
  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: Is Your Athlete Looking at You in the Stands?

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: How to Approach the “Playing time” Question

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: Is your Athlete Self-Motivated or Parent-Motivated?

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on Spotify

  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: How Parents Can Help Young Athletes Before Games

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on Spotify

  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: A Post-game Routine for Young Athletes and Parents

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on Spotify

  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: The Problem with Harping on Mistakes after Games

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on Spotify

  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: How do I Know if my Athlete Needs Mental Training?

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on Spotify

  • Welcome to the Sports Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and Georgia Miller, CMPC discuss the challenges sports parents face with young athletes and how to make sports a better experience. Learn how to spot mental game challenges in athletes, what to say before and after games, and how to improve communication with young athletes.

    In this episode of the Sport Psychology Podcast, you learn: Is Your Athlete Playing Safe or Just Appear Lazy?

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performance coach who works with professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​ Improve your mindset for sports with our certified mental performance coaches. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Performance Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our articles for Sports Parents Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about an athlete going backwards deispite many lessons. Why would athletes go backwards? Here's the question of the week:

    RICK: "My daughter is a 16-year-old softball pitcher & volleyball. Despite many lessons, she has gone backwards with her pitching. She cannot get out of an inning...she either walks the batter or hits the batter in the foot. I think she gets overly anxious and has lost her confidence. She is a little timid at times and seems afraid of making mistakes. How can she improve?"

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about why ball players only have the yips in game situations. It often each to throw bull pens, but in game situations is when the yips can show up. Here is the question I received:

    DEREK: "I pitch and have the yips. When I throw batting practice or pitch with just a catcher, it’s okay. As soon as a batter enters the batter’s box, I start to YIP. Game situations or batters in a simulated situation are problems. Why does the yips get worse in a game situation?"

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a parent about how to introduce mental training to young athletes who are not familiar with it. Here's the question of the week:

    JOY: "I was hoping to find some kind of concise explanation for teenagers on what mental training is and how it can improve their performance – when they practice mental skills consistently."

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about how to stop making comparisons to others atheltes and paying too much attention to their score as this can hurt confidence and lead to self-intimidation. Here's the question of the week:

    RACHEL: "How do I ignore the other contestants score when they announce it on the loudspeaker. They announce it right as I'm warming up about to skate. I can't cover my ears because it's not professional, but how do I hear the score and just not care?"

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about how sports parents can be annoying to other parents watching their kids play. Here's the question of the week:

    COACH LESLIE: "What do you do when you have a parent on the sideline that is constantly yelling to the kids on the field to pass the ball, cross it or boot it? Parents are coaching the kids on what to do and also it doesn't allow the kids to think on their own."

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about how to manage your intensity prior to competition. Here's the question of the week:

    DARCY: "I sometimes feel as if I’m going through the motions before games and not ready to compete. I think I need to get more up for game to perform better? How can I get myself hyped up before a game?"

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about how learning mental skills can transfer to life. Here's the question of the week:

    HARRY: "My daughter has “mental game” struggles in her lacrosse that could carry with her as she grows in other areas of her life- school, career, socially. If we can improve her mental approach to lacrosse, can this help her build confidence in all aspects of her life? The problem is she cowers to higher skilled teams or aggressive players."

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader playing in the flow all the time. Here's the question of the week:

    WILLIAM: "I think to play well, I have to be in flow. But I can't seem to enter flow at will. How do I always enter into the flow for every time I compete?"

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about how to manage anxiety and fear prior to playing a match. Here's the question of the week:

    LISA: "I am always so anxious and full of fear before every match. I think I have to dominate the match. I am scared of the opinions of people because I want to go pro and want others to see I’m good."

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about telling others they might have the yips? It's not a dirty five letter word.

    JOHN: "Why tell someone they have the yips? Doesn’t this make things worse when you label the person as having a problem?"

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • Should you visualize the perfect hockey game before you play? Athlete are told to visualize, but are they doing it the wrong way?

    In this hockey psychology podcast, you learn some tips to visualize your hockey performance.

    Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

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  • All hockey players want to have good statistics and score points, right? But should you focus on your stats when you play a game?

    In this episode, you learn what to focus on during the game to have good statistics. Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world.

    Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental performnace coach who works with junior to professional athletes at Peak Performance Sports, LLC. ​​​ Improve your mindset for sports with mental training for athletes. Learn more at peaksports.com.

    Resources for Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Parents

    Learn about Mental Game Coaching For Athletes Download our a FREE Mental Toughness Report Read our Sports Psychology Articles Check out our Sports Psychology Audio Programs

    *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes
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