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    Detta är en repris. Avsnittet publicerades ursprungligen den 15 oktober 2023.

    I dagens podd pratar jag med journalisten och författaren Bengt G Nilsson. För ett par år sedan gav han ut Israel och hennes fiender (Ethnopress 2020) där han skildrar sin egen U-sväng i Israelfrågan – från att ha stöttat palesti…

  • Jag minns när jag såg UFC första gången någon gång under andra halvan av 1990-talet. Ultimate fighting, tror jag bara vi kallade det. En kompis hade hyrt ett VHS-band under disk på en tobaksaffär. Det var UFC 2, har jag förstått i efterhand. Det fanns inga regler och MMA var det ingen som visste vad det var. Här möttes olika stilar för att se vilken som var bäst. I alla fall minns jag en match där Pat Smith sitter grensle över Scott Morris, som inte kan försvara sig, och armbågar honom medvetslös. Det skrämde mig rejält. Jag minns att jag fick en iskall känsla av att se på det. Hur kunde detta finnas? Och på video dessutom? Min vän tyckte att det var ashäftigt och att jag var töntig som tyckte att det var obehagligt.

    Mycket har hänt sedan dess, även i mitt liv. Jag tycker fortfarande att det är obehagligt att se en viss sorts våld, i synnerhet där oskyldiga blir offer. Men jag insåg någon gång att våld är en del av den mänskliga naturen, det mänskliga tillståndet, och att det behöver hanteras på olika sätt. Och även om våld kan vara vidrigt, bokstavligt talat det värsta som finns, så är det också något njutningsfullt med våld. Rätt sorts våld. Rättmätig hämnd är ett evigt tema för allt berättande och genomgående en tematik i tv-serier och filmer. Och dueller där båda är med på reglerna, alltså modern kampsport. Det är något uråldrigt, ursprungligt med två män som gör upp i en ring, bur eller på sand i colosseum. Av någon anledning har detta blivit så gott som den enda sport jag verkligen bryr mig om, om det så är boxning, thaiboxning, MMA eller bareknuckle. Ibland skäms jag lite över det, men det är så det är. Det finns inget värre, inget lägre, och samtidigt inget bättre eller mer upphöjt.

    Detta är en lång introduktion till dagens gäst Victor Palm. Han är filmare och fotograf med bas i Los Angeles, och själv kampsportare som går matcher. Jag tog kontakt med honom efter att ha sett en trailer till en dokumentärfilm om fenomenet King of the streets (KOTS) som han spelar in.

    King of the streets är inte kampsport, inte ens sport. Det är underground, alltså olagligt, och för samman dem som vill slåss utan regler. Många kommer från fotbollsfirmornas värld, andra är vänster- eller högerextrema. Det sker på platser som nedlagda fabriksbyggnader, gångtunnlar och på tak. Underlaget är sällan mjukt, utan oftast betong eller cement.

    Jag ska ärligt säga att jag har sett varenda match som går att se och att jag stöttar projektet på KOTSfilm.com. Men jag är samtidigt kluven inför King of the streets (vilket även är något Victor Palm pratar mycket om). Jag är inte någon slagskämpe. Så varför vill jag kolla? Varför fortsätter jag? Vad är det som lockar? Och en viktigare fråga, vad är det som lockar dem som är med? Vilka är de? Varför riskerar man livet på det här sättet? Om detta handlar dagens podd.

    Jag tror det är första, och förmodligen sista, gången jag säger det, men känsliga lyssnare varnas.

    Jag rekommenderar alla som är intresserade att gå in och kolla på victorpalm.com för att se Victors fantastiska fotografier och filmer. Han går såklart att hitta på instagram också på @victorpalm.dop.

    Och gå in och se på trailern till hans dokumentär om KOTS på KOTSfilm.com

    Prenumerera eller stötta Rak höger

    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Den som vill stötta oss på andra sätt än genom en prenumeration får gärna göra det med Swish, Plusgiro, Bankgiro, Paypal eller Donorbox.

    Swishnummer: 123-027 60 89

    Plusgiro: 198 08 62-5

    Bankgiro: 5808-1837

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
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    Dagens gäst jobbade heltid som tjänsteman och sedan politiker för SD i sammanlagt nio år. 2014 till 2020 som riksdagsledamot. Och nu är Paula Bieler Eriksson något så nytt som en oberoende sverigedemokratisk kommentator, bland många andra saker, som krönikör på Altinget, småbarnsmamma och snart färdig dietist.

    Vi pratar om EU-valet, varför S…

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    I dagens podd pratar jag med Fredrik Kärrholm. Efter valet 2022 blev han riksdagsledamot för Moderaterna, och är en av dem som jag anser gör ett bra jobb. Han fortsätter att aktivt delta i samhällsdebatten och påverka opinionen, precis som han gjorde innan. Många andra blir något slags grå knapptryckare och förlorar sig själva i partili…

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    Det har väl undgått få att det är EU-val snart, närmare bestämt söndagen den 9 juni. Och i dagens podd pratar jag med Sverigedemokraternas toppkandidat Charlie Weimers, som sedan 2019 sitter i Europaparlamentet för deras räkning. Vi pratar om migrationspakten, om det stämmer att SD nu är etablissemanget, att ungerska Fidesz …

  • I dag pratar jag med Fredrik Svenaeus som är filosof och professor vid Centrum för praktisk kunskap vid Södertörns högskola. Södertörn är lite som Södermalm i bemärkelsen att alla har en uppfattning om hur folk är där, hur de tänker och ser ut, utan att man för den sakens skull har närmare bekantskap med det. Inte för att fördomarna inte stämmer, vad vet jag, men Fredrik Svenaeus passar inte in i någon mall som jag känner till i alla fall.

    Utöver vetenskapliga artiklar har han skrivit ett antal populärvetenskapliga böcker som jag läst med stor behållning, som Homo Patologicus: Medicinska diagnoser i vår tid från 2013 och Det naturliga: en kritik av queerteorin, transhumanismen och det digitala livet från 2019.

    Hans senaste bok heter Världen vaknar: känslornas plats i människans liv och kom förra året (Gidlunds förlag). Den handlar om känslolivets rättmätiga plats i våra liv. Genom historien har känslor ofta setts som något som står i motsats till förnuftet, något vi måste frigöra oss från för att kunna nå upplysning. Fredrik Svenaeus menar att det är en vantolkning av känslorna, som alltid är med oss, och leder vår blick. Känslolivet förtjänar därför en uppvärdering, inte minst av filosofer som han själv. Dessutom är det kanske främst känslorna som skiljer oss från artificiell intelligens, vilket gör dem än mer värdefulla i dag.

