Amy Jordan is a multi- award-winning author, speaker coach and choreographer. Her work is focused on Transforming Trauma to Triumph.
Her mission is motivating and inspiring others to overcome ANY adversity. Amy tells everyone she meets, 'Please Dance Because You Can.'
As a coach Amy supports clients to live their happiest life while managing trauma or a chronic condition.She inspires her personal experience living with type 1 diabetes for over 48 years.
Amy was run over by a bus in 2009. Her right leg crushed and told she may never walk again. She defied Doctors expectations, not only walking but dancing again with her professional company: The Victory Dance Project. She is also committed to wellness training for women over 50 with health challenges.
She is also the subject of the internationally acclaimed, multi award-winning full length documentary feature film called ‘Amy’s Victory Dance.’ The film is directed by Brian Thomas, who is a two- time Emmy nominee and award- winning director whose entertainment work includes icons Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Beyonce, Liza Minelli, Paula Abdul, Pink and many other entertainers.
Amy shares her unique D.A.N.C.E. philosophy in her signature presentation ‘Dance Because You Can.’ She believes that always focusing on Creating Your Own Victory Dance is the key to success in business, leadership, and life!
Amy Jordan lives her mantra: ‘Dance Because You Can.’
Amy lives in New York, in the US.
Amy can be contacted at https://www.amyjordanspeaks.com/
Contact Donna HERE
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You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE -
Amy Sanders is a wellness and life coach. For more than two decades she has taught and inspired thousands of women through weight loss, mindset, and relationships.
Amy works with women to uncover their purpose and help them release the deep-rooted beliefs that hold them back in life. This includes helping women heal from divorce, abuse, and other life altering circumstances that cause trauma in women and keep them from reaching their true potential.
Amy is an entrepreneur by heart and has built multiple successful businesses. Currently she owns and operates Lone Peak Dance & Fitness Studio and is recognized as one of the top fitness trainers in Utah. Amy holds a degree in exercise science, many fitness and nutrition certifications, and is a certified master life coach.
Her work in the fitness & wellness industry has led her to life coaching which is where she spends most of her time now.
Amy has lost a sibling to suicide, been through divorce and experienced being a broke single mom. She knows pain and heartache firsthand, which is why she is so passionate about helping other women turn their trials into triumphs and find true happiness.
Hard work and healing have led her to change and rebuild her life. She is now happily remarried to her husband Chris and together they are raising their blended family of seven children while living their dream lifestyle in Utah, in America.
Contact Amy at http://luckysanders.com/
Contact Donna HERE
Remember to subscribe to get updates of Ready! Set! Goal! Podcast episodes.
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Dr Scott Glassman is a psychologist and author of A Happier You: A new Seven-Week Program to Transform Negative Thinking into Positivity and Resilience.
He teaches counseling at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, where he serves as the Associate Director of the Master's Program in Mental Health Counseling.
Scott is also a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and has been a speaker in many organisations in the US.
He is also a contributor to the Health Section of The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Scott and his wife live in South New Jersey with their son and are lifelong Philadelphia Eagles fans.
Contact Scott at http://scottglassman.com
Contact Donna HERE
Remember to subscribe to get updates of Ready! Set! Goal! Podcast episodes.
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE -
Sana is a courage mindset trainer and facilitator and supports people who seek to create a courage mindset to overcome challenges in business or life.
She has had to overcome childhood trauma, health challenges over the years, a breakdown, dissolving a business, and financial struggles …and has had to navigate those challenges.
At times Sana needed to step into her own fears. She knows what it’s like to go through dark times and come through the other side. Which she has. With more kindness and compassion towards herself and others.
An adult educator of change for over 20 years, Sana believes education and awareness is a key to long term learning, growth, and transformation.
Sana has worked with thousands of small business owners over the last three years and knows there is a mechanical and psychological side of business. Sana helps many with psychological blocks in business – particularly around self-worth, self-belief, success, and money.
Sana developed Courage Unraveled the self-development platform for this very reason. On this platform you can access information on the Courage Mindset program and her podcast called Courage Unraveled.
Sana lives in Margaret River, Western Australia.
