
  • “I looked around and found that in the increasing busyness of life, people were, while being in almost constant communication, losing connection with others.”
    – Amita Dinmore

    Do you have a powerful vision brewing? A dream that’s been percolating away for ages?

    When Amita Dinmore was inspired to trade in her teaching career for a bigger purpose – opening a community café in Hazelwood, Derbyshire – her vision wasn’t just her own. It was exactly what the local Parish Council had been dreaming of, too.

    With no prior business experience, Amita turned her passion into reality. Today, her café isn’t just a place to grab a coffee—it’s a safe haven for the lonely, a supporter of local artisans, and a hub where people of all ages come together to volunteer and find purpose.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Amita shares tips, advice, and lessons from her journey. Whether you're dreaming of starting a café, launching a community space, or simply chasing your own dream, you won’t want to miss this one.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [04:37] Do you value yourself?

    [05:25] What helped Amita set up the café?

    [08:12] Lesson learned from setting up a café.

    [10:57] The power of writing down your vision/dream.

    [13:35] What you should and shouldn’t do to make a café successful.

    [14:30] What does the future hold?

    Got a dream you’d love to achieve? Are you ready to do what you can with what you have and trust that it’s all going to work out? ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

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  • Whether you're a knitting ninja or a paintbrush prodigy, YouTube is THE place to share your creativity! But how do you turn your creative skills into a thriving channel? 🧶✨

    Meet Anya Johnson, a crochet queen building a YouTube channel to supplement her income while she makes time to look after her grandchild.

    From her colourful ‘Granie’ Squares to her cosy, rainbow-bright Confidence Cardigan, Anya’s channel is a go-to for vibrant inspiration and crafty know-how. But she’s not just sharing her art – she’s building a business and creating a community. 🚀

    And having proved that she can master YouTube, Anya has taken on tech challenge after tech challenge by launching her own crochet course and self-publishing a book on Amazon (whoop!).

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:28] The power of YouTube for creative crafters and makers.

    [06:06] Do this to get comfortable on camera.

    [07:41] Self-publishing on Amazon.

    [08:30] Creating a fun Confidence Cardigan.

    [09:44] The Sunflower Effect.

    [20;39] How to make Shorts work for YOU.

    So, if you’re still procrastinating about starting a YouTube channel and want to follow in Anya’s creative footsteps, press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

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  • What do you do if you’ve been out of work for a while, especially if your confidence is in freefall because you feel too old for the job market?

    Sarah Glassey says she felt like she wasn’t just in a pickle after being out of work for nine months, but “stuck in a whole vat of pickles in a factory”. And with the stress and some major ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) making their presence felt – “I’m too old,” and “I don’t have the right skills” – life was not going Sarah’s way. 😬

    So, how did she turn things around?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Sarah didn’t just lean into adding social media skills to her CV to land herself a new job. She discovered a whole heap of tools – including one from a 1980s advert for a chocolate bar and another from the film Cocktail – that have given her back her sense of self-worth and helped her get promoted.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:50] The stress of not knowing what to do next.

    [06:50] Looking at things differently.

    [10:31] What to do when you don’t have all the skills for a job.

    [18:34] How do you go after a promotion?

    [21:54] Do a skills inventory.

    [24:30] How are you talking to yourself?

    [27:10] The power of 5,4,3,2,1.

    [28:54] Coughlin’s law.

    [35:15] Are you too old or not too old yet?

    So, if you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know what to do next or want to get back to work in a role you love, this episode is for you. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • What have you done recently outside your role as a partner, parent or professional? A guilt-free activity that is purely about having fun and leaves you saying, “I can’t believe I just did that”?

    If you’re like most women, chances are you are prioritising everyone but yourself.

    But author Eve Rodsky believes that carving out time to explore the gifts, talents and interests that make you you is a necessity if you want to live a happier, more fulfilled life.

    But how do you do that, how do you communicate that to those around you, and how do you get over the guilt and shame?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    In this interview from the archives, Eve unpacks what a Unicorn Space is and describes her own failed attempt to find one using a Post-It note during the pandemic. She explores the communication styles of our CEO Joy and her husband Tim to demonstrate how you can have high cognition, low emotion conversations that let you implement boundaries and systems to ensure you have time for what Eve calls ‘daily flourishing’.

    Here’s what to listen out for:
    [01:00] What is Unicorn Space about?

