The coronavirus pandemic has us all asking a lot of questions: How long will I have to practice “social distancing”? Will there be a cure for COVID-19? Can I ever touch my face again?
WABE health reporter Sam Whitehead and guests will try to answer those questions. He’ll talk with experts, public officials, journalists, and everyday people about how the coronavirus is affecting their lives.
Conversational technology and patient engagement are two technology trends sweeping through the three trillion dollar healthcare industry. In these short, interactive discussions, industry experts talk about how and where innovation is impacting the customer experience at hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and the vast array of related services in the industry.
The American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) brings you SCI Science Perspectives. The podcast is built around two-part dialogues with spinal cord injury (SCI) professionals regarding their emerging scientific work spanning the full spectrum of SCI research, from discovery to clinical application.
The SCI Science Perspectives podcast disseminates the latest-and-greatest scientific work in the SCI field via a conversation with researchers that approaches their work from two perspectives: the “scholarly” perspective and the “community” perspective. The process begins with ASIA’s Committees informing the podcast about new and influential scientific papers relevant to the committee’s interests. Then the podcast host(s) then interview the author(s) of the papers, approaching their project from each perspective. Finally, the conversation from each perspective is published as its own episode type: "Scholarly" and "Community" episodes. Keep an eye out too for "Admin" episodes too, communicating administrative information relevant to ASIA members and stakeholders. -
AMA News Wire brings you the headlines published daily by the AMA. Listen to the latest on the AMA Recovery Plan, the What Doctors Wish Patients Knew™ series and other physician-focused news articles on what’s shaping health care today.
Find all AMA podcasts at -
Mind of State is a podcast that exists at the intersection of politics and psychology. Each episode features lively commentary on current events, policymakers, and the body politic, and how we have arrived at this moment, as observed through both a political and psychological lens. We explore how "mind" impacts "state" — and vice versa. Tune in, as co-hosts Betty Teng and Jonathan Kopp engage in nuanced conversation with experts from the worlds of politics and psychology as well as others from related fields who have studied the complex dynamics between individual/group psychology and political processes. Mind of State is produced in NYC, by Betty Teng, Jonathan Kopp, Thomas Singer, Alletta Cooper and Jenny Woodward. [Mind of State wrapped Season One after Episode 15 and will return for Season Two after a brief hiatus.]
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Podcasts fra FINANS. DET DER TÆLLER udkommer hver mandag, og ser frem mod ugens væsentlige begivenheder i verdensøkonomien. BUNDLINJEN udkommer hver fredag, hvor et skiftende panel debatterer aktuelle emner og historier fra erhvervslivet. FINANS WEEKEND kan høres fra klokken 05.00 hver lørdag - her møder du en af Finans-redaktionens medarbejere og kommer med bag arbejdet med erhvervsstoffet. GRØNNE PENGE er vores podcast om den grønne omstilling. Den udkommer to gange om måneden - det samme gør LEDELSE MED LOUISEN ORBESEN, Finans ledelsespodcast. VALG I USA - vores dækning af det amerikanske præsidentvalg udkommer hver torsdag morgen kl. 05.00 og vores LYN-ANALYSER og PERSPEKTIV dryppes ud på kanalen i et løbende flow.
Velkommen til ”ADHD & Autisme Podcast med Manu Sareen.” Jeg snakker i denne podcastserie med en række kendte danskere, eksperter, fagfolk samt familier og børn, om ADHD/ADD og autisme. Her kan du få ny viden, svar på de store spørgsmål om ADHD og autisme.Mit mål med denne podcast er at sprede viden og forståelse om ADHD og autisme, og dele min og mine gæsters personlige oplevelser og perspektiver på livet med ADHD og autisme. Jeg vil diskutere alt fra symptomer og behandlingsmuligheder til de udfordringer, som personer med ADHD og autisme står over for i hverdagen. Manu Sareen er tidligere Formand for ADHD Foreningen og ADHD coach.
Produceret af: Podads Production
Klip og Musik: Anders Eske
Redaktør: Christian Frederiksen -
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more.
Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s). -
Velkommen til Tandlægeforeningens podcastserie.
Her nørder vi odontologi, og vi kommer til at stille skarpt på arbejdsliv, karriere og faglighed.
Serien er til Tandlægeforeningens medlemmer, men alle der brænder for faget er mere end velkomne til at lytte med og tage del i foreningens faglige fællesskab.
Og hvis du har kommentarer eller forslag, er du mere end velkommen til at kontakte redaktionen på [email protected]
God fornøjelse. -
The Neurology Podcast provides practical information for neurologists and clinicians to practice the best possible medicine for patients. Examining methods and findings in peer-reviewed journals, the show provides insights that impact clinical practice and patient care. From the journal Neurology and the American Academy of Neurology, providing education and expert analysis since 2007.
Welcome to the Mad in America podcast, a weekly discussion that searches for the truth about psychiatric prescription drugs and mental health care worldwide.
Hosted by James Moore, this podcast is part of Mad in America’s mission to serve as a catalyst for rethinking psychiatric care. We believe that the current drug-based paradigm of care has failed our society and that scientific research, as well as the lived experience of those who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, calls for profound change.
On the podcast we have interviews with experts and those with lived experience of the psychiatric system. Thank you for joining us as we discuss the many issues around rethinking psychiatric care around the world.
For more information visit
To contact us email [email protected] -
Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton is a podcast for people who want to learn tools for living better. Each week, we dive into a different aspect of emotional and behavioral health with our team of psychologists, psychiatrists, and people with lived experience. If you've wanted to try mental health therapy, but are prevented from doing so by cost or because of a lack of time, this podcast is for you.
The Ken McElroy Show is your weekly meet-up where real estate entrepreneur and CEO Ken McElroy shares his personal experiences and the strategies he’s implemented throughout his career, from his first job as an apartment manager to today, having successfully scaled up to over $1 billion in real estate investments. Each week, Ken and his co-host Danille delve into a wide range of topics related to real estate, including entrepreneurship, current events and their impact on investors, the investor’s mindset, and the best practices for a thriving business. Their guests have included a diverse range of authors, entrepreneurs, and investors, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jaspreet Singh (“Minority Mindset”), and Brandon Turner (“Bigger Pockets”). Their conversations are candid, occasionally irreverent, and always informative. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
The landscape of Intensive care is changing. In the era of evidence based medicine, we try to make best possible decision for our patients based on best available evidence. Every fortnight, Dr Swapnil Pawar & Dr Jose Chacko will bring you one hot topic in Critical care. If you want to stay up to date with recent evidence or learn how to critically evaluate the literature in critical care, this podcast is for you.