Undergraduate PROMPT
We speak to Dr Melanie Griffin, University of Bristol, and Jemma Walker, University of the West of England about their experience of delivering Undergraduate PROMPT. Both are experienced educators and offer a lot of advice and hints about their practical experience of Undergraduate PROMPT training and how this package has grown for them since 2019.
Undergraduate PROMPT is specifically designed for maternity students (student midwives and medical students). However, the themes covered in this package could easily be adapted for other medical emergency situations; the skills and teamworking required to manage each scenario are likely to be transferable to other specialties.
For more information: https://www.promptmaternity.org/undergraduate-prompt
Maternal collapse
Maternal collapse is covered in the Annual Update 2022/23 content. We chat to Dr Neil Muchatuta, anaesthetist, and Dr Sharan Athwal, obstetrician, about this obstetric emergency. The Annual Update content includes a Supplementary Reading chapter on the topic, Module Booklet for a practical simulation, PowerPoint slides for your local team to adapt and a recorded presentation to act as a serving suggestion for presenters.
Key reference for further reading: Chu J, Johnston T, Geoghegan J, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Maternal Collapse in Pregnancy and the Puerperium: Green-top Guideline No 56. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2020; 127: e14–52.
Professor Mary Dixon-Woods
Professor Mary Dixon-Woods is the director of THIS Institute. THIS Institute stands for The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute, their mission is to enable better healthcare through better evidence about how to improve. Professor Dixon-Woods is a Professorial Fellow at Homerton College, Cambridge, she is also a fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Professor Dixon-Woods’ programme of research is concerned with generating a high-quality evidence-base to support improvement in the organisation, quality and safety of healthcare. She has a special interest in methodological innovation in the study of healthcare improvement.
THIS Institute: https://www.thisinstitute.cam.ac.uk/
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Join us for the PROMPTCast! PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) provides training for maternity units; helping midwives, obstetrician, anaesthetists and other maternity team members to be more safe and effective. Whether you’re interested in maternity care, multi-professional training or want to hear what we’ve been up to we hope there’s something for everyone.
This Podcast series is designed for healthcare professionals.Follow us on:
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Community PROMPT
We speak to Ellie Smith and India Doggett, Education midwives from Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, about the Community PROMPT package. After collaborating with the PROMPT Wales team, Community PROMPT was released as a stand-alone training package for midwife-led teams wishing to run local maternity emergencies training in community settings. The package is included as part of our second Annual Update 2022/23. The Community PROMPT facilitators kit and accompanying digital resources (accessed via our Learning Management System), provide all of the tools to support teams in planning, facilitating and reviewing their training in community settings.
Cord prolapse
Cord prolapse is covered in the Annual Update 2022/23 content. We chat to Sian Harrington, PROMPT midwife, about this obstetric emergency. The Annual Update content includes a Supplementary Reading chapter on the topic, Module Booklet for practical simulation, PowerPoint slides for your local team to adapt and a recorded presentation to act as a serving suggestion for presenters.
Key references for further reading:
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Umbilical Cord Prolapse. Green-Top Guideline No. 50. London: RCOG, 2014. Www.Rcog.Org.Uk/En/Guidelines-Research-Services/Guidelines/Gtg50 (Accessed February 2024).
In 2023 the PROMPT Maternity Foundation launched our new PROMPT Global training package for international teams (outside of the UK and Ireland), containing training resources incorporating the latest evidence and UK national guidance. The package also includes the new PROMPT Global Implementation (iPROMPT) programme. To hear more about iPROMPT you can listen back to our first episode of the PROMPTCast.
The PROMPT Global obstetric emergencies training package is intended for use by multi-professional training teams who would like to adapt and run PROMPT courses locally, in their own unit/institution. We chat to Tim Draycott and Mark James to hear more about the PROMPT Global package.
Perth interviews
During the PROMPT Global Showcase in October 2023 we spoke to local teams in Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania about their local PROMPT training. This was an amazing day and brilliant to speak to some inspiring local PROMPT trainers.