    [04:04] What is a Unicorn Space?

    [08:33] The ‘Unavailable’ Post-It note.

    [10:33] There is a formula for thriving.

    [14:14] What is your communication style?

    [21:26] What is your partner’s communication style?

    [27:35] How do you communicate with yourself?

    [35:09] Is Unicorn Space only for the privileged?

    So, what will you do outside your role as a partner, parent or professional? Email us at [email protected] and let us know. ▶️▶️▶️

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • ⭐ Trigger warning: this episode touches on domestic abuse. If you are affected by any of the issues raised, head to TechPixies.com for details of organisations that can offer support.

    How do you build a business when you can’t put your face or name online?

    That was the reality for Mimi Glenn, who, having escaped domestic abuse, was found every time she was resettled and tried to go for a new job or re-establish her business.

    Mimi realised she needed a business that wouldn't be disrupted if she needed to move.

    And thanks to the skills she gained through her training at TechPixies, she now runs a thriving digital marketing consultancy business.

    But when you can’t put your face or even your real name out into the world for fear of being found again, how do you engage with clients and build a reputable brand?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Mimi joins Joy for a brave discussion about the steps she took to protect her safety while running her business, how the TechPixies community has provided her with a safe, supportive space to reaffirm her skills, and how she’s structured her business. Plus, hear about the incredible charity Mimi is creating for those who have experienced domestic and sexual abuse and need help to set up their businesses safely online.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:44] How do you build a business without being visible online?

    [06:41] How do you post on social media when you don’t want to be visible?

    [10:21] How have you structured your business?

    [14:09] If you’re working for free, do this.

    [22:49} Always have a contract in place.

    [26:30] The impact of TechPixies.

    [31:01] Support Mimi’s charity for women looking for support after domestic abuse.

    There’s so much to take away from this episode, so press play now and be inspired.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Redundancy, death of a parent, separation and divorce. 🫨

    If you were faced with all three in the space of a year, would you dive back under the duvet and retreat from the world, or would you hit the reset button?

    For Kathryn Conway, life’s lemons offered a chance to reassess the path she was walking through life, and it led her to the door of TechPixies.

    Drawn to the caring sense of community and the effervescence of founder Joy Foster, this is the story of how a journey that started with upskilling in social media led to Kathryn becoming TechPixies’ copywriter and funnel builder, getting to see the inside of a business she is passionate about.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    From Kathryn’s favourite TechPixies ‘Joyisms’ to how the life-changing DreamBuilder® Program helped her process her divorce, this episode is a testament to the strength found in the shared experiences of a supportive community and the power of ‘this or something greater still’.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:08] TechPixies finds you when you need it most.
    [05:47] Keep your eyes on your own boat.
    [13:03] How Kathryn got her job at TechPixies.
    [19:12] Being allowed to thrive.
    [27:39] Learning to forgive through the DreamBuilder® Program.
    [31:10] This or something greater still.
    [35:41] Trusting your gut instinct.

    If you’re feeling stuck about the direction you should take next in life or need a reminder of what’s possible when you simply say yes to investing in yourself, this is the episode for you.

    Press play now ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links to resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • “We don’t wait until all our teeth have fallen out to go to the dentist. So why do we wait until we’re in crisis to deal with our mental health?” 🤷

    This is just one of the brilliant nuggets dropped by Kathryn Cettina, who jumped onto the Sparkle and Thrive Podcast to chat about MYNDUP, a platform that aims to ensure mental health care and wellbeing in the workplace is proactive, not just reactive.

    Because for too long employees have waited until they’re in crisis to seek help, and once they reach out, they often discover they’re not at the right level of crisis to warrant treatment. 🤯

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Learn how MYNDUP is plugging a gap in the market for timely care across a range of specialisms delivered by qualified professionals. Hear about the criteria you need to meet to become a MYNDUP coach or therapist and start spreading the word to your HR department or pals in workplaces around the globe.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [00:55] What is MYNDUP?

    [02:01] The health crisis that sparked the need for MYNDUP.

    [04:52] Removing barriers to mental health care.

    [09:10] Is it possible to become a MYNDUP coach?

    [13:52] What can you get help with on the app?

    To learn more, press play now ▶️▶️▶️

    Let’s spread the word and make mental health care accessible for everyone!