Contact Sana at courageunravelled.com
Contact Donna to be a guest go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works!
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Dave Barnes is a rock climber who grew up climbing and made a career from climbing. Dave claims, climbing fuels him for whatever life throws his way.
David Barnes has lived with type 1 diabetes for close to 50 years. Dave had a curve ball thrown at him in 2018. Whilst training for an Ironman race, he pushed his body to the edge, went to sleep one evening and woke up in hospital.Dave spent the next six months recovering with a traumatic brain injury, caused by the pressure he was putting on his brain, due to low blood sugars from training.
Since then, Dave has had to go part-time in the workplace, and his life has been thrown up-side-down. The positive from all this is that the climbing community has Dave’s back.
Dave has traveled the world climbing in New Zealand and Alaska, Canada and of course, Yosemite Valley.
His Acquired Brain Injury and Type One Diabetes means he doesn’t climb a lot now, but when he does, he still loves it.
Dave also enjoys interviewing climbing talent as a writer. He is now carving a platform to write climber's stories and to share with others the awesomeness of rock climbing.
Dave is the author of The Red Curtain: CLIMBING EXPEDITION TO MARS 2043
This novel is an adventure story set in 2043. About a small team of highly skilled climbers, who are to climb an extreme cliff on Mars, in search of a mineral that may save the Earth.
Dave lives in Hobart, Tasmania
Check out more of Dave here https://www.commonclimber.com/david-barnes.html
Get Dave’s book here https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/aw/d/1922629405/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1634035080&sr=1-3
Contact Donna to be a guest go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works!
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
This episode is dedicated to the wonderfully flawesome and inspiring Heather Jones. An amazing & inspiring woman I will hold in my heart forever.
Marie Kimber is a mindset coach, an inspirational speaker and co-author of ‘Change is not a Scary Word.’Marie’s backstory isn’t an easy one. Marie found herself at death’s door in April 2006, she woke up one morning struggling to get out of bed.
With seven weeks totally paralysed in intensive care and being kept alive by drugs and machines. It took a further two months in rehabilitation learning to stand, walk and generally care for herself.
Marie returned to the real world as a shadow of her former self and needed to dig deep.
In an incredibly brave move, she ran away to Italy on her first solo trip. It was there that she found her passion for writing and photography. This is where the next phase of her life began.
She found success in the world of travel writing.
But her heart was being pulled in another direction. Having undergone an amazing transformation herself, she desperately wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and share her story as an Inspirational Speaker.
Last year, I asked Marie to join us as one of our awesome Influencers of Change as she co-authored her first book, ‘Change is not a Scary Word’ in collaboration with nine other inspiring authors, and now she is currently conducting research for her next book.
Living a life of passion and purpose, and with clients around the world, as a mindset coach, she now shifts the mindset of those wanting to scale their personal or professional life.
Marie lives on the beach in Adelaide, in South Australia.
You can contact Marie at https://www.mariekimber.com/
https://www.facebook.com/earthaccordingtomarz/You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Brett is the Founder of "The moMENtum Revolution". Having suffered from Depression for 30 years because of emotional traumas & events - both as a child and an adult, he found his way out of those dark shadows to now help and inspire other men.
From childhood trauma to a heartbreaking betrayal as a young man and then being involved in a siege with a gunman as a police officer, Brett’s life experiences shaped & controlled his life more than he realised. The “ManMask” he wore hid his pain and suffering from his family, friends, and the rest of the world.
Brett now lives his life free of depression, free of his demons, with passion and purpose. He is a qualified life coach who wants to impact the world by helping & mentoring men through their dark times, and deal with their challenges – he does this with his workshops and online programs for men to help them reclaim their life back.
Brett is also a public speaker, speaking with many about the stigma around mental health, society’s mindset around men and how they are expected to act and behave, and the challenges men face in today’s world.
Brett lives in Teesdale, Western Australia.
Brett’s website is https://www.momentumrevolution.com/
For presale list of book Soften the F*#k Up! Go to https://www.facebook.com/drbrettdellar
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HEREFeel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Just a short episode from Donna to share and let you know we are back on air, enjoy! So let’s get to it. On your mark, Ready! Set! Goal!