    Vi pratar också om en debatt han deltog i på DN:s kultursida, där han skrev om att dagens psykiatri inte har fler svar än psykoanalysen. Samtalet handlar även om samtidens terapikultur och diagnosernas roll i människors meningsskapande.

    Rak höger expanderar

    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Den som vill stötta oss på andra sätt än genom en prenumeration får gärna göra det med Swish, Plusgiro, Bankgiro, Paypal eller Donorbox.

    Swishnummer: 123-027 60 89

    Plusgiro: 198 08 62-5

    Bankgiro: 5808-1837

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
  • I dagens podd pratar jag med Mosa Mazroui Sebdani, som är systemutvecklare och debattör bosatt i Bryssel. Men som ni kommer höra av hans härliga dialekt så kommer han från Göteborg, precis som jag. Jag har läst flera texter av Mosa de senaste åren, men det var först häromdagen jag förstod att det var samma person som skrivit de där texterna, som jag inte hade kopplat ihop innan. Nu senast var det en debattartikel i Expressen om kulturhusetbråket om n-ordet, där Mazroui Sebdani skrev kritiskt om Barakat Ghebrehawariat, som stormat ut från en debatt efter att publikdeltagare använt n-ordet i en fråga:

    Det är hög tid att dumpa stödet för denna bortskämda, barnsliga rörelse som rollspelar ett historiskt förtryck som inte längre existerar. Vill de göra karriär så får de, precis som vi andra, skapa något av värde att ta med till bordet.

    I dagens samtal berättar han bland annat om hur han under sin uppväxt lärde sig att tolka många situationer som rasistiska, vilket han senare började ifrågasätta. Hur mycket var rasism och hur mycket var att han skolats att tolka situationer på det sättet? Det ska också sägas att Mosa betonar att han har upplevt verklig rasism, men att inte allt otrevligt beteende beror på rasism. Vi pratar också om vita privilegier och strukturell rasism, och om hela branschen med mångfaldsentreprenörer.

    Dessutom tar vi upp den text han skrivit som handlar om tystnaden från svenska muslimer när det gäller att kritisera förtryck i islams namn, vilket Mosa Mazroui Sebdani menar beror på en rädsla för intern konflikt och en destruktiv låt-gå attityd när det gäller de egna leden.

    Rak höger expanderar

    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Den som vill stötta oss på andra sätt än genom en prenumeration får gärna göra det med Swish, Plusgiro, Bankgiro, Paypal eller Donorbox.

    Swishnummer: 123-027 60 89

    Plusgiro: 198 08 62-5

    Bankgiro: 5808-1837

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
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    I sin nya bok – Mest kränkt vinner (Karneval förlag) – tecknar journalisten Lars Åberg ett inte särskilt smickrande porträtt av vår tidsanda. En kamp om vem som är mest i underläge, där offerskap är det eftersträvansvärda och kränkningar är hårdvaluta.

  • I dagens podd pratar jag med Sabina Björk och Valeria Helander som är aktuella med boken I statens våld – en berättelse om SiS och de statliga ungdomshemmen (Fri tanke). Det är omskakande läsning. Bland annat får läsaren följa Nadja, som börjar tvångsvårdas på SiS som 11-åring. Inte för att hon har begått något brott, utan för att hon uppvisar det som kallas normbrytande beteende och att de frivilliga insatserna inte har fungerat. Hennes mamma är faktiskt hoppfull, trots allt. På SiS-hem utlovas ju kunskapsbaserad vård och psykologhjälp. Men någon vård blir det inte för Nadja. Ingen psykologhjälp, ingen vårdplan. Däremot utslagna tänder och ledskador efter våldsamma ingripanden av den statligt anställda personalen. Och hon är inte ensam om sina erfarenheter. Många har även vittnat om sexuella övergrepp.

    Under många år har Statens institutionsstyrelse (SiS) – myndigheten som är ansvarig för att vårda samhällets mest sårbara och belastade barn och ungdomar – omgivits av skandaler och allvarliga varningsrapporter. Trots en årlig budget från skattebetalarna på 2,7 miljarder kronor, där varje plats kostar 12 000 kronor per dygn, är resultatet minst sagt bristfälligt. I vissa fall tycks den avsedda vården ha bytts ut mot statligt sanktionerat våld, där speciellt flickor är särskilt drabbade. Politiker lovar gång på gång reformer, men de systematiska bristerna kvarstår och ingen ställs till svars. Varför utkrävs inte något ansvar?

    Valeria Helander är undersökande journalist på SVT, bland annat för Uppdrag granskning. Sabina Björk är beteendevetare och den visselblåsare som arbetade på en central position inom SiS ungdomsvård och larmade om missförhållanden.

    Rak höger expanderar

    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Den som vill stötta oss på andra sätt än genom en prenumeration får gärna göra det med Swish, Plusgiro, Bankgiro, Paypal eller Donorbox.

    Swishnummer: 123-027 60 89

    Plusgiro: 198 08 62-5

    Bankgiro: 5808-1837

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
  • Sedan hon var gäst i podden senast har Alice Teodorescu hunnit bli toppkandidat för Kristdemokraterna i EU-valet. Och om någon missade det, så blev det ett himla liv efter en intervju i DN som hon gjorde i samband med sin kandidatur. Där framstod det, om man inte känner eller har läst henne, som att hon var för fri invandring. Nej, det är inget hon förespråkar, understryker hon i dagens podd. Vilket hon även skrev på sin publikation i samband med publiceringen i DN.

    Vi pratar om det, men också om situationen i Sverige. Mordet på Mikael i Skärholmen och hur man ska uppfostra sina barn i dagens läge. Vi pratar även om Europas ödesfrågor, där Alice ser försvarsfrågan, i relation tll Ukrainakriget, som den kanske viktigaste. Den yttre gränsen måste stärkas och försvaras.

    Rak höger expanderar

    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Den som vill stötta oss på andra sätt än genom en prenumeration får gärna göra det med Swish, Plusgiro, Bankgiro, Paypal eller Donorbox.