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

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  • You need to pull on a pair of brave pants if you’re serious about making some major shifts in your life. But once you’ve got some tools in your locker, those shifts needn’t be as scary as you first imagine.

    Just ask Clare Learoyd. 💪

    Forced to pivot from a plan for face-to-face to online Pilates classes as the Pandemic took hold, Clare Learoyd has gone from feeling afraid of social media to a complete shift in mindset about what she’s capable of. 🧘

    Clare says making micro changes and their ripple effect has enabled her to go after her dream job with the RNLI and create an online business that means she won’t be having to ‘hook her knickers her foot to get them on when she’s 90’. 😂

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Hear how TechPixies has helped Clare change her life and how the mindset tips and tricks she’s picked up benefit not just Clare but her daughter, too. Plus, discover what happens when you get out of autopilot and start creating a vision and practising daily gratitude.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [00:45] The words you use matter.

    [03:22] The power of pilates for pelvic floor.

    [05:18] The history of pilates.

    [10:31] Feeling afraid of social media.

    [12:27] Getting to where you want to be.

    [15:54] Landing the dream job.

    [18:06] The Brave Thinking Activation Tool.

    [21:57] Don’t worry about the how.

    [23:28] Write a gratitude journal.

    And if you’re keen to improve your health and wellbeing, Clare’s online Pilates classes could be just what you’re looking for. Press play now and sign up to her classes here. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of resources and links mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • We all want to spend time doing the things we love most.

    But commitments – job, family, home – often keep us rooted in the same daily grind.

    For Helen Baker, who’s chosen to go after her ultimate dream of having the time freedom to sail around the world with her partner aboard a yacht, this podcast episode reveals the steps Helen’s taken to make this dream a reality faster than she thought possible. ⛵

    From mindset shifts and creating a marketing consultancy business that allows her to work with clients anywhere she can find an internet connection to fixing up a boat that will become her floating home from home, Helen is well on the way to achieving the vision she crafted for her life. 🌈

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Come and hear the work that Helen is doing to ensure she and her partner are sipping Champagne in the sun on their yacht asap, and why creating scaffolding images and surrounding herself with Partners in Believing are key. And discover how Helen is using the techniques she’s learnt in our DreamBuilder® Program to help her clients realise their dreams.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [00:54] Making a mindset shift.

    [03:26] Creating more time freedom.

    [08:04] When stepping back is a good thing.

    [10:59] Collapsing time.

    [14:10] How to weather the storms of life.

    [19:36] Do you have Partners in Believing?

    [21:23] Working in an area you’re passionate about.

    [28:16] Don’t let people say you can’t do it.

    Helen is proof that that doing the work works. So, what dreams would you love to make a reality? Press play and find out what’s possible. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • A car park full of sticky notes? Say what? 🤔

    You’ll have to tune in to find out exactly what our guest Helz Jones means by this, but let’s just say that it’s a genius trick for capturing dreams and goals.

    Because if you’re anything like Helz, once you get cracking on a vision for your life, you’ll find that ideas designed to help make your dream a reality will pop up by the truckload.

    Three years after creating her vision, Helz has become a bravery and empowerment coach with a love of open-water swimming. And after moving to Australia and getting married in Hawaii, Helz is literally living her dream. 🌈

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    If you like a podcast episode packed with motivational tips and tricks, press play now because Joy and Helz are dropping one inspirational nugget after another. From concepts like body doubling and taking daily action steps to the big 3 and why your calendar is one of the most transformational tools in your locker, you’ll love the energy and enthusiasm Joy and Helz create.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:39] Focus on a vision for your life.

    [03:22] What is the time machine?

    [06:54] Do you feel loved, safe and valued?

    [11:46] Realising you’re a co-creator in your life.

    [14:28] Why your calendar is a transformational tool.

    [21:13] The power of the Big 3.

    [23:02] Why you need to create a car park.

    So, for nothing but good vibes, you know what to do! ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • ‘What do I do next?’ 🤷🏽‍♀️

    If you’ve ever been made redundant or taken a career break, you’ll know how never-wracking it can feel to yourself back out there.

    Because if you’re anything like Gillian Brayshaw, you’ll have sat on your sofa, your confidence shot to pieces, with all the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) running riot in your mind. 🐜

    But we have just the thing to help you regain the confidence to get back out there.