Contact Donna HERE
Remember to subscribe to get updates of Ready! Set! Goal! Podcast episodes.You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Alexandra André grew up on the family farm in South Australia. Having developed a love of running from an early age she got a taste of what's possible when she completed her first marathon in 2008.
After years of injuries that followed, she continued to chase a second marathon, but Alex chose to take on an even greater challenge in 2015 - the toughest one-day sporting event in the world, IRONMAN Melbourne: 3.8 km swim, 180 km ride, 42.195 km run.
This became bigger than she first imagined, a dedication to her good friend Mads, support from an amazing cheer squad, a life-changing moment, and now a book to inspire us all of through her awesome journey.
Since then, Alexandra has run a further four marathons and launched her own business. Her purpose is to 'inspire possibility' and she works with individuals and businesses to do just that. She lives in Melbourne with her son James.
THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY is Alexandra's first book. She wrote it to share what she learnt on her journey, in the hope it might help others on theirs.
Alexandra can be contacted HERE and you can purchase her book here too.So let’s get to it. On your mark, Ready! Set! Goal!
Check out the shownotes HEREYou can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Nash Mackey is our guest today.
As a Rapid Breakthrough & Performance Coach, Nash specialises in supporting people to develop life transforming habits, routines and mentalities.
Over the past 13 years, Nash has trained extensively from his time in the military and the medical field, as well as learning from world class mentors in business and the human behaviour space over the past 6 years.
Nash combines all this experience to support people around the world through his coaching practice and through his work as a head coach at Addicted 2 Success.
Nash willingly went to great lengths, including putting off building his dream family home, so he could invest to work with and learn from the leaders who are collectively supporting millions of people around the world to get real, lasting transformational results.
Nash believes everyone is here for a reason and has made it his mission to support as many people as possible to connect with that truth. Supporting them to develop the beliefs, habits, confidence and help them express their unique greatness.
Nash also hosts a podcast called Thoughts on Purpose Podcast.
Nash lives in Tasmania with wife Cassey. of 12 years, who understands his mission, and is a dad to 3 children.
Nash can be contacted on Instagram at: @coach_nash_mackey
So let’s get to it. On your mark, Ready! Set! Goal!
Show notes HERE
To contact Donna for you free 30 min chat go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works!
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Why wait for 2021 to be awesome?
I know 2020 has been a challenging time for all of us. Covid really stopped the world and left us with all sorts of challenges including mind, body, spirit, career…the list goes on.
I’ve spoken briefly about covid in Episode 24, about an analogy I heard, how we are all in different boats, but in the same storm. I kinda liked that way of looking at it, as for some it has been harder than others.
Now it is November 2020, and I am now hearing many people say ‘I look forward to 2021, surely that will be a better year.’ That’s a nice way to stay positive and look forward to the future I suppose. BUT why wait for a date? Are we miraculously going to change our attitude on January 1, 2021?
I may receive a backlash from this episode, who knows? But I am willing to hear opinions on this.
But I have written blogs in the past, way back before covid on the mental shift, or goal setting, dream making, etc that happens in every new calendar year. And truly, I love it. I love seeing and hearing peoples enthusiasm at those times. But my point is, I really love seeing and hearing that at anytime of the year. Don’t you?
So this brings me back to my comment at the beginning: Why wait for 2021 to be awesome? Can we make awesome NOW?
The word I have heard a lot recently, that many successful people have used this year is ‘pivot.’ (have you been hearing that a lot too?) Basically, they have changed the direction of their business, due to current challenges, to still meet the needs of their market. This is awesome! Have you been doing this too? Even on your personal life, not just professional? I hope so.
We have learned to be more creative and think outside the box. Have you done anything different like that this year to keep your self going, both personally or professionally? I’m sure you have.
But many notice this as something to complain about and ignore the creativity, or new possibilities that may be different to what we are used to, but actually are sometimes even better.
I’m going to use a few examples here, just to remind us of the possibilities that have come from this.