    Swishnummer: 123-027 60 89

    Plusgiro: 198 08 62-5

    Bankgiro: 5808-1837

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
  • I dagens podd pratar jag med Anders Lindberg, som är politisk chefredaktör på Aftonbladet. Så gott som varje gång vi träffas är det för att vi tycker olika och ska debattera något. Det kan röra koranbränningar, migrationspolitik eller hur den sittande regeringen gör ett bra jobb eller inte. Eller könstillhörighetslagen, för den delen. Och debattera kommer vi fortsätta att göra, när underhållningsvåldsarenorna på SR och SVT eller andra bjuder in till det. Jag har alltid uppfattat det som att Anders Lindberg, precis som jag, gillar en skarp debatt, vilket inte gäller alla man träffar i de där sammanhangen.

    Vi håller inte med varandra om särskilt mycket. Men jag tycker också att det finns en fråga som trumfar så gott som alla andra, och det är försvaret av Sverige. Vi delar land vilket också gör att vi delar öde. Oavsett hur riksdagen röstade i könstillhörighetslagen i dag så skiter Ryssland i vilket kön vi har om vi hamnar i konflikt. Häromdagen skrev Anders Lindberg en längre artikel med rubriken: “Inom fem år kan kriget vara över oss”. Det var något av det bästa jag läst på temat. Om två veckor kommer Försvarsberedningens slutrapport och hittills har våra politiker varit stora i orden, men inte skjutit till resurserna som krävs. Sverige måste öka försvarsanslagen till över tre procent av BNP, menar Lindberg. Regeringen borde låna 100 miljarder för att omedelbart kunna rusta upp.

    Jag vet att vissa tycker att det är irriterande att jag bjuder in människor på vänsterkanten, som jag har skarpa meningsskiljaktigheter med i viktiga frågor. Men jag ser inget värde i att låsa in sig i en bunkermentalitet. Det finns ett värde i att höra kloka ord från någon man annars tycker är mer … oklok. Ryssland har åtminstone sedan 2014, kanske sedan 2008, och absolut sedan 2022, varit på krigsfot. De har ett tydligt mål om att kuva sin omvärld, även Sverige. Det enda som fungerar gentemot Ryssland är avskräckning. Det är Anders Lindbergs analys, men jag delar den fullt ut.

    Okej, men varför inte prata med någon annan, som ligger närmare i andra frågor? För om kriget kommer, och risken blir större ju mer vi släpar fötterna efter oss, så kommer vi behöva strida sida vid sida med folk som vi tycker har fel i massa frågor, men som ändå är våra bröder och systrar. Det bör vi komma ihåg. Vi kan gräla bara så länge vi har kvar vår frihet.

    Rak höger expanderar

    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Den som vill stötta oss på andra sätt än genom en prenumeration får gärna göra det med Swish, Plusgiro, Bankgiro, Paypal eller Donorbox.

    Swishnummer: 123-027 60 89

    Plusgiro: 198 08 62-5

    Bankgiro: 5808-1837

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
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    I dagens podd pratar jag med Hanif Bali, som knappast behöver en närmare introduktion. Han har just avslutat sin föräldraledighet och inledde med en intervju i Göteborgs-Posten där han pratade om att vi behöver ett nytt sätt att prata om kulturskillnader i Sverige. Tidigare har debatten handlat om invandring och fråg…

  • This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit www.enrakhoger.se

    I en uppmärksammad ledare i Svenska Dagbladet beskriver Paulina Neuding hur utbrett hatet mot svenskar är i Sverige. Trots upprepade fall där det är uppenbart att gärningsmännen riktat in sig på svenskar tycks varken BRÅ, kriminologer eller medier vilja ta reda på omfattningen. Och domstolar “glömmer” registrera det, kanske för…

  • Emelie Köhler levde fyra år som trans, men påbörjade sedan resan tillbaka. Från könstransition till detransition. Hon har medverkat i “Tranståget” som gjordes av SVT Uppdrag Granskning. Och nyligen deltog hon i Sverige Möts i debatt om samma ämne. Hon har på kort tid blivit ansiktet utåt för den växande rörelsen av transpersoner som ångrat sig. För den som vill veta mer har hon ett instagramkonto som heter Detrans Dissident och driver en hemsida som heter detransinfo.se.

    Det svåra med transfrågan är att hitta balansen mellan att kritisera delar av ideologin bakom, och samtidigt värna de unga sårbara människor som dragits med. På sin instagramsida skriver Emelie att hon ömmar för transpersoner men är kritisk till idéerna bakom. Det ligger såklart delvis i betraktarens öga om man lyckas med den balansgången, men jag tror det är ett viktigt medskick för alla oss som pratar om transfrågan.

    Jag är glad att Emeilie Köhler är med i podden och berättar sin historia. Även om det är en sliten klyscha så är det bra att prata med människor och inte bara om dem.

    Länkar till sånt vi nämner i avsnittet

    * Min intervju med Aleksa Lundberg länk.

    * Min intervju med Abigail Shrier länk.

    * Svenska kyrkans öppna brev till transpersoner och min text om det länk.

    * Emelie Köhler i Sverige Möts länk.

    * Tranståget i Uppdrag Granskning länk.

    * Studie på 100 detransitionerade länk.

    * En annan studie om detransitionerade länk. (Denna visar bland annat att man får mer stöd under transitionen än under detransitionen.)

    * Svensk långtidsstudie om hur de som genomgått könskorrigering mår länk.

    * En lite äldre internationell uppföljningsstudie på transpersoners mående efter könskorrigering länk.

    Rak höger med Ivar Arpi förlitar sig helt på bidrag från läsare och lyssnare. Man kan bli gratisprenumerant eller betalande prenumerant. Genom att bli betalande prenumerant gör man det möjligt för mig att fortsätta vara en självständig röst.

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
  • On today’s episode I’m speaking with Yascha Mounk, who is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and an international affairs professor at Johns Hopkins University. He also hosts his own podcast called The Good Fight (check out his Substack at ) , where I first found out about him. He’s written a bunch of books, and his latest – The identity trap: a story of ideas and power in our time (Penguin press) – just came out. It’s about diversity, equity and inclusion abbreviated as DEI, the woke ideology and identity politics. All of these terms are often used interchangeably. But instead of using these politically contested concepts Mounk opts to use the term “the identity synthesis” instead.

    He traces the ideas back to the works of scholars like Derrick Bell, Michel Foucault, and Kimberlé Crenshaw, highlighting how their ideas have been simplified, misinterpreted, twisted and/or radicalized in popular discourse and institutional policies. Mounk argues that while these theories have provided valuable insights into the complexities of identity and oppression, their current application often undermines social cohesion, free speech, and the pursuit of equality by promoting division, silencing dissent, and prioritizing identity over shared humanity. He also argues that the left’s long march through institutions, that’s often referred to, actually was much shorter than believed. The takeover was swift, he claims, and therefore we should perhaps not focus so much on the counterculture of the 1960s.

