Renee Hollander is a personal trainer, pickleball instructor, and yoga instructor. You can learn more about Renee at rhollanderfitness.com or @rhollanderfitness on Instagram.
Follow the show on Instagram (@a22mill)Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media
On this episode of the Barbell Den, we discuss the physical and mental benefits of doing yoga, mindset when beginning yoga, and a few other fitness / wellness topics.
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This week's guest is Kevin McLemore, who is an author, paid public speaker, Co-founder of RMK Production Network & 10 United Podcast Network and the co-host of the podcast 'Talking wit Kevin and Son'.
info@rmkproductions.netYouTubeLinkedin Talking wit Kevin and Son (Spotify Podcast Page)
In this wide-ranging conversation, we talk about Kevin's 3 books (listed below), his journaling habits, and how to think about building a brand.
Helpful Links to Kevin's Content:Book Links:
Dating with a Full DeckSprinkles: The True Spirit of ChristmasIndispensable Game of X's and O'sTo follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Luke Kish is the Founder / Owner of WarriorBabe and a successful entrepreneur. You can follow Luke on Instagram (@lukekish) where he posts content about entrepreneurship, leadership, money, etc.
Operating WarriorBabePersonal finance frameworkResponding to social media trollsGoal settingCurrent workout routine
During the show, we discuss:To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media
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Rockne O'Leary is a fitness and wellness entrepreneur. He is the owner and CEO of Max Muscle Fitness, located in Springfield, PA where he specializes in Kettlebell Training.
Finding your own path despite the pressures of society Learning to love yourselfThe Benefits of Kettlebell Training How to incorporate kettlebells into your workout routine12-week Adult Athlete Program
During the show, we discuss:Links to Rockne's Content:
@rockoleary (Instagram)https://sociatap.com/rockoleary/Rock offers personal and group training sessions in Springfield, PA and also offers virtual sessionsTo follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaLink to Mel Robbins podcast discussed on the show: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7z0Lp0w9Ba83L8j5783Mbh?si=k3Q-QsaKRmCGCVRrdF4HJg
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Zac Cohen joins the show where he and Alex discuss navigating life in our 20s. Zac's new blog, titled 'The Amorphous Decade', is titled in contrast to Dr. Meg Jay's popular book 'The Deciding Decade'. Dr. Jay discusses the importance of setting goals, finding your partner, and being deliberate in your 20s.
Alex & Zac discuss where they agree with Dr. Jay, as well as a few points of contention. Among other topics, Alex & Zac specifically discuss goal setting, social media use, and just general life navigation in their 20s.Links to Zac's Content:
@kidcohen1 (Instagram)theamorphousdecade.com (blog)Link to artist Shayna Cohen's content
https://www.shaynacohenart.com/@shaynacohenart (Instagram)Show Notes:
Follow the Barbell Den on Instagram (@a22mill)Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media -
Personal Trainer Ross Johnson joined the show to discuss:
Designing the optimal workout planCalories in vs. Calories out diet approachIncorporating Mobility into your workout plans for athletic longevity Training with UFC Fighter Bill AlgeoLinks to Ross's Content:
godbod_fit (Instagram)https://www.godbodfitness.com/Ross offers personal training sessions in Paoli, PATo follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaLinks to 'Kneesovertoesguy'https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKneesovertoesguyhttps://www.instagram.com/kneesovertoesguy/
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Dylan Santamarina ("Turnt Up Dylan") joined the show to provide an introduction to NFTs and the launch of a new project called Dead King Society. You can follow Dylan (@SOLNFTBOI) on Twitter.
Part 1 is a basic introduction to NFTs where we discuss the basics and applications of NFTs that make it such an exciting technology. In Part 2, we dive into the Dead King Society Project that Dylan and team have been working on.
This episode is broken up into 2 parts.Given that Part 1 is an introduction to NFTs, if you're a sophisticated NFT Investor you may want to skip to Part 2 (34:30) where Dylan and I begin to discuss Dead King Society.
Dead King Society Links:
https://twitter.com/DeadKingSocietyhttps://deadkingsociety.io/To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaDisclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and listeners should not act upon any of the information provided in the podcast. Listeners should seek appropriate advice from an accountant, financial planner, lawyer or other professional.
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In this episode of the Barbell Den, Alex provides 10 lessons that he's learned through 9 (and now 10) episodes. Alex provides 1 lesson from each of the 5 guests that have joined the show thus far, and also provides his own reflections on different things he has learned from the episodes as well as the process of putting the podcast together.
