
  • This week, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, there seems to be multiple people with motives for murder, when a brutally murdered man is found, on a dirt road, seemingly murdered while changing a tire. His wife & her best friend are suspects, along with the woman he's having an affair with & that woman's husband, and possibly a few others. Will cell tower data, and some statements to detectives that don't quite add up, convict someone for murder?? Did the right people even get arrested?

    Along the way, we find out that you can't tow a big boat with Honda Accord, that six adults should never live together in one trailer, and that going to prison for the rest of your life is a lot to ask of a friend!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Lenexa, Kansas, a lifelong con man slowly evolves into a prolific serial killer, luring women in with promises of jobs, money, and kinky sex, but all they ended up getting, was murdered. All of this, while maintaining the image of an upstanding father, husband, kid's sports coach & Sunday school teacher, but also running a residential brothel, and recruiting sex partners, under the screen name "Slavemaster"!!

    Along the way, we find out that BBQ, or spinach are apparently the only foods available in Kansas, that if someone offers you a job, that includes strange sex, that might be the best job, and that just because someone wears a tie, and combs their hair, it doesn't mean they don't have several bodies, rotting in oil drums!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Longmont, Colorado, a mailman is horribly murdered, while on his daily route, in broad daylight. Detectives wonder who could be that mad at a postal carrier, but soon find out that there was one particular person, who had several reasons to want him dead. An electronic trail lets police follow the murder, and know exactly who did what, and when. This uncovers a nasty plot, that had been in the works, for months!!

    Along the way, we find out that nothing is actually close to Denver, that you don't want to be dying around people who won't even give you CPR, and that you can't kill people in front of 10 different doorbell cameras, and not expect to get caught!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Arcadia Township, Michigan, it's a mystery, when a woman is found dead, floating in a lake, near a boat dock. Her husband says that he left the area, and she just disappeared, but the evidence tells a slightly different story, with her smashing to the concrete, before somehow ending up in the lake. Plus, affairs, gambling, alcohol & pills are all in the mix. Was this all a tragic accident, or was she murdered in a seriously cold blooded way??

    Along the way, we find out that local bands make for the strangest festivals, that an affair might not be a motive for murder, if you didn't know the affair was happening, and that human bodies definitely don't bounce off of concrete!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Lucin, Utah, a genuine mystery grips this extremely rural area, when a young man, trying to farm some remote land, disappears into thin air. There are a few suspects, including a local criminal, who walks the area with no shoes, and a big gun. There's also the local squatter, who seems to have had trouble with everyone. Eventually, some very incriminating pictures, from a retrieved cell phone solve the whole thing!!

    Along the way, we find out that land in ghost towns is super affordable, that rumors & gossip seem to be more ridiculous & spread faster, the smaller the town, and that you should never take a picture of yourself, with the victim's phone, while covered in blood!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Bethesda, Maryland, a twisted man quietly kills, for years, using an odd alter ego & even eating parts of certain victims. He is as disturbed as his serial murdering crimes, drawing strange pictures, and confessing to a man that he thinks is Jesus! He comes from a strange background, having the darkest things in common with his older brother. One of the craziest stories that we've ever done!

    Along the way, we find out that giving your kid certain nicknames may screw them up for life, that you shouldn't compete with your brother in some areas of life, and that even if you tell police where all the bodies are, it probably won't make the voices stop!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Wantage Township, New Jersey, a crazy relationship between a male stripper, and his law student girlfriend seems ready to explode, since he's opened credit cards in his infant's name, and hid naked women under his son's crib. In the end, this woman's mother ends up brutally murdered, with a weapon we haven't heard ever used in this way. Was it all just self defense??

    Along the way, we find out that there are farms very close to New York City, that when your mother hates your boyfriend, she'll always hate your boyfriend, and that that the worst place to hide a naked woman, is under your son's crib!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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  • This week, in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, what appears to be a tragic tale of a person, giving up on life, is actually a most diabolical plot to murder an innocent person, with a very unique weapon, and get everything they had. This comes to light due to science, detective work... and the pure stupidity of the murderer! With lies that make no sense & finally a long letter, attempting to get a friend to fabricate evidence!!

    Along the way, we find out that some bands maybe shouldn't be in the same lineup together, that you really should watch who you trust with your money, and that vodka & Visine would make a terrible cocktail!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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  • This week, in Westport, Connecticut, it's a race against time, when a man horribly murders a woman, in her own beautiful home, before abducting her teenage daughter, and driving away. Police frantically search, trying to fing the young woman, before it's too late. Even if she's found alive, will this horrible person ever be caught? It's a heart pumping story, that is later called "12 hours of hell"!

    Along the way, we find out that you don't want to name your band after a food that will make you sick, that no matter how exclusive & leafy your neighborhood is, anything can happen, and that people are sometimes way more capable than they think they are!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

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    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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  • This week, in Geraldine, Montana, a wild mystery unfolds when a young veterinarian is brutally murdered, and the suspects include girlfriends, ex girlfriends, and a girlfriend’s ex boyfriend, who has been stalking them for weeks. This man stops by in the middle of the night & calls constantly. But will the complete bungling of the crime scene by the police ruin the whole case??

    Along the way, we find out that you don't want to get caught in a snow storm, in the middle of Montana, that when someone breaks up with you, stalking them usually doesn't help, and that you should never throw out evidence, after you've cleaned it with Formula 409!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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  • This week, in Middlebury, Indiana, a mother does not approve of her teen daughter's choice in boyfriends, causing tension & fighting in the home. It also leads to the mother's disappearance, but luckily there's some evidence that leads to a suspect, whoo spills the whole plan. It's a terrifyingly cold blooded plot, that ends in murder, but definitely didn't have to. Plus, one of the killers says he "just wanted to kill" in a letter to the judge!!