1) A client of mine who is a READ MORE HERE
I hope this episode has given you ideas of how to create an awesome year and more, right now. If you would like to chat and need help with how to get started or perhaps just a sounding board, for you as an individual, send me an email at https://donnacampisi.com/contact/ to arrange a free 30 minute chat, I am only to happy to have with you. Or go to readysetgoalpodcast.com Remember, we can do this from anywhere around the world 😉
So let’s get to it. On your mark, Ready! Set! Goal!
To contact Donna for you free 30 min chat go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works!
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
This episode is a bit different, it’s actually someone interviewing me!
I know there are many of you who listen to Ready! Set! Goal! who may already know a little about me, but I have seen my audience grow since I first started Ready! Set! Goal! Which is super exciting, thank you for listening!
So I thought I’d use the opportunity to share a fun interview I had with the super awesome Bob Brumm, from the Encouragement Engineering podcast, to share a little about me, I hope you enjoy.
If you want to know more about Bob, he was a guest here on Episode 20, if you missed it, go check it out.
I will leave details also in the show notes at readysetgoalpodcast.com of this episode, of where you can hear more about Bob, as a speaker, author, workshop presenter and how he helps many to achieve their goals, check him out. (go over and subscribe to his daily 1 minute motivations he shares on his podcast too).
Now here it is, the awesome chat we had recently, enjoy!
Bob can be contacted at www.bobbrummspeaks.com
Bob’s podcast: Encouragement Engineering
To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works!You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
I find myself a little hesitant about using the word ‘dreams,’ even though I did use it in my book titled ‘Turn Dreams into Reality.’ (a free eBook at HERE)
When I think of dreams though, I sometimes have this image in my mind of a person sitting looking up at a cloud above their head with a wondering smile of hope for the image in the cloud…that often floats away, this I personally don’t think turns dreams into reality. Action is what makes it a reality and my experience shows that ‘baby steps’ is what gets you there in the long run…pun intended.
Yes, we dream all the time and it broadens our imagination and have you ever noticed that most of our dreams while we sleep are distorted or exaggerated and seem ridiculous? I am mostly entertained by my sleep dreams, but I’m not talking about those dreams.
We CAN have dreams in our life that seem ridiculously HUGE. I prefer to change this word to GOALS…it sounds more real to me.
I speak of achieving goals all the time. Why? Because I personally like to help others achieve, YOU included, and it’s a buzz when I see it happen or receive letters.
I enjoy seeing the growth in people reaching their goals too, as this doesn’t happen overnight or in an instant. That’s the mistake too many people make. They give up too soon!
If you are familiar with My Story you’d know I survived a stroke when I was 7 and was unable to walk or talk. Later in life I set a challenge to complete a marathon in 2013, only able to run 30 tentative steps in 2012. The challenge was 30 steps to a marathon in 11 months, sounds a little crazy right? Even scary at first to me. BUT when I did it with the baby step method, it was achievable! Just as I made baby steps to learn to walk again way back when I was 7yrs old.
So here is the baby step method. It’s making small achievable goals to get to your ridiculously HUGE goal. But I always say, the first step is self-belief. It is really important to believe you CAN, as you need to have a positive mind set all the way.
The next baby step for me was training for a 5.3km fun run in Jan. 2013. Setting a time on a goal is important. This was a huge step for me, my very first physical challenge. I trained approximately 2 months for this. I completed my first baby step goal, receiving my very first medal! Remember to celebrate after each baby step achievement, it may not be a medal. It was a buzz, it gave me confidence to keep me going and enthusiastic about my next baby step. My mind set was. READ MORE HERE
To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works!You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: -
Paula Johnson is our guest today. Paula describes herself as a mix of boho hippie, spirited rebel and a regular Kiwi with a ‘can do’ attitude.
At the young age of 29, Paula was diagnosed with early menopaue. This was the catalyst that set her on her journey, delving deep into the mental, emotional, the physical and the spiritual self. Finding meaning became her mission - Why? Why did this happen? And the even bigger question - why am I here?
The consequence of that diagnosis at such a young age was also going to impact her long-term health. Looking after her heart and bones became paramount if she wanted to live a long, healthy life. This guided her to become interested in natural health and wellbeing which led her to train as a Bowen therapist and therapeutic massage, attending trainings in New Zealand, Australia and Bali.