    He’s also concerned with the backlash from the right, and recently had an interesting debate with Chris Rufo on Bari Weiss’ podcast Honestly. While they agree on a lot of the issues, they differ a lot on the strategy of how to counter “the identity synthesis”. Rufo, Mounk says, if fighting fire with fire, and that will, well, backfire. Laws and regulations won’t increase freedom, Mounk argues, and it won’t stop ideas from spreading. So how should one do it? Listen and find out.

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  • Kan Sverige verkligen lita på att Nato kommer till vår undsättning? Det var rubriken på en kulturdebattartikel i DN häromdagen. Den som skrev den var Johan Wennström som är författare, statsvetare och gästforskare vid Försvarshögskolan. Han menar att Sverige, som idealistiska vana trogen, är på väg att glömma att försvaret av vårt land först och främst betyder försvaret av vårt territorium.

    Glömma igen, kanske man ska säga.

    Vi vaknade upp ungefär när Ryssland invaderade Ukraina 2022, eller egentligen var det med annekteringen av Krim 2014 men det verkade få vilja förstå. Sedan har vi gått med i Nato och våra företrädare har börjat prata som att vi är Nato och Nato är vi. Men som Johan Wennström skriver: “liksom vi trots EU-medlemskapet har valt att behålla den svenska kronan och en nationell räntepolitik, måste vi även efter Natoanslutningen behålla en militär förmåga att försvara oss själva vid vår egen territoriella gräns.”

    Om detta handlar dagens podd.

    Tidigare avsnitt med Johan Wennström

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    I takt med att fler blir betalande prenumeranter har Rak höger kunnat expandera med fler skribenter och mer innehåll. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

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    2019 headhuntades Jessica Stegrud av Sverigedemokraterna för att bli en av deras representanter i Europaparlamentet. 2022 flyttade hon hem till Sverige igen för att bli riksdagsledamot för samma parti. I dag är hon en av partiets mest framträdande politiker.

    Vi pratar bland annat om kritiken från bland annat Alice Teodorescu, om att hon inte har några …

  • En augustinatt smiter tolvåriga Adriana ut med några kompisar för att köpa hamburgare. Nästa morgon vaknar ett helt land upp till det ofattbara: gängen har skjutit ihjäl ett oskyldigt barn. Händelsen visar sig ha rötter i en blodig konflikt som startade mellan två unga män för över ett decennium sedan. En konflikt som passerat gräns efter gräns tills allt kulminerar under några kokande sommarmånader.

    Så börjar Den sista sommaren (Mondial) av journalisten Karl Enn. Det är en bok som är svår att lägga ned, inte bara för att den är berättad så att tragedin inträffar ungefär halvvägs in. Utan också för att det är svårt att ta in att 12-åriga flickor skjuts ihjäl i Sverige.

    Den sista sommaren är både en skildring av denna tragedi, och om hur gängens hänsynslösa krig har förändrat Sverige. Man kommer nära, både gärningsmännen, anhöriga och oskyldigt drabbade. Om detta handlar dagens podd.

    Rak höger expanderar

    "Rak höger med Ivar Arpi" började som ett soloprojekt, men såhär tre år in har publikationen vuxit rejält. Nästan 21 000 prenumeranter har visat att det finns en efterfrågan på vad vi gör, vilket är otroligt roligt.

    Sedan ungefär ett år tillbaka harSusanna Birgerssonoch Anna-Karin Wyndhamnvarit återkommande skribenter, vars texter och granskningar har fått stort genomslag både hos er läsare och i andra sammanhang.

    I takt med att fler har blivit betalande prenumeranter kan Rak höger fortsätta att bygga ut sin verksamhet. I veckan lanseradesPer LindgrenochJohan Lundberg, och fler blir det. Utöver det viktigaste, att det ger mer läsning till prenumeranterna, tycker jag personligen att det är kul att få kollegor. Rak höger är inte längre ett soloprojekt, utan en större publikation som samlar allt fler.

    Jag vill också passa på att påminna vad som gör oss annorlunda. Vi får inget presstöd, vi tar inte emot pengar från någon intresseorganisation eller lobbygrupp. Det är endast tack vare er prenumeranter vi kan fortsätta vara självständiga röster i en konform samtid. Så stort tack för att ni är med, utan er hade det inget av detta varit möjligt.

    Utgivaren ansvarar inte för kommentarsfältet. (Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT) vill att jag skriver ovanstående för att visa att det inte är jag, utan den som kommenterar, som ansvarar för innehållet i det som skrivs i kommentarsfältet.)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.enrakhoger.se/subscribe
  • (This is a rebroadcast of a paid podcast episode from March 19th last year, which I now have made accessible to all. Hope you’ll enjoy!)

    When Douglas Murrays book The Strange Death of Europe came out in 2017 I started recommending it to basically everyone I knew. Some of them, quite a lot of them actually, came back to me and said that they now saw the world in a different light. But they were also so disconcerted that they sometimes asked me to present a solution, since I was guilty of leading them down this path. What is to be done, Ivar?

    So today I’m putting that question to the author himself. He’s one of the foremost thinkers and writers of our time, and that’s not an exaggeration. He followed up The Strange Death of Europe with The Madness of Crowds two years later, which focused less on migration and islam, and more on the cultural issues afflicting us, centered around identity politics.

    And last year he came out with The War on the West which is what we focus on in today’s conversation. Why is the west waging a war on the west? Why are we so preoccupied with feeling guilty over things that we fail to notice our achievements? How did antiracism become so racist? When did much needed self-criticism morph into abject self-flagellation?

    Below you can read the transcript of interview with Douglas Murray, for those of you who prefer that over listening to podcasts.

    Welcome, Douglas Murray, to Rak höger!

    – Very good to be with you!

    It's an honor to have you on! One of the reasons I've been very keen on having you on is because your books really are some books I recommend as I said before in the monologue. The latest one is called The War on the West and it came out a year ago and it really ties into the book you wrote before which was The Madness of Crowds and it sort takes it a step further. What is the War on the West and why did you chose choose that title?

