
  • A presentation on the 3 channels of the subtle system and each chakra in turn. At each chakra, a relevant talk by Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation) is played. Music with a guided meditation is also included.

  • The quality of Swadisthan on the right side is creativity, i.e. truly inspired thoughts, ideas and actions. The quality of Swadhistan on the left side is pure knowledge, i.e. the truly discerning and discriminating power to see the innate nature of things at a new stage in our awareness called vibrational awareness.

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  • The fundamental quality of this first Chakra, the Mooladhara, is innocence, which forms the basis of every righteous (dharmic) character. This innocence is the type of quality, which is evident in babies and small children. It represents action without motive or desire for gross personal gain.

  • The Vishuddhi chakra has sixteen petals, each with different qualities and functions. On the physical side, it looks after throat, arms, face, mouth, teeth, etc., so they must all be taken care of. For instance, protecting yourself from the cold, avoiding tobacco, taking proper dental care, and so on. This is particularly important for your vibratory awareness, as the nerves which register the vibrations in the hands pass through this centre.

  • The Anahat (Heart) is the home of Self, Soul, Spirit, Atma, all one and meaning the same. Time and time again Her Holiness Shri Mataji has told us: 'You are nothing but your eternal Spirit.' This centre has to be treated with the greatest respect and understanding. Pure love, which enlightens all, is the true quality of the Heart.

  • The Agnya Chakra, sometimes called the third eye, is placed at the centre of the brain. When Kundalini passes through the chakra, our thought waves elongate so that the space between two thoughts grows wider. As the petals of the chakra open, silence blossoms in the centre and spreads outwards, pushing the thoughts to the periphery of your awareness. In thoughtless awareness, you actually feel this beautiful silence which is at the heart of creation. Just like the vibrations, this expansion of silence is a wave created without percussion. Absolute and therefore beyond causality, all you can say is that it is.

  • Part of the Hindu epic The Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita is one of the enduring religious texts of the world.

    The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Sanskrit poem that recounts the conversation between Arjuna the warrior and his charioteer Shri Krishna, Himself a manifestation of the Divine.

    In the moments before the great battle, Shri Krishna sets out the important lessons Arjuna must learn to understand the meaning of his life and his key role in the war he must fight to protect Good from Evil.

    Shri Krishna reveals to Arjuna His true cosmic form and inspires the warrior to act according to his sacred obligations.

    Shri Mataji's Sahaja Yoga meditation teaches us that the principle of Shri Krishna resides in the Vishuddhi chakra of our subtle system, in the throat. This centre has the qualities of playfulness, collectivity, diplomacy and the detached witness state.

    In the words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi: "The Bhagavad Gita says that you become Sakshi Swarup - the witness of the play of the Divine."

    The Bhagavad Gita - An abridged translation in English, accompanied by violin, presented by Sahaja Yoga.

    Narrator TIM BRUCE
    Violin SIMON AYLIN
    Produced by THEATRE OF ETERNAL VALUES (UK) 1993

    More about Sahaja Yoga Meditation worldwide In-person and Online classes at www.freemeditation.com.au/worldwide

    More about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at www.shrimataji.org

  • Music has a powerful effect on the kundalini and on the clearing and balancing of the chakras. Balanced music emits a sound with vibrations which can activate the chakras. This can help us have a stronger experience of meditation.

    This program features 3 Sahaja yogis, professional musicians, Rithom Sarkar (Slide Guitar), Asmira Woodward-Page (Violon) and Lene Jeffrey (Voice, Guitar and Harmonium) who will share their personal experience with enlightened music and will perform live in the studio. The program also features a short workshop on the meaning and power of AUM, a guided meditation in music and two extracts of Shri Mataji about the effect of music on our chakras.