Paula is passionate about travel and making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. She has been co-sponsoring a brother and sister in Bali for the past ten years, helping change the cycle of poverty within their family. Never thinking she would be a mother; these two young adults are now very much part of her life.
When she’s not helping local clients out of pain and stress through her holistic bodywork practice, she’s a digital nomad, creating websites while travelling and house sitting.
I asked Paula to be an author of Change is not a Scary Word, as I have seen her go through many changes in her life, and knew she would be a great contributor to this book.
Paula is a Champion of Change, having reinvented herself many times over the years, she knows only too well that change is an inside job. She uses her experience to support and encourage others to follow their dreams.
From blogging to being a published author in two collaborative books, CHANGE is Not a Scary Word and From the Ridiculous to the Sublime, and her very own memoir is underway (due out in October 2021).
Paula is in the process of putting together a Writer’s Retreat in New Zealand all going well for 2021.
Paula is based in New Zealand.
Show notes HEREYou can contact Paula at www.paulajohnsonnz.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/paulajohnsonnz
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/ -
How are you selling yourself?
It is important in business to be sales savvy if you have a business product or service to sell, don’t you?
But this may be an issue in life also. How do you come across to others? Are we selling ourselves everyday anyway?
Just to share a little of my background. I have a background in the sales industry, including roles such as sales consultant, sales trainer and business coach.
What I notice initially when people step into a sales role, or have come to me for sales/business coaching, especially newbies, they have a fear or almost don’t want to admit their title or what they do. Why?
Sales is not a swear word!
We sell all the time without even noticing, so why do we have problems selling our business? Maybe it’s the ‘trying to hard syndrome’ or the ‘desperation’ factor especially when launching a new business. This usually doesn’t work.
But I want to point out the sales techniques that come naturally to us, without trying too hard, we just need to be aware or reminded of the traits we already share.
We sell ourselves all the time! We like to point out our positive traits in most initial meetings, right? I’ll use a few examples which you may connect with your bio in your ‘About Us’ page on your website. We naturally sell our positive points including our experience, credentials and what we can offer.
Another example is on social media or even internet dating! There are other areas where we sell ourselves! Have you ever noticed when networking with introductions people are always selling themselves? Even a first date! We do it all the time, so why does it seem difficult in business?
How are you carrying yourself? The way we move our body is very noticeable to others but maybe not ourselves. Are you moving with confidence? This includes posture, walk, stance and body language used toward our potential clients.
What language are you using? I’m not talking about English, Italian or Spanish here, I’m talking language in relation to your client, your communication skills! Most of the time when I have trained or coached people in sales and business, they have initially rolled out a spiel that is almost like a script in fast forward speed which automatically loses their potential client, (and my attention), as they have not had a conversation, which includes listening to the needs of that person (a potential client perhaps).
How genuine you are is very obvious to your client. Being authentic with our people is important when building...READ MORE HERE
As this is a short podcast episode today, and if you’re interested in working on further techniques to help your business or team, or even yourself, feel free to contact me at the ‘Contact’ page at ReadySetGoalpodcast.com
As I always say on your mark, ready set goal.
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/ &nb -
Malka Silver is my guest today. Malka is a close long-term friend who I know a lot about already, we’ve been friends for over 20 years, so I may even learn more today.
Malka Silver is a survivor, who has fought health and life battles, yet she is still smiling.
She contributes her courage and strength to her parents, who instilled in her, love, integrity, passion and conviction. Malka was born in Germany to two victims of the Holocaust.
At eighteen she married the love of her life, Sam, in Melbourne Australia. They produced three children, worked hard, yet in the early days struggled to keep their heads above water.
At thirty Malka was diagnosed with third stage Breast Cancer. Her children then were ten, eight, and eight months old.
Eight years prior, her mother at 49 passed away to Ovarian Cancer. At the time Malka was twenty-two with two children young children.
Malka plunged into a deep dark depression, and the grueling twelve months of Chemotherapy treatment contributed to her depression.