    Along the way, we find out that a band might be hard to hear over a tractor pull, that teen love is never worth throwing your entire future in the garbage, and that if someone really wants to kill, it's not very easy to stop them!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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  • This week, in Lebanon, Maine, a wild plot develops, leading to two brutal murders, and a hunt for a kidnapped woman. It's an awful ordeal, as the woman's ex husband, and his new girlfriend take her to a distant motel to try to convince her that both women can be his wives, and she should come back to him. It's a race against time to find the woman, before she ends up with the same fate as the others. Will she be found alive??

    Along the way, we find out that death metal bands really need to get logos that you can actually read, that some people can be different people behind closed doors, and that when you bring a shotgun, assault rifle, multiple knives, a pipe, duct tape, and rope... you're looking to do more than talk!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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  • This week, in Springfield, Tennessee, a very calm 911 call, in the middle of the night, reveals a man who claims to have killed his wife, and put her in a freezer... only to have her "come back to life", causing him to flee. What detectives discover is a horrible scene, and a VERY dead woman. What happened? Will they catch this man?? It's an absolutley wild story!!

    Along the way, we find out that this town is a mecca for country music video filming, that it's extremely weird to give a 911 dispatcher a totally calm recounting of a murder, and that if you shoot someone, partially dismember, and freeze them, they definitely aren't coming back to life!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • This week, in Princeton, West Virginia, a brutal murder takes place, in a rural backyard, spreading blood & brain matter all over the victim's horrified wife. It looks like an attempted robbery, until detectives do some digging, and find that it's actually a pretty crazy conspiracy, involving sex & greed. When one of the main suspects disappears, the whole thing is becomes a national story, as everyone searches for "The Fugitive Temptress"!! Plus, a special bonus murder!!

    Along the way, we find out that your town shouldn't consider Applebee's to be "night life", that sometimes people must be attracted to things in people that NO ONE else sees, and that if you're going to plan a murder, you should pick a better crew than a drug addict, and a "first degree dirtbag"!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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  • This week, in San Saba, Texas, police arrive to a pecan farm to find a dead woman, in the doorway. Not only that, there is another woman, known as "The Pecan Queen", who seems to have disappeared into thin air. What looks pretty simple, at first, turns out to be a complicated plot, involving a whole family, a man who has been married 8 times, his meth addict nephew... and the actor, Tommy Lee Jones! It's an insane tale of murder & greed!!

    Along the way, we find out that if Tommy Lee Jones wants some land, he'll eventually get it, that you can't tell everyone you know, how much you want to kill many, many people, and that you should NEVER hire Forrest Gump to handle your murder business!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • This week, in Pembroke, Kentucky, a very murderous evening, that leaves three people dead, including two of them being burned to cinders, leads investigators down a rabbit hole. The main suspect is an Army vet airline pilot, who insists it was his bigamist ex-wife, who was trying to frame him, but he's been in other trouble, including accusations of abuse & having classified documents. Will a shell casing & a dog tag be enough to convict him??

    Along the way, we find out that these small town festivals love a local band, that a shell casing that matches your gun seems to be pretty decent evidence, and that the bigger the crime, the more you claim it's a conspiracy against you!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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  • This week, in Incline Village, Nevada, a horrible scene awaits police, when a car plunges 800 feet off a cliff, mangling the woman inside. Meanwhile, a man hangs from a branch, nearly 100 feet below the road, seemingly lucky to be alive. But was this really a tragic accident, or a truly evil plot to make it all look like an accident, just so he could grope women, in hot tubs?

    Along the way, we find out that famous people seem to like to hang out, in the middle of nowhere, that you should have more than a sprained ankle, when being thrown from the window of a truck, and that you should always care more about your dead wife, than finding your fanny pack!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • This week, in Blooming Prairie, Minnesota, a beloved local is found, brutally murdered, and his wife is missing. Detectives quickly realize she isn't a victim, and start a manhunt for the seemingly mild mannered Grandma. But she is anything but mild mannered, as she stays one step ahead of the law, looking for people that resemble her, to steal their identity. Which leads to more murder! Will they get this Grandma on the run???

    Along the way, we find out that these "new" 4th of July displays are simply no good, that worm farming is big business, and that even you can't just kill people who look like you, until your identity is "clean"!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • This week, in Chicopee, Massachusetts, who could have brutally killed a happy, bubbly, very cool young woman in her own home? It's a mystery, but detectives have DNA, some very small shoe prints, and a name, written on a white board to go on. When a suspect is found, he has many different stories to tell, including one that has him risk his life to save hers. But it's all a lie, and the only question is, will the jury believe any of it??

    Along the way, we find out that central Massachusetts LOVES kielbasa, that having a famous name won't get you a great job, and that when your DNA is under a victim's fingernails, you better have a pretty good explanation!!

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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  • This week, in Keokuk, Iowa, it's absolute madness, when a woman & her baby son disappear. Her car is found, but no sign of the pair. Then, some very strange events take place, and the baby is found safe & sound, in a completely unexpected place. This unravels one of the most insane tales that could exist, filled with murder & one person's lies, stories, and outright head shaking craziness!!

    Along the way, we find out that no bands want to play The Dam Festival, that if you're told that your wife gave birth in the bathtub, while you were at work, maybe you should question it, and that fake a pregnancy once, shame on you, fake a pregnancy twice...

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected]

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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