    – Well, in in a number of recent books, as you say, I've been sort of groping towards what's going on in our time. In The strange Death of Europe I addressed the question of immigration and integration in the West, in particular in Europe. And this is obviously a subject which Swedes know very well, the challenges around. One of the things that I recognized that comes from mass migration and the great changing of a society is the identity of society changes. You might like the direction of change, or you might dislike it but it's pretty hard to argue against the simple proposition that if the people in the society changes, the society changes. One of the ways in which our societies have changed has been that we've had to change our guiding ethos and in my last book The Madness of Crowds, I looked at one of the things that is a changing ethos which is the way in which the public religion of our time has come to do with identity and what has become known as identity politics, obsessions with LGBTQIA+ issues, obsessions with women and the place of women in society and obsession with race and other identity related issues. These have become the dominant issue in our in our societies.

    – I addressed that as I say in The Madness of Crowds but there was an element of it that I had not addressed and which I wanted to address and did in in my most recent book in The War on the West,

    which is that in order for this to happen, it appears you also have to wage war on what we had in our societies. So to wage war on everything in our past to effectively presume that everything that happened in the past was bad and must be lambasted and criticized. In America, and we're all downstream these days, like it or not from American culture, in America this focuses on the idea that America has an original sin which is the sin of slavery. I don't deny the evils of slavery but it's a very s trange way to talk about it because of course, if America has original sin, is it the only country that does? Do other countries have original sins? What's the original sin of Uganda for instance? We in Britain and in Europe have ended up imbibing our own version of this and it comes in the form of anti-colonialism. The idea that for instance colonization is the original sin of Europe. In an obsession with slavery and any benefits that our society has had from that and in a third thing as well which is racism. Look at our societies and look at them through the prism solely of racism. Again, racism is a part of our past but it isn't the sole lens to look at it through and yet that has become the case.

    – I say that this has become a form of western anti-westernism and that's really what I write about in The War on the West. There are different types of anti-westernism, there is arab anti-westernism, there is Chinese anti-westernism and these are very interesting and important subjects themselves but the most important and the most dominant form of anti-westernism in our time is I believe Western anti-westernism and that's really what I write about in this book. The West's hate for its own past.

    When you read your book, it seems like there is a profound lack of curiosity about the actual inheritance and history and the people whose ideas have dominated or influenced our cultures for such a long time, to understand them and put them in their in their proper historical context, to understand where we come from.

    – That’s right.

    I've been talking a lot about Christianity in this podcast lately I've interviewed Tom Holland, Paul Kingsnorth, Per Ewert and David Thurfjell on the subject and so much of that knowledge about the Christian heritage for example, you can just brush it over. Now in school, it's just one religion out of many and why should we learn more about that than others the other great world religions? I'm not sure if you share the sentiment? My own perspective is that if you're going to criticize something you better learn a lot about it and then you take it apart.

    – Well, but why would you have to learn and anything if you thought you already knew everything? Um I mean that's what's really happening. If you believe that everything that's gone wrong in the world is our fault in the West, you don't need to educate yourself about the rest of the world and you don't really have to educate yourself about your own past because you've already got this monomaniacal view of it, this single lens through which you need to look at everything, believing that everything was bad and that's all you need to know. Whereas to be informed, you would need to at least know the pros and the cons, the upsides and the downsides, the virtues and the vices. For instance, if you were to be interested in the historic subject of slavery, you would need to know both the ways in which it was done, the people involved, including the African nations involved and you would also have to know that it was the West that actually abolished slavery and how that came about including the Christian religious impulse, the Christian campaigners who brought it to an end.

    Perhaps my listeners know about that part, but it's not well known. That's one of the things that people are not so curious about, why did the West abolish slavery and Britain in particular?

    – Yes, it's a very interesting subject. Slavery has been a consistent throughout human history, almost every civilization we know of engaged in some form of it, it was the norm. First of all, principally, I hate that it makes me sound jingoistic, but when the British abolished slavery in the Nineteenth century, it was largely done through a moral argument whose moral force became impossible to resist, and the moral forces came from a Christian idea of the sanctity of the individual and that this sanctity applied to everyone, that everyone was equal in the eyes of God and that man did not have the right to enslave his fellow man. The moral force of this argument made by people like Wilberforce and others, as I say became impossible to resist and became so impossible to resist that actually slavery fell apart within a number of decades. It didn't fall apart simply through natural causes or from the force of that argument. It also stopped because the British navy patrolled the high seas and forcibly stopped vessels transporting slaves, for instance to Brazil which tried to continue slaving until the 1880s. So it was not simply through a force of moral argument but the initial impetus to ban slavery, to ban it not just in the British empire as it then was but around the world, undoubtedly had a Christian fuel behind it. That's a very important thing to recognize. There’s another one that perhaps is more complicated morally, which is the Christian realization that was at the root of a form of colonialism, certainly in the age of the explorers existed, when Columbus and others set out, Columbus in particular and accidentally discovered the new world. One of the interesting questions that arises is what the natives in these places were and if the West had approached them in the way that many people think, among other things no missionary would have set out. It was the inside of European explorers, that said these people are like us. That's obvious to us today but it wasn't obvious at the time. Many other civilizations would have taken a contrary view. But the moment that people realize these were people like us, people with immortal souls, to use the language of the time, then of course the missionaries set out. And the missionaries would not have set out if these were not recognized to be, as it were, equals.

    While Britain was fighting Napoleon, the British parliament passed the act of the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. The argument is that it was the “white savior complex” and all that, and that's part of it maybe, but it was also the case that it was at a great cost that the British Empire did it. They fought a lot of wars to abolish the slave trade.

    A friend of mine who has roots from Africa was talking about slavery and colonialism on a panel a few years back. He said “most of you guys who are here are white, so you have sort of inherited a sense of guilt for the slave trade but my family actually owned and sold slaves for centuries and we only stopped because the Britons abolished the slave trade. That's the reason we stopped, so I have an actual inherited guilt from my family. But since I am black, I have the upper hand towards you, even though most of you were potato farmers until recently”.

    But that kind of argument is too complex. It's interesting that you're actually not interested in how these quakers, other Christians and British politicians like Wilberforce argued – that there souls were worth the same – they were part of the common humanity.

    But like you say, there seems to be a western war against the West and it's hard to understand why.

