The no BS user experience career podcast. We discuss various topics under the umbrella of user experience and other related UX disciplines including research and product design.
Each week we also invite a guest, our +1, who is struggling in their job search and give them some live coaching.
Brought to you by Corey Nelson, Antonio Ruberto, and Christel Ayoub -
برنامج شاهين شوكاست من أفضل البرامج العربية التى تهتم بالتطوير وموازنة جوانب الحياة وتجمع بين العرض والبودكاست حيث نستضيف أشهر وأفضل الخبراء في مختلف المجالات للحصول على أفضل تجربة للجمهور.
Shahin ShowCast is one of the best Arabic programs, The program combines the show and podcast so that we host the most famous and best experts in various fields to get the best out of the experience for the audience. -
بودكاست من زكاها يهتم بتطوير الذات وتنمية المهارات والصحة النفسية وقوة الثقة بالنفس وقوة الشخصية و المهارات الناعمة مثل مهارات التواصل الفعال ومهارات التغيير ومهارات التفكير و فن الحوار والاقناع و المهارات الشخصية وإدارة الوقت والذكاء العاطفي والذكاء الاجتماعي و التسويق الشخصي و مهارة القيادة و ملخصات وتلخيص الكتب
معنا ستعرف قيمتك ورسالتك الحقيقية في الحياة بفضل الله بودكاست من زكاها مع أسامة جاد، من افضل بودكاست عربي تطوير الذات وتعزيز الثقة بالنفس في الوطن العربي لأنك إن شاء الله سوف تعرف نفسك وتطور نفسك وتسوَّق لنفسك
●حساب الفيسبوك الشخصي هيفيدك تحدد رسالتك بشكل واضح
●لو عايز تستفيد بشكل أكبر، تابعنا على قناة اليوتيوب
●وللتواصل عبر البريد الإلكتروني [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
الجوكاست هو بودكاست بستضيف فيه الناس اللي بشتغل في ال Digital space او اي محتوى و بيزنس موجود علي الانترنت - الناس دي بشتغل معاهم و بتعلم منهم و فرقوا معايا و متأكد انهم هيفرقوا معاكم
ليه بودكاست في الوقت ده ؟
لأن معظم الناس بيضيع منها وقت كبير في الانتظار … انتظار الطوابير في البنوك .. انتظار الدكاترة … انتظار دورك في اي مصلحة حكومية … انتظار صحابك في العربية … و انت في اي تاكسي/ اوبر / ميكروباص و عايز توصل و معاك وقت … استغل الوقت الضايع بأنك تسمع من ناس في المجال اللي انت حابب تدخله -
The Artist Business Plan is a weekly business podcast for artists sponsored by Superfine Art Fair. Hosted by Superfine CEO Alex Mitow and co-founder slash professional artist James Miille. Join us as we speak with leaders in the art, marketing, and business arenas each week for tips, tricks, and value bombs designed to help you thrive and sell more art!
How do you turn a creative hobby into a sustainable, lucrative, business?
How have some creators been able to supercharge their side hustle, assemble a team, and start to generate reliable income - all without burning out?
Angus Parker and George Blackman work for Ali Abdaal - a YouTuber, podcaster and entrepreneur with a combined audience of more than four million people. In this podcast, Angus and George sit down with impressive ‘Creatorpreneurs’ from around the world and break down the practical steps for scaling a side hustle and quitting your job.
They’ll also be chatting to people just like them - those who work for Creatorpreneurs, to shed some light on how it’s possible to enter the creator economy without necessarily wanting to create content yourself.
Angus is Ali’s Director of Operations, and helped grow his YouTube channel into a business which turned over nearly $5 million last year. George was hired as one of Ali’s writers in 2021 and is now Head of Content for the Creatorpreneur brand.
Through these conversations, the podcast aims to showcase the legitimacy of the creator economy in 2022, and to highlight the different routes Creatorpreneurs have taken on their journey to success. -
The incredible untold story of Louis Armstrong, an American original, an African American cultural touchstone, one of the most important figures in the history of Jazz, and one of the greatest American entertainers of the 20th century. From a dirt-poor boy raised amid the hustlers, pimps, and whores of turn-of-the-century New Orleans, Louis Armstrong mastered his music and became a figure larger than life. He helped create that most American of music genres: Jazz. Over his lifetime, he became one of the most recognizable personalities on the planet. He traveled the world, conquered music, radio, and film, overcame prejudice, spread joy, and convinced us all that this really can be "a wonderful world."
Have you ever been ready to take a risk and do what you’ve always dreamed of? Then fear and negative mindsets creep in. You wonder if you’re smart enough, experienced enough, or just plain good enough. That resistance builds imaginary walls that ultimately hold you back.
We help attack these voices in your head on the Fear is a Liar podcast. Ronnie interviews entrepreneurs who share how they embraced these fears in light of risk, self-doubt, failure, and unknowns. Their stories will help you challenge your own fears, fuel your success, and inspire you to go for what you want.
Ronnie was inspired to produce the narrative format of the show by his favorite podcast: How I Built This with Guy Raz, from NPR. Check out Ronnie's website: -
Need help navigating the “career” part of being a NEW Instructional Designer or E-Learning Developer? I’m Nyla, a mid-career Instructional designer and I’ve created the podcast to help new instructional designers find their footing. Because doing it on your own can seem daunting at first. Support this podcast:
Most people want to say that they’re an expert in something, whether it’s exercise, health, conspiracy theories or even making sandwiches. Kristen Snyder and Jamie Pityinger realized they weren't an expert in anything, so, they decided to change that! Kristen wants to be a mind, body, medicine holistic nutrition and natural medicine expert. Jamie wants to be an expert in content creation. Each week, they share tidbits on what they're learning and interview experts in various fields along the way – so if you want to be an expert in something, you can start here! You may be at a point in your life where you’re not sure what you want to do, so hearing from experts across a plethora of subjects can help you figure it out! Or maybe you just want to learn a little bit more about something that interests you! Why listen to them? Well, they're learning right along with you!
If there’s a particular subject you want to become an expert in, send a message on IG @becominganexpert -
For latest episodes of The Creative Process: Seasons 7 to 10 visit Apple Podcasts:
Spotify: , or wherever you get your podcasts.Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winners of Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer, leaders & public figures share real experiences & offer valuable insights. Notable guests and participating museums and organizations include: Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, Neil Patrick Harris, Smithsonian, Roxane Gay, Musée Picasso, EARTHDAY.ORG, Neil Gaiman, UNESCO, Joyce Carol Oates, Mark Seliger, Acropolis Museum, Hilary Mantel, Songwriters Hall of Fame, George Saunders, The New Museum, Lemony Snicket, Pritzker Architecture Prize, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Serpentine Galleries, Joe Mantegna, PETA, Greenpeace, EPA, Morgan Library & Museum, and many others.
The interviews are hosted by founder and creative educator Mia Funk with the participation of students, universities, and collaborators from around the world. These conversations are also part of our traveling exhibition.
Our complete archive of interviews, transcripts, artworks, and details about ways to get involved can also be found on:
Learn from some of the best product managers in the world through conversations hosted by The Product Management Center at the University of Washington. In each episode, Jeff Shulman, Red Russak, and Soumeya Benghanem dive into the tools, frameworks, and thought processes that will help drive success in product management.