Canada's Crumbling Urban Water InfrastructureMost Canadians unaware urban water infrastructure is crumbling: surveyRBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study (2013)Canadian Water NetworkCanadian Water Network websiteCOVID-19 Wastewater CoalitionAquahackingAquahacking website
Le Problème
Ce que deux décennies de données nous apprennent sur les conduites d'eau en ruine de MontréalLes fuites d'eau de la ville gaspillent des millions de dollars de taxesAlors que l'infrastructure s'effondre, des milliers de milliards de gallons sont perdusL'Angleterre pourrait faire face à la sécheresse dans 20 ans en raison de la dégradation du climatThe Problem
What 2 decades of data tells us about Montreal's crumbling water mainsCity water leaks wasting millions of tax dollarsAs Infrastructure Crumbles, Trillions of Gallons LostEngland could face drought in 20 years due to climate breakdownSolutions
L'Avenir de l'Eau / The Future of Water (Scott Yates, Steve Maxwell)Cann Forecast -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB)
Zebra and Quagga Mussels OverviewDon't Move a Mussel - OBWB ResourceZebra Mussels Threaten Inland Waters: An OverviewZebra mussels cost Canadians billion each year; cost to Manitobans still unknownGrowth progression of Quagga Mussels
British Columbia Aquahacking Challenge -
Canada Water Act
Canada Water Agency
Canada Water Agency (Opinion Piece)
Israel and water tax
Climate change and water issuesWater and Climate ChangeRipple marks: Climate change leaves mark on water; impacts the vulnerable moreWaterkeepers overview
Aquahacking website
Additional information and resources:
State of Lead in Drinking Water in North America
United States
US deaths from lead exposure 10 times higher than thought, study suggestsLead in American Water SystemsCanada
Safe Water Series by Global NewsIs Canada's water safe?Is Montreal’s lead problem worse than Flint, Michigan’s?Flint Crisis (Michigan, 2014)
Flint Water Crisis Fast FactsAddressing the problem
Government efforts
Lead and Copper Rule (US)Corrosion controlCorrosive water is a key reason behind dangerously high levels of lead. There’s a way to fix itWorried about lead in Windsor's drinking water? Enwin says it's not coming from their water supplyCommunity and utility efforts to replace lead service linesWhat you can do as an individual
Environmental Protection Agency Lab that will test your water (US)Environmental Working Group Tap Water Database (US)American Water Works Association Worried about lead in your drinking water? Here are some steps you can take... (Canada) -
The Problem
Algae, Algae Blooms, and Cyanobacteria
Evolution of AlgaeWhat a large, toxic bloom can be likeOverview on algae blooms, why they matter, and how they can be preventedNotable Incidents of Toxic Algae Blooms
Lethal algae blooms - an ecosystem out of balanceAfter 16 Months Of Dead Fish, Manatees And Dolphins, Florida's Red Tide Ebbs'Watching our lake die': Blue green algae fills Lake Winnipeg beachesWhat you can do
Be Aware of Harmful Algae BloomsAlgae Can Poison Your DogPrevention
Cutting phosphorus usagecyanoScopeNational Phytoplankton Monitoring Network15 ways to reduce nutrients in lakes and streamsIf you have any questions about the podcast or want to reach out, please email aidan@aquahacking.com
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