Hello my dear people,
Today’s episode is about everything what is now really important in my life. You will get some information about the book, but believe me when I said it’s just little bit of story and the book cover. I am sharing with you as well my journey with my dogs, and little puppies. Of course I will not be myself to be honest and motivational with my thoughts, tongue and words.
Enjoy the Christian book shop story.
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Book to buy. All my slay stories ;)
Madeline in Stoneland
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Madeline-Stoneland-thoughts-saint-woman/dp/B0CCCGPS8RSupport the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello, and thank you!
We are starting the new season with reverse your mindset. I’m back. I’m stronger. And I’m honest.
More details of the episode in actual episodes;) the song in the end is a surprise as well ;)
You welcome,
Coach P.
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
Saknas det avsnitt?
Dzien dobry,
witam w tym szczegolnym odcinku po szczegolnie wydluzonym urlopie ze wzgledu na moje przygody i niczym nie zmocony umysl. Walka o przetrwanie, walka o zycie, i pozytywna strona zycia miotaja mna i moja rodzina jak szalona, ale hej ho, co nas nie zabije to nas wzmocni i czasem trzeba wszystko zaakceptowac jak leci:) zapraszam na odcinek jak zwykle o mnie i moich pomyslach :D
ksiazke bardzo polecam:
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
thank you :)Support the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello my dear people,
It is my Coach P. recording my heart out from Latvia. After all my adventures in life, I have decided to travel not maybe around the world but at least to homeland of my husband Latvia, which I have absolutly adore to the beats of my heart. So I have nearly die there, according to my allergy to milk and eggs... It was something life threatening but I am ok, I am healing and I am surviver, please people take care of your guts and listen to them, they know what they are talking to you about...
Recommended book:
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
more about our projects:
my social media:
BigBoy Talk
http:/www.rubeats.com - all the music in my podcast and intro.Support the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello my dear people,
This podcast is for everyone interested in changing their life due to their own logic, heart, motivation and peace with most likely less silence, especially, when you have kids running around. Me and my life, my stories and my all moments, when I could give up, but instead of this I just stand up and smile. It is nothing in this world for you, that you need to suffer from. Nothing and no-one can tell you what to do. We all can suggest something, but do not be crazy, no- one just you, should know what to do. In the meantime, you can listen to me and my personal journey of living my best life.
my youtube:
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
kolejny dzien I kolejny odcinek :) zapraszam serdecznie na moj podcast, w ktorym opowiem o swoim zyciu, doswiadczeniu w zyciu, ktore nie zostawia na mnie czasem suchej nitki, ale ide gdzies ide, i zostawiam tutaj teraz slad w swoim zyciu tylko dlatego, ze moge byc szczesliwa, tym kim jestem i kim sie otaczam. Wszystko o czym powinnas pomyslec, jest w moim podcascie, troche odpowiedzi na te same wracajace pytania, jaka rada? Nie przejmuj sie i to wcale :)
my youtube:
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
hello, hello
new episode about nutrition and diets. part 1
link to the book: Sports Nutrition Guidebook Nancy Clark
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
hello, hello
dzień dobry,
witam wszystkich serdecznie w kolejnym polskim podcaście. tym razem będę mówić od odpowiedzialności względem obowiązków, rodziny, czy własnych zwierzątek. W podcaście wspominam o swoich własnych doświadczeniach, życiu i co spowodowało, gdzie teraz jestem. Wszystko to doprawione wspaniałą muzyka i moim głosem. Na koniec Paktofonika - chwile ulotne.
moj youtube:
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
hello, hello
dzień dobry,
witam wszystkich serdecznie w kolejnym polskim podcaście o moich zwierzątkach, wspomnieniach i prężnych działaniach w tym życiu. Opowiadam duzo o sobie i o ludziach, którzy dla mnie wiele znaczą i chciałabym, żeby pamiętali, ze o nich pamiętam. Mowie jak zawsze duzo o motywacji na swoim własnym przykładzie starając się wyciągnąć z siebie jak najwięcej informacji, które mogą przydać się i także w twoim życiu. Nie martw się, weź głęboki wdech i idź na spacer, uspokój głowę i pozwól mi zagadać cie na śmierć, które nie jest nam obca. pozwól sobie wziąć się w garść i płynąć z duchem mojej rozmowy do samej siebie. dziękuje kochani za wsparcie. udanego dnia, bo może być ostatnim takim złym dniem, a jutro będzie wszystko wspaniale, a najbardziej życzę ci, żebyś znalazła szczęście w tych najgorszych chwilach bo to one powodują, ze jesteś silniejsza!
