This episode is based on a discussion from PerformCzech’s the Show Must Go On/Offline series and features the following participants:
Guests: Andrea Carr (UK), Silje Sandodden Kise (NO), Tomáš Procházka (CZ), Imogen Ross (AU)
Moderator: Dr Tanja Beer (Griffith University, Australia)
Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in this episode:
For examples of guests’ work, watch the original discussion on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EofV1-Ky5MQ&t=6461s
Ecoscenography: An Introduction to Ecological Design for Performance by Tanja Beers: https://ecoscenography.com/the-book/
Andrea Carr:
Handa Gote Research and Development:
APD Green Conversations:
Silje Kise:
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode is based on a discussion in the Show Must Go On/Offline series and features the following participants:
David Košťak (CZ), playwright, translator and dramaturg Ondřej Holba (CZ), director, lecturer, contact juggler and actor Rudolf Rosa (CZ), robopsychologist, lecturer at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University Jan Mocek (CZ), theatre maker, visual artist and member of IN SITU, a European platform for artistic creation in public spaceJan Tyl (CZ), AI expert, CEO Alpha IndustriesJohann Wolfgang Goethe, digital beingVáclav Havel, digital beingModerator
Dita Malečková (CZ), lecture, researcher, writer, independent AI researcherLinks to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in this episode:
AI, When A Robot Writes a Play, Švanda Theatre
Who Is Useless Now?
Virtual Ritual
Digital Writer, Czech Radio
This episode is based on a discussion in the Show Must Go On/Offline series and features the following participants:
Salvör Gullbrá (Reykjavík, IS) Agata Koszulińska and Pamela Leończyk (Warsaw, PL) Marie-Luisa Purkrábková and Kateřina Císařová (Prague, CZ) Mia Skrbinac (Ljuljana, SI)Moderator
Alice Koubová (CZ), Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences / Vice Dean for Research, Theatre Faculty of the Performing Arts in Prague (DAMU)Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in this episode:
No! You Don’t Have to Endure It
This episode is based on a discussion in the Show Must Go On/Offline series and features the following participants: [1]
Jan Jiřík (CZ) / Palm Off Fest FestivalKatarina Figula (SK) / Bratislava in Movement FestivalBartosz Szydłowski (PL) / Divine Comedy FestivalIvan Medenica (RS) / BITEF FestivalModerator
Marcelina Obarska (PL)Links to projects, organisations and initiative mentioned in this episode:
Bratislava in Movement
Divine Comedy Festival
Palm Off Festival
What Future for Festivals, Salzburg Global Seminar
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Ilona Labuťová, Czech Republic - specialist pedagogue, drama therapist and founding member of the Association of Drama Therapists of the Czech Republic
Anna Szapert, Poland – therapist, coach and member of the free psychological support team for theatre artists and staff offered by The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw
Zsuzsa Hajós, Hungary – founder and member of the Kerekasztal (Round Table) community theatre, which focuses on work with young people and mentoring in education through art
Fabio Toledi, Italy – theatre director and playwright, member of the Astragali Theatre and ITI, where he is a member of the executive board and the Theatre
Martin Sedláček, Czech Republic – practicing psychotherapist, lecturer in the Department of Drama in Education at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Joana Nuckowska, Nowy Teatr / PL
Vijay Mathew , Howlround / USA
Martin Zavadil, Dramox / CZ
Gert Naessens, Perform Europe / IETM
Becka McFadden
Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in the discussion and in this episode:
HowlRound Theatre Commons
Nowy Teatr
European Festivals Association
Culture for Climate’s Guide for the Performing Arts
This episode is written by Becka McFadden and read by Daniel Zappi and Becka McFadden.
Podcast Director: Becka McFadden
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Valtteri Alanen
Other important links
www.performczech.cz _ www.idu.cz
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast :
Miroslav Paulíček / Czech Republic - University of Ostrava
Joshua Edelman / United Kingdom - Manchester School of Theatre
Alicja Czyczel /Poland - Common Space
Roman Černík / Czech Republic- Johan Centrum
Matúš Benža / Slovakia – Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava
Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in the discussion and in this episode:
University of Ostrava: https://www.osu.cz
Manchester School of Theatre : https://www.theatre.mmu.ac.uk
Common Space (PrzestrzeńWspólna): https://cargocollective.com/alicjaczyczel/Przestrzen-Wspolna-Common-Space
Johan Centrum: https://www.johancentrum.cz
This episode is written byMatúš Benža / Slovakia – Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and read by Daniel Zappi a Sinead Phelps.
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Jelena Kovacic (HR), Editor, Monovid- 19
Maria Kroupnik (RU), Curator of the Educational Programme, The Lubimovka Young Russian Playwrights Festival
Lucia Mihálová (SK), Member of Jury, The Dráma competition
Sam Pritchard (UK), Associate Director, The Royal Court Theatre
Jakub Škorpil (CZ), Theatre Critic, World and Theatre magazine
Zuzana Uličianská / Slovakia – Head of the PR Department, Theatre Institute Bratislava
Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in the discussion and in this episode:
Monovid-19 : http://www.drame.hr/hr/monovid
Lubimovka Young Russian Playwrights Festival: https://lubimovka.ru/eng
Polina Korotych, I am at home: https://lubimovka.ru/images/2020plays/fringe/Korotych_Ya_doma.docx
The Royal Court Theatre: https://royalcourttheatre.com
This episode is written by: Zuzana Uličianská / Slovakia – Head of the PR Department, Theatre Institute Bratislava.