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media
To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
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In this episode of the Barbell Den, Helicopter Pilot Nick Thomas joins the show to talk about Cold Immersion, Wim Hof, and Nose Breathing. Nick & Alex discuss actionable ways to incorporate these things into your life and also the health benefits of doing things like ice baths!
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaDisclaimer: Never do breathing exercises in water or before training in water. Shallow water blackouts can be fatal. Ensure proper supervision when doing breathing exercises / cold exposure.Wim Hof Vice Documentary: https://youtu.be/VaMjhwFE1Zw
To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
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In this episode of the Barbell Den, Alex discusses Burnout with Marlow Bryant. Marlow is a junior investor in the Venture Capital Space and has also spent time in the Consulting Industry. This winter, Marlow has spent over 40 days Snowboarding, including time in Europe, where Marlow would start most working days with a few hours on the mountain.
The definition and different types of BurnoutHow to spot BurnoutHow to fight against BurnoutThe Best Advice Marlow ever gave Alex
Specifically, Alex and Marlow cover:To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media -
In this episode of the Barbell Den, Alex discusses 5 of the most important lessons he's learned throughout his life on creating long-term wealth. These lessons include:
The Millionaire Next Door MentalityDefining Wealth as a unit of time, not dollarsMoney DialAutomation / Pay Yourself FirstHit Singles + DoublesTo follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaDisclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and listeners should not act upon any of the information provided in the podcast. Listeners should seek appropriate advice from an accountant, financial planner, lawyer or other professional.
Music Credit / Disclaimer: -
23 minutes to better sleep.
Huberman Lab Podcast: hubermanlab.comMatt Walker Podcast: https://www.sleepdiplomat.com/podcastMusic Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaDisclaimer: I’m not a medical doctor, and none of the content in this podcast should be considered medical advice, nor prescriptive in any way.
In this episode, Alex walks through 7 themes that impact your sleep quality. After introducing each theme, Alex will walk through the high-level science, as well as an actionable takeaway from each theme to improve your sleep quality.
To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Resources / Music Credit / Disclaimer: -
On this episode of the Barbell Den, we are joined by Joe DeCarlo (@joey_deeks on Instagram). Joe was a second round pick of the Seattle Mariners in the 2012 draft and has spent time in the Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox Organizations.
Lessons learned from baseball that Joe carries through to the rest of his lifeImportance of playing multiple sports and being a functional athleteFinancial Habits that allowed Joe to remain grounded after being drafted
On the show, we discuss:To follow The Barbell Den on Instagram, you can follow Alex (@a22mill).
Turnt Up Tikis Website: https://turntuptikis.com/Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media
Resources / Music Credit / Disclaimer: -
Justin Pilla, NFT Co-Founder (@TurntUpTikis), joins the Barbell Den for an introduction to cryptocurrency technology and investing. On the show we discuss:
Underlying technology for Bitcoin, Ethereum, SolanaSpecific advantages / differences between Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana How to get started investing in CryptoPortfolio Allocation Ideas for CryptoResources / Music Credit / Disclaimer:
Turnt Up Tikis Website: https://turntuptikis.com/Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-MediaDisclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and listeners should not act upon any of the information provided in the podcast. Listeners should seek appropriate advice from an accountant, financial planner, lawyer or other professional. -
In this episode of the Barbell Den, Alex is joined by his first guest, Noah Scott. Noah is a realtor in Chester County, PA, leads a Meetup Group for Real Estate Investors, and has a Real Estate Investing Company called Hybrid Property Group. In this episode, Noah walks Alex through how to think like a real estate investor and ways to get started investing in real estate.
In this episode of the Barbell Den, Alex provides a summary of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, written by Stephen Covey. By listening to this episode, you'll be introduced to the 7 Habits and how you can make them actionable in your daily life. Alex also maps out the vision of the podcast and some miscellaneous reflections from the past week.
Coming next week: The first guest will join the Barbell Den, to discuss Real Estate Investing.
Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic and Coma-Media -
In this episode, Alex introduces the Barbell Den Podcast; a podcast focused on health, wealth, and wisdom. Alex also talks through his ideal daily routine; discussing topics like exercise, work-day structure, and science-based recommendations to optimize mental and physical health. --Huberman Lab Podcast: Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Episode 28 https://hubermanlab.com/--Music Credit: Alex MakeMusic