    – I’d say that the why is partly because it's so simple. It's so straightforward. It's such a simple narrative. The reality is complex the reality for the real story you have to know more? It would be absurd to for instance, look at the history of Africa and look at it solely through the lens of racism and slavery. You could do that but if you did, I think people would recognize you had a certain animus against the peoples of that continent. I think it's the same with the anti-westernism. I think there's an animus against the West that is revealed in this, that you're obsessed with this aspect of our past suggests that you have a problem with the West as a whole, because you want to focus only on the bad. If you did that with anyone, I think people would question your motives they would say why? Why can't you understand us in the round? Another example of that animus is something you mentioned in passing there. Phrases like “white savior complex”. This is a lose-lose situation that's been deliberately set up by people who I believe are simply antagonistic towards the West and its history. The lose-lose situation is if you've done something bad, you're blamed and if you do something good, you're said to be for instance, a white savior. What way out is there in this? The answer is none, it's a trap – don't fall into it. Anyone talking in that kind of language is inviting you to fail.

    One hundred years ago, if you look demographics a much larger portion of the world's population was living in Europe, and what we define as the West was much more powerful in all measures. If the great powers of Europe decided something, the rest of the world had to obey or fight and probably lose. Now we're in a situation where that's not the case anymore, I would argue. The West has declined to a large degree. China is a rising power and we have challenges to western power throughout the world. Is this guilt felt by the West a backhanded way to keep our self-image as powerful? That everything is our fault?

    – That’s part of it. I would argue that one of the virtues of what has become known as the West, is self-criticism. I think is a vital part of the West's success economic, military, social and much more, is the desire to improve, the desire to hear arguments against yourself in the hope of getting better. That's not by any means a universal virtue, there are many societies around the world who have not engaged in that kind of self-criticism. I think that has an effect on the society itself. However, the problem of self-criticism is that it itself can get into overreach. And it gets into overreach and moves from being a virtue into being a vice, when it moves from self-criticism to self-laceration and then to self-loathing.

    – Some of the questions that has occasionally come up since The War on the West came out, has been people who said to me “How can you tell when a society moves from self-criticism to self-laceration to self-destruction?” I said well, it's in the same way that we all can tell it in our own lives. We've all developed an ability to distinguish between critics who wish us well and critics who wish us ill. I think everyone listening has had the experience in their own lives of hearing from people who criticize them in order to help them and people who criticize people they dislike. If someone who I knew loved me gave me advice, I would listen. If it was somebody who I knew loathed me, I think I'd be less likely to. How can I tell the difference? It's not hard and I don't think it's that hard in a society either. If somebody starts talking about original sins of your society, of guilt that is ineradicable and solely yours, who speaks in terms of “white savior complexes” and much more, you're dealing with somebody who doesn't want to improve you. You're dealing with somebody who wants to end you, who loathes you, loathes your society. That is not a hard thing to identify. It's there in all the language that is being used and in the campaigns that are being fought.

    One of the most concerning things about especially the English-speaking countries is the woke takeover of institutions, such as universities, the media and elementary schools and even the business world. You talk about this in your book, the critical race theory and what it says. The most popular books on the subject are bestsellers and they're being recommended in bookstores even here in Sweden. Of course more widespread in the United States and probably in in the United Kingdom as well.

    How can theories that are so counter to what we who are a little bit older, grew up to believe was anti-racism – namely colorblindness – and now it’s the opposite. And not just the opposite – there is no good way to be white for an author as Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi goes even further than she does. How has these extreme theories gotten such a hold of our societies?

    – One explanation is that we're living an age of over-correction and this is the most benevolent and interpretation that I can give. Over-correction is something I addressed in The Madness of Crowds in relation to social issues. Nobody can deny that historically women had fewer opportunities than men. That's something that almost everybody in our societies today wishes to rectify. But there is a group of people who do not want to settle on equality between the sexes but want to as it were make up for lost time by over-correcting and socking it to the men for a while. To say, well, women were prejudiced against in the past so let's be prejudiced against men for a time. Over-corrections like that seem to be pretty common in our societies in this century. Trying to make up for historic wrongs, perceived or actual, by overcorrecting in the present. The most striking version of this is the one that you just referred to. Again, nobody can deny that historically and to some extent today, that racism exists. It's one of I think a number of human evils which we should all be aware of and as I say try to resist. The settlement we had broadly come to, as you say when some of us were growing up was colorblindness as an aspiration, which is to get to the point as my friend Sam Harris has put it, that skin color would be as unimportant as hair color for instance.

    – Again, there seem to be people who wish to go through an over-correction. They wish to say because in white majority societies as ours in Europe, there has been prejudice against black people in the past, we must rectify that in the present not by equality but by socking it to the white people for a bit by being unpleasant to the white people for a time. This is I believe a completely suicidal route to go down for many reasons. One of which is that you are warring against the majority in your population, and I don't think that's ever a recipe for success. But nevertheless, it's the vengeful period that we are in, in which things are said about white people that wouldn’t be tolerated if they were said about other people. You quoted the appalling Robin DiAngelo, she says as you say that there's no good way to be white. Just flip that around and imagine how abhorrent it would be and how appalled we would all be if Miss DiAngelo or anyone else said there's no good way of being black, or there's no good way of being Asian. It would be appalling. This would be identified quite rightly as racism. Well, it is and should be identified as racism in this case too. It's quite appalling the tone in which people like Kendi and DiAngelo and others are allowed to talk about whole races of people. I'm amazed they've got away with it but they certainly have so far and I want them not to. There's a book by a professor in America called Colorblind Racism that asserts that the very principle of colorblindness is itself racist. That again gets you into this lose-lose situation.

    I think that's brilliant, even trying to stop seeing race – that's also racism. There’s no escape.

    – No escape. They've barred all of the exits while setting the house on fire. That's what these people have done and it's one of the things that I'm calling them out for in The War on the West, and what I want to identify for readers as a major challenge that we have to address.

    We have people like me who perhaps have an ideal of colorblindness and integration and then you look at what’s going in the Swedish institutions. Here race is not as prevalent, but gender and sex and trans issues are. The mix is the same but it's just…

    – You have slightly different emphases.

    Yes, exactly. But then you start to think that “hm, if we are the only ones upholding the liberal principles of equal treatment, meritocracy, non-discrimination, and the other side are fighting tooth and nail to have their candidates on the board or their policies enacted, then we’re going to lose.” I myself remember the first time I really reflected on me being white because for me, it was like an American phenomenon that you could see on television, and it was it was not that long ago. I think I was reading in the sociology class and somebody said it and I was like “Okay, so I’m not just an ethnic Swede, I'm white. Of course there's a biological core to some of these concepts but they are also socially constructed and then you start to identify with them and then they become a reality for people. That’s something that has happened quite late in Sweden. I know Eric Kaufmann has written about this in Whiteshift and I've had him on. He said “If other groups are waging identity politics, the majority has a right to do it themselves”. What's your take on that?

