Do you compare your life to the imaginary people in ad campaigns?
Have you noticed that being centered helps with your productivity?
Jeffrey shares how even complex material world tasks like skateboard maintenance feel different when the Material Mind is within the all-knowing space of the Spirit Mind.
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I was reminded yesterday of how wonderful and scary love is, all at the same time. ❤️
Have you had a similar experience?
How does your inner work affect your business?
Jeffrey shares an example of Spirit Mind in business and how to share from love instead of fear or insecurities.
Are you more focused on self-improvement or self-love?
Jeffrey explores the difference between self-improvement and self-love, and asks the question "Can we have one without the other?"
Have you ever wondered if you're really tuning in or if you're just making things up?
Jeffrey shares his experience of misinterpreting insights with his Material Mind, and advises on how to know if you’re getting authentic Spirit Mind insights or simply making things up that feel insightful.
Do you have an overly chatty mind? Jeffery shares tips on what to do when your Material Mind is resisting moving into Spirit Mind.
Do you have an abundance of fun projects or are you overwhelmed with too much work?
The difference may simply be your perspective.
Have you ever mistaken someone else’s insight for your own? What would happen if you slowed down and really listened?
Have you ever noticed how quickly the mind deflects blame or resists feedback when things go wrong?
In this episode, Jeffrey explores the delicate balance between the Material Mind’s defensiveness and Spirit Mind’s compassion. Through a real-life story about a technical mishap, you’ll discover how observing both minds with love can lead to clarity, simple solutions, and personal growth.
Join Jeffrey as he dives into the power of self-awareness, embracing mistakes, and finding peace in life’s messiest moments. -
Have you caught your mind inventing stories before? Jeffrey dives deep into exploring how our Material Mind and Spirit Mind are different.
Do you ever feel like your future goals overshadow what you’ve already achieved? How do you bring yourself back to joy in the present moment?
Do you get caught in overthinking at work?
Jeffrey shares how work flows differently when the Material Mind is within Spirit Mind. -
Are you a self-improvement junkie?
Jeffrey ponders the balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance (and compares himself to a tiny poodle).
Jeffrey shares the journey (and challenges) of sharing Spirit Mind with the world.
The best time to find inner peace is when the external world is full of drama.
Can you think of a time when you saw a problem, but someone else thought it was just right?
Which mind you view the world with can make the difference between feeling guilt and lack; or feeling love and fullness. -
Does your day start calm or busy?
Jeffrey contrasts the difference between waking up with Spirit Mind or Material Mind in the lead. -
Does winning really make you happy?
Jeffrey shares how being right and winning is often at odds with living a peaceful happy life.