Calm Pills are ad-free, multi-artist ambient albums, seamlessly mixed to help with relaxation, meditation, reading or deep sleep. Mostly consisting of instrumental ambient sounds, natural soundscapes and soft piano music, these mixes will help you completely relax your mind and body. Also available as 24/7 online radio and through Alexa smart speakers:
FULL CIRCLE is hosted by Jerry Bryant who pioneered one of the earliest and longest-running Jesus Music syndications, the Jesus Solid Rock Radio Show, heard on over 100 radio stations. Jerry was a part of the early Jesus Movement of the 70s! His Jesus Solid Rock concerts in Carbondale, Illinois helped to usher in early CCM to the Mid-West. In 1978, Jerry became pastor of the Last Days community in Woodland Hills, CA. with Keith and Melody Green and later moved to Lindale, TX., to work with the Agape Force. Jerry ended up back in Carbondale and continued with his radio show and concerts before moving to Nashville in 1993. After an extended absence from the air, he's back to doing what he loves: RADIO! You'll hear fresh interviews from Matthew Ward (2nd Chapter of Acts), Randy Thomas (Sweet Comfort Band), Sandy Brock (Servant), Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Melody Green, Scott Wesley Brown and Chuck name just a few; plus great Classic Jesus music from Sweet Comfort Band, Larry Norman, Mustard Seed Faith, Keith Green, Mylon LeFevre and so much more! We'll take old and new fans of CCM back to where it all began! FULL CIRCLE is the winner of the Angel Award for 2008, Excellence in Media, Radio Division. For more information, GO TO:
Have you ever met someone who is just full of stories? Join best selling author and Grammy, Billboard and Dove Award–winning singer-songwriter Laura Story, known for such hits as “Blessings,” “Indescribable,” and “Mighty to Save,” as she shares deeply personal stories of her life, her journey with God and finding joy no matter the circumstance.
Laura and her friend Beth Bacall talk about everything from trucker food, to mistakes she’s made as a parent, to how God can use our stories, no matter what they are, for good and for His glory.
Come laugh, cry and dive into the truths found in the scriptures with us. And we'd love to hear your stories too! Email Laura at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at (317) 92-STORY! (317) 927-8679! -
Giving away a whole lot of free piano music since 2005! I specialize in expressive piano interpretations and orchestral arrangements of songs and hymns, suitable for contemplation, meditation, relaxation, or just to keep you company as you go about your business. There's quite a few free mp3 downloads by now, so take your time and enjoy the music. I hope it meets your needs wherever you are in your spiritual walk.
Listening to better music and listening to music better - with music industry veteran, author, artist, and producer John J. Thompson and a diverse panel of artists, songwriters, producers, and industry innovators who seek the deeper resonances in music and culture. Knowing that all music is spiritual, can we sing along with the good, the true, and the beautiful in ways that make us better neighbors, more compelling artists, and richer reflectors of the light by which we live and move and have our being? Let’s try.
John Thorn has toured the world for the past 40 years playing christian concerts with classic CCM artists such as John Schlitt, WhiteHeart, Petra, Margaret Becker and Truth just to name a few. He also has been on the other side of the camera and worked with renowned Authors and Speakers such as Anne Graham Lotts, Patsy Clairmont, Sheila Walsh and Franklin Graham as well as many others. Each episode of Stage Right will feature someone he had the honor of working with somewhere along the way. It’ll be a chance to reminisce, talk stories as well as catch up on what everyone is doing now.
You’ve enjoyed their work, now you get to be part of the conversation… -
Music and Meaning is a captivating, cinematic podcast written and hosted by Grammy Award-winning music producer Charlie Peacock. Charlie shares evocative, in-depth stories of his intricate dance of serving both the church and crafting the popular songs the whole world sings. By analyzing the soundtrack of our lives, Charlie, skillfully and artistically teases out its profound social and theological meaning. Reflective and whimsical, Charlie shows how music transcends mere sound, becoming a mirror to our times, a testimony to our shared humanity, and a sign and symbol of our deepest joys and needs.
Babbie Mason is a two-time Dove Award winning singer, songwriter, author and speaker. She talks with leading Christian and Gospel artists and some of the nation’s favorite Christian authors and leaders. Babbie reaches the masses through her long-standing TV show, Babbie’s House, her internet radio station and now Babbie’s House Podcast.
Browse the catalog of podcasts for engaging conversations, uplifting music guests and hear Babbie sing in every episode. -
Hay House presents Guided Meditations featuring your favorite authors guiding you through mediations designed to help you relax and rejuvenate. Each week we bring you a new mediation with a featured author taking you on a meditational journey ranging from numerous topics on health, healing, overcoming fears and blocks and much more. Please visit or to learn more.
Tara Brach, Ph.D is an internationally known meditation teacher and author of bestselling Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Tara shares a weekly guided meditation and talk that blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. The podcast addresses the value of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion in relieving emotional suffering, serving spiritual awakening and bringing healing to our world.
Meditations by Fr. Eric Nicolai, a Catholic priest of Opus Dei in Ernescliff College, Toronto. They are times of prayer addressed to men or women, with the intention of providing a personal dialogue with the Lord Jesus Christ present in their midst. They are usually preached in oratories of Opus Dei.
Get ready for a spine-tingling journey into the unknown with The Grave Talks - the weekly paranormal podcast and interview show hosted by the master of horror storytelling, Tony Brueski. Each week, Tony brings in new guests who bravely share their haunting experiences with ghosts and the spirit world, spanning every corner of the paranormal realm, from supernatural encounters to demonic possessions, shadow people, and beyond. You'll be on the edge of your seat with every episode, hanging onto every word as you explore the unexplained, the terrifying, and the unknown. Subscribe now to The Grave Talks and give us a review to help us grow - we're eager to hear your thoughts.
For even more exclusive content, including ad-free and advanced episodes, become a Grave Keeper at and support our show - if you dare.
Join us for a journey into the darkness that you'll never forget. -
Sorcellerie blanche, c'est un guide dans notre cheminement holistique. Gaïa et ses invités partagent des trucs ésotériques, chamaniques et spirituels pour poursuivre dans notre éveil. Des sorcières blanches et femmes médecines qui assurent ensemble un accompagnement dans notre parcours tout en douceur mais surtout, tout en amour. On se connecte avec des voies alternatives afin de se connecter avec notre vraie lumière.
Les points de vue, techniques et opinions qui sont exprimés par les invités dans le podcast ne reflètent pas nécessairement celui de Gaïa Total Inc. -
Lectures on Yoga and Vedanta given at the Boston Vedanta Society.
Vedanta is one of the world's most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.
According to Vedanta, God is infinite existence, infinite consciousness, and infinite bliss. The term for this impersonal, transcendent reality is Brahman, the divine ground of being. Yet Vedanta also maintains that God can be personal as well, assuming human form in every age.
Vedanta further asserts that the goal of human life is to realize and manifest our divinity. Not only is this possible, it is inevitable. Our real nature is divine; God-realization is our birthright.
Finally, Vedanta affirms that all religions teach the same basic truths about God, the world, and our relationship to one another. -