    Our Social Media Superhero Bootcamp has helped Gillian get visible online, thrive in a community of like-minded women and, in a big old whoop, whoop moment, find flexible work she loves. 🙌🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Come and hear what it’s really like to be part of one of our Bootcamps and how the snowball effect of taking one step after another helped Gillian land a job she loves. Learn how crafting a vision of your future and the power of yet can help you and why showing up and doing something for yourself could be all you need to start the next exciting chapter of your life.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:22] The Brave Thinking Activation Tool.

    [04:32] What do you learn on the Social Media Superhero Bootcamp?

    [10:27] Getting involved in the Bootcamp community.

    [13:06] ‘I wanted to do something for me’.

    [14:26] Don’t ask for permission; ask for this instead.

    [18:22] Making yourself visible on social media opens doors.

    Whether you want to return to work, change careers or start a business, join our free Bootcamp and discover the 6 social media superhero powers that’ll help you get visible online and make the connections you need to open doors.

    Press play now! ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • What if the world was full of kinder workplaces? 🤗

    Companies that didn’t just pop #BeKind posts on social media but actually followed a framework that created work cultures based on community, connection and inclusivity?

    Becs Crosby is on a mission to help companies do just that and is carving out a successful business for herself in the process.

    And she’s doing it all from a ‘shoffice’ (a shed/office) at the bottom of her parent’s garden.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Come and discover how Becs has nailed her brand, created a website, designed a lead magnet, grown her mailing list, and won new clients, all within 12 months. Find out why she thinks our Business Beyond Social Programme is as easy as A, B, C, and how Joy’s 5-minute Power Move helped Becs take action. And learn more about how Becs is helping to banish those Sunday night work blues.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [03:10] What could you achieve in just one year with the right support?

    [07:02] How do you grow your mailing list?

    [08:54] Make a 5-minute power move.

    [13:06] What does kindness in the workplace look like?

    [15:30] The KIND framework.

    [20:48] The concept of the compassionate self.

    Whether you’re hoping to create your own dream business just like Becs or want to call Becs up to help your company understand what kindness in the workplace really looks like, press play now! ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • How do you go from having a paralysing fear of being on camera and hating the thought of being on social media to managing successful social media campaigns, hosting webinars and implementing marketing strategies for clients?

    All within 15 months. 😲

    Thanks to our trio of transformational training programmes and teaming up with other talented TechPixies, Carolyn Boddington has crushed her crisis of confidence and is now hitting milestone after milestone as a fractional CMO (chief marketing officer).

    What’s so incredibly powerful is that Carolyn says she doesn’t recognise the person she was when she started TechPixies. Not only that, but she feels like she’s becoming the person she’s always wanted to be.

    Want to know how she did it? 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Here’s why you need to tune in

    💡 Gain insights: Hear Carolyn’s key takeaways from her training.

    💡 Be inspired: Learn how she’s slaying her business goals and working with people she never imagined 15 months ago.

    💡 Get top tips: Walk away with essential marketing strategies for your own business.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:49] Becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.

    [03:48] The milestones Carolyn’s achieved in just 15 months.

    [07:48] Working with other TechPixies and replacing in-house social media teams.

    [10:38] Key takeaways from TechPixies’ programmes.

    {16:55] What should you be doing to market your business?

    [21:44] Who are the coaches in Business Beyond Social?

    Whether you’ve been out of work for a while or have suffered a health crisis like Carolyn and are feeling nervous about the path ahead, come and see what’s possible when you put yourself first.

    Press play for more now and start your transformation today! ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Freedom.

    Whether it’s time or financial freedom, we’d all love to live our lives with more free time and money in the bank. 👌🏼

    But too many of us are stuck with our noses to the grindstone, thinking a never-ending cycle of eat, sleep, work a gazillion hours, repeat, is the only way to achieve this. 🤯

    So we called up Lois Cox, a TechPixie who has created a business that allows her to work flexibly part-time so she can prioritise time with her son to show you that with the right skills in place, running a business doesn’t have to be all-consuming.

    Lois is also one of the many women who do our Social Media Management Certification training despite not wanting to be a social media manager. Instead, Lois has used our training to ensure she’s up-to-date with the latest changes to the platforms and has the necessary knowledge to advise her clients on their strategy and sales development. 💪🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Learn about the awesomesauce business Lois has created following her 18 years at Tiffany & Co. and the skills she’s picked up through TechPixies. Discover what kept her motivated to complete her Social Media Management Certification CPD report and what tactics she used to get it done. Plus, hear why Lois thinks the value and content from her training is for life.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [04:43] The power of the TechPixies Facebook group.

