explore the profound knowledge, memory, brilliance & capacity within. By delving into the depths of our bodily intelligence as a healing resource for not just ourselves, but as a part of the larger, global body, we have the potential for meaningful change and experiences as bodies. Join us in this journey of transformation as we redefine our understanding of the human body and its infinite capabilities. While our events remain free, any contributions are deeply appreciated and are seen as a generous gesture of support and encouragement in sharing our messages with the world.

    In this episode Ali discusses, among other things, fame, fad dieting and the art of self-knowing with guest Paul Lubicz, a prominent wellness expert. How do we know that is best for your bodies - from diets to true purpose? They discuss the significance of feeling over thinking, understanding the body's signals, and the concept of embodiment. Paul shares his journey from a chemist to becoming an advocate for holistic health, emphasizing the importance of knowing oneself, leading a balanced life, and the impact of ancestral lineage on personal identity. The conversation also the challenges faced by famous individuals in maintaining their true identity amidst public scrutiny and the vibrational impact of fame. They also touch on the North Star of “why” – the core purpose guiding actions and decisions. Ali asks Paul about his adoption and they discuss the interplay of geographical intelligence of DNA, Epigenetics, and the fascinating ongoing question of nature vs nurture, revealing how biological brilliance shapes behaviour and health across different environments. This episode highlights the importance of self-compassion, living in alignment with one's purpose, and the transformative power of reconnecting with nature.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com
    Constellation Work is a highly effective method to delve into healing transgenerational trauma, unburdening consequent generations from the influences of traumas which can be transmitted epigenetically.


    Website: www.thewellbeingmanager.com

    Instagram: @thewellbeingmanager


    Hi I’m Paul, I’m here to help you reveal your truth. Discover what you truly ache for and to assist to define your hearts longing. It’s my life’s purpose, what I was made for, to encourage people, to support people, to nourish people, to love people and to inspire them to discover ways to enhance their lives

    Through my work I stand on the shoulders of giants, having apprenticed, studied and been educated by some of the most extraordinary mentors, institutions and lineages on the planet. In sharing these teachings and passing them on, It’s my intention to always to be gentle, encouraging and collaborative. I offer ideas that are, in their nature aiming towards activating self-confidence, accountability and creativity on a direct and clear path forward. This is an offering of a deeper understanding of yourself and of your life, encourages a strong grasp of responsibility and the use of imagination on your journey into self-gnosis.

    I endeavor to help educate people on how we affect our world through thoughts, words and actions and how you can develop a strategy to rediscover your roots and come back into coherence with your true nature. I offer a proposition of massive change in your life, igniting people through this process they become familiar with how to free themselves, reveal what is meaningful and to bring to light their gifts and share them in the world.

    That's my life work, what I was made for, It gives me great joy to share this with you.

    Paul Lubicz


    Aboriginal Dream Time Books
    Jane Peterson's Episode on The Brilliant Body Podcast "The Systemic Body: Navigating Relational Dynamics and Systemic Consciousness with Jane Peterson, PhD"
    For a highly effective method of healing generational trauma, see these films: Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com

    The "North Star of Why" refers to the guiding purpose or core motivation that drives an individual, team, or organization. Like the North Star in navigation, which serves as a constant point of reference, this "why" offers direction and clarity in decision-making. It’s the deeper reason behind actions, going beyond goals and tasks, to the fundamental belief or value that inspires and sustains effort. Discovering your "North Star of Why" ensures you stay aligned with your true purpose, helping you navigate challenges and stay focused on what matters most.

    Adoption and the intelligence of DNA
    Adoption highlights the incredible intelligence embedded within our DNA, revealing how biological ties continue to shape identity, behavior, and health, even when raised in different environments. Our DNA carries ancestral information, influencing not only physical traits but also emotional and psychological patterns. While nurture plays a critical role in development, the genetic blueprint passed through generations holds its own wisdom, guiding responses to life in ways we are only beginning to understand. The interplay of adopted environments and inherited DNA showcases the powerful balance between nature and nurture in shaping who we become.

    Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing. The word roughly translates to "to make right" or "to correct an error." Traditionally, it was used by indigenous Hawaiian families and communities to resolve conflicts, heal relationships, and restore harmony.

    Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian psychologist, is known for popularizing Ho'oponopono in the West, using it to clear negative energy within himself to help heal patients, even without direct interaction.

    Epigenetics refers to the study of changes in gene expression or activity that do not involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can affect how genes are turned on or off and can be influenced by various environmental and lifestyle factors, such as diet, stress, toxins, and experiences such as trauma.

    In simpler terms, while your DNA is like a blueprint, epigenetics is like a set of instructions that determines how that blueprint is read and used. These instructions can be influenced by your environment and experiences, meaning that your genes are not necessarily your destiny — they can be modified in response to your surroundings, choices and events – influences that can be passed through generations.


    Our resources remain free as part of our mission to aw...

  • In this episode, Ali Mezey share the concept of 'Soma' as illuminated by Master Bodyworker and Author, Thomas Hanna, in his book The Body of Life. Thomas Hanna coined the term 'somatic' now used extensively by practitioners of many body-based disciplines - he is one of the grandfathers of body therapy practiced all over the world in infinite variation. in this episode, Ali reads out of the introductory chapter which discussing the distinction between the physical body and the living, dynamic 'Soma' and dives into the broader context of human embodiment. Hanna's body of work, and this episode, offer a profound perspective on the interconnectedness, adaptability, and intrinsic intelligence of living systems.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com


    Website: www.somatics.org/about/introduction
    More about: Who is Thomas Hanna in the world of Somatics?
    To purchase Hanna's book: The Body of Life: Creating New Pathways for Sensory Awareness and Fluid Movement

    Thomas Hanna Obituary

    The bodywork community lost a vital member in Thomas Hanna, who died in a late July, 1990 auto accident near Novato, California. He was 61.

    Born November 21, 1928, in Waco, Texas, Hanna was the founder of the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training in Novato, California and the editor of Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Bodily Arts and Sciences. He also authored seven books, perhaps best know for Bodies in Revolt: A Primer in Somatic Thinking (1970) and Somatics (1989).

    Hanna is survived by his wife, Eleanor Criswell, and three children, daughters Tad Hanna and Wendell Zitelman , and son Michael Hanna.

    As an undergraduate at Texas Christian University from which he received a bachelor’s in 1949, Hanna initially thought about going into theology. He continued studies at the University of Chicago, later receiving a Bachelor of Divinity and then a doctorate in philosophy.

    Hanna taught in Europe and several colleges throughout the U.S. At his memorial service held, Aug. 12, several people referred to his popularity as a teacher. One speaker recalled an incident while Hanna was teaching at the University of Florida. He was having car trouble and was going to be late getting to his class. He called his secretary as asked her to notify the class that he would be there but would arrive late. When he did arrive an hour and a half late, the class of 700 yoga students was still waiting for him in the ROTC quadrangle where the class met. Truly he was an engaging teacher. His commitment and involvement with his material, as well as his skill at communicating it, inspired his students.

    In his early seminal books, he posed philosophical questions about humanity, i.e. what is it to be human, to be embodied, to be free? Those questions run like themes though his work. They were questions he never ceased exploring.

    In the early 1970’s, after reading Bodies in Revolt, a well-known member of the bodywork world suggested he meet and study with Moshe Feldenkrais. As a result, Hanna studied with Feldenkrais in 1973 and 1974, and organized the first four-year Feldenkrais training program in the U.S. in 1975. He also founded the Novato Institute in 1975.

    Hanna considered himself a writer, philosopher and teacher, not a bodyworker. He called the hands-on work Clinical Somatic Education. It was his strong belief that real change can only occur from within and not be imposed on someone from the outside. It is the difference between working on someone and working with someone. The goal was not to change tissue but to restore awareness and voluntary control over the sensory-motor system.

    He believed that people were affected by a condition he termed sensory motor amnesia (SMA), and his work was designed to correct this. The concept of SMA is that if you lose your awareness of a part of your body, either through trauma or habituation, you lose your ability o move that part. Restoring awareness restores voluntary control. This can then be reinforced with simple movement patterns similar to Feldenkrais movement.

