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Marko and Steve dive into the tricky dynamic of "parenting" your partner in a relationship. They explore how taking on a parental role—whether through constant reminders, micromanaging, or handling all responsibilities—can create imbalance, resentment, and even emotional exhaustion. They discuss how this pattern often leads to one partner feeling overwhelmed and the other feeling infantilized, which can erode intimacy and mutual respect. Marko and Steve also share insights on how to shift out of this unhealthy dynamic, set boundaries, and build a more equal partnership. To wrap things up, they tackle the week's Listener Sh!tuation, offering their thoughts and guidance on a real life dilemma from the audience.
Parade | 11 Common Signs You're 'Parenting' Your Partner, According to PsychologistsForbes | 3 Signs You Play The ‘Parent’ In Your Relationship—By A PsychologistSupport the show
Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
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Marko and Steve dive deep into the dangers of complacency in relationships and how staying complacent in your single life can hinder personal growth. They start by defining complacency as a state of stagnation, and discuss moments in their lives where they may have been complacent by themselves or with a partner, and how they got past it. Are we at all guilty of experiencing mundanity or complacency in our lives? To wrap things up, they tackle the week's Listener Sh!tuation, offering their thoughts and guidance on a real life dilemma from the audience.
Marriage.com | 11 Signs of Complacency in a Relationship and Ways to Fix ItBetterHelp.com | The Impact Of Becoming Complacent In A Relationship And How To Overcome ItSupport the show
Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
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Saknas det avsnitt?
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Marko and Steve dive into the world of social media relationships—those picture-perfect couples and "IG thots" that flood Instagram with seemingly flawless moments. They discuss how these curated posts have shaped their own perceptions, sometimes making them question what's real and what's just for show. They break down the illusion of online romance, how filters and captions hide the struggles underneath, and why comparing your own relationships to these highlight reels is a losing game. To wrap things up, they tackle the week's Listener Sh!tuation, offering their thoughts and guidance on a real life dilemma from the audience.
Mary Jo Rapini | 5 Things Happy Couples Know About Social MediaSupport the show
Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
Visit Us |www.podrelationshit.com for more Relationsh!t content and information about the podcast.
Donate | Head over to patreon.com/podrelationshit and start donating today! Your donations will give you early access to the podcast, behind-the-scenes interviews with our weekly guests, and merchandise.
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To open up season 11, Marko and new co-host Steve dive into the realities of being single, aka "in these streets," and contrast it with married life—discussing what "in these streets" might mean when you're in a committed relationship. They share personal takes, debate the pros and cons of both lifestyles, and sprinkle in some humor along the way. To wrap things up, they tackle the week's Listener Sh!tuation, offering their thoughts and guidance on a real-life dilemma from the audience.
What's On Queer BC | The Struggles and Strategies of Gay DatingLittle Gay Book | Make Your Own Dating Rules for 2025Support the show
Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
Visit Us |www.podrelationshit.com for more Relationsh!t content and information about the podcast.
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If you haven't listened to last week's episode - START THERE!
Once you've done that, check out this interview from the newest co-host of Relationsh!t as he sits down with Marko to talk about the future of the podcast.
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Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
Visit Us |www.podrelationshit.com for more Relationsh!t content and information about the podcast.
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After last season's big Relationsh!t announcement, Marko returns this week with a podcast update and new co-host ...
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Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
Visit Us |www.podrelationshit.com for more Relationsh!t content and information about the podcast.
Donate | Head over to patreon.com/podrelationshit and start donating today! Your donations will give you early access to the podcast, behind-the-scenes interviews with our weekly guests, and merchandise.
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Marko and Tony are joined by owner and designer of Poïetic, Michael Welke.
"For the month of May - for every mask purchased we will donate two to Mary’s Place (@marysplacewa). They do amazing work for families and women." - Michael WelkeSupport the show
Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT. That’s (903) 763-7448. You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at [email protected].
Visit Us |www.podrelationshit.com for more Relationsh!t content and information about the podcast.
Donate | Head over to patreon.com/podrelationshit and start donating today! Your donations will give you early access to the podcast, behind-the-scenes interviews with our weekly guests, and merchandise.
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