Malka claims her greatest achievement is being a wife, mother of three, Buba of seven, a passionate volunteer guide at the Jewish Holocaust Centre (in Melbourne), a custodian of her father’s memory, and selling her artwork internationally, and an author of her father’s memoir “L’Chaim” and soon the author of her Stepmothers book.
Malka is also a co-author in our collaborative book; CHANGE is not a Scary Word book. She changed her world in an instant, and you will be able to learn how she did this in her amazing story in this book.
Malka has also studied Fine Arts. She paints, does live drawing, craft, tapestries, and now writes, and is a keynote speaker. She loves to travel, and currently as we speak is traveling with Sam around Australia for twelve months.
Malka can be contacted at: malka@silvers.net.au
You can purchase Malka's book L'Chaim HERE
You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERETo contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/ -
Sean Nicholas O’Leary is a growth and transformation expert.
With more than 30 years' experience in business growth and development, Sean has now created a coaching business, where he uses a collection of transformation tools and techniques, helping people grow and transform from where they are, to where they want to be.
Through his own personal transformation journey, it’s now his mission to help people create their own success, without stress.
Sean is passionate about helping people tap into the energy that can help them transform their life and business.
To many, Sean is simply known as The Transformed Man. He hosts a podcast by the same name, featuring expert advice, insightful interviews, and inspirational stories. The Transformed Man Podcast.
Sean is one of the 10 Change Influencers in our new book Change is not a Scary Word. Get your copy HERE to read more of his amazing story and tips he shares.Sean lives in Melbourne, Australia
Sean can be contacted at his website: www.seannicholas.com
Go to the shownotes to see Sean's amazing transformation pics.https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/ -
Hi it’s great to be back on air bringing you this podcast.
It’s been months since I have last been able to record an episode of Ready! Set! Goal! I have truly missed it and hope you will still make the time to join me and my awesome guests, and take me back after all this time.
I should explain myself first for my absence. Firstly, it was technical issues that went on for a long period of time, back and forth, repairing, replacing equipment, with technical support helping me out, then I finally got that sorted after months of going back and forth.
Then I experienced major noise issues recording from home, with builders next door creating more than the usual construction noise, along with singing and swearing and music turned up fully to wake the street…haha…so it wasn’t the greatest time for recording.
So here we are, in a new location, happy days. Let’s do it!
I have not been twiddling my thumbs though. I’ve been super busy with my new collaborative book I have produced, with nine other super awesome authors, who are leaders of change.
If you’ve been following me as a subscriber to my awesome tribe, subscribe at DonnaCampisi.com or the Facebook page Donna Campisi-Speaker, Author, Adventurer & Podcaster. You would have seen the progress we have made and the announcement of our amazing authors. If not, that’s fine, because I am super excited to be introducing them also on this podcast, so take the opportunity to listen out for the amazing interviews I’ll be having in the following episodes, along with my usual insights to inspire you along the way with your awesome goals.
We are excited right now, as the book idea only just came to me in February 2020, it is now September 2020, and it is off to the printers as we speak. We will have it in our hand in October 2020.
So, people have been purchasing the book now, getting in quick with their order. So you go to ReadySetGoalPodcast.com or HERE to see where you can order your copy now.
But now to you. How have you been going in these last 6 months or so? There’s been different degrees of restrictions and changes made to our lives in different parts of the world, so I hope you’ve been coping well with the forced changes we’ve have had to face.
When we were first hit with the news of covid, I intentionally chose not to focus on it as much, in this podcast and social media etc. I chose this as a way that I ... READ MORE HERE
I will keep you up to date with what’s happening with our collaborative book on change maker here, and you can also see updated at my Facebook page Donna Campisi - Speaker, Author, Adventurer & Podcaster see the link in the show notes at readysetgoalpodcast.com
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/ -
Getting busily distracted
Wow! Today has been a crazily busy day for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been productive.
I am the type of person, before I go to bed, I put dot points in my diary for the next day. What are the dot points? Goals for the day! Big or small, it doesn’t matter.