  • "In the triangular bone, called sacrum, there is a residual power of pure desire. This bone was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who called it sacrum. This means that they knew that it was a sacred bone. This power is termed as kundalini in the Sanskrit language.
    At this time, I would like to say very humbly that one should not discard this knowledge as useless because it is coming from a developing country (in the Western terminology) like India. The Western culture has now advanced greatly as far as outward scientific life is concerned."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "Science cannot answer many questions. So many in medical science have now tried to reach the minutest thing, called the gene. But the scientists are frustrated because they cannot go any further with the help of these genes to really overcome the complications created by modern life. The conclusion they have reached that genes are only inherited is absolutely wrong. Actually, genes also reflect our personality that we create in day-to-day life. All our sympathetic activity is reflected on our genes as well."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "So people are fighting in the name of God and there is no world peace. Behind all these activities, there is also powerful money orientation and, when it comes to economics, the people of the highest order in a religion succumb to compromise, however immoral it may be. They have neither character nor courage nor real faith to resist fashionable trends of money business. In fact, they allow their followers to swim with the evil currents of the day and, thus, lead them into hell from where there is no return. These religions inject fixed ideas into the brains of people. These fixed ideas start developing in a collective way and this can produce a very big, collective monster, which can believe only in killing others and pushing its own ideas."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "So people are fighting in the name of God and there is no world peace. Behind all these activities, there is also powerful money orientation and, when it comes to economics, the people of the highest order in a religion succumb to compromise, however immoral it may be. They have neither character nor courage nor real faith to resist fashionable trends of money business. In fact, they allow their followers to swim with the evil currents of the day and, thus, lead them into hell from where there is no return. These religions inject fixed ideas into the brains of people. These fixed ideas start developing in a collective way and this can produce a very big, collective monster, which can believe only in killing others and pushing its own ideas."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "The only way we can bring peace on this Earth is not by talking or by organizing, but by transforming people to this new awareness of the fourth dimension, where they become the spirit. But what are we to do about people who are violent? How do we protect ourselves from them is always the question put to me. The answer is that we are now in the realm of God Almighty."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "All the religions from ancient times have said that a man or a woman has to cleanse his or her mind through religious activity, with a righteous life. The aim of every religion was to establish balance in every way to make way for the ascent of the seeker. The second birth, walihood, selfhood, Buddha’s state, Jaini state, gnostic or atmasakshatkar are all names for Self-realisation. In the olden days, people always wanted to be honourable and good to ascend higher in their awareness. They obeyed and tried to do whatever was asked by the saints, prophets or incarnations."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "Culture is the outcome in any society of its history, its faith, its thinking, its emotions, its aspirations and its ideals. It is revealed in the behaviour of people among themselves and in interactions with people of other cultures. Culture shows the social heights in serenity, wisdom and morality. The innate culture of innocence and spirituality creates peace, honesty and moral sense. On the whole, such a culture produces a sweet language and a peaceful existence in family life and in society."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "Diversity of bodies, faces and skin created by nature is very important because otherwise everybody would look the same. It would be a regiment of boring human faces. Unfortunately the colored people were called primitive, while the white-skinned were regarded as advanced. It is intolerable arrogance to discriminate between one human being and another because of the color of his skin. They all have the same heart, the same feelings, the same expression of love and hate. They all smile the same way, they all weep the same way. The countries in which colored people are born should have their own countries. They may be primitive or backward but no foreigner, not even a white man, has the right to occupy their lands forcibly by using guns and canons against unarmed natives."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "It was the great advent of Abraham Lincoln, which brought the uniquely true idea of democracy into reality in America. He specifically said that the government should be “of the people,” yet today we find that most countries who call themselves democracies have been “demon-o-cracies.” They are ruled by people who are either money-oriented or power-oriented. Concern for the benevolence of the people, which should be the main aim of a democracy, has become completely lost in modern times."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century—spontaneous self-realization through meditation—which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "This secret is well known to the entrepreneur. He first tempts your attention with a vast array of choices, and then he bores you stiff and creates more and more things for you to choose from, because that is how he can keep his machines satisfied, and these require feeding every day."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century—spontaneous self-realization through meditation—which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "If rationality ultimately is the only driving force behind modernism then, at the end of the day, one should not be surprised if it has to be seen that modernism consists of the limitless vagaries of the human ego, leading to sheer nonsense and idiocy and even to sufferings and catastrophes."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century—spontaneous self-realization through meditation—which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme

  • "This book is no way to show any flowery language or to show any literary talent of mine. It is just a straightforward statement of facts which I know and which I want to communicate with the Western world. I would request people not to waste their time in finding faults with my English because it is not my Mother tongue and I never studied it. Unfortunately, I could not get somebody else to write for me because it had to be written by me personally."
    Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil

    Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century—spontaneous self-realization through meditation—which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

    For more than forty years, Shri Mataji traveled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of spontaneous Self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion, or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this profound evolutionary experience on to others but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga. Celebrated and honored around the world, 2023 marks the centenary of Shri Mataji’s birth.

    “There can be no peace until there is peace within … you cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you,” - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    • About Shri Mataji and Her Meta Modern Era book.
    • Free Online courses and Worldwide In-person classes.
    • How to obtain Meta Modern Era as a book, CD and audio book.
    • More meditation podcasts
    VISIT: https://www.meditationpodcasts.com/mme