    – My own view is that this way lies hell but it might be unavoidable if people keep going the way they're going. I don't want to identify by my skin color and I don't. If you were to say “Douglas, how do you think about yourself?” I would first of all say “I don't, very much. I don't sit around pondering.”

    That's refreshing!

    – I know, I don't sit around pondering myself. But if you say “Who are you?” or “How do you identify yourself?” I'd have an awful lot of things to say probably, starting with “I'm a writer”. But I don't think that at any point, or at least it would be quite a long way down the list, would I say “I'm white”. I don't think it would actually be in my list particularly. I just don't like to think of myself in that way and I think most liberal minded people, for want of a better term, people in the West, also don't want to think in those terms. They don't want to be made to be white. It's reductive, it's got all sorts of implications. But if you push people endlessly, that might well be one of the places that they will go to. Eric Kaufman says it's a sort of legitimate understandable endpoint in this. I agree with the provision that I think that it's a very undesirable endpoint. I don't think the re-racialization of society is a desirable thing but it's certainly something that is going on. I don't want people to be pushed into identifying in this way. But I say at the end of The War on the West, I give an example of the options that are available and anyone who reads the conclusion to the book will see that. Rather stark way in which I lay this out.

    One of the things that's at the core of your three latest books that we’re mainly talking about, is what is the West and why is it worth defending? The Strange Death of Europe is a very somber book in a lot of ways. It’s in the title, that Europe is killing itself in a lot of ways. One of the main arguments that you have in the book is that Europe itself has lost faith in its beliefs, traditions, and legitimacy. That's also what you explore in The War on the West, how Europe is not even legitimate in many people’s eyes. Why is it worth defending then?

    – My own belief is that it remains worth defending because it's still, by long way, the best of all available options. If you look at the alternative dominant systems in the twenty first century, I think all of them are infinitely less desirable than the systems that exist in what has become to be known as the West. I don't believe that for instance, the Chinese communist party's vision of the future is a desirable one, it's certainly not one I would want to live under. But it is an alternative scenario in which a degree of financial opportunity exists. a very minimal but a degree of it, and in which personal freedom is not regarded as being of any particular, significance. The things that we take for granted, like personal liberty, like human rights, and again, some people think this is a shocking thing to say but nevertheless it remains true: These are Western concepts, the Western constructs. And they are things that came from the West. People might wish to argue that or resile from even asserting that, but nevertheless it remains true. Anyone who actually cares about some of the subjects we've been discussing ought to reflect very seriously on whether or not they are in their critiques of our societies, not engaging in that fallacy. Immanuel Kant famously gives in the example of the dove that flies in free air that may mistake the resistance of the wind and think that in the absence of this wind, it would be able to fly faster when in actual fact, the wind is what keeps it up.

    – Another analogy would be the fish that believes it would swim faster if it weren't for the water. Perhaps there are a lot of people in our societies who are making this fundamental category error of thinking that if it weren't for the system that is around them. They would be going so much further and faster, and I think this is a delusion. There are certainly things that we can improve in our societies in the West, but the idea that the whole system itself needs replacing is a very serious mistake to make, because as I say the alternatives are highly undesirable.

    I know you were in a panel with Tom Holland and you spoke about the role of Christianity. And you were a friend of Christopher Hitchens and you've described yourself as a reformed Anglican turned atheist and but in that debate, you didn't sound triumphant so to speak. I know Tom Holland himself says that he sort of wished he could go the whole yard, but he recognizes the role Christianity has played in the West and I think this is a more and more common recognition by public intellectuals such as yourself, that maybe we've emphasized enlightenment, philosophy, liberalism and that part of our tradition too much and paid too little attention and given too little credit to Christianity. Now that our societies are more and more secular, or at least the majority populations are, then the question is: Is there a core missing here? Of what it means to be a Westerner?

    – Yes, I think there is and it's something we've seen in the last twenty years in particular. I think one of the results of 9/11 was a form of strident atheism that that found for instance, and I was a part of this, but found that one of the ways to criticize growing dominance of Islam in our societies, was to criticize religion as a whole. I think that's one of the things that went on in the 2000. Although in the case of Islam that remained difficult to do, in the case of Christianity, the atheists were pushing at a pretty open door. It was already fragile. I think that, without in any way speaking for my late friend, I think that one of the things that's happened in the last ten years, has been a greater reflection which you can see in the work of Tom Holland and others, a greater reflection on what you just laid out. Yes, part of our inheritance is enlightenment, part of it is reason, rationalism and the inheritance of ancient Greece and much more. But it is also the inheritance of Christianity. Twenty years ago, that seemed to be a slightly harder thing to assert than it is now. I think that the work of for instance Larry Siedentop, distinguished political philosopher who wrote a book some years ago called Inventing the Individual, without in any way being a dogmatic Christian himself, Larry Siedentop proves that concepts that we take for granted as the water we swim in, are to a great extent of Christian inheritance. People might like that or dislike it but it's the case whether you like it or not and we need to have a truthful understanding of ourselves and not one based on falsehoods that we just happen to enjoy.

    One argument that's been made is that what we call woke, which is a broad term but it's an umbrella term and it incorporates many of the things that we've been talking about, CRT, LGBTQ-issues, trans rights, diversity – it's also a view on power, who are the powerful, who are the powerless. But that is the god-shaped hole that's left behind by Christianity and woke moves in there and it gives you structure to the world, to your place in it. And it also has some of the concepts, like guilt, original. You could see these scenes from after George Floyd was killed by that policeman, you could see the scenes of white people washing the feet of black people. It was sort of a Christian tradition, but it also was not.

    – Well, here's the thing that's not. I agree with the observation, I regard a lot of these modern social movements as being forms of spilt Christianity or residue Christianity which the people engaging in it don't recognize and would be quite annoyed by if told this. Nevertheless, as you say very visible, recognizable aspects of Christianity are interwoven in this. But here's the difference and here's the fatally important difference: What is being offered at the moment is a form of secularized Christianity, without any ethic of redemption and that is dangerous. Very, very dangerous. The great brilliance of Christianity is the concept of redemption. The possibility of successfully atoning for sins. Take away the possibility of successful atonement, and all you have is a perpetual cycle of guilt and I believe that is what underlies a lot of the unhappiness in our societies today. Ok I'm told I'm evil, evil from birth. I'm told I'm guilty from Birth and I'm told that my very existence is some kind of insult or assault on the planet, that's part of the green movement, how my very being here is part of the problem and there's no way out other than to live a life of complete innocuousness or harmlessness. That was something that Jordan Peterson and I have discussed in the past and indeed I raised with Roger Scruton in what was sadly his last public appearance. Roger and I discussed this as well, this idea that harmlessness had become the great modern virtue that you were meant to slip into this world and slip out of it without having made any mark, certainly done no harm. This is a highly demoralizing stage of affairs to be in, but it is a dominant one that is being pushed on people. I don't like it at all, I want people to be extraordinary and successful and innovative and much more and I don't want us to live lives of thwartedness, of repression, of guilt without redemption. I think it's a hideous system.