This morning was one of those days, I had one important point in my diary I wanted and needed to do….but I got distracted by the noise around me, the requests asked of me, the emails requesting answers, the phone calls, texts, Messenger beeps…it was all stuff I was pretty happy doinhg, I was getting through the day, being active and productive…maybe forgetting about lunch, until 4pm and snacking on a crumb…ok, so it was a few crackers, not quite a crumb. Maybe it’s a crumb in an Italian household… But the point is I was busily distracted.
Yes, busily distracted!
I realised it was 6pm AND I hadn’t even touched the point in my diary that was the important thing to do on my to do list for the day! None of the stuff I was doing was even on my list, but life just happens, yea?
Does this ever happen to you? You find yourself serving others, answering questions that are important to others, solving problems that could have been solved by them, and they could have learnt from themselves, these maybe others who are important in your life, like your family, colleagues, boss, friends, etc. But you forget what your purpose was for the day, maybe even the year! Yes, the year!
This brings me back to the beginning of this year! 2020, when everyone was excited about 2020. A new year, a new decade which often means new aims, goals, ideas, excitement, unknowns and so on, that everyone gets excited about. It’s exciting stuff!
But then something happens. Exciting ideas and dreams are sometimes put aside, as we may get distracted, just like my day today! It can easily happen.
Or perhaps it maybe something else that stops us from moving closer to our new aims, goals, ideas, excitement, and unknowns
Some the things that stop us other than distractions, are facing fears, especially of the unknown, or having doubts of the changes we need to make, to reach that place we first set our heart on.
This subject has been on my mind for sometime now, I have seen it with many people, and had many discussions about it, not only when coaching people, but just in everyday conversation. For instance: “Hi, how have you been?” “Oh, don’t get me started! I’ve been so busy doing this, this and this…I’ve hardly had a moment to myself to do this, this or this!” You know the conversation I’m talking about.
So how do we expect to actually get to those new year goals, aims or dreams that we were so excited about...READ MORE HERE
I will keep you up to date with what’s happening with our collaborative book on change maker here, and you can also see updated at my Facebook page Donna Campisi - Speaker, Author, Adventurer & Podcaster see the link in the show notes at readysetgoalpodcast.com
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: -
Changing your direction of how to get to your goal, is an even more challenging task than the actual goal was to begin with sometimes. But sometimes this is where we develop a more creative side of our self, that was always there, but we may not have used it as we felt there was no need to…we think, mostly, that the straight road is the easiest, fasted route to our end destination (aka Goal).
I have mentioned many times in this podcast, and so have my awesome guests who have achieved their dream goal, the importance of enjoying the journey, and seeking opportunities that we may otherwise miss or not think about, as we are too stuck in our own world/zone that we miss the awesomeness around us that’s involved in reaching our goal, and can become part of the journey…your story.
As you know by now, I love speaking with guests about their goals, but really delving into their stories of what or how they came to wanting that particular goal, and also how they reached it.
I think the story within the goal is important to help motivate us more to stay on track in reaching our goal.
However, when I say ‘stay on track’ I don’t necessarily mean the straight same track or road to get there, as mentioned at the beginning, this track may take a different direction, that can sometimes seem scary or give us uncertainty….that’s part of the game of life!
So, how adaptable or flexible are you? How do you cope with change? Change can certainly be as I said, an uncertain maybe even scary path or time, especially when it is from circumstances out of our control. Do you like to have control, ALL of the time, are you a control freak perhaps? I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just that when we fall into a situation that is out of our control, how do you deal with it?
Have you thought about all of the other options that are out there? If this is difficult, have you had conversations with others about this? Perhaps even a coach or mentor, partner, friend or family member. Or even someone you know who has achieved this same goal, or something similar.
We have technology on our side, when it works, believe me I’ve had some problems more recently with technology myself…no phone or internet service. But I found areas in my life, to do with my goals that I could focus more on, that perhaps I didn’t make the time to focus on as much as I did when technology was working.
It’s an example of changing direction, but still enjoying the journey along the way…. even if I don’t have full control of what was in my original plan to begin with. Yes, it’s been frustrating at times, but when I look at the bigger picture and realise that this is a portion of my journey that I will look back on, and say wow, look what I did with that tough, frustrating time, and how I got through it to reach the end goal! It’s all part of the journey and story of life.
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/ - Visa fler