Tereza Dobiasova / CZ - author, curator, director and cultural manager, author of an interactive online performance „Free Like Birds“
Patrícia Paixão / PT - producer, creator and actress, and a member of Teatro Estúdio Fontenova, member of the staging team of online production of Karel Čapek’s play „The White Plague“
Attila Balogh / HU, actor, writer and theatre director, author of online project „Y“
Thaddeus Phillips / USA, theatre director, author of an interactive project “ZOO MOTEL”
Ádám Fónai / HU, Károli Gáspár University in Budapest
Szabó Attila / HU, Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute, Károli Gáspár University in Budapest
Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in the discussion and in this episode:
Y: a play co-written and co-directed by Attila Balogh: www.szigligeti.ro/eloadasok/szigligeti/Y/875?lang=en
ZOO Motel: A live cinematic theatre play by Thaddeus Phillips: www.zoomotel.org/
Teatro Estúdio Fontenova: Patrícia Paixão's theatre company; producers of the first Portuguese adaptation of Karel Čapek’s The White Plague: www.teatroestudiofontenova.com/
Trailer for Tereza Dobiášová's Free Like Birds: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNMNn15T79c
This episode is written by Ádám Fónai / HU, Károli Gáspár University in Budapest and read by Daniel Zappi and Sinead Phelps.
Podcast Director: Jiří Šimek
Read by: Daniel Zappi and Sinead Phelps
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Jan Čtvrtník
Other important links
www.performczech.cz _ www.idu.cz _ czech version of podcast
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Michaela Rýgrová / Czech Republic, producer and expert on sustainability in theatre
Gwendolenn Sharp / France, founder of The Green Room, a non-profit organisation developing strategies for environmental and social change in culture and the music industry
Anna Galas-Kosil / Poland, theatrologist, expert of international relations in performance arts and curator of the interdisciplinary cultural organisation Biennale Warszawa
Petr Dlouhý / Czech Republic, curator of live art, dramaturg and cultural organiser
Martina Pecková Černá / Czech Republic, ATI International Cooperation Department
Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in the discussion and in this episode:
Results of the the Theatre and Environmental Protection survey 2019.nocdivadel.cz/archive_files/2020/vysledky_dotaznikoveho_setreni_Noc_divadel_-_Divadlo_a_ochrana_zivotniho_prostredi_2020.pdf (in Czech only)
Sustainability Codex of Theatre Night in the Czech Republic: From theatrical culture to culture in theatre : www.nocdivadel.cz/kodex-udrzitelnosti/ (in Czech only)
Culture for the future: www.idu.cz/cs/o-nas/projekty-a-infoportaly/1374-kultura-pro-budoucnost (in Czech only)
David Finnigan: I was wrong about the fires: davidfinnigan.substack.com/p/i-was-wrong-about-the-fires
The Green Room: www.thegreenroom.fr
Julie’s Bicycle: juliesbicycle.com
Green Music Australia: www.greenmusic.org.au
The Shift Project: theshiftproject.org/en/home/
Broadway Green Alliance: https://www.broadwaygreen.comwww.broadwaygreen.com
Buried Sun: buriedsun.com
On the Move: on-the-move.org
Reshape: reshape.network
Bruno Latour: What protective measures can you think of so we don’t go back to the pre-crisis production model? - www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/P-202-AOC-ENGLISH.pdf
This episode is written by: Martina Pecková Černá / Czech Republic, Head of International Cooperation Department / PerformCzech IDU, theatrologist and cultural manager.
Podcast Director: Jiří Šimek
Read by: Daniel Zappi and Sinead Phelps
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Jan Čtvrtník
Other important links
www.performczech.cz _ www.idu.cz _ czech version of podcast
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Martynas Petrikas/ LTU- Associate professor at the Faculty of Communication atVilnius University.
Savas Patsalidis / GRK - Professor of Theatre at Aristotle University and the Drama School of the National Theatre of Northern Greece
Nela H. Kornetová /CZ- Independent performer and performance maker
Jiří Šimek/ CZ- Actor, Theatre Artist and co-founder of Ufftenživot Theatre Group
You can find record of the whole discussion on youtube channel @IDUPraha or right here - bit.ly/Uncompressability
Podcast Author: Jiří Šimek/ CZ- Actor, Theatre Artistand co-founder of Ufftenživot Theatre Group
Podcast Director: Jiří Šimek
Read by: Daniel Zappi and Sinead Phelps
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Jan Čtvrtník
Other important links
www.performczech.cz _ www.idu.cz _ czech version of podcast
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca / NL - Professor and Head of DAS Graduate School at the Academy of Theatre and Dance, Amsterdam University of the Arts in the Netherlands
Agata Adamiecka-Sitek / PL - Senior Lecturer and Ombudsman at the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw; theatre researcher, critic and publisher
László Upor / HU, Dramaturg, literary translator, essayist and Rector of University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest
Martin Bernátek / CZ, Assistant Professor, Area Head of Theatre Studies and Vice-Chair at the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Palacký University Olomouc
You can find record of the whole discussion on youtube channel @IDUPraha or right here - bit.ly/asculturalinstitution
Podcast Author: Alice Koubová / Czech Republic, Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Podcast Director: Jiří Šimek
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Jan Čtvrtník
Other important links
www.performczech.cz _ www.idu.cz _ czech version of podcast
Participants of Show must go on/off line discussion that served as base for this podcast
Marcus Lobbes / DE, theatre director and set designer
Matěj Nytra / CZ, theatre dramaturgist, HaDivadlo Brno
Krzystof Garbaczewski / PL, theatre director and set desginer, with focus on VR Technology
Moderator: Ondřej Škrabal / CZ, writer and theatre director
You can find record of the whole discussion on youtube channel @IDUPraha or right here - bit.ly/greenthrII
Podcast Author: Anna Luňáková, filozofka, spisovatelka a novinářka / ČR
Podcast Director: Jiří Šimek
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Jan Čtvrtník
Other important links - www.performczech.cz _ www.idu.cz _ Czech version of podcast