Join Marion's co-founders (Evelyn, John, and Andrew) in discussing investing and money.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this video, Marion, its officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this podcast or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Rozhovory s top ľuďmi slovenského biznisu a marketingu napratané do 20 minút. Do agentúry Hype si voláme profesionálov a influencerov z business a marketingového prostredia, aby nám odovzdali cenné know-how. Dozviete sa insighty z ich práce, pikošky zo života, ale aj tipy a triky, ktoré môžete použiť pre svoj biznis.
Podcast advokátskej kancelárie Taylor Wessing Bratislava vám prináša právny, ale zrozumiteľný pohľad na aktuálne spoločenské témy, diskusie s odborníkmi a novinky z oblasti práva a legislatívy. Nielen pre právnikov a študentov práva, ale najmä pre všetkých, ktorých zaujíma aktuálne dianie a jeho právne pozadie, podané ľudskou rečou. Zostaňte sPrávne naladení a sledujte nás aj na Instagrame @taylorwessing_bratislava.
Welcome to "Wealth Strategy Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy," a masterclass in wealth creation, preservation, and legacy building, hosted by renowned wealth strategist Dave Wolcott. This podcast dives deep into the lesser-known, often secretive strategies that the ultra-wealthy use to amass and protect their fortunes.
Each week, join Dave, a seasoned expert in wealth management, as he unveils the complex world of high finance, investments, tax strategies, and estate planning. Dave brings his decades of experience to the table, offering listeners an insider's view on how to think about wealth, leverage opportunities, and avoid common pitfalls that can erode financial success.
In "Wealth Strategy Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy," you won't just hear from Dave. The show features a dynamic lineup of financial experts, successful entrepreneurs, and influential thought leaders, all sharing their insights and personal stories of triumph and resilience. These conversations aren't just about accumulating wealth; they're about cultivating a mindset for prosperity and understanding the responsibility that comes with significant wealth.
Whether you're an aspiring millionaire, a seasoned investor, or simply looking to improve your financial literacy, this podcast is your gateway to understanding the sophisticated techniques of the world's financial elite. Dave's engaging, accessible approach breaks down complex concepts into actionable advice, making the world of ultra-wealthy wealth strategies accessible to everyone.
Tune in to "Wealth Strategy Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy" and embark on a journey to transform your financial future. Learn, get inspired, and start applying the secrets of the ultra-wealthy to your own wealth journey! -
Chceš byť finančne gramotný, no nechce sa ti čítať obsiahle články? Pomôžeme ti! Svetom financií ťa prevedú Sketch Bros. V novom podcaste Nebuď Ďuro sa dozvieš, ako narábať s vlastnými peniazmi, ako ich nielen sporiť, ale aj ďalej investovať. Tak poď do toho a Nebuď Ďuro!
Nebuď Ďuro!
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s., Vrútocká 48, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: 2-týždenná
EČP: EV 79/23/EPP -
¿Te interesa el sector inmobiliario? ¿Te gustaría aprender más sobre este y no sabes cómo?
Tranquilo, soy Àlex Soler, un agente inmobiliario en la zona Vic y la comarca de Osona (Barcelona). Y en este podcast compartiré contigo todo lo que vaya aprendiendo sobre este apasionante sector. ¡Empecemos!
Si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia puedes contactarme a través de mi página web
¿Estás listo para resolver tus dudas sobre este apasionante sector? ¡Pues empecemos! -
Jsem softwarový inženýr, investor do disruptivních inovací, bitcoinový nadšenec. Mým cílem je napsat kvalitní a objektivní informační email každý týden, který bude mít přidanou hodnotu jak pro investory, tak i pro nadšence do osobních financí. -
Hosted by Dr. Ivan Zak and Ryan Leech, Consolidate That! focuses on critical corporate topics in the veterinary business. The episodes center on improving clinical care, customer and employee experience, combining proven processes with modern technology, and ways to expand shareholder value using clear performance metrics.
Find beneficial knowledge that you can apply in the rapidly growing veterinary consolidation market. -
Nach einem Superwahljahr mit Europawahl, Nationalratswahl in Österreich und einem neu-, oder besser gesagt, wiedergewählten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump beschäftigen wir uns heuer mit der frage "Quo vadis Europa, quo vadis Österreich?".
Wie in jedem jahr haben wir 24 interessante Persönlichkeiten eingeladen, ihre ganz persönliche Sicht der Dinge kundzutun. Dabei sprechen wir mit Unternehmer:innen, CEOs großer Konzerne, Solopreneurs, Künstler:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen und Vertreter:innen von Interessensverbänden, Kirchen und Sozialeinrichtungen.
24 spannende Menschen, die neue und unorthodoxe Denkweisen und Blickwinkel aufzeigen.
Und nein, man muss nicht jede dieser Einsichten teilen, aber man sollte sie jedenfalls anhören!