Welcome to the Great Day Podcast, I'm your host Meir Kay.
I'm all about spreading positivity through different mediums. You may have seen my viral Facebook videos, which emphasize the importance of being happy and kind to others, and now I'm bringing you conversations with some of the people that inspire me.
I sit down with musicians, filmmakers, thought leaders, and health coaches to learn how to grow in all aspects of life. Join my podcast journey and let me know how one of my guests have inspired you.
I'm Meir Kay... Have a GREAT day!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast explores the Gospel as a first-century Jew would have understood it. A conversation about the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, or the Day of the Lord in the first century would have evoked a body of ideas not immediately present with a simple word study of these terms. In this weekly podcast, a pastor, campus minister, and missionary mine the Torah, Biblical Prophets, and Second Temple writings for the origin and development of these ideas as we help give context to this first-century Jewish message and encourage disciples of Jesus to boldly proclaim it and patiently wait for the God of Israel to fulfill his covenantal promises.
Listen to highlights from a variety of first-rate speakers from past sessions of the National Jewish Retreat.
The National Jewish retreat is the premier Jewish event of the year, bringing 1200 Jews of all backgrounds together for 5 days of learning, inspiration and good times. get a taste of it by listening to these excerpts ranging from Talmudic interpretation to fascinating first person human interest stories. Featuring speakers from all walks of Jewish life.
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Southern Demonology is a podcast that explores angelology, demonology, ghosts, spirits, and monsters from antiquity to the modern day through an academic lens.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Supermom School podcast with Mary Aldrich is designed for passionate moms committed to loving and leading their family as their best Supermom selves while enjoying the journey. Tune in each week to get Biblical truth, practical tools, and fresh courage for your week. If you are a Christian mom and want to be living intentionally and "flying" in your role, join me!
Was haben eine Kräuterhexe, ein eingesperrter Erfinder, ein Widerstandskämpfer, eine gefeierte Operndiva und ein tapferer Ritter gemeinsam? Sie alle kommen aus dem Raum Tübingen in Baden-Württemberg und erleben ganz unterschiedliche Heldenreisen. In diesem Podcast werden die Lebenswege der Protagonist:innen in fünf kindgerechten Folgen in Form von Audiofeatures erzählt und durch Interviewausschnitte mit Zeitzeug:innen, Wegbegleiter:innen und Expert:innen sowie szenische Darstellungen ergänzt.
* Dieser Podcast wurde für Kinder ab 9 Jahren konzipiert. -