There are many stories of people seeing things in water that they cant quite understand. As a result, stories would be made up in an effort to explain just what exactly is happening and why it is happening as well. In Scotland, it is no different. A creature is said to stalk the waterways, beguiling people into the a watery fate. But what exactly is this? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy They Are DRAGGED Into The Rushing Water Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #cryptids #unsolvedmysteries #scary
Meeting people online is exceedingly dangerous. You never know quite who you are going to get or what they are about. Unfortunately for some, this has ended in completely disaster. In todays episode, we take a look at the case concerning Mackenzie Lueck. Meeting up with a lone man a the park, she would go missing as a massive search ensued. But what exactly happened? Let discuss that in todays episode. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales atreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #missingperson #unsolvedmysteries
In New Mexico, Exists a base in the middle of nowhere or at least its alleged it exists there. Its not so much it existing, as what is said to have happened there. Humanity actively engaged in a micro war with another species, in order to control the base. But what exactly happened? Lets talk about it in this episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The ALLEGED Human Alien War In New Mexico Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #crime #truestory
Something horrific is said to stalk Bray Road. Relying on Stealth, it is said over hundreds of sightings have seen this thing on Bray Road in Wisconsin. But what exactly is it? lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy HUNDREDS Say Something BLOODTHIRSTY Is HUNTING Bray Road... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #crime #truestory
Int he 1960s, a man would go missing that you would think, the power and wealth his family wielded, that they could find him. However, despite extensive searches, the only thing that would be found, are stories of what happened. But what did go down on that fateful day? lets discuss! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The ALARMING DISAPPEARANCE Of Michael Rockefeller
Walking through the moors, theres no one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of the eye you spot it, Moors Jaguar. its following you, about 20 feet back, it breaks into the a sprint, its gaining on you! Moors Jaguar! This is allegedly, a real thing that has more evidence for it than against. On the misty moors, several large cats have been seen along with farm animals being taken out. But is there any truth to this? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The BIG CATS HIDING IN THE FOG On The Moors
Anything that frustrates the gooberment, I am all for. But one man in particular, had it down pat. Not exactly saying he is what anyone should aspire to be but you gotta commend him for his ability to escape prisons. A particular man, named El Chapo has a knack for escaping detention facilities after his time as essentially a man with a lot of power in Mexico. But how did he accomplish this? Lets discuss the history and escapes of this extremely difficult man to contain. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #crime #truestory
The unpredictability of life, is something that can make it interesting and fun. However, typically, this is not the case. Unpredictability breeds danger and with that, horrible consequences. It was the end of the school year when Lee Yoon Hee would leave the bar and head home with a friend walking her. To everyone's horror, that would be the last time she was every seen. Even 18 years later, we still do not know what happened. In todays episode, lets discuss what happened. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Missing for EIGHTEEN YEARS: The Unsolved Lee Yoon-Hee Case Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #missingperson #unsolvedmysteries
Nature, is arguably a very dangerous place. When you choose to embark on heading out for a hike, even on a nice day, you just cannot assume, you are assuredly coming back. Every once in a while, a person will head out on a routine hike, never to return. But what makes Yosemite so dangerous? Lets discuss that in this episode. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy WHY Do So Many People Go MISSING In Yosemite National Park? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #missingperson #unsolvedmysteries
As Rico Harris's life seemed to be rather promising, things would take a drastic turn after joining the Harlem Globetrotters. On His way home back to Seattle, He would evidently stop off to get some rest before completely and permanently disappearing. Despite many people saying they had seen him just days earlier, to this day he remains a missing person. So what exactly happened? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I Hope you enjoy The Missing Harlem Globetrotter: Where Did Rico Harris Disappear Too? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com #truecrimecommunity #missingperson #unsolvedmysteries
Diving is quite the dangerous venture. Relying purely on technology in order to breathe, if for any reason your tank runs out of air, you have about a at maximum two minutes of air in your body for you to get out. Swimming out if you are too far below the surface, you're done. Things become even more dangerous, if you are cave diving. Jacob's Well is one such famous cave, with a dark history. But what makes it so dangerous? Lets discuss in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The LOST DIVERS of Jacob's Well Cave Diving Accident Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
