Part 9 of the series in proverbs. Further wise sayings of Solomon.
Part 8 of the series in Proverbs. More of Solomon's wise sayings.
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Part 7 of the series in Proverbs. Further proverbs of Solomon challenging us to wise attitudes and actions.
Part 6 of the series in Proverbs. Continued wise sayings of Solomon.
Part 5 of the series in Proverbs. Further collected sayings of Solomon.
Part 4 of the series in Proverbs. The final invitations from wisdom in the opening chapters and the start of the collected proverbs of Solomon.
Part 3 of the series in Proverbs. Warnings against adultery and other relational foolishness.
Part 2 of the series in Proverbs. The call to trust God with all of our hearts and to guard our hearts as the well from which life springs.
Part 1 of a series in the book of Proverbs. Introducing biblical wisdom as skilful living in the fear of the Lord, contrasted with foolish living in the ways of wicked people.
Part 16 of the series in Numbers. Provision of 48 cities for the Levites, among them six cities of refuge, and a potential problem about inheritance through the female line is resolved.
Part 15 of the series in the book of Numbers. The people are prepared for entering the land - Moses ensures 2 and a half tribes that want to settle east of the Jordan will help with the conquest, the record of their journey is reviewed and the Lord reminds them they are to drive out the people of Canaan and destroy their idols then sets the land's boundaries and appoints leaders to assign land to families by lot.
Part 14 of the series in Numbers. Provisions for a ryhthm of offerings around Israel's days, weeks, months and years, commands concerning vows by men and women, and God's judgement through Israel on Midian and Balaam.
Part 13 of the series in Numbers. Another rebellion (at Peor) with judgement, a census of the new generation and the recognition by God of leaders - Phinehas as priest and Joshua - to follow Aaron and Moses.
Part 12 of the series in Numbers. Balaam's donkey and his oracles blessing Israel and prophesying the coming Messiah.
Part 11 of the series in the book of Numbers. Aaron dies, victories east of Jordan, deliverance through a seprent on a pole and the start of the acocunt of Balaam, a prophet for hire.
Part 10 of the series in the book of Numbers. Provisions for the priesthood and purification, Moses' disobedience and refusal from Edom to pass through its lands.
Part 9 of the series in the book of Numbers. Punishment for a sabbath breaker, tassels for garments and judgement on rebels led by Levites and Reubenites, but hope with the rod of Aaron that buds.
Part 8 of the series in the book of Numbers. Moses intercedes for the people - God pardons but judges - then reminds them of the provision off sacrifice for forgiveness of sins.
Part 7 of the series in the book of Numbers. Miriam and Aaron complain against Moses and are corrected by God and 10 of 12 spies sent into the land spread fear among the people because of lack of faith.
Part 6 of the series in the book of Numbers. The people leave Sinai. They grumble and long for Egypt, but God judges and disciplines them, providing manna and quails for them to eat.