We are taking a short break! See you in August!
Natalie has the opportunity to chat with her mom, Pam Alexander, about the wonderful benefits of actually allowing our kids to be bored as a means of discovering creativity and learning through play. ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Saknas det avsnitt?
Natalie shares her heart and perspective on embracing an ordinary life and fostering this mentality in our homes and parenting. In this episode: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/31/opinion/average-child.html ...Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
A continuation of last weeks conversation about parenting and striking the balance of exposing our kids to the world and protecting their innocence. If you haven't listened to Part 1 (episode 50) listen to that one first. ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Elisabeth and Natalie discuss the daunting topic of raising strong, independent kids while also protecting and allowing them to really live out their childhood. ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Natalie and Elisabeth visit about the dreaded process of grocery shopping/meal planning and identify which aspect of "simplifying" these processes is most important to them and their families in the current stage they are in. They also share some ideas and "hacks" that have worked and might help you out as well! ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Elisabeth shares a creative representation of walking through seasons or "valleys" of mental health struggles. Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Elisabeth and Natalie talk all about favorite baby items! (check back for links) Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Natalie and Elisabeth do a little catching up (Elisabeth has some BIG news) and discuss what it looks like to care for each other well during pregnancy and postpartum in light of the pandemic. ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
In this weeks re-air episode Natalie and Elisabeth chat with Dana K White from "A Slob Comes Clean." Dana talks about a few of her decluttering "strategies" and how important it is to understand your own "clutter threshold" and how this effects our ability to maintain the items in our spaces and how it's different for all of us. She also shares about the "container concept" and how this is a very simple and straight forward way to put limits on our possessions, and also how this a helpful in framing the decluttering process for children...and adults alike. Dana's https://www.aslobcomesclean.com/ (website) Connect with Dana on https://www.instagram.com/aslobcomesclean/?hl=en (Instagram) Dana's books: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=how+to+manage+your+home+without+losing+your+mind&crid=2YR48HMHF9REM&sprefix=How+to+manage+your+%2Caps%2C191&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-a-p_1_19 ("How to Manage your House without Losing your Mind: Dealing with your House's Dirty Little Secrets") https://www.amazon.com/Decluttering-at-Speed-of-Life-audiobook/dp/B0785WJDQ9/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2YR48HMHF9REM&dchild=1&keywords=how+to+manage+your+home+without+losing+your+mind&qid=1605397572&sprefix=How+to+manage+your+%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-2 ("Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning you Never-Ending battle with Stuff") ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
In this re-air episode, Elisabeth and Natalie discuss the topic of miscarriage coming from the perspective of both having personally experienced it. They discuss the uncomfortable and disconcerting journey of processing pregnancy loss from a place of embarrassment and shame, and how being more open about it had not only helped to bring about healing, but also create connection with so many other people who have faced the same loss. They also share about intentional ways they felt loved in the grieving process, as well as ways that were not as helpful. Lastly, they touch on how loss has reframed how they experience pregnancy now. In this episode: https://www.amazon.com/Held-Biblical-Reflections-Comfort-Miscarriage/dp/1784984779 ("Held: 31 Biblical Reflections on God's Comfort and Care in the Sorrow of Miscarriage.") ...Psalm 139 Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
In this re-air episode, Elisabeth chats with Tristin Gregory about her struggles with endometriosis, infertility and pregnancy loss. Tristin is very candid about navigating this difficult path and the physical and emotional toll of all of the ups and downs she and her husband have faced. She also emphasizes the important roll her faith has played and how being willing to "wrestle" with real and raw emotions and intrust the hard questions to God has been a major part of her healing process. She shares her experiences of being loved well in times of mourning by people that validated her losses and offered unconditional support for as long as it's needed. In this episode: Romans 8:28 ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
For this devotional re-air Natalie reminisces on some memories from her childhood and ties them into the concept of viewing all of our life lessons and stages from the perspective of "the ultimate story" and how God is the author and perfecter of it all. In this episode: Hebrews 4:16 https://www.amazon.com/New-Morning-Mercies-Gospel-Devotional/dp/1433541386/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=paul+trip+early+morning+mercys&qid=1602952590&sr=8-1 ("New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional") by Paul David Tripp. Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
In this throw-back devotional episode, Elisabeth shares some thoughts based on Galatians 6:9. Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Natalie and Elisabeth reflect on the last 20 episodes and what lessons they have learned in the process of pursuing a lifestyle of simplicity. They discuss wrestling with control and striving for ideals as well as share some practical ideas for " time blocking" and navigating the "pit hours." Oh yeah, and "Lunchables" are the bomb.