    [08:46] Lois’s Social Media Management Certification (SMMC) journey.

    [13:20] What to focus on to complete your SMMC CPD report.

    [16:51] How Lois has structured her business.

    [18:41] The promise of doing our SMMC training.

    [20:20] The circle of inspiration.

    [21:20] The value of continuous learning.

    If you’ve ever wondered where our social media training could take you, be inspired by Lois’s story. Press play for more now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of our Social Media Management Certification programme, please visit TechPiixes.com/yes

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • If your relationship with money feels a bit like the Nemesis Reborn ride at Alton Towers, we’ve got something to help you hit the brakes on your financial roller coaster. 🎢

    Our chief TechPixie Joy Foster is here with a fly solo episode that offers a few top money tips and tricks usually reserved for participants in our Money Mindset Masterclass. 🧠

    And the good news is that if you’ve ever wondered why you struggle with money, or you’re constantly worried about money and the thought of looking at your bank balance gives you the heebie-jeebies, there are some simple steps you can take that will change the way you think about money for the better.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Come and discover why your current thoughts about money might be holding you back from changing your financial situation. Be inspired by how Joy changed her own money story and the valuable lessons she’s learned along the way. Hear why money in the hands of women is such a good thing, and understand why the three levels of gratitude could help you get your finances back on track. 💰

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [03:55] What’s your current money mindset story?

    [05:42] Does Joy’s money mindset story resonate with you?

    [12:05] It’s ok to love money.

    [16:58] Why you need to lean into gratitude.

    [21:09] Craft your money mindset action plan.

    [22:38] Create a money mindset brain prime.

    [28:16] Why this is the most powerful move you can make.

    [30:16] The story of the Chinese bamboo tree.

    It’s time to stop saying "I can't afford that" or "money is the root of all evil” and press play on an episode that’ll change your perspective on how you think about money for good. ▶️▶️▶️

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com.

    To learn more about our Money Mindset Masterclass, visit TechPixies.com/moneymindset

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Say the word ‘brand’, and what pops into your head? Amazon? Apple? Coca-Cola?

    How about you and your business? 😱

    For TechPixie Julia Heffer, thinking about you and your business as a brand from the outset is the key to success. In fact, building an authentic brand is a business fundamental and goes way beyond a logo and a great-looking social media feed.

    Get your branding right, and you’ll put yourself on the road to saving time, saving money, finding clients more easily, and charging more – all because you’ve understood who you serve, nailed your messaging, and discovered how to stand out from the crowd in the best possible way. 💪🏼

    And if you’re scratching your head thinking, ‘well, that sounds lovely, but I haven’t got a clue where to start’, this is the episode for you. 🩷

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover how Julia can help you get clear on your brand vision so that your messaging becomes crystal clear and you better understand how you can show up and stand out. Learn more about Julia’s path to success as a brand coach and hear why she’s putting together a free Masterclass you don’t want to miss.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:53] How Julia Heffer’s business has evolved.

    [06:31] What are the benefits of having a cohesive brand?

    [10:21] How could Julia’s Brand Masterclass help you?

    [14:07] Why you need trusted advisors in your business.

    [17:22] Tangible benefits of Julia’s coaching.

    [21:24] Be inspired by the story of bamboo.

    If the idea of building a brand has left you feeling like you’d rather pull the duvet over your head and leave it all for another day, this episode is a great place to get over the overwhelm.

    Press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ 🌈

    It’s the question every kid gets asked at some point, an invitation to dream about the life you could live – and sometimes, it’s the start of something special.

    At 10, Carolyn Hayter was told fashion design could be a route for her creative talents. However, after marrying young and starting a family, buying a house and making it home ignited a passion for interior design. 🏠

    And it’s a passion that’s burned brightly for Carolyn for the past 30 years. But making her dream of becoming an interior designer a reality hasn’t been without a few twists and turns along the way.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Carolyn’s story proves that if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to pull on a pair of brave pants and make it work. You’ll hear the steps she took to follow her dream career and how she’s used social media to grow her interior design business. Plus, you’ll also get an insight into how Carolyn charges for her time and the brilliant tool she uses to create everything from moodboards to invoices.

