Welcome to Witchcraft & Wellness! Using Witchcraft and my 10+ years in the field of Nutrition and Health & Wellness I give you exclusive information, tools, and interviews with experts to change your life from the inside out. From Nutrition, to Mental Health, and Spiritual Development, you can expect it all here on this podcast!
#ZDRAVIE a #KRÁSA tvoria srdce podcastu Healthy Flow, kde s @sweetladylollipop preskúmavame hlboké prepojenie tela, ducha a krásy. V tomto podujatí nejde len o vonkajšiu krásu, ale o vyvážený prístup k zdravému životnému štýlu. Prečo? Lebo pravá krása nie je len v povrchných produktoch, ale v symbióze vzhľadu, vlastností a schopností jednotlivca. Pripojte sa a presvedčte sa, ako harmonické prepojenie týchto elementov môže viesť k celkovému blahu a kráse. 🌿✨
Podcast (s)nově je o příbězích lidí, kteří si v životě dokázali jít za svým snem. Jaké okolnosti utváří úspěch? Mohou nás posunout těžké životní zkoušky?
Stojí za úspěchem geny? Nebo je to celé jen velká vnitřní práce? Rozhovory plné inspirace a jedinečných příběhů, které mohou obohatit vaši cestu za vlastním snem. -
Všichni máme společné to, že jsme spolu na jedné planetě a ŽIJEME. A není nic krásnějšího, než si o tom povídat, inspirovat se a sdílením našich příběhů se podporovat.
Záměrem podcastu je ukazovat běžné a přitom velmi neobyčejné životy lidí, odhalovat nové hloubky a úrovně témat a taky způsoby, jakými se dá žít. Přinášet inspiraci v tom, jak ty krásné teorie z knížek, které čteme, a vize, které nosíme v srdcích, doopravdy v našich životech žít a postupně tak měnit nejenom své životy, ale celý svět. Ukazovat, co všechno je možné a čeho všeho krásného a silného jsme jako lidské bytosti schopni a tím v nás a ve světě posílit nikoliv hodnocení, ale vzájemný respekt a pochopení.
Podcastu a životu zdar!
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Say hello to your Higher CEO Self!
Emily Byrd is your Intentional Business Spirit Guide – here to prop up your most purposeful, prosperous & expansive entrepreneurial journey. With over a decade of experience owning multiple businesses (a hair salon, yoga studio, accredited yoga school and presently an online coaching business) Emily brings her wealth of knowledge, wide open heart and gift of channeling truth through REAL talk. The Higher CEO Self podcast is here to empower your business journey through learning all you need to know to make multiple 6 figures in your business through avenues of Personal Branding, Offer Alignment, Marketing, Sales & Strategy, all while empowering your business to be a source for Highest Good. Here you will learn how to evolve your biz into the most authentic embodiment of both your soul’s mission and an aligned profit plan. Discover the most meaningful Why of your Spirit and how to integrate it into the most fulfilling path possible as a conscious and connected entrepreneur. Welcome home to your Highest Self, CEO style! -
Welcome to the MagicPower Podcast - this show has the power to quickly transform your life and become the most empowered and happiest version of yourself - way easier that you think!
With my background of studying alternative medicines and my own incredible spiritual experiences I´ll guide you step by step through the process of awakening your true inner power, discovering your life´s purpose and accessing the incredible power of your mind.
PLUS I am interviewing some of the leading experts in their field to INSPIRE you to really create transformation and spiritual experiences in your own life!
To download your free and awesome bonuses go to -
Learn how to master your superpowers! Are you energetically sensitive? Have you noticed that you know things that other people don't know? Have you been trying to figure out how to use your superpowers for good in the world? Tune in to find out more about Meditation, Chakras, Energy Healing, Quantum Manifestation, Relationship Energetics, Energy Cords, Kundalini Awakening and much more.
You're not crazy, you just haven't learned to use your superpowers yet. Tune in to learn more! -
A spiritual road trip with your two coolest, most insightful friends. Larry and Inelia dive into deep, no-nonsense conversations about leveling up your life, understanding the mysteries of the universe, and navigating those WTF moments we all face. They tackle metaphysics, consciousness, and practical wisdom with a side of humor and personal stories. It's the perfect mix of mind-blowing insights and laughs to keep you entertained and enlightened on your commute or workout. Buckle up, bro – it’s a ride you won’t want to miss! -
When you’re guided by your light, you listen to your heart. You trust and act on inner wisdom. You discover how strong and courageous you can be.
Join Aili Kuutan as she explores how you can believe in yourself and be happy with who you are, so that you feel worthy of your craziest dreams and confident in your power to make them happen.
Fall in love with yourself. See everything in a new light. -
The 5D Academy with Zarathustra explores universal wisdom to foster total freedom from suffering in all areas of your life; health, wealth, love and self. Each Academy podcast contains valuable insights and takeaways to become the best version of yourself and create an authentic, fulfilling life.
Welcome to the Speaking Our Minds Podcast bringing you honest and nuanced conversations around mental health, psychology, holistic wellness, and the real complexities of what it means to be human in the challenges of today's world with Brittney Moses and Ranela Kaligithi.
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Dr. Diva Nagula is a physician who was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2014. Join Dr. Nagula as he takes you through his journey of healing through balancing the mind, body, and spirit. On each episode we bring on an expert in the field of medicine, spirituality, health and wellness experts and more!
In a fast-paced world like the one we live in, time is one of our most important assets. For a few minutes every episode, I, Tannaz Hosseinpour, will be discussing topics that aim to enhance the quality of your life, by helping you feel empowered to take inspired action on your personal growth journey.
New Episodes Released Weekly
Topics Include: Relationships & Love, Spirituality , Manifestation, Mindset, Nutrition & Health, Personal Development (Self-Healing, Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Awareness), and Conscious Entrepreneurship.