
  • Amazon proved that shopping can become more accessible, personalized and scalable. But can health care?

    If you ask Dr. Rishi Madhok, co-founder and CEO of blockchain startup BitMED, the answer is a definitive “Yes.”

    Dr. Madhok recently joined me and WPKN Radio host Jim Motavalli for a live interview about BitMED, launched worldwide in 2017. The telehealth company aims not just to make health care globally accessible and tailored to individual patients, but also to one-up Amazon in a big way—by being completely free.

  • Facebook collected massive amounts of information on our tweens and teenagers before the age of consent. How do we get that data back--is it even possible?

    This episode features an interview with Sahiba Sindhu of Consumer Watchdog on the legality of Facebook and other tech companies spying on our children, and how to get our kids' data and privacy back.

    Additional Resources:

    Download the archive of information Google has collected on you or your child. Review and delete as desired:

    Download information Facebook has collected on you or your child. Review and delete or restrict (if possible):

    Right to be Forgotten Law: Currently only California offers the right to be forgotten to minors in the United States.

    “No Free Lunch on Facebook”: Article by Sahiba Sindhu of Consumer Watchdog about Mark Zuckerberg's testimony to U.S. Congress.

    Learn about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which the European Union adopted on May 25, 2018. Organizations like Consumer Watchdog are fighting to get a similar set of protections passed for Americans.

    Additional organizations Sahiba mentioned in the interview:

    Center for Digital Democracy: https://www.democraticmedia.org/

    Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/

    Georgetown Univ. Institute for Public Representation - Communications and Technology Law Projects and Center on Privacy & Technology

    Privacy Rights Clearinghouse: https://www.privacyrights.org/

    Public Citizen: https://www.citizen.org/

    The Electronic Privacy Info Center: https://epic.org/

    ConsumersUnion (advocacy division of consumer reports): https://consumersunion.org/

    Parent Coalition for Student Privacy:https://www.studentprivacymatters.org/about-us/

    Consumer Federation of America: https://consumerfed.org/ Common Sense Media: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ Consumer Action: https://www.consumer-action.org/ The Center for Media Justice: http://centerformediajustice.org/ Consumer Federation of California, https://consumercal.org/

    Music in this podcast is from “Concrete Jungle” by Au/Ra:

    The artwork for the Siren Servers podcast is a segment of the 1891 painting by John William Waterhouse titled "Ulysses and the Sirens." The painting can be viewed at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.

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