    Here’s what to listen out for

    [00:44] Carolyn’s dream goes back years.

    [02:41] Carolyn puts on her brave pants to follow her dream.

    [07:44] How social media has helped Carolyn in her interior design business.

    [10:31] The power of networking.

    [13:52] How do you grow your mailing list?

    [17:15] Why you have to decide to go for your dream.

    [18:26] The biggest benefit of doing TechPixies.

    [24:20] How do you charge and invoice for your services?

    Whether you want to become an interior designer or just want to be inspired by someone who has made owning their dream business a reality, press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • There’s a crisis in Fairyland 😰

    But never fear because The Wobblies are here to save the day. 😃

    These tooth fairies in training are the brainchild of Denise Fishburn and are the realisation of a dream that began 25 years ago.

    So we’ve invited Denise onto the podcast to reveal how these super fun characters came to be and how they’re now the foundation for an exciting new business. 🙌🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Denise has gone from feeling dissatisfied in a job and a little lost to rediscovering a passion project she’d put on the back burner. Discover how she’s learned to turn her dream into a business, hear the brilliant story of how The Wobblies came to be, and learn what life is like now that Denise has the confidence and skills to take on the world!

    Here’s what to listen out for

    [03:30] Denise puts herself first.

    [05:40] Denise tries to discover what she really wants to do.

    [11:08] When a dream you’ve buried for 25 years resurfaces.

    [14:26] How you validate an idea.

    [15:33] Saying a big hello to The Wobblies.

    [18;22] Looking for a sign for the path ahead.

    [19:31] Doing Couch to 5K.

    [21:10] The hidden benefit of the Business Beyond Social programme.

    [22:07] What’s life like now for Denise?

    ▶️▶️▶️ Look out for The Wooblies launching on Etsy soon, and come and follow in Denise’s footsteps by checking out our training programmes.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Stucksville. It’s a place no one wants to be.

    But unless you’re super lucky, you’ve probably had a moment in life when you weren’t sure what you should be doing next. 😕

    For Kay Holdsworth, this moment arrived after the emotional rollercoaster of a spell in hospital with her son. And when anxiety took hold, Kay not only felt lost but like she was surviving, not thriving.

    As Kay says, she was in stucksville – so much so that she’d bought the t-shirt, the shoes and the handbag!!! 🙈

    So, how did she turn things around?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover the path Kay followed to reignite her spark and how she’s now helping other women step off the hamster wheel of life and tap into what matters most. And learn more about Kay’s free webinar, Carpe Diem – Wake Up To What Matters Most, and why she thinks all women deserve to live a life filled with purpose and possibilities.
    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:14] Kay realises she’s surviving, not thriving

    [05:32] Discover the number one regret of the dying.

    [07:07] How do you find your spark?

    [11:13] Are your big dreams keeping you stuck?

    [15:56] Are you ready to seize the day?

    ▶️▶️▶️ Once you’ve hit play, you’ll want to save your spot on Kay’s FREE Carpe Diem webinar on 1 May from 1pm UK time to help you get to the heart of what matters most to you. Save your seat here.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For additional links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • To paraphrase Reese Witherspoon, who started her hugely successful production company in her 40s, you should bet on yourself because you are your own best lottery ticket. 🎫

    This is especially true in a job market as volatile as the British weather right now.

    So when TechPixie Paula Campion Skerry came to us and said she was super keen to show her fellow TV execs exactly how to navigate an industry being disrupted by everything from AI to dwindling ad revenues, we knew heaps of peeps would love hearing what she had to say.

    So we’ve popped her on the podcast so you can hear her story and pick up a whole bunch of tips on how you can pivot your career. ↪️

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover how a Success List can help you identify the transferable skills you already have so you can pivot to something new, and learn why a vision is super important when thinking not just about your dream job but the life you’d truly love to live. And don’t miss Joy talking about becoming a pile of goo before you can become something new. 🦋

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:45] How did Paula get into TV?
    [05:08] TV is changing.
    [07:06] How do you identify your transferable skills?
    [10:00] Why it’s important to have a vision.
    [14:39] You will go through the messy middle.
    [18:46] Taking action and trusting your intuition.
    [21:40] Don’t limit your vision.
    [24:11] Be inspired by Reese Witherspoon.
    [27:42] Why resilience is key.

    ▶️▶️▶️ Press play now.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!