To get in contact about the PROMPTCast:
X: @promptmaternity
Facebook: @PROMPTMaternityFoundation
Join us for the PROMPTCast! PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) provides training for maternity units; helping midwives, obstetrician, anaesthetists and other maternity team members to be more safe and effective. Whether you’re interested in maternity care, multi-professional training or want to hear what we’ve been up to we hope there’s something for everyone.
This Podcast series is designed for healthcare professionals.Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PromptMaternityFoundation/
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/promptmaternity
Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/promptmat
Website: www.promptmaternity.org -
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode we bring you a longer interview on Equity and Equality in the context of maternity care.
MBRRACE-UK released figures in 2022 that Black women are 3.7 times more likely to die in pregnancy while and Asian women are 1.8 times more likely to die, both when compared to White women.
More recently, in 2023 MBRRACE-UK released two publications, one comparing the care of Asian and White women who have experienced a still birth or neonatal death and the other comparing Black and White women who have experienced a stillbirth or neonatal death. These reports highlight issues including ethnicity, nationality and citizenship not always being recorded well. Interpreters not always being available, lower rates of screening for gestational diabetes, difficulties accessing care and women being less likely to receive a letter about follow-up.
We speak to Katie Donovan-Adekanmbi and Aisha Thomas about their involvement in Black Maternity Matters from Health Innovations West of England.
“Black Maternity Matters is a ground-breaking collaboration, supporting midwives to reduce the inequitable maternity outcomes faced by Black mothers and their babies. It will support maternity systems to offer safer, equitable care for all.”
Equity and Equality is covered in the PROMPT Annual Update 2022/23 in our Supplementary Reading Booklet and PowerPoint presentation, including a narrated version with ideas for local adaptation.
If you have any comments or thoughts, please reach out to us on our social media channels:
Or through our email: [email protected]
Join us for the PROMPTCast! PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) provides training for maternity units; helping midwives, obstetrician, anaesthetists and other maternity team members to be more safe and effective. Whether you’re interested in maternity care, multi-professional training or want to hear what we’ve been up to we hope there’s something for everyone.
This Podcast series is designed for healthcare professionals.Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PromptMaternityFoundation/
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/promptmaternity
Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/promptmat
Website: www.promptmaternity.org -
Undergraduate PROMPT
We speak to Sian Harrington and Cathy Winter from the PROMPT Core Team based in Bristol. This is a new package designed for midwifery and medical students as part of undergraduate inter-professional training.
PROMPT Packages:
Failed intubation
Failed intubation was covered in the Annual Update 2022/23 content. We chat to Neil Muchatuta, PROMPT’s lead anaesthetist, and Sharan Athwal, an obstetrician working with PROMPT. We discuss managing the emergency and including this in your local training days.
A key reference for further reading:
Difficult Airway Society (Online). Available from URL https://das.uk.com/guidelines/das_intubation_guidelines
Limbs & Things Ltd
PMF and L&T have been working together informally for many years to develop simulation models and training tools to improve care for women and babies during obstetric emergencies. PMF recommends the use of the PROMPT Flex manikin for shoulder dystocia training that has been associated with important reductions in birth injuries in the UK and internationally. More recently, PMF and L&T have co-developed new tools for training in the management of impacted fetal head at caesarean births.
Limbs and Things PROMPT Flex:
Join us for the PROMPTCast! PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) provides training for maternity units; helping midwives, obstetrician, anaesthetists and other maternity team members to be more safe and effective. Whether you’re interested in maternity care, multi-professional training or want to hear what we’ve been up to we hope there’s something for everyone.
This Podcast series is designed for healthcare professionals.Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PromptMaternityFoundation/
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/promptmaternity
Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/promptmat
Website: www.promptmaternity.org -
Pre-Hospital PROMPT
We chat to Alex Jamieson and Charlotte Ryan from the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust about Pre-Hospital PROMPT. This is a package designed specifically for paramedics and ambulance staff to run Maternity Emergency Updates.
Uterine rupture
Uterine rupture was covered in the Annual Update 2022/23 content. Due to the nature of the emergency training can be delivered through an interactive case-based discussion that can be adapted for your local team.
