Grande Cucina è il primo magazine B2B che racconta l’alta cucina da oltre vent’anni attraverso i suoi veri protagonisti: chef e ristoratori, le loro ricette più innovative e i loro segreti. E poi le case history di ristoranti e ristoratori emergenti e di successo, i prodotti e le materie prime più ricercate, le tecniche gli strumenti più all’avanguardia.Grande Cucina approfondisce la cultura del cibo dando voce ai suoi migliori interpreti e ambasciatori. Diventa così il centro di una grande community che unisce chef stellati e non, professionisti e aziende. Uno strumento indispensabile per il target professionale e insieme rappresenta la più completa e selezionata guida all’eccellenza enogastronomica per i gourmet del terzo millennio. È Federico Lorefice a prendere, a partire da gennaio 2022, le redini di Grande Cucina del gruppo DBInformation Spa, il periodico iconico della divisione food Italian Gourmet.
Acompáñame en la exploración de la diversidad de los Superfoods y desentrañemos de la mano temas cruciales en torno a ellos a través de episodios amenos, breves, comprensibles y de valor. Quiero que juntos reivindiquemos y detaquemos la importancia de estos prodigios nutricionales, otorgándoles el reconocimiento que merecen.
Sophie addresses current business conditions and explores ways to navigate the disruption. She shares informative insights and interviewing leading innovators who are providing or benefiting from transformative solutions that will allow companies to emerge with sustainable models, mindsets, and business practices.
Find out how to transition to more effective, productive, and supportive new ways of working—across locations, generations, and platforms—as we harness these challenging circumstances to drive significant, multidimensional changes in all our working lives. -
Ever get lost in the supermarket? Let The 3 Squares be your guides.
Learn about what is coming to your plate, how it is produced, and why it matters.
Get insight from industry insiders and leaders and learn some fun facts about food for your next dinner party.
Foodies and Food Scientists. Connoisseurs and Restaurateurs. All are welcome at our table.
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The Nutrition 4 Kids podcast uses a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach to promote food literacy amongst school-aged children with the incorporation of music, sound effects, and oral storytelling. This project targets ‘picky eaters’ who lack dietary variety and, consequently, face an increased risk of developing macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies. The goal of this podcast is to engage children and parents in a conversation around malnutrition. As such, this project will increase public awareness around the complexity of this issue by empowering listeners to make informed eat