    Sometimes there has been this criticism against Christianity, that it’s too easy…

    – Well, they haven't tried it hard then.

    No, exactly and that you just go to confession in a Catholic…(this is my Swedish Lutheran upbringing here) You just go to confession…

    – Yeah, I was going to say that's recognizably protestant critique of Catholicism. But real forgiveness in the Christian sense is an awesome thing to behold when you really meet it. A few years ago, to cite a pertinent example, here was a white American youth who went into a black church and shot at congregants and killed a lot of them and it was a hideous crime of a kind that is uncommon, but happens.

    And his motive was to kill black people.

    – Yes. And some of the families of the people who were murdered said that they did not hate the killer, they forgave him. That's almost beyond my comprehension. I'm overwhelmed with admiration for anyone who could even aspire to such a state of grace actually took for want of a better term, perhaps there isn't a better term. So actual forgiveness, in the Christian sense, is an awesome thing to behold when it when it is actually exercised and should not be taken lightly.

    In this new woke religion, this is totally lacking. There is no way out so to speak. Your mere presence, if you have certain characteristics, being white or having a certain sexual orientation, destroys the fun for everyone.

    – That’s also part of the victim hierarchy, the aspiration to victimhood which again I have very little sympathy with because I believe that our lives can be much better than simply trying to be victims. hat. It is one of the anomalies of the last generation, that we have moved the public ethic from an admiration for heroism into an admiration for suffering and what it means is a scramble to suffer or to claim suffering. Nobody actually wants to suffer but they want to claim to have suffered, and because to do so is to have the right to hold the microphone. But yes, what you describe correctly is a situation which we find ourselves in in Western societies, is what a chess playing friend of mine tells me in chess is known as “Zugzwang” which is when you have to move but every move will make your position worse. That's the position we find ourselves in and it's one I want to break and I'm very explicit about that. I believe that this system that we're describing, the anti-westernism and the wokeness and much more, it is a system that we should aspire to break in order that people can move on with their lives and move on to better things.

    I think that the conversations you've had with Jordan Peterson and Roger Scruton about being harmless, is certainly true about boys and men in our culture and you're very scared about masculinity and you're scared of men, and you have to keep them down. I would like to hear your thoughts about that and if there is a way out of it? And also, we’re having a small MeToo-moment here where a politician has been accused by a member of his party for touching her thigh and not respecting her nine years ago. I suspect that he will be gone from the public eye and there's no way back for him. There’s been a criminal charge now but I don't think it will pass the court law. So the first question is, is there a way out of pathologizing men and the second is what is the legacy of MeToo?

    – I address the overreach of MeToo, which I think was an overreach, an overcorrection. I address that in The Madness of Crowds. I believe you should not make all the interactions between men and women a sort of minefield that we've made them. Men can do terrible things to women, but they don't do it all the time and not everything is terrible. It should be possible for a man to make an advance from a woman and be rejected and for that to be the end of the matter. Again, there has to be a way to have a bad date for instance, men should not be in a society set up in such a position as they have the opportunity to make one move once on a woman and it has to be 100% successful and they have to hit the bull's-eye on the first throw, and this has to be the person they marry and so on. I'm afraid that everyone who knows the dating game knows that that's highly unlikely to happen. Mistakes are going to happen, and you have to have a reasonable view towards that, which includes forgiveness and moving on and much more That's quite different from when somebody behaves genuinely badly, but I believe all of this has been wrapped up in this into being the same thing and it's very dangerous because it makes relations between the sexes all but impossible and somebody who would like our species to continue I think that men and women have to be able to find a way to get on.

    I did the mistake of trying to ask two questions in one, but this ties into the first question I tried to ask. We also have a quiet new consent law in Sweden so you have to prove that you had consent instead of proving that you said no if there's a situation with an accusation of rape or something. You have to take a step back now as a man out of precautions, and as a young man because they are of course looking for a partner. What can be done about the situation for men right now because I think we have put them in quite of a bad situation and there are a lot of debates in Sweden about how first you ridicule men because they're too soft, I've certainly sometimes been guilty of that, and then you ridicule them or are angry with them when they try to be tougher and you ridicule men who are sensitive and vulnerable because they take too much space and attention from people who deserve it more, women. And then if they're too hard and don't show any feelings then they're toxic. So how can you solve this?

    – Exactly, it’s not a good time to be young and heterosexual. I believe this this all has to be addressed and solved because otherwise…all of the stats, all the data shows that an increasing number of young men in particular are basically stepping out of the whole system. The evidence on the number of people who've had sex in the past year and so on, shows an increasing tendency towards young men basically stepping out of the system, thinking it's just all too difficult, too toxic and giving women a very wide berth. Again, I think this is a creation of a form of feminism which those people who created it will live to regret or the least the people who come after them will live to regret. It has to be solved.

    I just visited Åland which is an island between Sweden and Finland, thirty thousand people live there. I was giving a lecture with my college Anna-Karin Wyndhamn and we spoke about these issues. The same day we were there, they were debating to vote through a law that will have gender neutral pregnancies. So… why? Why is a tiny island in the north where many of the questions concern practical issues, dealing with this? All of a sudden, the most woke things are being debated in their parliament.

    – That’s the story of our era and it has happened everywhere, and I don't care for the people who underestimate it, it seems to me that they haven't left the house very much in recent years. It's everywhere and it's a great waste of time and energy. My goodness, there are so many other things that are more important to be getting on with, so many bigger challenges that are literally on our doorsteps.

    Do you feel like you're wasting your time then, because you've written brilliant books, but they are about stupid people?

    – My hope is that I help to clear them out of the way, one of my self-appointed asks is to clear these people out of the way help my readers clear these people out of the way in order that people can get on to doing what they should be doing with their lives. And that's really what I want to do and if I have any success in my life, It'll be in in helping people to do that.

    Thank you Douglas Murray for being a part of Rak höger.

    – It’s a great pleasure. Thank you.

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