    Hanna often referred to F.M. Alexander and Feldenkrais as important teachers for him. According to Hanna, Feldenkrais has made a tremendously important discovery about body function, but hadn’t fully explored the implications of that discovery himself. Hanna used the analogy that Feldenkrais had opened the door to a vast new territory, but had not gone inside to explore. Hanna had gone through the door and was exploring this new territory in light of recent development in neurophysiology, and the implications were breathtaking. Feldenkrais had said, and Hanna reiterated, that there is no limit what people can learn.

    In an editorial last fall/winter, Hanna wrote about human mortality, analogizing it with his flowers:

    “There was only one difference between the flowers and me: the impatiens affirmed the eternity of life, and I did not. The impatiens were pure in the way they lived, and I was sullied with contradiction…I realized that, all things considered, it was the impatiens who lived life to the fullest, whereas I was living my life, hamstrung. It was not I who was superior, but they…Is total affirmation of life and growth the highest good, or is it some kind of sinful ignorance? Should I live awaiting the end that I have envisaged, or should I live expecting only life and only future?

    “Who is wiser? I, or the impatiens? I think the impatiens are wiser. They assume only what they know and feel. They do not assume something they do not know and feel…

    “And so I water my impatiens this summer and into the autumn. And I gaze at their happy innocence. They are my teachers, just as my mother is my teacher. And the water sinks down into the soil, giving life. It is the same soil from which I sprang and my mother sprang. And it is the same soil that will receive us both.

    “If I trusted it to give us life at the beginning, I might just as well trust it to give us life at the end. In that way, I have joined in a wisdom that tells me that my mother, my flowers, and I myself are now together and somehow will always be.”

    - Victoria Carmona, a student of Hanna’s, contributed to this report.

    From Massa...


    In this episode, Ali is joined by world-renowned Family Constellation Work facilitator and trainer (and Ali's Constellations mentor), Jane Peterson, PhD, to discuss our bodies, minds, and systemic consciousness. They explore the multi-dimensional concept of embodiment, emphasizing that the body exists and interacts in a complex web of relationships. Peterson shares her insights on Family Constellation Work, systemic thinking, and her experiences in permaculture and organizational consulting. They discuss the importance of relational dynamics, belonging, and the interplay between individual and collective systems. Ali and Jane also touch upon the relevance of micro-skills in achieving mastery in embodied practices and collaborative relationships, while highlighting the common issues in modern communication frameworks. This episode offers a profound look at how brilliant us bodies are and how understanding these systems can lead to greater personal and societal harmony.

    To be an angel to the podcast, click here

    To read more about the podcast, click here


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:


    Transgenerational Healing Films: www.constellationarts.com


    Website: www.human-systems-institute.com


    Jane Peterson, PhD, is the co-founder and executive director of the Human Systems Institute, Inc. She is the originator of Somatic Imaging and the somatic-resonance approach to constellation work. Her work is internationally respected for being tailored to meet the high learning demands of adult professionals. She was a faculty member at the International Intensive Workshop on Systemic Resolutions in Bernreid, Germany for 9 years. Jane is an INFOSYON certified Master Trainer and has served as an advisor and author for the Knowing Field journal. She has taught systemic constellation work in Asia, South America, South Africa, Mexico, Canada, Europe, and the U.S.

    In 2005, she organized the first U.S. Conference in constellation work. Her Institute offers trainings in Somatic Imaging and systemic constellation work, including training in organizational constellations. The institute is currently offering it's seventeenth year of training programs.

    Jane started her professional career as an engineer and manager in a high tech firm (the first woman engineer hired into her department) and knows first-hand the demands placed on leaders in the corporate environment. In the course of becoming a constellation facilitator, she has also been a professional ceramic sculptor and ran her own fine arts studio, Laughing Bones, Inc.

    Jane is a master practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Certified Professional Behavioral Coach and a member of the American Counseling Association, VOIS, OHA, and ODN. She has studied Process Oriented Psychology with Arny Mindell and Max Schupbach, Group Dynamics with Michael Grinder, Peruvian energy healing with Don Amèrico Yàbar, Attachment and Trauma work with Dan Siegel and Diane Poole Heller, a Psycho-biological Approach to Couples Therapy with Stan Tatkin (Level 2), Coordinated Management of Meaning with Barnett Pearce, and continues to learn with other research-driven leaders in the fields of personal and social evolution. She holds a doctorate in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University, and has been a post-doctoral fellow of the Institute for Social Innovation.

