Discover what everyday life in Japan is REALLY like! Weekly podcast episodes with half-Japanese/half-American Burke (20 years in Japan), Ben from England (15 years in Japan), and Matt from Australia (18 years in Japan). All three of them are based in Hokkaido, which is Japan's #1 domestic travel destination! These guys and their guests share their experiences with dating, marriage, working at Japanese companies, teaching at all education levels, traditions, martial arts, the struggles of life here, and the reasons why Japan is truly an amazing place to be living!
Wir sind Marie und Yesim und sprechen mit euch über die elementaren Dinge im Leben und decken Missstände auf. Wir sprechen über eigene Erfahrungen, das Patriarchat, Memes, Kinderkacke (wortwörtlich) und alles was uns sonst noch auf dem Herzen liegt. Denn in unserer Sendung bekommt ihr nicht nur Brot, sondern auch Rosen ;)
The Trevor Romain podcast features true stories presented by best-selling and award-winning author, artist and keynote speaker, Trevor Romain.
Sharing hope, humor, inspiration, motivation and a cup of tea, Trevor’s intimate stories, observations, and humor are a powerful, thought-provoking and often touching experience for his podcast listeners. -
Намайг Онон гэдэг. Би нэвтрүүлэгч, ээж, эхнэр, эмэгтэй хүн. 10 жилийн өмнө анхны хүүгээ төрүүлчихээд, 6 сартай байхад нь сэтгэл санааны гүн хямралд орж байлаа. Тэр үед сонсдог байсан фм-ийн нэвтрүүлэг надад уужрал, ухаарал өгч, өөртөө итгэх итгэл, идэвх оролцоо бүхнийг минь, нэг ёсондоо хуучин Ононг эргүүлэн авч ирсэн. Түүнээс хойш эмэгтэйчүүд хоорондоо ярилцдаг, түүхээ хуваалцдаг, түүнээсээ эрч хүч, ухаарал авдаг нэвтрүүлэг хийхсэн гэж зорьсоор ийнхүү хийж эхэллээ, сонсооорой, бас сэтгэгдлээ хуваалцаарай!
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
State by state, host Ryan Bernsten and international guests explore perceptions of America via interviews with mayors, governors, and voters on both sides of the aisle from a 5-month journey through all 50 states. Take a trip through America to listen and to learn what's really happening in the USA. -
Dank eurer großartigen Unterstützung ist ein Herzensprojekt, unser Mitmach-Podcast HÖRBAR BUNT & VIELSEITIG Sonntagsgeschichten, entstanden, als das öffentliche Vorlesen nicht möglich war. Hier hört ihr Kindergeschichten und Geschichten für Erwachsene. Geschichten zum Schmunzeln, zum Entspannen, zum Nachdenken, Kolumnen, Gedichte und Märchen, Spannendes und Wissenswertes. Von kleinen und großen Künstlern und Künstlerinnen. Für kleine und große Ohrmuscheln. RELAX und viel Freude beim Eintauchen in die hörbar bunte und vielseitige Welt der Geschichten.
Von Herzen danken wir euch allen für die wertvolle gemeinsame Zeit, fürs Dabeisein, fürs Mitmachen und fürs Unterstützen 💝 -
Linda and Kana are two Canadians living in Kamikatsu, the famous “zero-waste” village in Japan. Kamikatsu is famous for its comprehensive recycling system, where 80% of all the waste produced in the village is recycled into a whopping 45 different categories.
But there’s more to life in this tiny mountainside village beyond just environmental consciousness. Come dive into what it’s really like for two foreigners living in the Japanese countryside. Get ready to sip some tea (we recommend the Kamikatsu speciality, awa bancha!) while we spill the tea.👩🏻❤️👩🏻🌿🍃 -
Simon Nash and Jill Upton interview wine industry personalities and uncover their stories and amazing tales. Podcasts are taken from the weekly radio program on 96.5 InnerFM (Melb, Australia 9am-11am).
Simon has been immersed in wine as both a passion and interest for the past 30 years and that journey has taken him to wine regions around Australia and overseas.
Jill Upton is a wine reviewer and her experience and passion is clearly on display.