In S1:E6 - the final episode of Season 1 - @ComfortWithoutApology is joined by Mr Ohhh [@misterohhhhh] and Peaches the Edutainer [@Peachespresents] to discuss Blended Families and Co-Parenting in an age of Situationships.
We explore the current dating landscape in specific relation to blended families and co-parenting; the challenges, benefits, lessons and willingness to do it again! Our discussion touches on what happens when one partner has a child or children whilst the other doesn't, the dynamic of co-parenting ex-partners and whether the 'outside' partner should even meet said child/ren.
Both guests share gems from their personal parenting experiences, and we consider whether it's even realistic in 2020, to find a potential mate over the age of 35, that doesn't already have any children.
Situationship Central is aimed at 70’s babies and 80’s kids, and explores modern-day relationships across a range of themes; from online dating, ethnicity and sexual behaviours to in-person interactions, real-life dilemmas and shady shenanigans, we bring you frank discussions, inappropriate jokes and candid conversations, with special guests.
Thanks for tuning in, it's been a blast! #SituationshipCentral is published every 2 weeks on Thursdays, and produced by TGRG (The Girl in the Red Glasses). We'll be back in Spring of 2020. To join the conversation in Season 2, submit a request to feature on a future episode or send us your relationship and situationship scenarios via the link in our Instagram bio @SituationshipCentral.
This podcast may contain strong and/or explicit language.
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© 2020 Comfort. Without Apology -
In S1:E5 @ComfortWithoutApology is joined by @SimoneBrownFilm and @AmeNNoiR to discuss the dating and marriage and whether marriage is even still an aspiration, in an age of Situationships.
We explore the current dating landscape in specific relation to marriage, the modern phenomenon of online Dating Guru’s including the myths surrounding what you should and shouldn’t do to find, please and keep a mate and the glaring notion that these so-called experts seem to focus on the role women play in finding/holding on to a man, yet never seem to address men or their behaviours.
Both guests share gems from their personal marriage experiences and we discuss whether the institution of marriage should offer fixed term contracts.
Situationship Central is aimed at 70’s babies and 80’s kids, and explores modern-day relationships across a range of themes; from online dating, ethnicity and sexual behaviours to in-person interactions, real-life dilemmas and shady shenanigans, we bring you frank discussions, inappropriate jokes and candid conversations, with special guests.
Join the conversation; submit a request to feature on a future episode or send us your relationship and situationship scenarios via the link in our Instagram bio @SituationshipCentral.
#SituationshipCentral is published every 2 weeks on Thursdays, and produced by TGRG (The Girl in the Red Glasses).
This podcast may contain strong and/or explicit language.
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© 2020 Comfort. Without Apology -
Saknas det avsnitt?
In S1:E4 @ComfortWithoutApology is joined by @itsalllurve [Wendi] and @mister2drink [Mark] to discuss the validity of relationship gender roles in an age of Situationships.
Back in the day, (hetronormative) relationships were considered quite simple; man meets woman, man court's woman, man asks Dad for woman's hand in marriage, Dad gives blessing, couple marries, woman tends the home and raises children, man works and provides. In these modern days of situationships, gender fluidity, toxic masculinity, feminism and equal rights for all, the question of whether gender roles still exist and whether they sit firmly in the world of dating and relationships, is a valid one.
Situationship Central is aimed at 70’s babies and 80’s kids, and explores modern-day relationships across a range of themes; from online dating, ethnicity and sexual behaviours to in-person interactions, real-life dilemmas and shady shenanigans, we bring you frank discussions, inappropriate jokes and candid conversations, with special guests.
Join the conversation; submit a request to feature on a future episode or send us your relationship and situationship scenarios via the link in our Instagram bio @SituationshipCentral.
#SituationshipCentral is published every 2 weeks on Thursdays, and produced by TGRG (The Girl in the Red Glasses).
This podcast may contain strong and/or explicit language.
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© 2019 Comfort. Without Apology -
In S1:E3 @ComfortWithoutApology is joined by @yve_olution2 and @thelove.drop to discuss Sex & Sexual Attitudes in an Age of Situationships.
When we (70's and early 80's babies) were growing up in the 80’s, AIDs (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was considered an epidemic and quickly became something that we were very aware and very, very afraid of. The prospect of having unprotected sex, contracting HIV and dying, was real. Fear and stigma were rife but, roll forward to modern times and attitudes towards safe-sex in the UK, seem to be at an all time low.
Whilst many people still assume infections and diseases can’t happen to them, ahead of World AIDS day on 1st December, we explore attitudes towards sex in the current climate of sexual empowerment and how we can all play our part in having healthier sex lives amongst casual relations, situationships, liberated minds and porn!Situationship Central is aimed at 70’s babies and 80’s kids, and explores modern-day relationships across a range of themes; from online dating, ethnicity and sexual behaviours to in-person interactions, real-life dilemmas and shady shenanigans, we bring you frank discussions, inappropriate jokes and candid conversations, with special guests.
Join the conversation; submit a request to feature on a future episode or send us your relationship and situationship scenarios via the link in our Instagram bio @SituationshipCentral.
#SituationshipCentral is published every 2 weeks on Thursdays, and produced by TGRG (The Girl in the Red Glasses).
This podcast may contain strong and/or explicit language.
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© 2019 Comfort. Without Apology
In S1:E2 @ComfortWithoutApology is joined by @HeyEssay1 and @TheCurvyCreative to discuss Computer Love. The conversation explores the impact of technology on the current dating landscape, whether social media or online behaviours affect personal and romantic relationships, and how new school forms of communication, influence old school methods of dating.
Situationship Central is aimed at 70’s babies and 80’s kids, and explores modern-day relationships across a range of themes; from online dating, ethnicity and sexual behaviours to in-person interactions, real-life dilemmas and shady shenanigans, we bring you frank discussions, inappropriate jokes and candid conversations, with special guests.
Join the conversation; submit a request to feature on a future episode or send us your relationship and situationship scenarios via the link in our Instagram bio @SituationshipCentral.
#SituationshipCentral is published every 2 weeks on Thursdays, and produced by TGRG (The Girl in the Red Glasses).
This podcast may contain strong and/or explicit language.
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© 2019 Comfort. Without Apology -
Situationship Central is aimed at 70’s babies and 80’s kids, and explores modern-day relationships across a range of themes; from online dating, ethnicity and sexual behaviours to in-person interactions, real-life dilemmas and shady shenanigans, we bring you frank discussions, inappropriate jokes and candid conversations, with special guests.
In S1:E1 @ComfortWithoutApology is joined by @RichieBrave and @NatalieTheCakelady to discuss Black Love. The conversation explores why exclusively dating your own ethnic group or solely dating other Black people seems to be considered a controversial and/or political choice for people of African-Caribbean decent. We touch on drivers, procreation and outside influences during a lively discussion peppered with laughter, expletives and everything in between!
Join the conversation; submit a request to feature on a future episode or send us your relationship and situationship scenarios via the link in our Instagram bio @SituationshipCentral.
#SituationshipCentral is published every 2 weeks on Thursdays, from 31st October 2019 and produced by TGRG (The Girl in the Red Glasses).
This podcast may contain strong and/or explicit language.
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© 2019 Comfort. Without Apology