    Robert Keegan: In Over Our Heads, The Mental Demands of Modern Life

    Sarah Peyton's Books

    Amber Gray's episode: Trauma and the Body: Regulation, Restoration, & The Patience of Whales

    Your Resonant Body with Sarah Peyton: Brain Circuits, Childhood Contracts & Reconceiving Addiction

    Merlin Sheldrake's Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures

    Jordan Klepper: A Comedian's Take on How to Save Democracy

    ARRIVAL (The Film)

    Don Américo Yábar: Salka Star | Spiritual Journeys with Don Americo

    Mihui...the art of 'eating' heavy energy

    Nonverbal Communication Expert For Education + Business

    Who is Thomas Hanna in the world of Somatics?

    The Body of Life: Creating New Pathways for Sensory Awareness and Fluid Movementamazon.com

    George Lakoff - Conceptual Metaphor Theory

    Arny Mindell: Process Oriented Psychology

    Human Planet: Stealing Meat from Lions

    Barry Oshry Website

    Leading Systems: Lessons from the Power Lab by Barry Oshry

    DEI Work: DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Work refers to initiatives and practices ...

  • Disclaimer:
    This episode includes some graphic discussions about the insides of bodies. If you're squeamish or prefer to keep your anatomy lessons less hands-on, you might want to grab a pillow to hide behind or listen with a friend for moral support. Otherwise, dive in with us for some fascinating and occasionally gooey details!

    In this episode Ali Mezey welcomes Dr. Madhav Gramke, a chiropractor and anatomist known for his innovative approach to bodywork. Madhav shares his journey into the world of anatomy, starting from a fascination with bodybuilding in middle school to becoming a chiropractor influenced by a profound encounter with a specialist. The conversation spans the uniqueness of human anatomy, the emotional dimensions of physical ailments, and Madhav's intimate experience working with the body of his late father in a nerve dissection project. They also discuss the importance of holistic approaches in chiropractic care and the often overlooked significance of the coccyx in overall health and the sometimes mysterious connection between physical ailments and emotional states.


    Website: www.alimezey.com

    Personal Geometry® and The Magic of Mat Work Course information

    Transgenerational Healing Films

    Transgenerational Healing With Stephan Hausner (Trailer)


    Website: www.integratechiro.com

    Anatomy Class
    Book with Madhav

    BIO: Madhav received his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life University and a Bachelor's in Health Sciences from the University of Central Florida. He has extensive training in cranio/sacral therapy, pediatric and pregnancy techniques, and various chiropractic methods, with broad exposure to cross-disciplinary modalities.
    In addition to clinical education, Dr. Madhav has researched, explored, and taught anatomy, instructing doctoral students at Life University and currently teaching in Colorado Springs. This deep knowledge base informs his exceptional practice.
    His health journey began in high school with exercise and nutrition. A chiropractor’s health talk profoundly influenced him, revealing a science aligned with nature that resolved not just back pain but also complex issues like digestive problems and neural disorders.


    The Body is a Gift with Gil Hedley: A Reverential Journey into the Human Body (audio)

    The Body is a Gift with Gil Hedley: A Reverential Journey into the Human Body (video)
    Our Sacred Hearts: Learn Integral Anatomy with Gil Hedley (video)
    The Heart-Brain: Learn Integral Anatomy with Gil Hedley (video)
    Integral Anatomy Heart: Unwinding the Heart Center, with Gil Hedley, Ph.D. (video)
    Stanley Keleman: EMOTIONAL ANATOMY (book)


    Gil Hedley's Nerve Tour: 2023-2024

    “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity." This quote is attributed to Roman philosopher, Seneca.

    [From time to time, a word or phrase goes wonky. Please forgive my wandering wifi.]

  • HEADS UP: We do touch on topics like sexism, gender dynamics, sexual identity, and societal pressures. There are also mentions of domestic and sexual violence. We use frank language and occasional swear words. Please take care while listening, and feel free to skip any parts that might be triggering. Your well-being is important to us.