Key references for further reading:
RCOG Green Top Guideline N0.45. Birth After Previous Caesarean Birth. (2015).
Manoharan, M., Wuntakal, R. & Erskine, K. Uterine rupture: a revisit. Obstetrician Gynaecol 12, 223– 230 (2010).
Civility is an incredibly important topic in healthcare, but especially in Maternity due to the high-pressure situations that we all work in. We speak to Ganga Verma and Sarah Quinn. Ganga is a consultant in Southampton and currently the RCOG workplace advisor role shared with Susie Crowe and is part of civility saves lives. Sarah was the previous RCOG trainee representative for workplace behaviour and is an O&G registrar.
There are training materials about Civility in the Annual Update 2022/23 package including a summary in the Supplementary Reading Booklet, PowerPoint slides and a recorded presentation.
We speak to Sophie Renwick and Sarah Hookes about how PROMPT Wales training was further developed and the successes that they have had. We don’t have long to speak to them but we start to discuss some of the research and data that was generated evidencing the success of the PROMPT Wales programme.
A key reference: Renwick S, Hookes S, Draycott T, Dey M, Hodge F, Storey J, Winter C, Sengupta N, Benjamin F. PROMPT Wales project: national scaling of an evidence-based intervention to improve safety and training in maternity. BMJ Open Qual. 2021 Oct;10(4):e001280. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-001280. PMID: 34675036; PMCID: PMC8532559.
Join us for the PROMPTCast! PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) provides training for maternity units; helping midwives, obstetrician, anaesthetists and other maternity team members to be more safe and effective. Whether you’re interested in maternity care, multi-professional training or want to hear what we’ve been up to we hope there’s something for everyone.
This Podcast series is designed for healthcare professionals.Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PromptMaternityFoundation/
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/promptmaternity
Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/promptmat
Website: www.promptmaternity.org -
We hear from Cathy Winter and Tim Draycott, lead midwife and obstetrician for PROMPT, about iPROMPT, or the PROMPT Implementation package. Developed to ensure more sustainable and local training for trainer’s iPROMPT was released in early 2023 to replace the previous train-the-trainers model.
Impacted fetal head
Speaking to Katie Cornthwaite, academic clinical lecturer and senior obstetric registrar, after completing her PhD in impacted fetal head we could have spoken for hours. Instead, we only had six minutes to cover some impact aspects of this important obstetric emergency that is gaining increasing interest in research and training.
Impacted fetal head was in the 2021 PROMPT Annual Update.
Key references for impacted fetal head:
Impacted fetal head: Scientific Impact Paper
Impacted fetal head summary: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Impacted fetal head at caesarean section: a national survey of practice and training
High spinal
We chat to Neil Muchatuta, lead anaesthetist for PROMPT, about high spinal. High spinal is part of the anaesthetic emergency series in the Annual Update 2022/23 package. High spinal can often feel daunting for the maternity multi-professional team so we wanted to learn more about this topic and how to make high spinal part of your local training day.
For more information on the Annual Update 2022/2023 package visit https://www.promptmaternity.org/prompt-2nd-annual-update-package-202223
A key reference for high spinal:
Recognition and nanagement of high spinal anaesthesia. https://www.npeu.ox.ac.uk/ukoss/completed-surveillance/high-neuraxial-block-in-pregnancy
Local unit – Abu Dhabi
Not so local to us in the UK but a brilliant local unit who were early adapters of PROMPT training, we speak to Zarah Sadiq, a clinical resource midwife at the Corniche Hospital in Abu Dhabi. She talks to us about successes they have had as a unit with PROMPT training, challenges they experience and how they have made PROMPT work for them.
Join us for the PROMPTCast! PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) provides training for maternity units; helping midwives, obstetrician, anaesthetists and other maternity team members to be more safe and effective. Whether you’re interested in maternity care, multi-professional training or want to hear what we’ve been up to we hope there’s something for everyone.
This Podcast series is designed for healthcare professionals.Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PromptMaternityFoundation/
X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/promptmaternity
Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/promptmat
Website: www.promptmaternity.org