The Colonial Parkway had a string of people up and disappear in the 80s that to this, has never been solved. Even with DNA testing that we have today, it seems almost impossible to place why couples would go missing along this route. Lets discuss what happened in todays episode over The Unsolved MULTIPLE DISAPPEARANCES Along The Colonial Parkway Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales! art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
The ocean has affectionately been described as a giant graveyard. When boats tend to go missing, floating wreckage is looked for because its known little else is likely to be found. As a group of men set out for a fishing expedition they would run across storms that would be too much for their small ship, The Sarah Joe. As a searched was launched, they would never be found but the mystery would only deepen as they would discover, a grave was dug and the ship was in pieces. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Mysterious Ship VANISHES, Resurfaces DESTROYED 2300 Miles Away | The Sarah Joe Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: / roanoketalespatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
Coal mining, is extremely dangerous work and only recently has there even been really any expectation that safety should be paramount. In a time before rules and regulations slowed coal mining but gave you a better chance at making home, disasters seemed common place. One such disaster, is known as the Farmington Mine Disaster. An explosion of indeterminate location or reason would go off, Trapping men and neccessistating changes for the future. But what happened? lets discuss that in todays episode over The UNSOLVED Farmington Mine Explosion That TRAPPED 78 Men Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
A woman would set out to go camping for a few days back in 2020. Approaching a meadow, she would set up here campsite where it would be discovered that her state of it, indicated an attack my have happened. After locating her vehicle, people would begin reporting back that they had seen her in the woods over the ensuing years, but she would not seem to respond to them calling out to her. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I Hope you enjoy The UNSOLVED DISAPPEARANCE and MULTIPLE SIGHTINGS Of Sandra Hughes art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
Diving, while being a rather freeing experience and likened to flying in some cases depending on how clear the water is, can still be quite dangerous. With the local population of wild life, jagged rocks and ridges under the water, humans ability to just barely swim efficiently, and the potential for equipment failure, you are truly entrusting your life to a lot of variables. One such diving spot, known as Dorothy Quarry, is a place that appears to have caused quite a few issues. Under its murky waters, lies several dangers. Today, lets discuss that. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Over TWENTY ONE people have MET THEIR END In Dorothy Quarry art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
Late one night, a man would get a flat tire. Getting out to check what had happened and change it, he would begin hearing something run towards him. Turning and peering through the rain that night, he would see an outline of something standing over 7 feet tall and approaching him at a rapid pace. Getting in his car, metal would be torn off his vehicle as he hid waiting for the attack to cease. Known as the lizard man, this creature is alleged to stalk this area. But is there any proof? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Creature In Scape Ore Swamp Destroys Car In Shocking Encounter art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
Space flight is a lofty goal for humanity, quite literally. As we have attempted to break the bonds of our own world, it has been plagued by danger and mistakes that have caused the heros who take on the risks, their lives. Whether a cosmonaut or astronaut, these men and women brave dangers by strapping 10,000 pounds of fuel behind them and ascend into the heavens. Its something to be admired. But during humanities short stent into space, things can go wrong. Today we will be talking about some of those stories. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The Last Transmission of the VANISHING COSMONAUT art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
A man who go on a pretty standard trek around the great lakes as he was a nature enthusiast. As he would set out just shy of graduation, he would alarmingly go missing. As search parties were launched to find him eventually they would all be called back because there just seemed to be no chance of finding him. When all seemed lost, he would randomly reappear 15 months later. art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
There is a bridge, in Scottland that has a fairly strange existence. Since the 1950s, it has been stated that atleast over 600 dogs have leapt from the bridge, to various fates. Some survived, some didnt. One man in particular even threw his youngling off the bridge during a mental break. But what exactly is going on with this bridge and why is this happening in this specific area? lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for Watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The LEAPING DOG MYSTERY Of Overtoun Bridge rt thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com
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