    In this episode, we delve into the complex interplay of societal expectations and sexual identity with the renowned Dr. Kate Balestrieri. Dr. Kate is a licensed psychologist, certified sex therapist, and the founder of Modern Intimacy, with years of experience practicing forensic psychology in prisons, working with both violent and non-violent offenders. With her extensive expertise, Dr. Kate provides valuable insights into how societal pressures shape our perceptions and behaviors related to personal sexual proclivities, preferences, and use of power. We also explore the roadmap to sexual liberation—and some consequences of not taking it.

    Ali and Dr. Kate discuss sexual and cultural incarceration, highlighting how repression can lead to both personal, and literal, imprisonment. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of these critical issues and hear from a leading voice dedicated to smashing stigmas and promoting sexual well-being.

    Ali dedicates this episode to MJS x



    Personal Geometry® and The Magic of Mat Work Course information

    Transgenerational Healing Films

    Transgenerational Healing With Stephan Hausner (Trailer)


    Website: www.modernintimacy.com

    Get Naked with Dr. Kate

    BIO: Dr. Kate Balestrieri is a licensed psychologist, certified sex therapist, the founder of Modern Intimacy, and host of the Get Naked with Dr. Kate podcast.

    Modern Intimacy was born out of Dr. Kate Balestrieri’s recognition that all humans are social and relational beings. As such, mental health is directly tied to the quality of our relationships and sex life. Driven by her desire to smash stigmas about mental health and sexuality, Dr. Kate Balestrieri built a platform that not only connects clinicians trained in sex therapy with people seeking therapy for sexual issues, but also provides a safe, inclusive space for people to get access to education about sensitive topics that people live with every day, related to trauma, relationships, sexual health, any type of sexual dysfunction, sexual activity, and sexual problems.


    A couple favorite quotes by Kate:
    “Gender is a currency for power.”

    “Proprioceptive identity...I know who I am because I know who I'm not.”

    Kate's Podcast: Get Naked with Dr. Kate

    Unlocked (on Netflix)

    Family Constellations (Ali’s description)

    Transgenerational Healing With Stephan Hausner (Trailer)

    Aileen Wuornos

    Kate’s book: Coming soon and we're so excited! We'll add it here once it's available.

    Affective State: An affective state refers to the emotional condition or mood of an individual. It encompasses a wide range of feelings and emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear, influencing one's perception and interaction with the world..

    [From time to time, a word or phrase goes wonky. Please forgive my wandering wifi.]

  • In this guided meditation led by Sarah, participants are invited to explore the concept of embodiment through play and presence. Sarah begins by reflecting on the human capacity for lifelong play and the tendency to withdraw from embodiment when hurt. Through gentle guidance, participants are encouraged to reconnect with their bodies, acknowledging and welcoming all aspects of themselves. The meditation concludes with an invitation to observe the nervous system's response to social engagement and connection.

    We've kept it clean so you can listen uninterrupted whenever you like. This meditation is an excerpt from Sarah's Episode Your Resonant Body with Sarah Peyton: Brain Circuits, Childhood Contracts & Reconceiving Addiction



    Personal Geometry® and The Magic of Mat Work Course information

    Transgenerational Healing Films




    BIO: Sarah Peyton, Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and neuroscience educator, integrates brain science and the use of resonant language to heal personal and collective trauma with exquisite gentleness.

    Sarah teaches and lectures internationally and is the author of four books: Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s Capacity for Healing, the companion Your Resonant Self Workbook: From Self-sabotage to Self-care, and Affirmations for Turbulent Times: Resonant Words to Soothe Body and Mind, and The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook, co-authored with Roxy Manning, PhD.


    Our events & content remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting them to explore the profound knowledge, memory, brilliance & capacity within. By delving into the depths of our bodily intelligence as a healing resource for not just ourselves, but as a part of the larger, global body, we have the potential for meaningful change and experiences as bodies. Join us in this journey of transformation as we redefine our understanding of the human body and its infinite capabilities. While our events remain free, any contributions are deeply appreciated and are seen as a generous gesture of support and encouragement in sharing our messages with the world.

    ENCOURAGE US!: Donate $5


    [From time to time, a word or phrase goes wonky. Please forgive my wandering wifi.]