- 2020년 7월부터 개발 공부를 독학으로 시작하여
- 2020년 12월에 웹 프런트엔드 개발자로 취업했고,
- 시리즈 B 스타트업을 거쳐 지금은 작은 IT 스타트업에서 프런트엔드 개발자로 일하고 있는
이제 곧 4년 차 중니어가 되어가고 있는(?) 주니어 개발자 김승하입니다.
서른두 살의 나이에 독학으로 프런트엔드 개발자가 된 저의 이런 저런 이야기들을 나눕니다.
개발과 관련된 지식이나 정보보다는, 주로 개발자로 살면서 생각하고 느끼는 것들 위주의 잡담과 썰을 풀고 있습니다.
틀린 부분, 지적 사항 혹은 문의 사항은 아래의 메일로 부탁드립니다.
In this series, we bring together Verizon industry experts, investors and startups to discuss today’s most innovative technologies and their industry predictions. Over the course of several episodes, listeners will be treated to unique perspectives from our guests on the state of various industries, new and exciting developments, as well as insights on trends we can expect to see in the long term. We’ll cover off on topics like AI and chatbots, enterprise IoT, video and content, and consumer IoT and the Smart Home.
Unconventional Genius sets out to broadcast influential ideas and progressive business stories through the minds and voices of some of the most prolific names in the tech, CE, publishing, and professional world. Max Borges, Founder & CEO of Max Borges Agency, speaks with industry leaders to unveil motivational narratives on how they found success. Listeners can anticipate learning business tips and tricks relevant to their own professions and life goals, while also having the chance to witness how most stories of triumph are truly “unconventional.”
Behind the Data takes you inside the world of market research, discussing current and future topics and trends in the industry. We talk to some of the brightest minds in the market research field today to talk about their experiences - from the weirdest things ever researched to future innovations in the industry.
Discover how to develop and run a profitable online business. Learn powerful SEO Strategies such as keyword research, search engine optimization, competition analysis, finding products to sell, finding content for your blog, publishing articles, creating backlinks and tracking your online progress.
Exceptions from the Drift Podcast Network is a docuseries exploring how and why a handful of B2B companies have built brands to experience breakout success. For years, "brand" was a dirty word in B2B. But today, in an era full of choice and noise, brand has become THE go-to strategy for differentiating your company. Join Drift and your host, author and keynote speaker Jay Acunzo, as we journey around the B2B world to understand what makes these companies tick and experience for ourselves the power of brand. Learn what it takes to become an exception.
Journey Of The Successful Adviser is created for you - the adviser, the entrepreneur, and those aspiring to be one. If you're looking for inspiration, education and empowerment to help you keep moving toward your goals, whether you're on the way to work, on the way home, or during your 'down time', James McCracken brings you real-life stories of triumph and tribulation from many of today's most inspiring advisers and entrepreneurs. Each episode ends with the PD ROUND, where guests share nuggets of wisdom for you, Adviser Nation!
Welcome to the Oracle Hospitality Podcast, the podcast for hospitality professionals. Join our host, Solution Engineer, Jessica Wilson, on her deep dive into the world of hospitality technology, as she takes at the ways hotel property management and restaurant point-of-sale solutions can help operators elevate guest experience and increase revenue.
Tech for Non-Techies helps Business Leaders have great careers in the Digital Age, with episodes on innovation, digital transformation, start-ups and how technology is changing business.
Learn tech concepts, apply them to business strategy, and get practical advice on how to succeed as a Digital Leader today.
Learn how to work with tech clients, transition career, succeed in digital transformation and start a company as a non-technical founder.
Tech for Non-Techies is for:
- Leaders in corporates going through digital transformation
- Non-technical founders
- Professionals who want to transition into a career in tech
- Tech investors
Hosted by tech entrepreneur, executive coach and Chicago Booth MBA Sophia Matveeva. -
Dentons Smart Cities Chat Series is a podcast that aims to help cities, communities, and stakeholders modernize digital, physical and social infrastructure to take advantage of technological developments that enable the integration of essential services. We share stories on the latest technologies and smart city development from industry professionals and legal thought leaders. What makes a community ‘smart’? Why is everyone obsessed with data? How do municipalities integrate 5G infrastructure into their urban design, and how do carriers ensure that local concerns are addressed? From a socio-economic standpoint, what does the future hold for smart cities? Learn about all these topics and more.
Sind die Automatisierung und die Elektrifizierung die Gewinner der Krisen- und Umbruchjahre der frühen 20er Jahre unseres Jahrhunderts? Wertschöpfungsketten verschieben sich, die Produktion verändert sich, die Digitalisierung verändert Märkte, Recycling gewinnt an Bedeutung, Fachkräfte fehlen, neue Materialien, neue Technologien und die Anforderungen der Kunden und Mitarbeitenden unterliegen einem stetigen Wandel. Und die nächste große Herausforderung steht schon vor der Tür: Der Klimawandel. Die 20er Jahre sind die Jahre des Wandels in der Industrie. Was passiert und wie reagieren wir darauf? Im Podcast geben wir Orientierung und laden zur Diskussion ein.
Are automation and electrification the winners of the years of crisis and upheaval in the early 1920s? Value chains are shifting, production is changing, digitalization is changing markets, recycling is becoming more important, there is a shortage of skilled workers, new materials, new technologies and the requirements of customers and employees are subject to constant change. And the next big challenge is already just around the corner: climate change. The 20s are the years of change in the industry. What is happening and how do we respond? In the podcast, we provide orientation and invite discussion. -
"web3 with a16z" is a show about the next generation of the internet, and about how builders and users -- whether artists, coders, creators, developers, companies, organizations, or communities -- now have the ability to not just "read" (web1) + "write" (web2) but "own" (web3) pieces of the internet, unlocking a new wave of creativity and entrepreneurship. Brought to you by a16z crypto, this show is the definitive resource for understanding and going deeper on all things crypto and web3.
From discussing the latest and leading trends to sharing research, data readouts, and insights from top scientists and makers in the space, this is a variety show with a variety of formats and topics listeners can pick and choose from. It is hosted by the longtime showrunner of (and original team behind) the popular a16z Podcast. Learn more at -
Tokenomics DAO is a place to explore and collaborate on tokenomics of web3 protocols and blockchain applications. This podcast is one more way we make tokenomics accessible to anyone with an interest in the subject. -
Crypto Unplugged founded in 2020 is a weekly podcast where Doc and Oz give their opinions on the crypto space. Having been involved in cryptocurrency for many years, the two have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with new and seasoned folks. This podcast is 'unplugged', being honest and revealing the personal highs and lows of their crypto journey. Doc and Oz interview a range of special guests including up-and-coming projects to experienced crypto personalities all with the aim to bring the most up-to-date and relevant information to all their listeners.
Hear from energy pioneers and visionaries from across the globe who are accelerating the shift to clean energy by making their own electric power for their homes, offices, and communities. Join TED speaker, author, and climate investor, Bill Nussey and co-host Sam Easterby as they talk to the people who are disrupting the century-old grid monopoly and making clean, local energy a reality. Visit for more.
The Solar Podcast tells the story of innovators and play makers. By having hard conversations, we seek to tell the story of a world that is changing, and what we can do to help that change be for the better. From leaders in tech to controversial innovators, our host Dave Anderson gets into the minds of the people that ignite change.
Produced by ProSeries Media.
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