Na koniec Mela Koteluk - Wolna.
Moj podcast jest takze na youtube. zapraszam
wiecej o naszych projektach:
my social media:
www.rubeats.com - all the music in my podcast and intro. Please visit him as well :) !Support the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello Beautiful people, it is Wednesday, and it is Coach P. time. Please make yourself comfy, I hope the kids are sleeping and you can listen to my pesonal journey, full of motivation and good words. Today I would love to introduce you even more to yoga, relaxion and how to find the balance in streching and being good to yourself, not only sometimes, but everyday. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast it means a lot of too me. Thank you so much for support of the people all over the world. I am so happy that the content that I am making is important for other poeple. More to come! Today I would love to recommend you a yoga book, which was written by Ann Swanson. That's the website for author. I would like to say my little thank you to Ann for writing such a good content.
Miley Cyrus- Midnight sky
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello people,
Hello to all my smart, happy, motivated and in love with your life people. In this episode I will be talking about as I said in the title, about dogs, one very brave kitten, and one, who was kinda foster... Long story in short story... They are all sound and safe, but I need to tell you, I have a moment that I could not believe in my luck !
Damian Marley as hymn of the day :) stayed tuned smart people :)
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https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello people,
Welcome to my podcast.
Hello to second part of my podcast about motivation, rejection and love, in my life from my own experience as the person, who wants to give you a bit of personal touch to all research I have done in my life to give you fresh way of thinking about your life and future. I am mother, personal trainer, book writer and such creative mine. I will change, I will move, I will get what I want, because I do love people. I would like to tell you, that I am in the process of building my life. Talking here from the side is much easier for me than speaking about all these rules and expectation. Welcome to my life, when no one should judge anyone, I am so happy for you people to be yourself and listen to your heart. Sometimes, you should only feel like you are walking not chasing anymore, or have to run after your dreams, you will understand that you can just walk and take life, with the smile, how it is.
Thank you my listeners for support.
Justin Bieber as hymn of the day :) stayed tuned smart people :)
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
Support the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello, cześć
W dzisiejszym odcinku opowiadam o moich przeżyciach, o moich załamaniach nerwowych i tym, ze każdy może wyjść ze wszystkiego jeśli tylko tego chce, to nie jest łatwa droga, to nie jest coś z czym każdy może sobie poradzić, ale z odrobina pomocy specialistow, przyjaciół i rodziny, jesteśmy w stanie podnieść się z największych problemow. Mówiąc tutaj o problemach jakie staja na naszej drodze, mowie zawsze o pozytywnym nastawianiu i przeprogramowaniu swojego mózgu na pozytywne sytuacje. Dziękuję sobie, ze nigdy się nie poddałam i mam nadzieje, ze zdobędziecie się na odwagę i weźmiecie los w swoje ręce, nie obwiniając nikogo o to jakie decyzje podjęliście. Na koniec podcastu zapraszam na piosenkę Eldo- Granice. Dziękuję.
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
my social mediahttps://www.facebook.com/paulina.sevastjanova/
my books:https://amzn.eu/d/5CUebOy
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello people,
Welcome to my podcast. If you reading this I would like to tell you, that you finally make it to the place, when my reverse logic will take you to diffrent mind-set, feelings and emotions towards people, who does not see much in you. I have been there, I am still trying to improve myself. This personal journey that I am talking about is my life, and my attitude towards situations, which made me to be who I am. I am mother, I am personal trainer and I am not going to tell you what you need to do, I am going to tell, what I have been through and let you think about your way, as I am just like you. Just more stubborn than you, but I am here to tell you, you should mean the world to yourself. No fight needed, when you love, who you are. Nobody is perfect, but look at you :) In the end of podcast as usual, some good music, who I will be if not Coach P., Eminem - Beautiful as hymn of the day :) stayed tuned smart people :)
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
more about our projects:
BigBoy Talk podcast:
my social media:
https://www.rubeats.com - all the music in my podcast and intro. Please visit him as well :) !Support the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Dzień Dobry,
dziękuje wszystkim ludziom, którzy słuchają moich podcastów! Jesteście wielcy :) W dzisiejszym odcinku opowiadam trochę więcej o sobie niż ktokolwiek by mógł pomyśleć. Reszta w podcascie :)
moj youtube z duza iloscia rozowego
my social media:
books :D
Piosenka, która wrzuciłam na koniec zmieniła moje spojrzenie na świat, na motywacje i na bycie silną, wiele razy w akompaniamencie tej piosenki odcięłam sporo ludzi, polecam odcinak węzły i słuchać SzUstego !!! Dziękuje SzUsty, że zgodziłeś się na udostępnienie swojej muzyki w moim podcaście. Dziękuje z całego serca, bo znaczy to dla mnie aż tak dużo.
