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"At about 2 a.m. Saturday morning, October 23, 2010, outside the residence of Brandon Savage (street name "Ghostface") at 1843 North Harvard Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma, two people were shot." And so begins the story of how Channen Smith was dragged into a real life horror story that currently sees him incarcerated for Murder in the First degree, among others.
Shelly Davis and Malcom McCullum, a social worker with a heart for justice and a reporter with a drive to find out the truth, have been working with Channen on his wrongful imprisonment to try and undo the wrongs done to this man. Today, they share their backgrounds and details about this case. -
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Have you ever heard someone use the statement, or some variant of, "Well how come more people aren't talking about it?"Why don't more people expose what's going on in the government and in healthcare and in finance, etc? Easy answer - BECAUSE THEY'RE SCARED!
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If you've never heard the "5 Why's" theory, this is a great show for you. It's a tactic that helps you come to the root cause of an issue, by asking yourself "why" 5 times. The theory goes that by the time you answer the 5th "why," you should be at the root cause of whatever issue you're addressing (or at least close enough). So, I apply this theory to the system! Why? Why not, right?
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I was recently reminded of why I started trying to help individuals in re-entry with their housing challenges. Listen in for more to learn why it's such a big deal!
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Why is it that it seems a large segment of the population feels the need to constantly try and point out the things they see as "wrong" with those around them? Have you ever noticed that in your life? It's not everyone, but there are enough out there that I feel the need to address it. The people that feel the need to look down on anyone around them for not being exactly as they think you should be. You don't fit into their model of the world, and therefore you must be shunned.
All I have to say is, don't let them get you!
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Duane Williams was tried and convicted in a case of 2 arson related deaths. However, there is ample evidence to believe he had nothing to do with the fire. I've had a chance to review a report recently done by an independent investigator, and to say that the facts blew my mind would be an understatement. Witness tampering, falsification of evidence, and on and on. If you like true crime stories, check this one out.
***Names were redacted at the request of Mr. Williams***
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Have you read the 8th Amendment? Even if you have, do you know what it really means? Listen in for a more in depth discussion on this often overlooked Amendment.
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I was recently given information from a gentleman inside the NDCS who is trying to get someone, anyone, to listen to his plight. He was recently informed that the facility has decided that the judge was wrong when he passed his sentence, and they were just going to take care of that for him right now. No trial, no "due process," just a letter informing him it was done.
Listen in for more details!
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We live in the age of technology. It's everywhere, whether we like it or not. While it does make our lives more efficient and provides opportunites we've never even dreamed of, it comes with a cost.
All of these technologies generate frequencies, and non-stop exposure to these frequencies disrupts your body's natural abilities. I'd run down a list of all of the side effects, but here's the thing - we don't know the full list because there is very little reasearch being done into the harmful effects!
Centropix is a company that has designed products that us cutting edge biotechnology to help shield your body from these harmful frequencies. Listen in to learn more.
Learn About Centropix
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This will be a bit of a difficult topic again, but we're no strangers to the darkness.
I've noticed there seems to be a huge increase in the amount of people that are considering suicide. The cries for help are everywhere, and coming from all directions. I can recognize them myself because I've been through it.
This is a bit of my story in the hopes that it reaches the right person that needs to hear it. Don't let "them" fool you, there is always a way out. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is always hope.
If you are in distress and are considering suicide as an option, please call 988 and speak to someone!
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Back in 2019, I was introduced to Dillon, and his Kratom business. In the 4 years since that time, I have been taking Kratom on a daily basis, and I recommend it to everyone I see. The benefits are too long to list here, just trust me when I say there's A LOT!
The pharmaceutical companies, and the medical system overall, is trying to bury this supplement. Ever wondered why? If you're struggling with a drug addiction especially, or know someone that is, this is the episode for you.
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Contact Dave:www.survivingthesystem.orgwww.facebook.com/survivingthesystemwww.twitter.com/STSthePodcast
Here's a little bit about my friend Nancy from her "Psychology Today" profile:"I specialize in helping individuals and families on the sex offense registry succeed in re-entry. I fully recognize the difficulties of how stressful this can be for all involved. I am equally passionate about helping anyone effectively reenter after incarceration. No judgment of the past, as we build a positive future."Contact Nancy:https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/nancy-k-miller-des-moines-ia/1011769Contact Dave:www.survivingthesystem.orgwww.facebook.com/survivingthesystemwww.twitter.com/STSthePodcast
Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Bill Keller has spent years examining what is possible if prisons focus on preparing the incarcerated to be good citizens when they return to society, which the overwhelming majority will. In his new book, he shows us how we can reform our prisons and why there’s a reason for cautious optimism. Rehabilitation, he argues, is not only an investment in public safety but a moral imperative. What’s Prison For? examines the “incarceration” part of “mass incarceration.” What happens inside prisons and jails, where nearly two million Americans are held? Bill Keller, one of America’s most accomplished journalists, has spent years immersed in the subject. He argues that the most important role of prisons is preparing incarcerated people to be good neighbors and good citizens when they return to society, as the overwhelming majority will."What's Prison For" by Bill Keller: https://www.amazon.com/dp/173591374X/Contact Dave:www.survivingthesystem.orgwww.facebook.com/survivingthesystemwww.twitter.com/STSthePodcast
Contact Dave:www.survivingthesystem.orgwww.facebook.com/survivingthesystemwww.twitter.com/STSthePodcast
Contact Dave:www.survivingthesystem.orgwww.facebook.com/survivingthesystemwww.twitter.com/STSthePodcast
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