Ramadan Mubarak!
This is the Ramadan plan episode. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Substack at sumayah.substack.com -
Allah's plan is perfect. He is teaching us constantly and aligning our affairs in the way that's best for us. Sometimes that doesn't look like what we prayed for. Asking for what's best means staying open to whatever comes, even if it looks like the opposite of what we wanted.
“W Aleikum Assalaam Sis, please be consistent with your Istighfaar and aim for high numbers 30k and above. When you are constantly doing Istighfaar there is little to no time for these thoughts, and even if Shaitan persists with these negative thoughts keep up with your Istighfaar and say it out loud ( loud enough for you to hear it ). You will see with time that these thoughts dissipate. You will also see that your Iman grows stronger with Istighfar.
Istighfaar does internal Cleanse of negative thoughts and Emotions, keep up with it and see the change for your self. May Allah Swt aid you in overcoming these emotions and strengthen your Iman.”
— Nafisa's final message to the Telegram group
Nafisa's Fundraiser (May Allah have mercy on her): https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/help_build_a_masjid_on_behalf_of_nafisa_shire
Istighfar and Surat Al-Baqarah Support Group on Telegram: https://t.me/+zP-eHfVKDQZjNmJk
Lighting Up Little Hearts with Qur'an: https://zhcalligraphy.com/products/books
Jazakum Allah Khair for being here, if we don't connect before then, Ramadan Mubarak to you and your loved ones, use every minute. May Allah accept from all of us and allow us to witness Laylatul Qadr and send our intentions ahead in case we don't witness it ourselves.
Sincerely, Sumayah -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Attachments, Doubts & Fears • The Journey to a Sound Heart.
Yasmin Mogahed's book:
Muhammad Hijazi on YouTube:
Coach Ehsan on YouTube:
https://youtube.com/@ehsanalhsan8194?si=uAxhNKvCVQPc6Pvr -
Allah (awj) knows what He is doing. You are in good hands, in the best hands.
Keep a notebook/journal or digital record of your answered Duas and all the small miracles that you encounter along the way.
Trust that what's happening in any given moment is the very best outcome that could happen.
It will happen when the time is right.
Allah (awj) is with you.
He heard your Duas. He knows your heart. You are not forgotten. He hears you now and always. -
Remember who you're dealing with.
“We keep going, even when the light seems impossibly far away. That's precisely the type of darkness required for yaqeen to be born.”
Under the weather but still wanted to share this with you guys. -
What your days can look like with Allah's permission. I've shared different practices here and there, now this is what a day with Allah looks like start to finish.
We spend so much time trying to change our habits. We start, stop, try, fail and start again. What if there was a way to create a permanent/consistent change? ...without needing to wrestle yourself in the mud.
Talking about Tawassul — the practice of asking Allah with a sincere offering you presented at some point in time, with the hopes of Him answering your desperate Duas in the present. -
Certainty, Trust, Spiritual healing and hijab
I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm a good person. What's happening?
Why isn't this working? Am I doing it right? What's holding me back? Keep going. Keep heading towards Allah. You're on the right track 🩷
Start reading Surat Al-Baqarah and go hard on your Istighfar. Watch what it does to your life. Thank you for being here and jazakum Allah khair for listening.
Sincerely, Sumayah is me giving you guys my heart. It’s not perfect, there’s no big team or crew, just me and you. It would mean the world to me if you chose to support my little substack by becoming a paid subscriber. It's just £6/month Check it out and learn more at sumayah.substack.com
This episode is about what happens when Allah wants something to happen for you, waiting for answered Duas, understanding delays and asking what it would cost/mean to be without His blessing and pleasure.
What happens when you are regular with Surat Al-Baqarah and you slip up and fall back into mistakes you used to do? How do we handle setbacks, delays and being in limbo?
If you knew there was a magical way to fix, heal and bless everything would you do it? Thikr is easy rewards, abundance and blessings that we've been leaving on the table.
Have you tried to start reading Al-Baqarah and stopped? Did you notice yourself getting sleepy, distracted, unwell, or overwhelmed? Do you struggle with thikr, consistency and motivation? Today I'm talking about ways to overcome those obstacles and how to put these different acts of worship into context & perspective.
I’m not sure why the audio is going in and out on this recording but I am sending it anyway. I will not be deterred :)
This is probably the most important episode I have ever done.
I’m sharing four life-changing habits/practices that you would miss out on if you left them. There’s no gimmick. It’s the real deal on how to turn your life and relationship with Allah around. I cannot wait to hear all of the beauty that comes into your lives and the ways Allah blesses you, fixes your heart, and turns your lives around.
Jazakum Allah khair for listening.
I look forward to sharing more.
Sumayah -
The Sincerely, Sumayah podcast is moving to a new platform called Substack. Become a free or paid subscriber to receive new content, videos and podcasts at:
All of the Sincerely, Sumayah classic edition episodes will remain available for listeners.
A brief episode on boundaries, vulnerability and human limitations.
“I don't want to let anyone down, and feel like I've failed them if I can't be supportive. Sometimes I am struggling myself and I realized I have no one who actually listens to me.” - Visa fler