my email if you need any contact.
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.comSupport the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello people,
welcome to my podcast, which is called reverse your mind-set with Coach P. In today's episode I am talking about lack of fear in my life, abnormal motivation, stubborness and see, the life as I want to see it, not how other people want to see it. I am introducing you to my friend, who is coming out with his podcast Ru24/7, Big Boy Talk, which is going to carry topics on mental health, motivation, lack of love in childhood and totally diffrent view on life, that i do have. Highly recommended especially for Big Boys, whose have problems with making them way to talk about emotions and life strruggles.
2pac - Unconditional love
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.commy social media
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
thank you xxSupport the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Dzień dobry, halo, cześć
W dzisiejszym odcinku przedstawiam wam moją drogą koleżankę z liceum. Pisarkę, która wydała trzy książki, która dużo za dużo musiała przetrwać w życiu, które jej nie oszczędziło w między czasie znajdując miłość swojego życia. Motywacja, wiara i niezłomność w tej kobiecie, jest potęgą, którą każdy z nas powinien w sobie znaleźć. Dziękuje bardzo Annie Madejak, która zgodziła się wypowiedzieć w moim podcaście, jako autorytet, pisarka i wspaniała osobowość, o której powinniście słyszeć więcej.
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
my social mediahttps://www.facebook.com/paulina.sevastjanova/
https://www.tiktok.com/@missmyp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcmy books:
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you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello, hello
In today's episode I'm talking about my life, about my breakdowns and fatigue, which was caused by the eternal fight. The time I cut off has done a lot in a positive sense. I invite you to today's episode about motivation, which sometimes comes out of us at the least appropriate moment, but it makes us move mountains. Thank you very much to my friends and people so kind that words fail me. thank you for every day where you give me a reason to keep going and never give up. I'm sending you a lot of energy, the positive one of course, at the end of the song as usual. Today Kendrick Lamar and The Weekend - Pray for me. Thank you. That was me Coach P. xx
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
my social media:
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
paulina.sevastjanova@icloud.comSupport the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Dzień dobry, witam w tym jakże świątecznym nastroju. Zapraszam was na polską edycję mojego podcastu, który zdobył słuchaczy w UK, Europie, a i nawet w Ameryce. Zapraszam na podróż przez życie, motywacje, pasje i miłość do życia i ludzi. W dzisiejszym specjalnym odcinku będę mówić o moich świętach i świętach, kiedy byłam dzieckiem. Będę tłumaczyć i motywować. Zapraszam do wysłuchania mnie i moich historii, które zostały w moim sercu, a także tym, które wyleciały przez okno. Zawsze polecam wam odwiedzić stronę mojego przyjaciela, który produkuje muzykę i chętnie wyśle ją w świat. Dziękuje.
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
my social media:
https://www.rubeats.com - all the music in my podcast and intro. Please visit him as well :) !
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
coachp.yourpt@gmail.comSupport the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
Hello, hello people,
thank you so much for these 10 episodes of my podcast. In this podcast I have asked my husband to talk a bit about life, motivation, emotions and man point of view for feelings, situations, fake it till you make it and real face in this world. I wish to get him more to talk about these important part of ours life, because he has a point. Very simple and very nice talk. Please share my work, so I can get to more people. Visit me on my tiktok Coachp and sent some love. thank you.
Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
more about the projects:
my social media:
BigBoy Talk podcast
www.rubeats.com - all the music in my podcast and intro. Please visit him as well :) !
If you would like to advertise yourself on my podcast please sent email
coachp.yourpt@gmail.comSupport the show
you welcome, Coach P. :)
- Visa fler