In this Episode:
https://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-Home-Familys-Guide-Legacy/dp/1630475300 ("Reclaiming Home" By Krista Gilbert )
Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)
Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)
Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius -
Elisabeth and Natalie talk about all things parenting; from newborns and strollers to bickering over water bottles... but mostly bringing them up to know Jesus.
In this episode:
https://www.halosleep.com/perfect-safe-sleep-products/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlLL_7tyy6gIVTNbACh1p7AYwEAAYASAAEgIECvD_BwE (Halo Sleep Sack)
Proverbs 22:6
Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)
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Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius -
Join us as we re-visit a few of our favorite episodes from our archive! Natalie and Elisabeth chat with, Gwendolyn Devine, the manager at Yobel a Fair Trade Boutique in Colorado Springs, CO. Gwendolyn sheds a little light on the important role the Fair Trade industry plays in creating fair wage and opportunity for people in developing countries, as well as emphasizing the stunning craftsmanship and heart that go into these treasured pieces. We also discuss the specifics behind the growing movement of "Slow Fashion" and what it means to dress with intentionality, in a style that truly suites you. She is passionate about taking a stand against "consuming" cheap, disposable "Fast Fashion" that is both harmful to the environment and dehumanizing to the real hands that make it. As a recovering shop-a-holic, Gwendolyn gives some simple, accessible tips for creating (and defining) your own “capsule wardrobe,” thrifting first but still giving yourself grace in the name of intentionality when shopping at major retailers. In this episode: https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-slow-fashion/ (Fair Trade Definition)https://truecostmovie.com/ (The True Cost Documentary) (you can also find it on Netflix) Fair Trade https://therootcollective.com/pages/the-ethical-list (Shopping Guide ) Gwendolyn is loving: Cooking at home (find her new favorite crockpot recipe https://www.thatslowcarb.com/crockpot-sausage-and-peppers/ (here)) and Taylor Swift (she'd wear her band tee forEVER)...while Natalie loves The Beatles and Elisabeth is a John Denver fan for life. ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Natalie and Elisabeth discuss upcoming plans for the year and announce a brief break.New episodes will return on Monday May 3rd, 2021. In the mean time Simplicity Beckons will be re-sharing some of our favorites from the last year. Please be sure to subscribe and follow all of our social media platforms to stay connected! ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Elisabeth and Natalie interview wife, freelance writer, avid bread maker and military spouse, Anna Frymire. As an Air Force family Anna and her husband, Daniel, have learned about the importance of creating and investing in community as they have made many, drastic moves in their five years of marriage. Anna candidly shares her perspective on the adventure and struggles of this lifestyle and offers some encouragement, applicable to the military life and just community seekers in general. In this episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-next-right-thing-with-emily-p-freeman/id1268826768 ("The Next Best Thing Podcast with Emily P. Freeman")...Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
Natalie touches on life with a newborn and her own personal struggles with change and feeling overwhelmed in the midst of them. She shares the personal encouragement she found in the support of her community and leaning into the presence of God-always faithful-even in the mundane. In this episode: Matthew 6:25-27 https://www.amazon.com/Valley-Vision-Collection-Puritan-Devotions/dp/0851512283/ref=sr_1_3?crid=23NVXEJ680QJW&dchild=1&keywords=the+valley+of+vision+puritan+prayers&qid=1613361844&sprefix=the+valley+%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-3 ("The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions") ... Check out ourhttps://my.captivate.fm/www.simplicitybeckons.com ( blog!)Connect with us onhttps://www.instagram.com/simplicity.beckons/ ( Instagram)Connect with https://www.instagram.com/elisabeth.cornelius/?hl=en (Elisabeth) Connect with https://www.instagram.com/simply.nat.kliewer/ (Natalie) Simplicity.beckons@gmail.com Original music composed and performed by Chase Cornelius
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