Gangstalking up close and personal.🎯😎Let it be known that I am in no way available or do I give my consent to experimentation targeting or gangstalking in any way , shape, form or fashion on my self/ life/ brain/ temple/dreams/ or any other part of me myself and I/ now and that is for sure forever more.Stand down and let us Stand up and Live OUR Lives as we and God Almighty shall choose.******To God be the glory.******🙏🏾💋 Support this podcast:
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A monthly chat between a journalist and an expert on a defined topic, mostly on ethical and legal issues connected to data protection and ICT. The show is part of the EU funded project Panelfit:
With the wide product breadth Parker Hannifin has to offer, wrapping your head around everything motion systems and controls can be daunting. Join two of Parker's engineers, Brian Baranek and Mitch Eichler, as they try to de-mystify everything hydraulic valves and their applications. Tune in as they review products, discuss applications, interview market experts, unveil division programs and showcase Parker promotions and partners. If you are looking for a reliable source for hydraulic valves and learning -- this podcast is for you!
Weekly long-form conversations with fascinating people at the creative edges of national security. Unscripted. Informal. Always fresh.
Chatter guests roll with the punches to describe artistic endeavors related to national security and jump into cutting-edge thinking at the frontiers where defense and foreign policy overlap with technology, intelligence, climate change, history, sports, culture, and beyond. Each week, listeners get a no-holds-barred dialogue at an intersection between Lawfare's core issue areas and something from Hollywood to history, science to spy fiction.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
AIPowerment Podcast on justkui teejuhiks tehisintellekti maailmas, tuues kuulajateni valdkonna uudised, populaarseimate ja uute rakenduste ülevaated, põnevad intervjuud AI eestkõnelejatega ning haridusliku ja põneva vestluse kahe AI entusiasti vahel.
Podcast on mõeldud kõigile AI huvilistele, olenemata sellest, kas ollakse täiesti oma tehisintellekti avastusretke alguses või juba tehisaru entusiast. Kuulamist jagub nii ettevõtjatele, spetsialistidele, vabakutselistele kui ka tudengitele.
Tehisintellekti podcastile kohaselt rakendame loomise protsessis AI-d (nt meie avatarid pildil). -
EBSi Majandusstuudio on neljaosaline saatesari, mille debattides osalevad tuntud eksperdid, kes otsivad lahendusi kriisi käigus esile kerkinud majandusprobleemidele.
Neljal järjestikusel neljapäeval 2020. aasta mais-juunis on fookuses üks majanduse tulipunktis olev teema, mille üle diskuteerivad EBSis praktiseerivad lektorid koos EBSi vilistlaste ja ettevõtjatega.
Saate moderaator on EBSi äriarenduse ja väliskoostöö prorektor Toomas Danneberg.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"Vaba mikrofon" on iganädalane taskuhääling, mille saatejuhid tunnevad end mikrofonide ees vabalt.
Saatejuhid, kes on suured tehnoloogiahuvilised, arutlevad raamatute, teleseriaalide, audioraamatute, YouTube'i staaride, uue meedia ning paljude muude teemade üle. Lisaks tutvustatakse kuulajatele ajakirjanduse telgitaguseid.
Saatejuhtideks on Jakob Rosin, Gregor Sibold ja Ronald Liive. -
Sõdurilehe podcasti saadetesse kutsutakse külla inimesi, kes peagi tulevad, on praegused või on neist saanud juba endised ajateenijad. Saadetes räägitakse sellest, mis toimub sõduri elus, kasarmus, metsalaagrites ja õppustel. Saadet juhib küberväejuhatuse strateegilise kommunikatsiooni keskuse ajateenija.
This is a podcast where we explore the issues today with the insider threat, or human factor, of our organizations. We also talk about ways to tackle those issues through training, culture, and technology in order to help information security and business professionals reduce risks in their environments.
We have a patreon page for the podcast, located at . I don't want to be too pushy for this, but a couple of you have asked about ways that you can support the show. -
What do you do when your principles are even less fashionable than your haircut? This is a podcast about staying true to internationalist principles in age where nationalism is on the rise.
Hosted by Phil Doré: mental health nurse, Green Party campaigner and former national organiser of Wales for Europe. -
Translation is the process of turning basic scientific research into therapies that cure disease, new sources of energy that heal the planet, and other things that move the world forward.
The Translation Podcast takes a deep dive into scientific advancements with a massive potential to improve society. We talk directly with the people advancing the science with their own hands and minds, and focus on how we can translate the science from the bench to the benefit of all.
Initially centered on biology and synthetic biology, we’ll talk with the most promising young scientists in the field. We aim to demystify the science for a general audience and to shine a light on how great science turns into great business. We hope these discussions will inspire scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors to help commercialize breakthrough research.
If you’re an author of an upcoming paper in biology or know of any interesting papers dropping soon and want to hear from the authors, drop us an email at [email protected].